Captain Castothrane

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My issue is that there have been MANY solutions short of changing the core mechanics of the class.

There is a magic item to deflect 1 ranged attack per round
Melee combat
Damage Reduction (kills single shot classes)

Truth is...having a god like wizard or a gunslinger or a sunder barbarian or any other crazy class comes down to the GM to be creative and use the game mechanics to help balance things. There should be no real reason to unbalance what has already been tested and balanced by the community and developers IMO.


Player don't read this for GM only:
I personally don't see the the GM of a game with a RIDICULOUS Gunslinger Goblin (that I built for a player so its my fault) all I did was use imaginary death points for things. The players had no idea, they continue to have fun and you get to keep combat going for everyone. Just let them do damage until you think something should die...I felt that in order to keep things moving and fun/involved for everyone this was my best option.

I know your player is reading so it kind of sucks if he reads this but honestly I felt this was the fairest way of keeping things fun. Just remember as GM its not your goal to "win" but rather to make sure the PCs "win" in the best and most enjoyable fashion possible. Your goal should be to just burn a few resources per combat and possibly place a little fear in their hearts that they CAN potentially die.


Blind Fight

Read it carefully. MELEE.


Lemmy wrote:

Gunslingers are okay.

You can do a TON of damage as a Gunslinger...but the range limitations and the sheer amount of gold it costs to make it happen can be fairly limiting.


Sadly sneak attack at ranged just doesn't work well. You kind of have to choose between Ranged and Melee in this situation. You can make a really good sneak attack melee Alchemist, OR a really awesome bomber type Alchemist.

Can you give us more details on the campaign, poit buy, house rules and some more options or ideas to work with?


Whoa whoa mean he isn't dual wielding double barrel pistols and a third arm from Alchemy so he can fire his max attacks per round from Rapid Fire, Firing BOTH Barrels, and TWF?

Consider yourself lucky...

Make him fight more Monks or things with higher touch AC.


Don't think they can speak...which I think is a requirement for the Rune.


34. Use them to kill dragon. Walk over by dragon. Put Portable Hole in Bag of Holding. Win.


All Bards all the time. Pump UMD and rely on wands.



These are free...carry them because you can.

If you DO go the Vestigial Arm route I just use mine to hold a Darkwood Shield for added protection with no negative effect. Gives you some more AC and another armor piece you can enhance magically.


Yea this was the FIRST AP written in Pathfinder rules so its all up to date.

Keep in mind that the 5 resistance A) won't come up as much as you think and B) after level 4 is largely crumby. With a feat they can gain +2 Natural Armor on top of those resisances which I love to take on my Natural Weapon Tieflings.

Also remember that Tieflings can't use spells that require you to be Humanoid (don't feel like rereading and not sure if it was mentioned).


VRMH wrote:

Create a whole horde of Simulacra of the Paladin and send them out to do very Evil things, in very public ways.

Eventually, no-one will want to resurrect him.

Kill, Pillage and Rape in that order. I like it...this thread is turning creative!


The damage of the weapon would change but the magical properties and abilities would remain the same.


Ross Byers wrote:

Take a few levels in Assassin: They can make it harder for someone to be raised when they kill 'em.

Or, if you're playing in Golarion, hire the Red Mantis to kill him for you. They take professional pride in making sure raise dead is only a temporary fix. That is, they'll keep re-killing him, on the house. Possibly along with whoever raised him.

Isn't there a small group of female assassin monks in Golarion too that do the same? They are evil and burn the kill and keep them in jars in their monastaries if I remember correctly...

Edit: Quieting Needles were what someone earlier were thinking of. Its a Sleight of Hand check to hide them in internal organs so if the person gets rezzed the experience horrific pain and slowly die again if they don't get remove. Keep in mind also the person getting rezzed has to AGREE and WANT to get revived. If he keeps getting killed he may not want to keep going through that and not want to get rezzed any further...I'd talk to your GM about how that would play out.


Are you taking the Tusked or Toothy or whatever trait to get a bite too? May as well get as many sneak attacks in as possible. I'm also a fan of burning a feat on the 2 Natural Armor in Armor of the Pit, because you will have to choose between Amulet of Mighty Fists and Amulet of Natural Armor. This way you get +2 Natural Armor and keep the neck slot open for the 8-12 level when you get the AoMF.


Guards in the streets at all hours looking around for the PCs with dogs and torches. In a game full of magic its VERY easy to find people using Scrying and stuff...good time to introduce the head of security for the city and make him a decent level Wizard/Sorceror.


3 people marked this as a favorite.

Honestly I'd just tell him straight up how it is.

"Your attitude and behavior has been unacceptable that reflects badly on <insert name of friend> that invited you to play with us. I liken your behavior to that of a tantrum throwing child and is disrupting the game and the rest of our relaxation time. I am going to ask you to control your outbursts and actions at this time, and if the problem persists I will find your home and kick your family pet to death."


