Boon Trading Thread

Pathfinder Society

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Silver Crusade 5/5

I'm Hiding In Your Closet wrote:
James Risner wrote:
Drogon wrote:
WaningMoon wrote:
I'm honestly mostly interested in the Aspis Defector.
Is this a thing? I thought that was a one-of-a-kind charity auction boon that went for several hundred dollars.
If it is the "play an aspis agent, then yes. IIRC it went for hundreds if not a couple thousand.
What did it do/give you, exactly?

Aspis Defector is one of this season's player boons and gives you a choice of one out of a few small thematic bonuses.

Three years ago at GenCon they auctioned off a boon for charity (I think it might have been called something like Former Aspis Agent or whatever) that allowed the assigned PC to take levels in the Aspis Agent PrC out of Paths of Prestige.

Sovereign Court 5/5 Owner - Enchanted Grounds, President/Owner - Enchanted Grounds

UndeadMitch wrote:
I'm Hiding In Your Closet wrote:
James Risner wrote:
Drogon wrote:
WaningMoon wrote:
I'm honestly mostly interested in the Aspis Defector.
Is this a thing? I thought that was a one-of-a-kind charity auction boon that went for several hundred dollars.
If it is the "play an aspis agent, then yes. IIRC it went for hundreds if not a couple thousand.
What did it do/give you, exactly?

Aspis Defector is one of this season's player boons and gives you a choice of one out of a few small thematic bonuses.

Three years ago at GenCon they auctioned off a boon for charity (I think it might have been called something like Former Aspis Agent or whatever) that allowed the assigned PC to take levels in the Aspis Agent PrC out of Paths of Prestige.

Ah. So "Former Aspis Agent" =/= "Aspis Defector."

Sometimes I hate the English language...

Liberty's Edge 3/5 *

Wei Ji the Learner wrote:
James Risner wrote:
WaningMoon wrote:
*: Due to new policy in my lodge both of my gm boons and one of my Expedition Manager boons have my society number on them already. They have not been applied to characters yet.

Is this supposed to happen? I had this happen to one of mine for a con, and I've not wanted to trade it because it looks shady.

The lodge I've GM'd for hasn't done this (that I'm aware of) as they don't assign GM boons unless a table actually 'goes off', which would make putting numbers on boons problematic.

Is this a new organizational 'table variation'?

The last con I attended did this. When you won a player boon or earned a GM boon, the VO asked for your PFS number and wrote it into the top section where you put the character name and number.

I don't know if they are trying to avoid duplication of boons (I don't see how this will really help) or are trying to discourage trading, I suppose I would have to ask him.

Here is an example

Silver Crusade 4/5

This was a security measure that I think came from conversations here on the forums, possibly even in this thread.

In order to prevent duplication of boons, you're supposed to mark the PFS # on it. They can still be traded, but you have to write that fact in ink on the boon. The idea is that someone trading for a boon, or auditing a PC with one, will notice if the same number keeps showing up.

Technically, I don't see how this helps. But it's the type of thing that makes it look like it'll be harder to get away with illegal duplication of boons, even if it's not really. So maybe it will dissuade some dishonest people who would consider that sort of thing.

Silver Crusade 5/5

2 people marked this as a favorite.

They shouldn't be writing in the PFS number in where the boon is assigned. They should just write something to the order of "Originally assigned to [YOUR PFS NUMBER HERE]" down in the big blank section down below the text of the boon.

The Exchange 4/5 Owner - D20 Hobbies

4 people marked this as a favorite.
UndeadMitch wrote:
They shouldn't be writing in the PFS number in where the boon is assigned. They should just write something to the order of "Originally assigned to [YOUR PFS NUMBER HERE]" down in the big blank section down below the text of the boon.


If you hard code in the PFS section, you make it hard, strange, weird, untradeable, etc.

Silver Crusade 3/5 5/5 *

So much talk about the pfs numbers being put on boons, lol. Look what I started!

Sooooo... Anyone have an Aspis Defector boon for trade?

Dark Archive 4/5 5/5 ****

WaningMoon wrote:

So much talk about the pfs numbers being put on boons, lol. Look what I started!

