Channeling the Cosmos: A guide to the Oracle


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strayshift wrote:

Would love to see an enchantment focussed Oracle (Hint, hint Paizo) as a lot of what is coming out feels a little like repetition.

I agree with you there. Mysteries like Occult and Juju feel like retellings of Lore and Bones. They take the oracle in a slightly different direction, but the flavor is very similar.

strayshift wrote:

Played a couple of Oracles and used this guide (Life & Flame to be specific) - it's a good guide although I do think you underestimate blasting. Well done though Sean for your hard work, it's appreciated.

Would love to see an enchantment focussed Oracle (Hint, hint Paizo) as a lot of what is coming out feels a little like repetition.

There is a pretty standard thing for evoker wizards now to take one level of sorcerer, usually cross blooded or whatever it is called, to get orc/draconic or orc/something else to get the big benefits from the arcana from both bloodlines.

Personally I'd probably do an orc/(marid-djinni-efriti-shaitan) mix.

It works for wizards, it should work just as well for Oracles.

Additionally though, I am kind of confused by changing the "type" of a spell.

If I understand things correctly, there are a number of sorcerer bloodlines that change they type of a spell. But metamagic rods that use elemental spell do not.

So if you had the sorcerer bloodlines for marid, and were an oracle of flame, changing a fireball to an iceball renders burning magic useless.

But if you used a metamagic elemental spell rod to change a fireball to an iceball, burning would still kick in. (icy hot?)

Additionally there have been a couple threads here listing the creatures with elemental immunities and a lot of resists. It really isn't as bad as people seem to go on about. Still you need flexibility in your energy types, and you will eventually hit something that is resistant to both types you frequently use (assuming a bloodline or elemental spell taken once).

Also in the 'Blaster Guides' a lot of is placed upon eking out as much damage as possible. Burning Magic I found was a welcome slightly deferred extra load of damage even at low level.

The spell selection for the Fire Oracle (a Lava Gnome) was quite diverse, healing, buffs and blasts - the only thing she lacked was a lot of group utility spells like Fly (wings of flame is obviously Oracle only). I kind of viewed her as a one character Mystic Theurge because of her versatility.

Strangely though she also was the only spontaneous caster I've ever had where the full round action for metamagics was a problem as not being able to get into position for Burning Hands often means not applying a metamagic (Acid Elemental Spell or mostly Heighten Spell). Of course when I get Selective Spell and fireball that will be a moot point.

Either way, great guide, Paizo please bring more diverse ideas into the Oracle class if you are going to develop it.

sunbeam wrote:

Additionally though, I am kind of confused by changing the "type" of a spell.

If I understand things correctly, there are a number of sorcerer bloodlines that change they type of a spell. But metamagic rods that use elemental spell do not.

So if you had the sorcerer bloodlines for marid, and were an oracle of flame, changing a fireball to an iceball renders burning magic useless.

But if you used a metamagic elemental spell rod to change a fireball to an iceball, burning would still kick in. (icy hot?)

It's not about changing the type of the spell, but the Descriptor.

Now, RAW doesn't say that the spell will change its descriptor when using Elemental Spell Metamagic. RAI seems to be that if a spell does acid damage it gains the Acid descriptor, full stop. This is consistent within the system, but not explicitly stated. Elemental Spell also allows you to make your spell two different energy types, split right down the middle. That may be why it doesn't have the text about changing descriptors.

Regardless, I think any reasonable DM would rule that descriptors are whatever the spell currently does, regardless of how it's written or how many changes have taken place.

Official Guide Update

The following sections have now been updated to contain all current content relevant to the guide:

  • Curses
  • Mysteries

The following sections are currently being worked on:
  • Archetypes

Remaining sections are:
  • Feats
  • Spells (0-9)
  • Multiclass Options

Notes: Curses, Mysteries, and Archetypes all contain options outside of the defined "Loose Core." They are separated from the other options in their section and clearly marked with their source. Other options from these sources are not included in the guide unless explicitly mentioned.

Grand Lodge

Thanks for all your hard work, Sean! It is interesting to see your takes on the different mysteries.


I took a reread of your guide since you made changes.

I do have a question about the Heavens Oracle revelation, Moonlight Bridge.

