Jeffrey Fox said wrote: I'm just a bit anxious and stressed out because I don't like failing my community and if I can't get them the support they want, when I use to be able to, I feel like I'm failing them. And that kinda sucks. This exactly sums out how I feel about this situation as well. My region has five yearly retail-based conventions that suddenly aren't conventions. If I can only support two of them, I don't know if the others are going to survive.
I've got two, one who was retired when the faction they were disbanded and one with the boon. Locally to me, there's three other retired Shadow Lodge characters (one VC) and two other players using the boon. It was a popular faction around here. The boon using Shadow Lodge characters are all on their third faction. Boon for the Shadow Lodge, boon for Scarzni...and now waiting to see if the Silver Crusade sticks around.
What: Mini-convention - CaydenCon 2015 (5 slots of gaming)
Dhrakken said wrote: How did your player know this at time of creation? Did you tell her about Elvanna at that time? All the jadwiga know that Dear Grandmother returns every 100 years to install a new daughter on the throne...and it's clear that she's late. Elvanna is also instituting her own guard that opposes Grandmother's. When you add in that the jadwiga all play against each other, that seems like enough to me. This character is also the second that the player is using. He decided his cleric of Milani just couldn't justify helping Baba Yaga and stayed in Irrisen to help the Heralds of the Summer's Return and we worked together to find someone in Irrisen whose goals would align with the party's.
Silverhand wrote: Could I simply substitute the phrase, "Venture Captain Amara Li" with "Trusted Pathfinder Ally, Amara Li" and leave it at that? Amara Li is still a Venture Captain and still awesome. She's just not sending individuals notes anymore. There are plenty of Venture Captains who don't lead factions.
William Elsner wrote: Looking to get a race boon ( oread ) I have nothing to trade and I am not able to travel to any conventions because my health will not allow it. If you must know I have cancer and I have treatment every 2weeks. That's why I can't go to any conventions. If their is any one willing to give an oread boon I will be thankful. Hey William, I've got a spare I can give you. Are you going to be there tonight?
Chris Mortika wrote: The Grand Lodge Scriptorium uses slave labor to pen the Pathfinder Chronicles. (Indeed, we remove the tongues of the people we purchase on the slave blocks and then we place them under a life-long gaes to copy any printed material set before them.) So long as your PC is a Pathfinder, and he hasn't freed the Society's own slaves back there, you shouldn't get your knickers in too much of a twist. I don't believe that fact is common knowledge. They are kept in a locked, windowless building. Most Pathfinders don't know what occurs in there--it's part of the Ten's mysteries.
I'm honored to welcome Sean Goodman to the ranks of five star GMs. He's an absolute pillar of the San Diego gaming community and one of the best game masters I've ever seen. He has a fantastic knowledge of lore, a deep understanding of the rules, and is an impartial arbiter. He's welcoming to new players and the ones who sit with him come back. His art and handouts are local legends. Without him, San Diego would not be the wonderful community that it is. Please join me in congratulating Sean on his fifth star!
I've started asking players for their most recent chronicle sheet before the game begins. It was a bit rough at first (I've supervised multiple levels of chronicle sheets that needed finishing now) but my players now expect it and it's helping me to catch some previously-invisible issues. I'd recommend it.
At Ease Games in San Diego will be hosting a PFS mini-con from December 12-14. We have an awesome schedule, including 5-99: The Paths We Choose! The complete schedule can be found on our Warhorn! |