Succubus in a grapple.

Rules Questions

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To save space, skip the definitions of standard abilities. I.e. rather than say


Energy Drain (Su)

A succubus drains energy from a mortal she lures into an act of passion, such as a kiss. An unwilling victim must be grappled before the succubus can use this ability. The succubus’s kiss bestows one negative level. The kiss also has the effect of a suggestion spell, asking the victim to accept another act of passion from the succubus. The victim must succeed on a DC 22 Will save to negate the suggestion. The DC is 22 for the Fortitude save to remove a negative level. These save DCs are Charisma-based.


Energy Drain (Su) Standard

and anything that is different to the standard gets spelled out.


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Bestiary wrote:
Energy Drain - page 68

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Oh, just to mention, the succubus is considered to have bluff, craft, diplomacy, disguise, fly, knowledge local, stealth, sense motive, knowledge planes, and perception as class skills.

Oh, I'm using the medium treasure table to determine wealth btw. If there is a better way, please let me know

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Need more tiiiiiiiiiiiiime. >:|
(So tired!)

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Cannot help but feel this recently necro'd thread is relevant...

Silver Crusade

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Long time reader here, but with the recent release of the new book, Ultimate Wilderness, a new class came along with it.

So scholars of this thread, I have a question or two for you. What would happen if one of the participants had levels in the shifter class? And another question similar, yet different, what would happen if one had the oozemorph archtype of the shifter class?

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Well, a succubs does just kind of ooze with charisma...


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Does an Oozemorph retain the engulf ability and thus can engulf the succubus?

Can it see what it engulfs?

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Here is a CR12 oracle option. The reduction in caster levels from the outsider HD hurts, but allows for a lots of various buffs.


Giant Cursed Succubus Warsighted Oracle 8:

XP 19,200
Giant Cursed Succubus Warsighted Oracle 8
CE Large outsider (chaotic, demon, evil, extraplanar)
Init +9; Senses darkvision 60 ft., detect good; Perception +27,
AC 30, touch 14, flat-footed 25(+5 Dex, + 6 armor, +10 natural, -1 size)
hp 204 (8d10+8d8+128)
Fort +12, Ref +13, Will +14
DR 10/cold iron or good; Immune electricity, fire, poison; Resist acid 10, cold 10; SR 18
Speed 30 ft., fly 50 ft. (average)
Melee 2 claws + 18(1d8+5) bite 13 (1d8+2 plus grab) or +1 morning star +19/+14/+9 (1d8+6) claw +13(1d8+2) bite +13(1d8+2 plus grab)
Space 10 ft; Reach 10 ft.
Special Attacks energy drain, profane gift
Spell-Like Abilities (CL 12th)
Constant—detect good, tongues
At will—charm monster (DC 24), detect thoughts (DC 22), ethereal jaunt (self plus lbs. of objects only), suggestion (DC 23), greater teleport (self plus 50 lbs. of objects only), vampiric touch
1/day—dominate person (DC 25), summon (level 3, 1 babau 50%)

Oracle Spells Known (CL 8th; concentration +18)
4nd (3+2/day)—1
3nd (5+2/day)—2
2nd (6+3/day)—ally across time, 2 more
1st (6+3/day)—5
0 (at will)—8
Mystery Battle
Str 21, Dex 20, Con 26, Int 16, Wis 14, Cha 30
Base Atk +14; CMB +20 (+23 grapple); CMD 35 (38 grapple)
Feats Dirty Fighting, Combat Reflexes, Extra Traits (adopted halfing- helpful, dangerously curious), Power Attack, Extra Revelation, Improved Grapple, Extra Revelation, Improved Inititative
Skills Bluff (Cha) +33, Climb (Str) +10, Diplomacy (Cha) +25, Disguise (Cha) +25, Escape Artist (Dex)+13, Fly (Dex) +21, Intimidate (Cha) +29, Knowledge (local) (Int) +14, Linguistics (Int) +5, Perception (Wis) +27, Sense Motive (Wis) +9, Stealth (Dex) +19, Use Magical Device (Cha) +20 Racial Modifiers +8 Bluff, +8 Perception
Languages Abyssal, Celestial, Common, Draconic, Halfing, Gnome; tongues, telepathy 100 ft.
SQ change shape (alter self, Medium or Large humanoid), oracle's curse (hunger), revelations (martial flexibility, battlefield clarity, war sight, surprise charge)
Combat Gear wand of cure moderate wounds (10 charges), scroll of righteous might, scroll of magic fang, potion of bulls strength (2), potion of heroism; Other Gear mithril spiked breastplate, masterwork spear, +1 conductive adamantine morningstar, armbands of the brawer, alchemical grease

Energy Drain (Su)
Profane Gift (Su)

Curse Hunger: Ravenous hunger wracks your body in stressful situations.

