Succubus in a grapple.

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Pathfinder Adventure Path, Lost Omens, Rulebook, Starfinder Roleplaying Game Subscriber

The only canon redeemed succubus loses their evil subtype, but I'm personally in favour of them keeping it, as long as the GM doesn't use it as some dumb trap to make a paladin fall.

Dark Archive

A smart paladin uses detect evil before trying to smite. You know how many paladins I've seen people play over the years who forget they have that ability, thus frequently waste their Smite against a non-evil opponent? One guy tried to smite a celestial badger :)

Grand Lodge

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Kahel Stormbender wrote:
A smart paladin uses detect evil before trying to smite. You know how many paladins I've seen people play over the years who forget they have that ability, thus frequently waste their Smite against a non-evil opponent? One guy tried to smite a celestial badger :)

And they finally clarified how the ability works!

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OldSkoolRPG wrote:
Kahel Stormbender wrote:
OldSkoolRPG wrote:
Kahel Stormbender wrote:
Which raises an interesting question. Would a paladin of Calistria still fall should they Lay On Hands a succubus? Or would Calistria be cheering them on?
Since the succubus has obviously been very, very naughty the paladin must take her over a righteous knee smite her evil ass with a firm and steady hand.
I suppose the paladin would be doing this with his sword raised and ready for use?
Once the succubus has been suitably chastised he shall draw forth his rod of lordly might to finish her off.

If you push the right button, it might extend!

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Calistria Paladin against a Succubus? Sounds interesting. Where would be the best place to put a campaign report where a Succubus Bard/Rogue who's a devoted lover/worshiper of Nocticula gets into a fight with a Succubus Priestess of Calistria that turns into a proxy fight for Nocty and Calistria herself?

And the solution to detect evil? Angelskin leather catsuit, I mean armor.

Dark Archive

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Has anyone mentioned recently how much win this thread is full of? Because it is. Full of win, that is. And rules. But much win.

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This thread has even invaded a Gorumite thread.

Sacred Prostitute Gorumite Succubus Wrestlers in a Grapple.

Dark Archive

Except... Gorumites don't have sacred prostitutes? My understanding is that you must be a worshiper of Calistria to take that trait?

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Kahel Stormbender wrote:
Except... Gorumites don't have sacred prostitutes? My understanding is that you must be a worshiper of Calistria to take that trait?

In fact, the official name is "Calistrian Prostitute". The "Sacret Prostitute" rename is just because scrubbs all the Golgarion-specific names and refferences from its content.

Dark Archive

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I know, I have a life oracle I play in a couple games. Backstory is she's an aasamar who's parents were murdered by a succubus when she was a baby. The succubus then took in the baby, raising it as her own. And grooming said young oracle to be turned into a succubus on her 18th birthday via a ritual. At least, until she (barely) learned what love is, and abandoned the teachings of her mother.

Or at least stopped channeling negative energy through her kisses (Inflict Light Wounds) to kill her lovers. The character's day job is that of a sacred prostitute. Or would that be her night job? She doesn't really worship Calistria, it's merely lip service (pun intended). But it's work she enjoys, and it provides room and board.

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This brings to mind an interesting concept. All the 'official' redeemed Succubi we've seen seem to have celibacy as a defining trait, like the energy drain is an automatic reaction to passionate activities. Is this an implication that the energy drain happens regardless of will when the Succubus is in an act of passion, or simply that the Succubi attempting to redeem themselves avoid intimacy to avoid the temptation of 'falling off the wagon' so to speak?

The first case seems to render the thread moot, as simply grappling a Succubus would not be an act of passion and not cause energy drain. The Succubus would be required to pin the PC to engage in a qualifying act.

The second case if it is actually a willful decision to energy drain in a passionate act, could this mean that it is possible to have a sex-positive redeemed Succubus? One that sees the 'evil-act' to be the draining, not the passion.

Liberty's Edge

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I last read this thread two years ago. The succubus is still grappling that PC?
Imma buy that man a beer.

Grand Lodge

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Zahariel wrote:

I last read this thread two years ago. The succubus is still grappling that PC?

Imma buy that man a beer.

I thought the PC was a naked wildshaped-to-bear druidess?

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Who said it was the same PC? succubi are not reknowned for their faithfulness, or their ability to sustain a longterm relationship.

That last bit may not entirely be their fault, mortals are so delightfully fragile.

