![]() I'm playing now a Bolt Ace in a Jade Regent campaign, and I decided to go for a Gunslinger Bolt Ace 5 / whatever you like X As my weapon I took the Minotaur Double Crossbow, because it is the highest damage free action reloadable weapon you can wield. 5 levels in Bolt Ace so that you can have Crossbow Training, then move to a class that will give you something more than a straight gunslinger. I will lower Strength and put some points in Constitution. ![]()
![]() avr wrote: Off-topic: Gear refers to all the equipment you are wearing or using, collectively. It's not a singular noun unless you qualify it as 'a piece of gear'. In D&D or Pathfinder the term 'item' is usually used for a single piece of gear. Consider me educated, thank you. On the belt, I'll try to have it +4, I still have money, but want to see if any other suggestion will came. But for sure I'll buy at least one belt +2, so I deducted the cost from the starting amount. I'll start to play on Saturday, so I still have time for decide my final equipment. ![]()
![]() I'm starting a Jade regent advenuture, and I'll play a crossbowman. I'll start from lv.9 and the adventure will probably finish at lv.14 My first build was a Gunslinger Bolt Ace 5 / Fighter Weapon Master 9 riding a battle Dog and shooting a Minotaur Double Crossbow. But then I didn't like what a 9th level of Weapon Master will offer me. Looking for something for replace the 9th level of Weapon Master, I found the Brawler, and Martial Flexibility: Martial Flexibility (Ex) A brawler can take a move action to gain the benefit of a combat feat she doesn't possess. This effect lasts for 1 minute. The brawler must meet all the feat's prerequisites. She may use this ability a number of times per day equal to 3 + 1/2 her brawler level (minimum 1). This seems fantastic to me, with the opportunity to take the needed feat for each situation. So, I decided to go for a Gunslinger Bolt Ace 5 / Brawler 1 / Fighter Weapon Master 8 My ability scores are 8/22/14/12/20/3 and I'll go with the following feats: 1. Bolt Ace Point Blank Shot
Now I'd like to ask you which feats I can select with Martial Flexibility. Right now I'm thinking to Clustered Shot until I'll reach lv.10 and I'll take it, then to Combat Reflexes between lv.12 and lv.13. I'm not a big expert of fighter characters, so any suggestion will be appreciated. Thank you. ![]()
![]() Hi Guys, thank you for your suggestions. Gloves of Dueling are a fantastic gear and I found space for them in my equipment. Until now I purchased the Gloves, a Belt of Dex +2, an Headband of Wis +2, an Handy Haversack and mundane utility objects, enchanted to +1 my crossbow, armor for my mount, Cloak of Resistance +2, and I have more or less 16.000gp to spare. Any other suggestion? ![]()
![]() Hi Board, I'm starting a Jade Regent game, playing a Svirfneblin Bolt Ace 5/Weapon Master 4 riding a battle Dog and shooting a Minotaur Double Crossbow. I have 49.000gp to spend to equip my gnome and I really don't know how to spend those gold. I was thinking to custom enhance my crossbow with a permanent Gravity Bow effect and an Abundant Ammunition effect. Out of this, what are the most useful gears for a crossbowman? Thank you! ![]()
![]() Plausible Pseudonym wrote: No, Silent Spell metamagic still lets you cast and escape. Disintegrate, Gaseous Form, etc. Can I argue that you are not free of complete the somatic components of the spell if you hands are impeded from the Dimensional Shackles enchanted with a continuous Silence effect? Especially if as in my mind your hands are tied behind your back. ![]()
![]() These are resources to use on my character only. We already subtracted money for organize our kingdom. Right now no army is required, and I have a cohort via Leadership. Anyway the cohort cannot take part in the adventuring, as per DM's decision. The same as for the binding, our DM doesn't want any animated object or golem too. ![]()
![]() Diviner abusing of conjuration and dazing evocation spells to hinder opponents' plans + self defense shell. most used spells: grase
![]() j b 200 wrote: Back to OP question: you can still use magic, but you will have to limit yourself to "instantaneous conjurations." Also "Certain spells, such as wall of force, prismatic sphere, and prismatic wall, remain unaffected by antimagic field." So any spell that says "as wall of force" should also work. You can lure the dragon in a cloud or against a prismatic wall, but you cannot cast in the field: An antimagic field suppresses any spell or magical effect used within, brought into, or cast into the area, but does not dispel it.[...]Summoned creatures of any type wink out if they enter an antimagic field. They reappear in the same spot once the field goes away.[...](The effects of instantaneous conjurations are not affected by an antimagic field because the conjuration itself is no longer in effect, only its result.)[...]Certain spells, such as wall of force, prismatic sphere, and prismatic wall, remain unaffected by antimagic field. Artifacts and deities are unaffected by mortal magic such as this. ![]()
![]() Starbuck_II wrote: c. Magic that has no SR can freely cast into an antimagic field. So spellcasters can still hurt it. Where do you read this? Antimagic Fdeld sais that:"An antimagic field suppresses any spell or magical effect used within, brought into, or cast into the area", no exceptions for spell without SR. And then that "The effects of instantaneous conjurations are not affected by an antimagic field because the conjuration itself is no longer in effect, only its result.": you can cast Ice Spears spell outside the field, and then if the dragon comes close to the spears they will not disappear, but you cannot cast the spell inside the field, so to hit the dragon. ![]()
![]() Fedorchik1536 wrote: 1. Wasting an action to cast it severely damages our chances of winning. Any action that will hinder your opponent plan is never a waste Fedorchik1536 wrote: 2. I am a highly specialized Evoker and I have low Dex (12). So actually hitting with it may be a problem. For being a highly specialized Evoker your Dex is quite low, considering that rays are probably a good part of your arsenal. Being an Evoker, are you using/abusing of Dazing effect? He cannot teleport away if dazed XD ![]()