Mil spent centuries among the small folk of the Inner Sea region. She has urged gnomes to deadly stunts, enticed ratfolk out of their comfortable warrens to fall prey to the dangers of large cities, and helped goblins rise to heights so they can flame out all the brighter. Her favorites are the halflings. With their eternal optimism and hope, generation after generation was vulnerable to her charms. Whether it was using greed to lead whole caravans into ambushes or grooming a self proclaimed savior for a failed slave rebellion, Mil always found them delightful.

Most of that fun came to a bitter sweet end after she was caught and trapped by a group of powerful halfling clergy. Thinking she was not beyond redemption, they cursed her- never again should she mingle among them until she had atoned for her past. Never one to wallow in pity, Mil reveled in the power of her new form. While she still manipulates through subtlety, she now also hungers for the thrill of more physical effort. She often relies on the only other creature she trusts, herself.

Giants Curse: Mil is no longer able to assume the form of a small sized creature. Her change shape ability now allows for medium and large humanoids. She can also take the form of a medium humanoid that appears to have been enlarged through magic. If medium size for more than an hour per day, she gains the staggered condition unless she succeeds at a DC 20 fort save. This save must be made every additional minute.

Mil often uses martial flexibility to get monkey style, and if she has time, she will precast ally across time in order to flank opponents. Typically encountered with several low CR thralls.

Alternate versions:
1. Take the hover feat to prevent a lot of long range targeting.
2. Have Mil partway on the path to redemption and make CN.
3. Reverse the curse- Mil has to remain small size. Remove the giant template and add the young template. Change out feats to use higher dex.

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I note that Ultimate Wilderness has the barbarian Tyrant Totem rage powers, eventually allowing you to grapple and swallow whole with a bite. It also has the Brutish Swamper barbarian archetype, which specializes in mud wrestling.

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Xenocrat wrote:
I note that Ultimate Wilderness has the barbarian Tyrant Totem rage powers, eventually allowing you to grapple and swallow whole with a bite.

So, it's finally possible to have a succubus that swallows? It was kinda overdue.

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Because this thread should never die.

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And it never really will.

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Would being swallowed whole by a succubus count as an act of passion?
Would swallowing a succubus whole count as an act of passion?
Maybe if the one who swallows was a passionate eater?
Or if the succubus' opponent had a vore fetish?

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This thread will never die.

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Not while there are still serious questions to be answered!

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Freehold DM wrote:
This thread will never die.

But it may go flaccid from time to time.

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Rajnish Umbra, Shadow Caller wrote:
Not while there are still serious questions to be answered!

But it is the burning questions that need attention.

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thorin001 wrote:
But it is the burning questions that need attention.

Surprisingly (well, I was surprised), demons aren't immune to disease.

Grapple responsibility, and keep a source of Remove Disease nearby!

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Rajnish Umbra, Shadow Caller wrote:
thorin001 wrote:
But it is the burning questions that need attention.

Surprisingly (well, I was surprised), demons aren't immune to disease.

Grapple responsibility, and keep a source of Remove Disease nearby!

The first time I learned of this was from a poster who isn't here anymore called Ashiel. Who also pointed out the mind-blowing fact that a fire elemental can catch a cold.

I'm also curious how succubi with a whole host of things. Including fire elementals and their pesky diseases. Also, can succubi be born? I know they form from sinful souls, but can one succubus give birth to new succubi? What happens when a succubus and a fire elemental engage in "enough" (undefined) "acts of passion" - and can fire elementals, in fact, do that sort of thing? (That is, can they have "acts of passion" with a succubus - whatever that means?)

Speaking of elemental fire: additionally, I'm curious about what happens if, say, you have an efreeti and a succubus share enough "passion" to make babies. I mean - there's a "half efreeti" template and a "half succubus" template, so... what the heck does the child get?!

So, yes: burning questions, literally. XD

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To be fair, a cold isn't actually caused by the cold. Cold temperatures weaken both your immune system and the bacteria that would cause diseases, but your body can usually at least somewhat keep a decent temperature. It's when you come from a cold place (your immune system is weakened) to a warm place (the bacteria there are doing just fine) that you have the highest risk of "catching a cold".

But then, I don't think the common cold even has stats in Pathfinder, therefore it doesn't exist!

Either way, don't grapple a Pairaka Div.
They are immune to disease, but touching them gives you the shakes, and if they scratch you, you get the plague.
But you could have them grapple an Erodaemon - those are immune to disease, too.