Sooooo... Anyone have an Aspis Defector boon for trade?

I do, and would be willing to trade it.

PM me and we will talk!

Dark Archive **

GM'ed at a local con, and the race really doesn't speak to me.



Non-elemental race boon or an interesting or flavorful non-race boon.

4/5 5/55/55/55/5 ***** Venture-Captain, United Kingdom—England—Coventry

Tiefling (Ganzi)

Any interesting offers (preferably non-race boons)

Scarab Sages

Tiefling (Ganzi component)


4/5 *

Terry Thambipillai wrote:


Tiefling (Ganzi)

Any interesting offers (preferably non-race boons)

Is Psychic Dilletante considered interesting?

Dark Archive 4/5

What is the wording on the Ganzi component? Do both boons need to have the Ganzi language or just one?

I'd like to trade for one if possible. I have multiple copies of most every non-race boon and maybe a few extra race boons, i'll have to check my stack. I'm pretty sure I have a couple extra dhampir boons running around, maybe some aasimar too.

I would prefer to be mailed (and to mail) physical copies of the boons. I do not want to send via electronic sources.

Silver Crusade 1/5 Contributor

Only the tiefling needs to have the ganzi component - any aasimar will do. ^_^

4/5 5/55/55/55/5 ***** Venture-Captain, United Kingdom—England—Coventry

Amazing Red wrote:
Terry Thambipillai wrote:


Tiefling (Ganzi)

Any interesting offers (preferably non-race boons)

Is Psychic Dilletante considered interesting?

Afraid not - I already have one of those :-). Thanks anyhow.

Grand Lodge 2/5

Todd Morgan wrote:

What is the wording on the Ganzi component? Do both boons need to have the Ganzi language or just one?

I'd like to trade for one if possible. I have multiple copies of most every non-race boon and maybe a few extra race boons, i'll have to check my stack. I'm pretty sure I have a couple extra dhampir boons running around, maybe some aasimar too.

I would prefer to be mailed (and to mail) physical copies of the boons. I do not want to send via electronic sources.

PM sent, if you're still looking for one.

Child of Chaos:

"You have suffered exposure to chaotic energies or grown up in a region where the boundary between the planes grows thin. By combining this boon with a boon that enables you to play an aasimar, you may play a ganzi character (Pathfinder Campaign Setting: Distant Shores 22), beginning at level 1 as normal. By using these boons in this way, they can no longer be used to create characters of their respective races. Cross out the Chronicle sheets’ text (except for Elemental Dilettante), and write “Ganzi” on each one. Keep these Chronicle sheets along with this one in the associated character’s records. Other than access to this additional race, all character creation rules are the same as those outlined in the Guide to Pathfinder Society Organized Play. This Chronicle sheet must be the first Chronicle sheet for the given character, and you must bring a copy of one of the rulebooks listed above to all sessions in which this character appears as if access to this race selection were granted by the Additional Resources list.
A Ganzi’s starting languages are Common and one human ethnic language of his or her choice."

Dark Archive 4/5

Thanks! Let me compile a list of boons and reply to the offers that I've gotten :)

Grand Lodge 3/5

Is anyone GMing at GenCon interested in trading off their Rebuild Boon while you're there?
I've got a small collection of other GM boons (Tiefling and I think I'll have a Vishkanya by then) and recent player boons, but if you're interested in minis/store credit/modules that would probably be easier.

I'll be there for the first time, but love fiddling with characters and would like as many rebuilds as I can find. :)

Silver Crusade 4/5

Have they said what this year's GenCon boon will be?

Grand Lodge 3/5

I don't think so, but they've included a "Full Character Rebuild" option the last few years. I don't care about the specific races. ;)

4/5 ****

Fromper wrote:
Have they said what this year's GenCon boon will be?

I don't think it's ever been announced in advanced.

Based on the last few years I would guess it's something like...

Full rebuild or

Tier 1: Strix??Catfolk??

Tier 2: Skinwalker/Aasimar

Tier 3: Samsaran/Changling

Tier 4/5: Suli

Sovereign Court 4/5 5/5

Suli is supposed to be con boon for the end of the season I thought. I myself am hoping to get it in June.

