Ith'Cal's page

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Well, doesn't it say in sharding that,"The duplicate gains a range increment of 10 feet for this purpose, but uses the same proficiency and otherwise functions the same as the original weapon." Since the original is a melee weapon, wouldn't the thrown duplicate, for the purpose of the conductive property, be a melee weapon?

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So I was reading through random weapon enhancements, when I came across an interesting idea: A creature that uses a melee weapon with the sharding and conductive enhancements can, not only use melee touch attacks(as long as they are supernatural or a spell-like ability) at a distance, but also use the conductive ability several times in a round, because it states in sharding that it creates a duplicate of the original weapon, and the conductive effect occurs with the duplicate, thereby making the once per round limit void. Can someone tell me if my logic is correct(or otherwise) in this assumption?

Is this item allowed in the beastmass? If so i have a great cavalier idea s-hide

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Tensei Tsunami


Aasimar (Angelkin)