"Moonlight Bridge (Su): You summon a bridge of shimmering moonlight. The 10-foot-wide span touches the ground at a point adjacent to your position. From this point it can extend in any direction for 10 feet per oracle level. The path persists until you have crossed over the bridge or for 24 hours, whichever is shorter. You may summon a moonlight bridge a number of times per day equal to your Charisma bonus. Should the bridge be attacked, treat it as a wall of force."

Okay this is the english language, and this is a site for pedants.

But what stops you from using this exactly as you would a wall of force? Some might say it is parsing but "From this point it can extend in any direction for 10 feet per oracle level," can be interpreted to mean that you can shape it anyway you want basically. Well if you want to get funky with geometry.

You have to start on the ground, but you can go this way, then that way, then up.

Just my take on it. Maybe this is really old news and has been hashed out already, but if so I have missed it.

Even if you say it has to start on the ground, then go in only one direction, you can put it at the bottom of a door and end it at the top of the door. If you put it so the door can't swing open with your moonlight bridge in the way you have the functionality of Hold Portal or Arcane Lock as well.

sunbeam wrote:

I took a reread of your guide since you made changes.

I do have a question about the Heavens Oracle revelation, Moonlight Bridge.

"Moonlight Bridge (Su): You summon a bridge of shimmering moonlight. The 10-foot-wide span touches the ground at a point adjacent to your position. From this point it can extend in any direction for 10 feet per oracle level. The path persists until you have crossed over the bridge or for 24 hours, whichever is shorter. You may summon a moonlight bridge a number of times per day equal to your Charisma bonus. Should the bridge be attacked, treat it as a wall of force."

Okay this is the english language, and this is a site for pedants.

But what stops you from using this exactly as you would a wall of force? Some might say it is parsing but "From this point it can extend in any direction for 10 feet per oracle level," can be interpreted to mean that you can shape it anyway you want basically. Well if you want to get funky with geometry.

You have to start on the ground, but you can go this way, then that way, then up.

Just my take on it. Maybe this is really old news and has been hashed out already, but if so I have missed it.

Even if you say it has to start on the ground, then go in only one direction, you can put it at the bottom of a door and end it at the top of the door. If you put it so the door can't swing open with your moonlight bridge in the way you have the functionality of Hold Portal or Arcane Lock as well.

Don't forget that it says, very specifically:

"The 10-foot-wide span touches the ground at a point adjacent to your position."

Emphasis mine. A span in this instance would make it almost necessarily horizontal (or mostly horizontal), but clearly indicates that it is to bridge the distance between two points.

Even if you cut out the flavor text, the ability is still written to be a bridge, and not as flexible as a wall of force. It's also important to note that the revelation does not say that the ability functions as the spell Wall of Force, but rather reacts to attacks as the spell Wall of Force.

I appreciate RAW, but I tend to err on the side of reasonable DMs and RAI. There's a lot of the books that require interpretation, and this one seems pretty clear to me. It is not, however, explicitly stated and perhaps it should be.

ACG added a pair of new feats that boosted animal companions: Spirit's Gift and Evolved Companion. They're worth a mention for Lunar oracles who can pair it with the Aasimar favored class bonus and get a really crazy animal companion.

The Arcane Englightenment hex may or may not work for a Spirit Guide ("to the list of shaman spells she can prepare." while Spirit guide only says "She uses her oracle level as her shaman level and her Charisma score instead of Wisdom for the purpose of determining its effects.") but if it does it's fantastic, even if you have to keep the spells the same every day.

Interesting point on Tounges curse: The curse NEVER says the 5th level bonus language has to be from the list above. You could pick something common like Dwarven or, yes, Common to mitigate the penalty a lot or pick up a secret language like Druidic.

Grand Lodge

I didn't even touch the Arcane Enlightenment hex because of the "prepared" line. It is gorgeous, but in PFS there would be so much table variation over whether it would be allowed for oracles. There are several questions about it sitting unanswered in the rules forum. Still, even without that wonderful hex, there is so much flexibility to the Spirit Guide Oracle that many would want to consider it as an archetype.