![]() Hi Guys, I'm currently playing in the King Maker campaign as a human wizard of 13th level. I have some money to spend, I have different ideas on how I can spend this money, and I'd like to receive you advice. Until now I could: craft a Tome of Clear Thought and raise my intelligence to 36. This will give me new 39 skill points to allocate, all the skills that depend on intelligence will receive a +3 bonus, the DC of all my spells will be increased of 3, more spells per day. or crafting several objects I could raise all my saving throws of 6, improve my AC to 33, touch to 17 and flat-footed to 22 and obtain 13 hit points. What will you do, or what else would you suggest? ![]()
![]() In 30 ft. the DC is in fact 42 having the School Power from Greater Eldritch Heritage, 40 if far more than 30 ft. from the target. I'm still far from the DC 47... Then there is a problem with the Dragon: Jehova wrote:"The dragon likely wins the initiative, but it doesn't matter. With his Reach Spell, The Vacuum can suck the air out of it at 300 ft., which he does, using his Arcane Bond to save a spell." But the Arcane Bond says: "A bonded object can be used once per day to cast any one spell that the wizard has in his spellbook and is capable of casting, even if the spell is not prepared. [...] This spell cannot be modified by metamagic feats or other abilities." So, she cannot cast a Reach Mass Suffocation with his Arcane Bond. ![]()
![]() Anyway I cannot understand how she can reach a DC of 47 for her spell. She has: 10 (base bonus for DC) +
40 DC (and only in 30 ft.) - Tarrasque will fail on a 8. What am I missing in order to reach the DC 47 Jehova declared in the build? ![]()
![]() Hi All, I'll start soon a new campaign, and the master told me that the character will reach level 30!!! I will play a wizard (diviner foresight, conjurer teleportation or infernal binder), and I think to take 20 levels in this class. Of course, a class cannot have more that 20 levels. So, in order to grow my levels of existing arcane class over the 20th level, I'm thinking to take my other 10 levels in a PrC. Allowed sources are:
So, which PrC do you suggest in order to achieve 30 levels of wizard? I will also accept to have few levels of wizard, but my CL has to be 30 (p.e. using Magical Knack). Do you suggest to go straight as a wizard, and than have the PrC in the last 10 levels, or to enter is the PrC as soon as poosible, and then leave the rest of the wizard class for the end of the build? Cheers. ![]()
![]() Ravingdork wrote:
1. At least once every month 2. Every time there is a new reply3. I download the characters after any update 4. Answered above 5. None of them 6. Obviously not 7. No 8. I'd like to have the feats listed in the order they are selected level after level, and not in alphabetical order. ![]()
![]() Hi Douglas, thank you for you reply. I was thinking to play a Lawful neutral Diabolist, but in fact this will depend from the alignment of the other players. Well, I'm really curious about this Celiax material, in fact i started this thread because for sure there are some new things that I missed somewhere. I'll look for the "Two-imp debuff". EDIT "Two-imp debuff". Read it. Well, I was just wondering what I can do with my Imp companion. I just have a concern about the sentence "And then have each imp take Skill Focus (Intimidate)". How do you will have your familiar take this feat? ![]()
![]() Hi Board, I'll soon start a KingMaker game, and I'd like to play, as usual, a wizard. In this case my idea is to play a Wizard Binder, making use of the Planar Binding line of spells. All Paizo products are legit, but no 3rd part. I'd like to collect you idea and suggestion about building, feat, class, archetype, equipment and so on. Thank you :) ![]()
![]() ehm... "Bracers of armor and ordinary armor do not stack." Nothing to say here. "If a creature receives a larger armor bonus from another source, the bracers of armor cease functioning and do not grant their armor bonus or their armor special abilities." DOT For me this means any other source, so even from a magic robe, and thus, if I cannot have all the effects active, the Robe of the Archmagi will shout down the Bracers of Armor. "If the bracers of armor grant a larger armor bonus, the other source of armor ceases functioning." If this sentence will work as per the Bracers of Armor, in this case all the effects from the Robe of the Archmagi will be suppressed... or... you can read this like the armor bonus will ceases functioning, and so I will have the other effects. ![]()
![]() "An armor bonus applies to armor class and is granted by armor or by a spell or magical effect that mimics armor." Claxon wrote: The effects of the robe of the archmagi will remain despite everything else, and at most it simply wont provide the AC bonus as the robe is not armor, it just happens to provide an armor bonus because magic. Please explain me again why the armor bonus of Robe of the Archmagi is a different armor bonus than Bracers of Armor. ![]()
![]() Claxon wrote: The effects of the robe of the archmagi will remain despite everything else, and at most it simply wont provide the AC bonus as the robe is not armor, it just happens to provide an armor bonus because magic. ehm... "Bracers of armor and ordinary armor do not stack. If a creature receives a larger armor bonus from another source, the bracers of armor cease functioning and do not grant their armor bonus or their armor special abilities. If the bracers of armor grant a larger armor bonus, the other source of armor ceases functioning." I cannot see how the armor bonus you are speaking could be different from the armor bonus in the rule. ![]()
![]() This doesn't seems clear to me, 'cause they will not stack, but they will not also overlap each other. Anyway, if your answer will be correct, I will have to choose between
So, if I have to choose, this is a permanent decision or can I switch between the 2 options? And if yes, with which action? ![]()
![]() "Bracers of armor and ordinary armor do not stack. If a creature receives a larger armor bonus from another source, the bracers of armor cease functioning and do not grant their armor bonus or their armor special abilities. If the bracers of armor grant a larger armor bonus, the other source of armor ceases functioning." So if I wear: do I will have: