Umbral Reaver |
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Hat of Shade
Aura faint evocation; CL 3rd
Slot head; Price 18,000 gp; Weight -
This stylish hat keeps the wearer in fashionably ominous shadow, even under the light of the sun. A wearer with light blindness, light sensitivity, or vulnerability to sunlight (such as vampires and wraiths) may ignore penalties from those qualities. The hat gives the wearer a +2 bonus on saving throws against nonmagical hazards related to bright light, such as glare or sunburn.
Requirements Craft Wondrous Item, protective penumbra; Cost 9,000 gp

Gondolin |
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Oh come on! That one had to come up sooner or later.
IIRC, I read somewhere that particularly powerful vampires had an ability that allowed them to walk in daylight (optional ruling from some 3rd party co I think). They don't want to, they don't like it, but if need be, they can do it.
I you are planning an encounter with a vampire boss, you could make up something like that. After all, if it's good enough for Gary Oldman in Dracula, why not for a vampire baddie in PF?

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Get a witch to enchant a ring with magic that keeps one from going POOF in sunlight... Make a potion (cure) that lets you do it for some limited amount of time. There, now all the modern methods of letting the undead walk around in the sun are out there...
It is a city, go old school, use the sewers!

Quatar |
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You're immortal.
Spend the first 3 centuries of your unlife to gather a cult of crazy followers.
When the cult is finally big enough, you perform an evil ritual, sacrificing all of them to permanently darken the sun.
Problem solved.
Besides everyone knows since Buffy, that wearing a hat or holding a coat over your head is enough to not burn.

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Vampires cannot enter a private home or dwelling unless invited in by someone with the authority to do so.
Reducing a vampire's hit points to 0 or lower incapacitates it but doesn't always destroy it (see fast healing). However, certain attacks can slay vampires. Exposing any vampire to direct sunlight staggers it on the first round of exposure and destroys it utterly on the second consecutive round of exposure if it does not escape. Each round of immersion in running water inflicts damage on a vampire equal to one-third of its maximum hit points—a vampire reduced to 0 hit points in this manner is destroyed. Driving a wooden stake through a helpless vampire's heart instantly slays it (this is a full-round action). However, it returns to life if the stake is removed, unless the head is also severed and anointed with holy water.
Just wear clothes with a big hood.

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Dyso's Travel Canopy
Source Legacy of Fire Player's Guide
Aura faint evocation; CL 7th
Slot none; Price 750 gp; Weight 3 lbs.
DESCRIPTION:This 5-foot-square cloth canopy is brightly colored with gold fringe around the edges, something a slightly foppish sultan might use while resting on the seashore. When you speak the command word, the canopy unfolds and floats 3 feet above your head, positioning itself to keep you shaded. The travel canopy cannot hold any weight. It reverts to its 1-foot-square folded form at your command, or automatically when it is out of the sun for more than 1 minute.
CONSTRUCTION REQUIREMENTS:Craft Wondrous Item, floating disk; Cost 375 gp

Mr. Quick |
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maybe Wish or Limited Wish could temporarily remove (or maybe shift and/or trade off) the daylight vulnerability?
alternatively, a vampire necromancer could create simulacrums of him/herself (or someone who looks close enough) and then just magic jar them. pop their actual body somewhere safe, maybe stuffed inside a portable hole or something and just wander around in the daylight without any of their vampire weaknesses or powers.

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Divine Intervention. I don't think there's anything you can do via the RAW to aid Vampires survive in sunlight, but DM finagling is always an option. I recall i once created a vampire who managed to regain control of her own soul after nearly killing her lover in life. After witnessing her penance, Shelyn bestowed her with a necklace which pretty much serves as a method of keeping her alive in the light, by using her lover's soul as a blessing.
That, or just make an umbrella or a hat with a darkness or penumbra effect that is made permanent...or don't go outside. Vampires are shut ins normally anyway...

Jeremias |
Thanks for all the advice. Soo... My Players should NOT read the next paragraph!!!
And what opportunities do you think should I give the players to uncover the potentially helpful, but very evil NPC?