Grand Lodge

Sean --

I know that you don't want to step much outside the loose core, but I'd like to put forth one more book for consideration: Inner Sea Gods. While I know that oracles don't have to worship a god, many do, and this book has all sorts of goodies in it for the faithful. Among the interesting possibilities: some really nice cheap magic armor and magic items, deity specific feats that can affect channeling, deific obediences and three prestige classes. One of those prestige classes, evangelist, stacks completely with your previous class after the first level, gives lots of skill points and comes with some very interesting divine boons.

Links to Other Guides?

Walter made a Guide to Deific Obediences that might be worth providing a link in your guide for those interested in pursuing this idea further. I know that the Evangelist boon for Erastil made me almost want to switch deities for my sylvan sorcerer (I didn't, but that was because she is so devoted to Shelyn!) and I've seen at least one lunar oracle on here go with Erastil as a god just for that one boon alone.

I was also thinking that it would be a nice idea under multiclass options in the Paladin section to provide a link to the Oradin Mini-Guide, Or How to be a Healbot minus the 'Bot. It's a great short guide on how to combine life oracles with paladins to get the most out of life link and lay on hands. I found it well-written, sufficiently loose to encompass a lot of ideas, and very useful.


You don't have any, and there are some items that might be interesting to mention.

From Inner Sea Gods: Boots of the Earth, which provides fast healing and CMD benefits for only 5K.

From Ultimate Equipment:
Ring of Revelation

Soothsayer's Raiment

They offer access to one of the revelations from your mystery, or the possibility of another mystery for an oracle with UMD and GM approval. The second possibility has not had a PFS ruling.

Mnemonic Vestment -- Currently at the top of my Oracle Want list. Once a day, it lets you cast a spell from a scroll or a spell book without consuming the scroll or spell book. This gives you incredible flexibility and would save cash in the long run.



That Evangelist class looks really overpowered. The obedience could be a limiting factor, but dang, that's a lot of bang for a single level lost. Still, I see a lot of interesting stuff there.

I was already pretty uncomfortable expanding the guide to include stuff outside the loose core, but the community seemed to agree that it was necessary. I really don't think I can expand it any further than the oracle specific stuff though- there's a crap ton of bloat already.

That said, I really like the idea of including links to relevant guides on the paizo forums. That's a fantastic idea, and I think I'm going to incorporate it soon.

As for the equipment.. ugh. I hate them both. They're powerful, but they're basically just buying feats (extra revelation). Still, they're legit. I think I'm going to be including a new section about equipment, but pruned to the basics of "equipment all oracles should know about." Ignoring the basic stuff and just focusing on things that help oracles in particular. Those are good pointers. And I love Mnemonic Vestment.

Grand Lodge

I only mention the Evangelist because you had included other prestige classes... And because it is one that would work for a lot of Oracles. It's also PFS legal, if that matters. Inner Sea Gods is expensive (even in PDF!) but it is worth it for both flavor (all sorts of background on different faiths and gods in the Inner Sea) and crunch (stuff an oracle might use.)

I agree with you about the Ring of Revelation and the Soothsayer's Garment, but they're options people should know about. And if you're a feat-starved oracle with lots of cash -- they're really nice.

I mentioned the Boots of the Earth because they could make Life Links for Life Oracles really viable, without resorting to Energy Body or having to take Paladin levels for Lay on Hands. They'd also be of interest to the warriors. At 5 K, they're a deal.

The mnemonic vestment is my hands-down favorite, though. That's what I'm saving up my cash for!

And I'm glad that you liked my idea for links to other guides!


Grand Lodge

Sean --

Under each the core race half-elf, you really should mention that half-elves get access to elf FCBs and can choose (level by level) which FCB they are using -- elf or half-elf/human FCB.

This means that half-elves can super-power some of the revelations that can use a boost. In PFS, they can only get their animal companion to be one hit dice higher than themselves, but that is still awesome. Earlier access to some of the benefits of other revelations is great too.


BTW I see that you added Spirit Guide and War-Sighted to the guide. Very nice additions!

You should note that Guided is a 3.5 property that was never updated to PF. Guided Hand feat is worth a mention if you aren't trading out Channel Energy, even if it not being a combat feat for some stupid reason delays it till level 7.

Cracked Opalescent White Pyramid is normally worth a mention for classes proficient with all martial weapons as a cheep exotic weapon prof, but for Warpriest the 1/4th chance of getting Weapon Focus (and thus Sacred Weapon) if one is placed in a Wayfinder makes it more notable.