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dragonhunterq wrote:

Who said it was the same PC? succubi are not reknowned for their faithfulness, or their ability to sustain a longterm relationship.

That last bit may not entirely be their fault, mortals are so delightfully fragile.

"I'm literally an evil incarnation of illicit sex" -- Sabine, OOTS


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I may be chaotic evil, but there are some crimes that are just too evil for me. Not sharing my lust is one of those.

2 people marked this as a favorite.
CrimsonVixen wrote:
I may be chaotic evil, but there are some crimes that are just too evil for me. Not sharing my lust is one of those.

That is a code of conduct I could get behind, or on top of, or under, etc...

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OldSkoolRPG wrote:
CrimsonVixen wrote:
I may be chaotic evil, but there are some crimes that are just too evil for me. Not sharing my lust is one of those.
That is a code of conduct I could get behind, or on top of, or under, etc...

Famous last words.

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Telekinesis allows a grapple at range, up to and including a pin.

Can a Telekineticist Succubus use Telekinetic Maneuvers (possibly with Telekinetic Finesse) to establish a ranged grapple and then use gentle (or rough) expressions of telekinetic force to initiate an Act of Passion in a target at a distance? Would grappling a target with a number of wandering, distracting hands of force... *wanders back out in search of a scroll or wand to experiment with, for science*

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Shiroi wrote:

Telekinesis allows a grapple at range, up to and including a pin.

Can a Telekineticist Succubus use Telekinetic Maneuvers (possibly with Telekinetic Finesse) to establish a ranged grapple and then use gentle (or rough) expressions of telekinetic force to initiate an Act of Passion in a target at a distance? Would grappling a target with a number of wandering, distracting hands of force... *wanders back out in search of a scroll or wand to experiment with, for science*

Using the power of the mind to grapple....

We'll have to think on that.


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I would imagine it would depend on the description of the power - which I believe is touch.

Nope: while her specific entry specifies a required grapple, the Energy Drain ability itself says successful melee or ranged attack. Which would make that possible - but would therefore render the premise of this thread invalid, since it means she must make a successful grapple to use the power.

2 people marked this as a favorite.
kinevon wrote:
Zahariel wrote:

I last read this thread two years ago. The succubus is still grappling that PC?

Imma buy that man a beer.
I thought the PC was a naked wildshaped-to-bear druidess?

I'm sure she'd still like a beer.

Or honey. Bears like honey, right? Drizzled all over their grappling partner...

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GreenDragon1133 wrote:
...would therefore render the premise of this thread invalid...

NOTHING about this thread is invalid!!


You sir, are out of order. Ushers, please have this individual removed from the event arena.

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the ushers are all too busy... grappling. also there seems to be a questionably bear shaped mound in the way

7 people marked this as a favorite.
GreenDragon1133 wrote:

I would imagine it would depend on the description of the power - which I believe is touch.

Nope: while her specific entry specifies a required grapple, the Energy Drain ability itself says successful melee or ranged attack. Which would make that possible - but would therefore render the premise of this thread invalid, since it means she must make a successful grapple to use the power.

I will destroy everything you have ever loved

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You're all out of order!

Language warning.

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Outraged Devotee wrote:
GreenDragon1133 wrote:
...would therefore render the premise of this thread invalid...

NOTHING about this thread is invalid!!


You sir, are out of order. Ushers, please have this individual removed from the event arena.

And this is why we must reject the possibility of Telekinetic Succubi, since it would take this all away to have to consult the rules so closely.

Besides, when would a real succubus let rules get in her way?

4 people marked this as a favorite.
Ridiculon wrote:
the ushers are all too busy... grappling. also there seems to be a questionably bear shaped mound in the way

They are not grappling. They are applying restorative oils so that the contestant(s) can resume the event.

I knew that investment in this arena would come to fruition in time.


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More oil! MORE OIL!! My gods man, we need more oil!!!

4 people marked this as a favorite.
Outraged Devotee wrote:
More oil! MORE OIL!! My gods man, we need more oil!!!

*waiting for an Occultist to show up with his "implements"...*

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If the succubi are grappling, who or what is holding up the round signs?

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3 people marked this as a favorite.
Molten Dragon wrote:
If the succubi are grappling, who or what is holding up the round signs?



2 people marked this as a favorite.
Cevah wrote:
Molten Dragon wrote:
If the succubi are grappling, who or what is holding up the round signs?



