
DMjoe's page

Organized Play Member. 15 posts. No reviews. No lists. No wishlists. 1 Organized Play character.


i hope there is more seeker tier avail

wasnt there a faq on clockwork familiar ?

there are tons of them to choose from

Amazing Red wrote:
DMjoe wrote:

I have a few boons to trade away

Tiefling (Ganzi)

2015 Gen con gm boon ( rebuild , skinwalker,changeling....

treasure map
expedition member

What would you like for them?

open to offers.....

boons ,books ,minis or pdfs ....

I have a few boons to trade away

Tiefling (Ganzi)

2015 Gen con gm boon ( rebuild , skinwalker,changeling....

treasure map
expedition member

Mike Brock
It is heavily frowned upon to sell these boons. I provide them as a way to boost support to a con. At this time, there isn't much I can do about it. If it becomes a rampant problem, then we will reevaluate. This is similar to someone who wins a autographed book at a con and then puts it up for auction. Once it is in the person's possession, it is their property to do with as they wish. But, selling free boons doesn't sit well with me.

So i searched the forums and found this from long ago...

is it ok if we have a boon and we would like to trade it for a small amount of paizo store credit ?

I have a Gen Con boon that i am not going to use. can i trade it for a small amount of credit and purchase a scenario ?

i like my brawler ( nuck chorris) a dwarven bouncer from cheliax

you need to speak to your VC

pm sent

anyone have the boon that gives you a extra trait i could really use one for a concept i have

i wish they would just remove those spells

and this why there is no re skinning in pfs

John Compton wrote:
The Fox wrote:
I have one. My plan is to treat "yesterday" exactly as the last day in each scenario. That seems to be the most restrictive. But for me it works, because he focuses on certain spells anyway.
I think that this is the best way to do it, really. Just record what spells those are on the Chronicle sheet, get the GM's initials, and have it handy when starting the next adventure.

now that is a clever idea

i may need to make one now.............

I love this idea. my kids play at gen con every year

some are pretty obvious.. others seem to make no sense... its too bad they dont list why it is banned..when the book comes out