I have found that icy armor and water form combine very nicely for a water oracle, I think its the only mystery that gets access to an armor and form revelation.

Grand Lodge

Deuxhero --

Oracles only get simple weapons, not martial. You want to post this comment in the discussion guide for the warpriest.

On the other hand, that stone is interesting... I'll have to keep it in mind for a character that does want bastard sword!)


Pathfinder Starfinder Society Subscriber

Deuxhero's comment could still be applied to Battle Oracles with the Skill at Arms revelation.

Hmm wrote:
I didn't even touch the Arcane Enlightenment hex because of the "prepared" line. It is gorgeous, but in PFS there would be so much table variation over whether it would be allowed for oracles. There are several questions about it sitting unanswered in the rules forum. Still, even without that wonderful hex, there is so much flexibility to the Spirit Guide Oracle that many would want to consider it as an archetype.

I don't see why they wouldn't just be added to spells known.

Grand Lodge

David knott 242 wrote:

Deuxhero's comment could still be applied to Battle Oracles with the Skill at Arms revelation.

Totally acknowledged!


Grand Lodge

eakratz wrote:
Hmm wrote:
I didn't even touch the Arcane Enlightenment hex because of the "prepared" line. It is gorgeous, but in PFS there would be so much table variation over whether it would be allowed for oracles. There are several questions about it sitting unanswered in the rules forum. Still, even without that wonderful hex, there is so much flexibility to the Spirit Guide Oracle that many would want to consider it as an archetype.
I don't see why they wouldn't just be added to spells known.

In PFS, there would be table variation. There's a bunch of GMs that would say, "You can add it to prepared spells, but Oracles don't prepare spells."

Since you get a different GM each time and the spirit is wandering, I suppose you can ask each GM their ruling before you choose the spirit you call on each day.

I'd still like an official ruling, because if it becomes legal, it's an obvious choice of 4-5 arcane spells of your choice each day. Yowza. Even without it, the varying hexes and spell lists are an amazing option.


I guess I can see that, but it seems petty.

You might want to up the rating on Toppling Spell metamagic a bit - Spiritual Weapon and Spiritual Ally are both [force] spells, and if the GM will allow you to use Charisma instead of Wisdom (Seriously, why has this not been updated yet?) to hit with them, they could be quite nice with Toppling Spell.

Sorry, had both threads open in seperate tabs when I posted that, must have gotten the wrong one. The ioun stone is still worth a mention for any Oracle somehow proficient with all martial weapons.

Quick update: this is still being worked on, but there's a lot of new material to dig through.

Grand Lodge

Sean FitzSimon wrote:
Quick update: this is still being worked on, but there's a lot of new material to dig through.

Thanks for all your hard work on this, Sean. It looks great so far!


Will you put in the Apocalypse Mystery?

1 person marked this as a favorite.
Major_Blackhart wrote:
Will you put in the Apocalypse Mystery?

Just when I think I'm done with a section...

1 person marked this as a favorite.

Apocalypse looks interesting too. Not sure how it plays out, but a Groetus Oracle could definitely make use of it.

Grand Lodge

Sean --

There was a recent ruling on Spiritual Weapon and Spiritual Ally in PFS that you should look at.


(Haven't read the whole thread, but did do a search and didn't find this, so here goes.)

Found a funny typo in the Stone Mystery (bolding mine):

Stone Mystery wrote:

Steelbreaker Skin (*): This ability requires you to get hit, and that’s bad. But it deals damage to the enemy’s weapon, which may or may not be good. It’s once per day with an unusually long duration. At level 10 you’ll be immune to nonmagical ammunition, but keep in mind that every +1 enhancement bonus adds 2 hardness and 10 hit points. This ability just really fails to hold up while your enemies are wailing on you.

I'd like to know what you do to get your enemies crying on you in the first place . . . .