EvilMinion |
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Umm... not to rain on parades or anything but Dominate Person is a horrible way to gain, keep, or hide 'undying loyalty'.
if the target is dominated (see dominate person), the DC is only 15 because of the limited range of the target's activities.
Dominate is very easy to notice. Even an untrained observer will notice before too long.
Could the vamp create a 'non-vampire' version of himself somehow, and send it to any outdoor meetings? Driving remotely from the safety of his home if you will.
A permanencied Telepathic Bond would allow for remote communication, then you just need a means to see/hear what your new thrall volunteer sees and hears, and you're in good shape, without the ease of seeing through it that Dominate gives.
That way, even if someone sees through it, they end up just killing the thrall, not the real vampire.

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just a quick question: Does anybody knows about a mor longterm solution then "Protective Penumbra" for a vampire who wants to walk around during the day? Especially, if he wants to do that in a city with a paladin ruler?
Best regards, Jeremias
You know there ARE reasons why vampires like Dracula have mortal servants such as the gypsies and Renfield.
As for the Paladin ruler, most rulers find that the limitations on Detect Evil make it somewhat hard to scan an entire city at a glance.


i dont know if this works per raw, but when ever i need vampires to meet people in the day i use control weather spell to make that day as rainy as possible.
I dont think there is definition of Exposing any vampire to direct sunlight staggers it on the first round of exposure and destroys it utterly on the second consecutive round of exposure if it does not escape.
I allow vampires to be out when the weather is more cloudy/rainy.
At least that makes them less predictable.

Orthos |
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Go Bram Stoker vampire. Dracula could wander around in full daylight.
There was an "Elder/Master vampire" template in one of the 3.5 books (I think Libris Mortis? I forget) that among other things removed or heavily toned down the sunlight vulnerability. Dunno if there's anything equivalent in PF but it shouldn't be hard to homebrew.

chaoseffect |
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I like the Synthesist idea personally. The eidolon would be bipedal and look just like a large man, and would be known by sight as the vampire's (thought people wouldn't know that part) associate... who could possibly turn to the party and reveal certain information and explain how he wishes to switch sides until at the most inopportune moment he says "lulz just kidding I was the vampire the whole time" and then surprise attack some people after leading them to their certain doom.

Tiny Coffee Golem |
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I like the Synthesist idea personally. The eidolon would be bipedal and look just like a large man, and would be known by sight as the vampire's (thought people wouldn't know that part) associate... who could possibly turn to the party and reveal certain information and explain how he wishes to switch sides until at the most inopportune moment he says "lulz just kidding I was the vampire the whole time" and then surprise attack some people after leading them to their certain doom.
1) The synthesist suit is supposed to be transparent, but most people houserule that away. Personally I would want an opaque one also.
2) He'd have to wear a big hat when in his Edgar suit lest the glowing rune enblazed on his forehead be seen.
Still a good idea though. Just have to work around the details.

Lokie |

chaoseffect wrote:I like the Synthesist idea personally. The eidolon would be bipedal and look just like a large man, and would be known by sight as the vampire's (thought people wouldn't know that part) associate... who could possibly turn to the party and reveal certain information and explain how he wishes to switch sides until at the most inopportune moment he says "lulz just kidding I was the vampire the whole time" and then surprise attack some people after leading them to their certain doom.1) The synthesist suit is supposed to be transparent, but most people houserule that away. Personally I would want an opaque one also.
2) He'd have to wear a big hat when in his Edgar suit lest the glowing rune enblazed on his forehead be seen.
Still a good idea though. Just have to work around the details.
Since you've got allot of leeway on what your Eidolon looks like I'd say a semi-transparent vaguely bipedal mass of darkness surrounding the vampire would be appropriate. In a way it'd appear you have total control over darkness.

Orthos |
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Tiny Coffee Golem wrote:Since you've got allot of leeway on what your Eidolon looks like I'd say a semi-transparent vaguely bipedal mass of darkness surrounding the vampire would be appropriate. In a way it'd appear you have total control over darkness.chaoseffect wrote:I like the Synthesist idea personally. The eidolon would be bipedal and look just like a large man, and would be known by sight as the vampire's (thought people wouldn't know that part) associate... who could possibly turn to the party and reveal certain information and explain how he wishes to switch sides until at the most inopportune moment he says "lulz just kidding I was the vampire the whole time" and then surprise attack some people after leading them to their certain doom.1) The synthesist suit is supposed to be transparent, but most people houserule that away. Personally I would want an opaque one also.
2) He'd have to wear a big hat when in his Edgar suit lest the glowing rune enblazed on his forehead be seen.
Still a good idea though. Just have to work around the details.
If you go this route, recommend making the Eidolon look like a different, larger race than the Vamp. If the BBEG's an Elf, make the Eidolon Human-looking; if Human, Orc or Half-Orc; etc.