With the Monocle of Image Preserving (available for the first time to mortals for a mere 5 gp's on Ebyss).

Cevah wrote:
Molten Dragon wrote:
If the succubi are grappling, who or what is holding up the round signs?



Just so long as they're also really well chained with dimensional anchor - unless you want them to get involved, which, it must be said, would likely have its own appeal, but then it'd be changing the dynamic...




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Does the Armor Masters' Handbook have any grappling related stuff that could help? Armored bodystockings, at least?

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I thought the armour spikes were enough for me, but to each their own

2 people marked this as a favorite.
Pathfinder Adventure Path, Lost Omens, Rulebook, Starfinder Roleplaying Game Subscriber
AngryNerdRageDemon wrote:




That's what she said...

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Hell's Vengeance includes a good outsider spider in one of the bestiaries. Where do you think one of these things would put each of its eight legs if it grappled a succubus?

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The kiss should be a touch attack that can only be performed when the target has the grappled condition.

I can imagine somebody grappling her in such a way as to avoid being kissed by her (pushing her puckered lips away or grabbing her from behind, for example). So whether or not she is the controlling or initiating grappler, I would make the kiss a touch attack.

If she initiated the successful grapple or becomes the controlling grappler, I would make the kiss a free touch attack.

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darth_borehd wrote:

The kiss should be a touch attack that can only be performed when the target has the grappled condition.

I can imagine somebody grappling her in such a way as to avoid being kissed by her (pushing her puckered lips away or grabbing her from behind, for example). So whether or not she is the controlling or initiating grappler, I would make the kiss a touch attack.

If she initiated the successful grapple or becomes the controlling grappler, I would make the kiss a free touch attack.

Don't forget....

....She has another set of lips.


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The other set would only be a free touch attack if she was (not) wearing certain conditions of garb.

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This is a problem?


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Should it really be a free -touch- attack?

If someone were covered head to toe in armor, regardless of which lips the succubus intends to use, I don't think they would be as likely to connect.

They'd have the detriment of being grappled, and natural armor need not apply, but any form of worn protection could certainly get in the way of the succubus. Right?

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I was under the impression that the kiss was just an example of how the succubus could do the drain, not the specific way she drains.

13 people marked this as a favorite.
Pathfinder Adventure Path, Lost Omens, Rulebook, Starfinder Roleplaying Game Subscriber

An Act of Passion

When dealing with a succubus
It isn't just a kiss
That is an act of passion
There's more to it than this.

Of her lips delicious
You certainly must beware
But other acts that she performs
Can drain your spirit bare

She might caress your stomach
Or nibble on your ear
Her tail might snake around you
And tease you from the rear

Her wings (which feel like leather)
Could satisfy your kink
And then you will be drained once more
As fast as you can blink

And while you're dealing with her
Take care you do not linger
You might not like (although you may)
The place she puts her finger

The act of passion is many things
She really isn't fussy
The succubus is probably
The epitome of "hussy"

So watch yourself, adventurer
If she is in arm's reach
Your life hangs in the balance
Your soul she just might leech

Don't allow her close to you
Resign to being a loner
Her act of passion is anything
That might give you a... thrill.

1 person marked this as a favorite.
Chemlak wrote:

An Act of Passion

When dealing with a succubus
It isn't just a kiss
That is an act of passion
There's more to it than this.

Of her lips delicious
You certainly must beware
But other acts that she performs
Can drain your spirit bare

She might caress your stomach
Or nibble on your ear
Her tail might snake around you
And tease you from the rear

Her wings (which feel like leather)
Could satisfy your kink
And then you will be drained once more
As fast as you can blink

And while you're dealing with her
Take care you do not linger
You might not like (although you may)
The place she puts her finger

The act of passion is many things
She really isn't fussy
The succubus is probably
The epitome of "hussy"

So watch yourself, adventurer
If she is in arm's reach
Your life hangs in the balance
Your soul she just might leech

Don't allow her close to you
Resign to being a loner
Her act of passion is anything
That might give you a... thrill.

Holy f%@~ that was amazing XD

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What a pile of shhhhaving cream that ending is :-)

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Pathfinder Rulebook Subscriber

Note to self: Never willingly engage in a match of ping pong against a succubi if you really like ping pong. It doesn't matter if she doesn't touch you, so long as you find pleasure in the act you are engaging with her in...

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