Silver Crusade 4/5

Out of curiosity, what's the current con boon, since I'm scheduled to GM at one later this month? I hope it's changed since the last con I GMed at a few weeks ago (don't remember if it was in March or April, so it may or may not have been this quarter).

5/5 **

Pirate Rob said wrote:
I don't think it's ever been announced in advanced.

It wasn't last year, but it was the few years before that.

Sovereign Court 4/5 5/55/55/55/5 ***** Venture-Captain, North Carolina—Central Region

Fromper wrote:

Out of curiosity, what's the current con boon, since I'm scheduled to GM at one later this month? I hope it's changed since the last con I GMed at a few weeks ago (don't remember if it was in March or April, so it may or may not have been this quarter).

May through July is Suli. February through April was vishkanya.

Silver Crusade 4/5

Landon Hatfield wrote:
Fromper wrote:

Out of curiosity, what's the current con boon, since I'm scheduled to GM at one later this month? I hope it's changed since the last con I GMed at a few weeks ago (don't remember if it was in March or April, so it may or may not have been this quarter).

May through July is Suli. February through April was vishkanya.

Oh, cool. I thought they were quarterly, so I'd end up with the duplicates for GMing at cons in April and May. But I got a vishkanya at the last one, and I'll hopefully get a suli this time (assuming they have boons at all), so that's cool.

I'll look at both races and decide if I want to trade them or do something with them, but I do have too many low level PCs right now.

4/5 5/5

Landon Hatfield wrote:
Fromper wrote:

Out of curiosity, what's the current con boon, since I'm scheduled to GM at one later this month? I hope it's changed since the last con I GMed at a few weeks ago (don't remember if it was in March or April, so it may or may not have been this quarter).

May through July is Suli. February through April was vishkanya.

Darnit, I was hoping to get a vishkanya at a con two weeks from now. Looks like that character's getting shelved unless I get a trade set up.

Scarab Sages 4/5

Grippli/character rebuild



Dark Archive

Does anybody have a Skinwalker or Tiefling boon that they would be willing to trade for a non race boon? I already have one of each of these boons and I'm trying to pick up another so my brother who just started playing in Society can play the same race.

Silver Crusade 3/5 5/5 *

Rei wrote:
Landon Hatfield wrote:
Fromper wrote:

Out of curiosity, what's the current con boon, since I'm scheduled to GM at one later this month? I hope it's changed since the last con I GMed at a few weeks ago (don't remember if it was in March or April, so it may or may not have been this quarter).

May through July is Suli. February through April was vishkanya.
Darnit, I was hoping to get a vishkanya at a con two weeks from now. Looks like that character's getting shelved unless I get a trade set up.

I'm honestly not all that interested in building a vishkanya with my boon. I may be willing to trade it for a different race boon.

Grand Lodge

I know it's a very long shot, but I have a Suli boon and would love to find a damphir boon.

I have a few boons to trade away

Tiefling (Ganzi)

2015 Gen con gm boon ( rebuild , skinwalker,changeling....

treasure map
expedition member

4/5 *

DMjoe wrote:

I have a few boons to trade away

Tiefling (Ganzi)

2015 Gen con gm boon ( rebuild , skinwalker,changeling....

treasure map
expedition member

What would you like for them?

Amazing Red wrote:
DMjoe wrote:

I have a few boons to trade away

Tiefling (Ganzi)

2015 Gen con gm boon ( rebuild , skinwalker,changeling....

treasure map
expedition member

What would you like for them?

open to offers.....

boons ,books ,minis or pdfs ....

4/5 *

Well I have the psychic dilletante boon that is rather lonely. I also have lots of minis and pdfs. Any minis or pdfs in particular that you would like?

The Exchange 3/5

DMjoe wrote:

I have a few boons to trade away

Tiefling (Ganzi)

2015 Gen con gm boon ( rebuild , skinwalker,changeling....

treasure map
expedition member

PM sent.

Liberty's Edge 2/5





I'm down for gifting PDFs or whatever for it. I have a friend that desperately wants to play an Undine in PFS.