BTW why isn't your friend doing something about his behavior? Did you bring it up to your friend?


Bring a seperate TV tray to the games and keep all of your belongings on the seperate tray. Thats what I did. Make it very clear to him that this is your one chance a week to escape the stress of life and have some friends in good company, and he is harshing your buzz and interrupting your relaxation period. Do this in front of the table...most of the time it will give the other players and GM the courage to say something as well. Explain that it isn't a personal attack and you aren't kicking him out, but rather you'd like everyone to have a strees free, fun environment. Make sure he knows that if the math is hard you'd be happy to make him a chart of his modifiers to attacks and stuff so he can just reference the chart and do simple addition or subtraction (seriously this isn't calculus and even I know U+ME=US, duh).


Yea I guess you can't stack smoke with anything. So its going to do your bomb damage and then smoke, but you can't combine it with Strafe.


I guess in theory you could go Kukri crit 2WF either the Fighter archtype or I guess Rogue/Ninja. The rogue or ninja way is kind of sneak attack dependant, but it would be doable.

Sczarni a Pistolero maybe, but as a MM I always put the Distance enhancement on the gun and sit back at like 80 ft and go buckwild on touch AC. Then again even if you are wading into melee with your high Dex and the Nimble ability you get from being Gunslinger its not like you can get touched anyways.


Jiggy wrote:
minoritarian wrote:
You'd have to ask your GM if you can trade out your spell-like ability for a +2 to strength or charisma though. Technically you're meant to roll a d100 and can come up with crap like "can ripen fruit with a touch" or "can tell if someone is pregnant by standing within 10' of them"

You call instant fruit-ripening "crap"? Do you know how much money you could make with that? The second your tree produces the beginnings of apples, you start fondling and have an off-season harvest, selling the fruit for higher than normal prices (after all, who's competing when you're the only one with ripe apples?) and start over. Find enough people with the same ability and run an orchard together. You'll be rich!


Heck if you ripen the fruit fast enough in the season and prune the tree right you may even be able to pull off 2-3 harvests a season...who knows!


Thats the thing though...switch hitter IMO can work but its going to be that type of build. Even my Gun Tank build took 3 or 4 levels in fighter or barbarian to work.


The only switch hitter I've made is going the Gun Tank route and using a Blunderbuss or Dragon Pistol up close and personal and then changing to melee weapons.

If you want DPR that isn't the route to a Gunslinger its almost entirely ranged or your DPR takes a hit IMO.


Depends on what Faction and stuff...there are a few people that can give you what skills to choose to help with what factions. For the first 2-3 levels though the faction missions aren't as skill dependent as later on...should be able to get most done with almost any character you make.

Rapid Shot and Many Shot both increase the number of arrows you put in the sky...aka its more damage homey.

For Favored Terrains I've spend a lot of time in the city, sewers and crypts...


Council of Thieves was the first AP published under Pathfinder rules if I remember correct. They didn't even have the APG or anything else out.


Use that link to Tieflings. Those are all legal even in Paizo's organized play. They really aren't overpowered. They can make some cool characters but nothing that is game breaking for sure. (Just don't use the chart to add things to the race)


Get used to will find some fights in the book REALLY stupid and some REALLY good. Then there will be a few where you go, "Hmm the creator of this fght clearly wanted me to take every PC out of the game here without much of a fight..."

Trust me...for the most part play it as is.


This is why you need it.

I can't find a reason why you wouldn't want that feat. Not to mention...losing 4 to shots in melee is just silly when it can be negated fairly easily. Why miss any shots if you can avoid it?


Midnight_Angel wrote:
G-Monkey wrote:
Are all pathfinder paths really lethal?

This entirely depends on your group, and the way you are playing.

If you consider it good form for a GM to always have the monsters employ the mathematically best tactics, make liberal use of delay - hold/sleep - coup de grace combos and the like, unloading all of it at a non-optimized group of D&D newbies... yes, the APs can become utterly lethal.

For a group of Society veterans who consider a 20pt 20-7-7 ragelancepounce build, along with a combination of the most optimal feats and equipment from every Paizo publication ever a reasonale baseline for every character, the typical AP is about as thrilling as taking candy from a toddler.

Your experience most probably is bound to be somewhere in-between.

Even the most seasoned vets die in Paizo PFS Modules...

The truth is...your party will make mistakes 99% of the time that a death happens. Read the Obituaries thread and you will see what happened with the players I kill. They didn't do this or tried to do that...sometimes it works out okay...sometimes the Wizard gets grappled and held still in an impending 10d6 of fire damage doom at level 8.


If you go the Dangerously Curious route don't forget to pick up a Masterwork tool for it. Last I remember they aren't banned in PFS.