(As an aside, I think there should be Lawful Evil "daimons" (or maybe just make that an alternate name for devils). That way we have all three variant spellings of "demon" as different kinds of evil outsiders.)

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"Either way, don't grapple a Pairaka Div.
They are immune to disease, but touching them gives you the shakes, and if they scratch you, you get the plague."

If they aren't scratching you, then they aren't doing it right. Go big or go home!

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Funny naming aside, I was aware - it's just more the idea that a creature made of literal fire could catch a the sniffles and sneezes... >.<

Also: Cold Science!
(They specifically mention viruses, rather than bacteria.)

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Pathfinder Adventure Path, Lost Omens, Rulebook, Starfinder Roleplaying Game Subscriber

5 years, and still going strong...

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Happy me
Happy me
Happy...birthday...Succubus in a Grapple thread


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Sorry I'm late! Happy belated birthday!

*wheels in large cake. It's the color of mud, ooze, festive Christmas colors, blood. Big enough for a succubus to jump out of. Topped with a werebear druid and a paladin.*

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If it was made this close to Christmas, was it the gift that kept on giving... and giving...?

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Oh, absolutely Trinam. She definitely keeps on giving, and giving, and giving. Once I unwrap her, of course....

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What if the druid was a leshy warden, and used his vines to engage in the grapple?

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willuwontu wrote:
What if the druid was a leshy warden, and used his vines to engage in the grapple?

And the Succubus had levels as a White Haired Witch, and tangled those vines from a distance with her hair?

...Nah, that's not the visual we're looking for here.

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What if a telekineticist used Telekinetic Maneuvers to grapple her with her brain? Or a Tetori Monk was the one doing the grappling, and used their ability to count as not being grappled while grappling? Could the succubus still drain them?

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Kristal Moonhand wrote:
What if a telekineticist used Telekinetic Maneuvers to grapple her with her brain? Or a Tetori Monk was the one doing the grappling, and used their ability to count as not being grappled while grappling? Could the succubus still drain them?

If the monk is in control, then no.

If the succubus is in control, then yes.


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What if instead of a druid it was a shifter? They ARE better at grappling I believe because of the BAB.

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It is a shame that succubi can only drain energy from mortals. If not, it would be a valid question whether they can drain another succubus. Or maybe we could visualize two inexperienced succubi who want to try this out?

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I'm sure most of them experimented, back in Succubi college.

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That was for perfecting technique. They started in high school as hormonal teens needing something. Probably learned how to grapple in gym class. All those wonderful contact sports.


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Please can there be succubi cheerleaders?

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Limey's Sexey Dreamz wrote:
Please can there be succubi cheerleaders?

Over at the side of the wrestling mat, as we see a pair of young ladies competing to win the grappling match with a lot of passion, we see the cheerleaders who are chanting:

Give me a "D" for "Drama"!
Give me a "R" for "Randy"!
Give me a "A" for "Amore"!
Give me a "I" for "Innocent"!
Give me a "N" for "Nympho"!
What's it spell? "DRAIN"!!!
What do we do? "DRAIN"!!!
Yeah Team!


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Now I have an image of succubi cheerleaders in a grapple. Thanks Cevah!

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My (our?) pleasure.


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The other team's ladies respond:
Let's get physical
Get down, get hard, get mean
Let's get physical
And beat that other team!

The first fires back:
Stronger than steel,
Hotter than the sun;
she won't stop,
'til she gets the job done!

Next thing you know, there's more action on the sideline than in the ring.


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Well, that'd be one way to get succubus cheerleaders in a grapple....

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CAn a bard grapple a succubus as part of a perform check? If so do they get modifiers for the check and amount of money gained?

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Cevah wrote:

The other team's ladies respond:

Let's get physical
Get down, get hard, get mean
Let's get physical
And beat that other team!

The first fires back:
Stronger than steel,
Hotter than the sun;
she won't stop,
'til she gets the job done!

Next thing you know, there's more action on the sideline than in the ring.


I'm seeing a scene from the Replacements.

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Ah, fellow SiaG posters... I am proud of you. =)

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willuwontu wrote:
do they get modifiers for the check and amount of money gained?

And can ranged weapons be used? Otherwise you'd never get a "money shot".

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I think I see one in the succubus swarm. However, their swarm damage is level draining, so the artist won't last long. Wait.... Someone just cast PfE on him. He still looks bad, but is now slowly working his way out.

I'll bet his art will be great for this event, since everyone knows that artists who suffer make the best art.


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Holly paladin's night sandals, 5 years and the grapple still goes on? I am starting to imagine the sound it will made when the grapple ends.

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You're presuming that it ever will my friend. You're presuming that it ever will.

(Also, I just had cause to re-link this. So. Happy belated birthday!)

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