Lokie |
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If you go this route, recommend making the Eidolon look like a different, larger race than the Vamp. If the BBEG's an Elf, make the Eidolon Human-looking; if Human, Orc or Half-Orc; etc.
That would all depend on house-rules. I was giving an option that fell within the description of the Synthesist as written, that could be properly terrifying.
Seeing as how the Synthesist's Eidolon is semi-transparent, and Eidolons in general:
The eidolon's physical appearance is up to the summoner, but it always appears as some sort of fantastical creature.
This leads me to believe that perfectly copying a more "normal" race is going to be a no-go. I do wonder if you could give your Eidolon a hat of disguise...

chaoseffect |
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I forgot about the transparency and the fantastical creature part, but if you houserule the transparency thing (not a big fan), it could still work. The eidolon is a humanoid creature with the face, legs and arms (or atleast forearms) of a usual race, but beneath what the suit covers is something horrifying... and it wears a large hat at all times to both appear professional and to hide the glowing forehead mark.

Orthos |
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The eidolon is a humanoid creature with the face, legs and arms (or atleast forearms) of a usual race, but beneath what the suit covers is something horrifying... and it wears a large hat at all times to both appear professional and to hide the glowing forehead mark.
So... lesser Spawn of Yog-Sothoth? =D

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maybe Wish or Limited Wish could temporarily remove (or maybe shift and/or trade off) the daylight vulnerability?
alternatively, a vampire necromancer could create simulacrums of him/herself (or someone who looks close enough) and then just magic jar them. pop their actual body somewhere safe, maybe stuffed inside a portable hole or something and just wander around in the daylight without any of their vampire weaknesses or powers.
I think this idea is awesome and would make a great BBEG. I don't know if it's legal with simulacrum, but even if it's not, I'd do it for the awesomeness.

Vaelkas |
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I think converting the Vampire Lord Template would be your best bet, though they are pretty dang powerful. Good luck however you decide to go.

Orthos |

I think converting the Vampire Lord Template would be your best bet, though they are pretty dang powerful. Good luck however you decide to go.
That's the one I was referencing, thanks!

Son of the Veterinarian |

I forgot about the transparency and the fantastical creature part, but if you houserule the transparency thing (not a big fan), it could still work. The eidolon is a humanoid creature with the face, legs and arms (or atleast forearms) of a usual race, but beneath what the suit covers is something horrifying... and it wears a large hat at all times to both appear professional and to hide the glowing forehead mark.
I knew about the transparency when I made the original suggestion, but since the Summoner allows a fair bit of creative licence when describing the Eidolon I'm hard pressed to think of a reason a GM who allows Summoners in the first place wouldn't go along with a Synthesist Summoner describing theirs as a solid form. Especially give how many players are using the Synthesist to create versions Iron Man, or Guyver.
And even if the call is for it to be transparent, what of it? Transparent doesn't mean completely clear. Saying the Eidolon blocks the "harmful" properties of sunlight is thematic and isn't going to break things.

n00bxqb |
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Slaunyeh wrote:Move to Canada?
It's not like sunlight kills a vampire, anyway. It's just an embarrassing sparkle.
It's actually Forks, Washington, not Canada.
And now I need to go throw up for actually knowing that...
Well, they do most of the filming on the west coast of Vancouver Island in Canada, so he's not technically wrong. My GF is a huge Twi-hard, unfortunately ... I've reached the point where I can no longer throw up for knowing this useless, previously gut-wrenching information.

Tiny Coffee Golem |
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Harrison wrote:Well, they do most of the filming on the west coast of Vancouver Island in Canada, so he's not technically wrong. My GF is a huge Twi-hard, unfortunately ... I've reached the point where I can no longer throw up for knowing this useless, previously gut-wrenching information.Slaunyeh wrote:Move to Canada?
It's not like sunlight kills a vampire, anyway. It's just an embarrassing sparkle.
It's actually Forks, Washington, not Canada.
And now I need to go throw up for actually knowing that...
You both need to be careful or you'll lose your man card.