As far as your feats go...Point Blank Shot, Precise Shot, Rapid Shot, Clustered Shots, and then pepper in flavor as needed. These are all you need to be successful as a Gunslinger. Don't worry about bullets (even paper cartridges)...from a cost stand point it isn't like you are shooting gold coins or anything. You will easily be a welcomed member of ANY party due to your insane output so getting help in the potion and wand department will help in your bullet department. My advice on misfires? Buy a wand of Make Whole the first chance you get.

(If you want to spend feats on Deeds there are a few you can pick up...I don't use em often enough to rave about em but I am sure someone will chime in)


Jiggy wrote:
ossian666 wrote:
Want me to help you build a Musket Master or can you take it from here? Thats one class that is REALLY self explanitory.
It's looking fairly simple at a glance, but a run-down of conventional wisdom and common traps/pitfalls would be helpful. :)

High Dex...lots of Dex...pump the Dex.

Put Distance enhancement on the gun and use a double barrel rifle.

Make sure you get Clustered Shots the second you can. Don't forget you get Rapid Reload free with your class. You don't need a ton of Grit. You will get Grit faster than you think and its not something you use a ton of. Focus on that Dex and get it as high as you can because that is obviously your damage booster.


Want me to help you build a Musket Master or can you take it from here? Thats one class that is REALLY self explanitory.


Oh FYI since people DO die...after like 2 or 3 party deaths find a way to destroy or remove the body so the party can't loot EVERYTHING off the dead party member. That will quickly lead to your PCs having WAY too much wealth for their levels...learned this one after the 4th party death.


Uhh the acting parts are NOTHING compared to the combat portions...I do fear that if you don't fill out a 4 man group for the actual TRIALS portion that you will have trouble.

Remember they hand out a Circlet at the end of rehearsals to one could just give one to both of the PCs your player is controlling to help with Perform.


I'd advise against allowing the Gunslinger.

Other small tweaks will be necessary as you plan depending on the party and your playstyle. I'd tell you to read the book cover to cover that you are planning on running and then read the sticky thread up top of this subforum to see what changes we've all made. There are a good amount of threads here that will help.

Remind your players not to be babies...there are LOTS of deaths in all Pathfinder APs so they will happen. If you enjoy a smooth play through I'd also suggest you take some extra prep time and draw out your maps on poster board prior to game night...drawing and erasing takes a lot of time.


My 3 man party killed Liebdaga in a turn and a half. I played him as is written. For any GMs reading this...take away the staggered condition and just tone down the number of Natural Attacks he can use in a turn.


Thats stupid and your GM is wrong LeeRoy. If the space occupied by your target still falls in the splash zone then he takes damage. Strafe is just a line from you.

As for the OP:
Read the details of the bombs.

1. You would double the line on each side of smoke is the only reasonable explanation. So it would be a 5 ft line of damage and then 5 ft on each side of smoke.

2. Immolation would only burn targets that get hit with the line you make.

3. Just read the rules on not being able to see in the PHB. There are rules detailed in there about this stuff. A lot of it is roleplaying, but you can even know invisible creatures are in the room with you by passing a simple perception check to "feel their presence".


Put Rhino Hide Armor on it and then you will always use it to charge.


Cackle twice per round and win.


I'd also recommend the Martial Artist. That will at least help you synergize so you aren't left losing parts of either class.


I've not really had the issue with the traps. There haven't been that many and there has always been a way around. Its not like you even need a Rogue like player to FIND traps anymore...most Clerics will end up better at this than even the rogues.


Explain to him that it really isn't necessary in PFS. Traps are very few and far between and there are always other ways past them than disable device. I think giving up what he is just to get Trapfinding will leave him wondering why he made that choice.

If you go archery style then I'd recommend building him using the switch hitter concept. Use normal feats for melee stuff and the archer feats can be picked up with the fighting style.


Just get a Roc.


Heck not even the wand. If you have a Wizard or Magus in the party just buy him a Pearl of Power. If you have a Bard or Sorceror just buy then a Rune of Power. Then they can cast Mage Armor on you that lasts a few hours, AND with those items they can burn it and regain the Mage Armor spell they just cast back for themselves.


Why Urban Ranger? Why not just regular ranger?


Basing your build on an element that is VERY highly used and resistant to can end up REALLY sucking...just my 2c


What is his current build? Archtype for Bard? Buff OR Debuff?

I'd probably go Grenadier Archtype and focus on smoke bombs and focus on using them to tie up the enemy and slow em down. You can add poison and other things to it. Its gonna be a combo that won't be good with just a 2 level dip IMO, but I guess it can kinda work if you go in like 4-6 levels.


I love Wayfinders but I can't justify telling anyone to get anyones other than the Ebon Wayfinder and that one is pricey...


Cracked Dusty Rose Prism Ioun Stone. I think its under a grand and gets you a +1 to Initiative.

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