Scarab Sages

A couple things
1) If you're playing a more social game or I can recommend the Enhanced Diplomacy Orison. It's probably more useful than half of the others.
2) As some others have mentioned those deific boons, I personally like Irori (+4 to all knowledges) or Nethys (+4 to concentration). It may not be worth building a character around, but if your oracle doesn't have a God already...I think it will depend on your game whether or not you want to take the leap to become an evangelist.
3) If you're making a list of useful items, add the dueling enchantment to a spiked gauntlet, it adds a +4 to initiative which is a feat
4) If you add traits, Fate's Favored (Stacks with the Half-Orc Sacred Tattoo, Divine Favor, Divine Power, Prayer, Cleromancy etc). Together the Sacred Tattoo and Fate's Favored is worth three feats (Iron Will, Great Fortitude, and Lightning Reflexes).

Major_Blackhart wrote:
Apocalypse looks interesting too. Not sure how it plays out, but a Groetus Oracle could definitely make use of it.

I just stumbled onto the Apocalypse Mystery...and thought "NOW I can do my Oracle of Groetus"....

Actually just jumped on here to see what peoples opinions of the mystery are ;)

nighttree wrote:

I just stumbled onto the Apocalypse Mystery...and thought "NOW I can do my Oracle of Groetus"....

Actually just jumped on here to see what peoples opinions of the mystery are ;)

OH YA....Oracle of Groetus, wrecker curse, Apocalypse Mystery...this is going to be good :P

Silver Crusade

I just learned of a fest (I forget the name, but I think it is in Advanced Class Origins) that lets a character add his CHA modifier to all saving throws That sounds like a must-have for an oracle!

Nonnie Kaneis wrote:
I just learned of a fest (I forget the name, but I think it is in Advanced Class Origins) that lets a character add his CHA modifier to all saving throws That sounds like a must-have for an oracle!

You mean Feat yes ? That would be Divine's already in my build plans ;)

I'm going with wrecker curse, Apocalypse Mystery, Phobia (wealth and prosperity) as an insanity, Neutral (Fatalist) alignment...

I really would like to hear opinions on the Apocalypse mystery...
A lot of the revelations are real "no-brainers" IMO....

There are only a few revelations that I am kind of "meh" about...but maybe I'm just not seeing the potential ?

Silver Crusade

nighttree wrote:
Nonnie Kaneis wrote:
I just learned of a fest (I forget the name, but I think it is in Advanced Class Origins) that lets a character add his CHA modifier to all saving throws That sounds like a must-have for an oracle!

You mean Feat yes ? That would be Divine's already in my build plans ;)


Haunted curse...

Nonnie Kaneis wrote:

Haunted curse...

Haunted is one of my favorites...but wrecker seems thematically more appropriate...and this is one of the few cases I can see it actually working ;)

So far....this mystery(Apocalypse) is showing more revelations than any other mystery, that I'm actually interested in gaining.

Only problem I'm having is gaining them early enough....

Dark Archive

1 person marked this as a favorite.

Dual-cursed would let you have both Wrecker and Haunted, and would give you extra revelations on top of it.

Silver Crusade

nighttree wrote:
Nonnie Kaneis wrote:

Haunted curse...

Haunted is one of my favorites...but wrecker seems thematically more appropriate...and this is one of the few cases I can see it actually working ;)

I just meant that the haunted curse is why "feat" came out as "fest".

I love Legalistic with my Face Oracles. The game becomes "What can I sneak past my GM as very nearly a promise that will convince GMs that I can go back on without becoming Ill"

Also, Lunar/Nature's ability to give you a companion to ride neutralizes Lame completely from level 1. So I like taking Lame with those Mysteries.

EDIT: Also, The Oracle was the first class I ever played and this guide helped me make them. So thanks for making it.

I'm actually doing my build as "Duel cursed"...wrecker/haunted...just so I can get more of the revelations at earlier level, without using up all my feat slots with extra revelation.

ShroudedInLight wrote:

EDIT: Also, The Oracle was the first class I ever played and this guide helped me make them. So thanks for making it.

I will bet good money that the creator of the guide (all of them actually) is probably sick to tears with trying to keep the guide updated with new information as it comes out.....So definitely deserves a "shout out" of appreciation for all the hours he has put in to keeping it up to date....

These guides are invaluable to many of us when creating characters...
Many thanks for improving our gaming experience ;)

So how would most people color grade the revelations in the Apocalypse mystery ?