Silver Crusade 3/5 5/5 *

Expedition Manager*
Family Tradition x2
Magaambyan Dilettante
Elemental Blast*
Prophetic Dreams*
Venom-Blooded (Vishkanya)*
Expanded Narrative*

*: Due to new policy in my lodge several of my boons have my society number on them already. They have not been applied to characters yet

Arueshalae for the adventure card game
Other interesting offers.

Grand Lodge

Question: Recently I didn't get boon coins anymore at conventions, but I won a Paizo Gift Certificate.

Is trading a gift certificate vs a boon allowed?

Numerian Dabbler (increase d% glitch result by 1d6)

4/5 *

Is there any recourse for someone not holding up on their part of the bargain? I'm afraid I have been swindled.

Scarab Sages 1/5

GenCon 2013 Boon #2- Debt to Society x2
GenCon 2013 Boon #9- Moment of Glory x3
GenCon 2013 Boon #10- Mounted Tradition
GenCon 2013 Boon #16- Sky Citadel Scholar
GenCon 2013 Boon #18- Taint of the Worldwound
Season 5 Player Boon #11- Nexvarian Requisition
Season 5 Player Boon #17- Spirit of the Shadow Lodge
2013 Boon: Naga- Blooded x2
GenCon 2015 Boon #1- Psychic Dilettante
GenCon 2015 Boon #2- Prophetic Dream
GenCon 2015 Boon #7- Psychic Awakening x2
GenCon 2015 Boon #12- Expedition Manager x2
GenCon 2015 Boon #14- Hypnotic Therapy
GenCon 2015 Boon #15- Pathfinder Apprentice
GenCon 2015 Boon #17- Aspis Defector x2
Season 6 Boon #9- Magaambyan Dilettante
Season 6 Boon #11- Numerian Dabbler
Season 6 Boon #14- Prosperity
Season 6 Boon #15- Technophobe
2016 Boon #6- Niche Specialist

Any other cool boons/stuff

PM me for trading

Grand Lodge 4/5 5/55/55/55/5 ***** Venture-Captain, Minnesota

Amazing Red wrote:
Is there any recourse for someone not holding up on their part of the bargain? I'm afraid I have been swindled.

Have you contacted the person involved with a PM? How long has it been?

4/5 *

Hmm wrote:
Amazing Red wrote:
Is there any recourse for someone not holding up on their part of the bargain? I'm afraid I have been swindled.
Have you contacted the person involved with a PM? How long has it been?

I've emailed them back with no response about a week ago. It's been two week since I last heard from him.

Shadow Lodge 4/5 5/55/55/55/5 ***** Contributor

Amazing Red wrote:
Hmm wrote:
Amazing Red wrote:
Is there any recourse for someone not holding up on their part of the bargain? I'm afraid I have been swindled.
Have you contacted the person involved with a PM? How long has it been?
I've emailed them back with no response about a week ago. It's been two week since I last heard from him.

I'd contact your local Venture Captain and see about tracking that player down to find their VC as well, if you don't already know it. Your VC should be able to find that information out, and contact their VC too.

4/5 *

Well he only has 15 posts total and his email has an obvious fake name attached to it so I doubt I can track him down.

Grand Lodge 4/5 5/55/55/55/5 ***** Venture-Captain, Minnesota

3 people marked this as a favorite.

I was wondering how he'd acquired that many boons without getting any GM stars, but then I thought that maybe he only GMed at cons. My first two boons were acquired right before I got my first star, after all.

Given that he's actually participated in some discussions on here, I'm hoping that he's actually a real person, just one that has had some real life issues that has interfered with his posting. After Paizo Con, you should contact Chris Lambertz about this. If he's legit, Paizo staff can track down his sessions and help you figure out his VC.


The Exchange 3/5

Yeah I thought it was a bit strange as well. The tier 1 boon from gencon would take 8 games alone to earn though it is possible to have gotten it another way. I won a T2 boon in a raffle for example and gave him the benefit of the doubt. Hopefully it all gets sorted out.

The Exchange 5/5

This is a very sad thing to see indeed. This could really mess up a great part of our community - the trust of our fellow gamers.


Dark Archive 1/5

Tiefling (ganzi)


Dark Archive **

LIRIOT wrote:


Tiefling (ganzi)


PM sent.

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