Dark Archive

The Cold-blooded curse seems pretty good:

Monster Codex wrote:
Cold-Blooded: Your blood turns sluggish without sufficient heat, and you must seek warmth and shelter earlier than most. This oracle curse is common among lizardfolk and other oracles with the reptilian subtype. You take a –4 penalty on saves against cold spells and effects, and whenever you fail such a saving throw, you are staggered for 1 round. You can survive without food four times longer than a typical creature of your species before you begin to starve. At 5th level, poisons affecting you have their onset time doubled and last half as long if they end after a set time (for example, a poison with a frequency of 1/round for 6 rounds would instead have a frequency of 1/round for 3 rounds). Poisons with no onset time gain an onset time of 1 round. At 10th level, whenever an action you have readied is triggered, you can take an additional move action at half your speed—along with your readied action—even if you have already taken a move action that round. At 15th level, you can take an additional move action a number of times per day equal to your Charisma modifier. You can take these additional move actions only on your turn, and can take only one of these extra move actions per turn.

Haven't had a chance to read all of this discussion thread, but this guide has been a huge help in making my Drow Oracle for Second Darkness. She's not going to be the most survivable or powerful character (being a Dex-based Warrior Oracle is tough when you have to overcome a Con penalty, especially if Divine Protection is banned like I half expect), but I think I made a reasonable build (and even just barely managed to avoid dumping an ability score = Wisdom), while managing to retain a concept of a non-Evil Drow that won't break the AP. Contrary to what some people complain about Drow, I don't think this character will be at all overpowered (especially if Divine Protection is banned as mentioned above). I have read a fair number of great guides, but this is the one I have gotten the most benefit out of (highly honorable mentions: the various Wizard guides, but the Wizard I built was a LOT easier to build, apart from the additional time required to come up with my character sheet format for the first time because I did his character build first even though the Drow Oracle character concept came first). Now to get this character (or the other one, for that matter) into an actual PbP . . . .

Just a thought (if this guide is still being updated). Been playing my fourth Oracle (Human, Flame) and it concerns the extra spell favoured class bonus (for humans, half-elves, half-orcs, etc).

The guide says "One bonus spell at your second-highest level is pretty sweet, but not as amazing at it might seem. The cleric list is pretty thin on spectacular spells and most oracles can already get the ones they really want. Use this option to grab those spells that are only occasionally useful at no real penalty to yourself."

I think this is a little more nuanced that it appears.

Essentially some Oracle mysteries are more 'clerical' and 'divine caster' than others, some (like the flame) have aspects of arcane type-casters (in this case blasting). Playing the flame oracle meant I used the bonus spells to pick up 'typical divine' type spells e.g. Remove Disease, whilst still retaining the offensive fire spells. The (say for example) Life Oracle wouldn't be able use the extra spell known to gain the same diversity because their mystery spells are a duplication of spells other divine casters can get.

So in essence the bonus spell known is great, however it is even better for mysteries that have spells not normally available to divine casters on them.

Grand Lodge

The brand-new ACG errata had two pleasant surprises for the Spirit Guide and Psychic Searcher Archetypes.

The life spirit life link is now the full equivalent of life oracle life links -- opening up that revelation to other mysteries via Spirit Guide Archetype.

The psychic searcher archetype now has inspiration based off charisma, not wisdom! This is a big boost to my psychic searcher lunar oracle.

Loved your guide. One thing for your consideration.....

I have played an oracle of life from lvl 1 to lvl 15 and i have noticed a few great synergies. Starting with the first:

1. While reacting to damage is usually a losing battle, the life oracle actually can keep up at almost all levels. Three revelations in particular allow this, combined with the spell shield other. Take the combat healer, energy body, and life link, and you can heal 4 times in a single round, with awesome results. Move action through allied square to heal 1d6+lvl damage (not a ton, but economical), swift cast a cure spell, life link, and standard cast another spell. I have successfully brought 2 different charachters back from the brink of death to almost full hp doing this combo. Even at higher levels it still works.

2. This mystery basically makes you immune to undead. The energy body form makes undead hesitant to attack you, channel dc's are pretty high. My party pretty much lets me deal with any undead battle single handedly, and i do it with ease.

3. The economy of shield other + channel energy allows to react to damage in a more positive way, and still be an effective controller.

My party started to call me "The Beacon" around 10th and it stuck until 15th.

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