
Cronossuss Fallen of Time's page

85 posts. Alias of Johnny_Panic.


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psions rule :)

Josten Cailean wrote:

I had the idea of making a second character, just for giggles, while I waited through the selection process. But I with such a focus on Josten, I couldn't think of another character to make that I'd enjoy.

That being said, I think if ever I get REALLY BORED, I'll just use Pasha's character submission rules and make a character that way!

I have made a second character for giggles, even after I said I was not playing her, she Keeps being listed. :)


sits in the astral plane with popcorn and an eager look

Switched back to Planer Elf, what the hay, seemed for fitting

Maedyri wrote:
Open to ideas but besides the 2nd boon (and writing out the fluff), I'm mostly done

Talking of Fluff, Maedyri

Question GM: would you be ok and me doing a 10 Minit background for my PC.

I have always found it really useful and GMs seem to like it.
Would this be ok with you.

10 Minit background:

The Ten-Minute Background
Step 1: write five things about your character’s concept and background, five things that you think are the most essential parts of your character. You don’t have to stop at five, if you like…this is just a minimum.

Step 2: List two goals for the character that you, as a player, think would be cool to see accomplished in-game. During any session in which you take positive action to achieve that goal, I will award you an action point that can only be used in scenes furthering that goal. These Action Points are separate from the action points you gain by resting and reaching milestones. You can change goals later, though you lose all the accumulated Action Points for the goal you abandoned.

Step 3: List two secrets about your character. One is a secret the character knows, one is a secret that involves him but that he is not actually aware of yet. This will help me in creating plots that center around your character. I will also be creating a third secret which you as a player will not be aware of, so expect some surprises!

Step 4: Describe three people that are tied to the character though blood, romance or honor. Two of them are friendly to the character, one is hostile. All can do something useful for you, if you can get the situations to line up. If you like, you can include an enemy of yours here as well, so I have an instant NPC nemesis to throw at you.

Step 5: Describe three memories that your character has. They don't have to be elaborate, but they should provide some context and flavor.

Other players, if I may ask your indulgence, do you think your PC knows Fallen? If so, what kind of event would have lead to them meeting. Also how would your PC act toward him. I ask because I would like to add your PC to Fallens 10 min background, as others he knows and events he has had etc

Some offered PCs, I think Fallen would know:

I think Fallen would know, Maedyri because she is a Legendary Rogue, there are times when he would not be able to fund things out. Be unable to get to time brakes, and Maedyri would be ideal for that. Her amazing gifts of infulltrain would be critical in past events.

Qeetan'Chachol Shaaldanarth
I think with Qeetan being an occultist and super smart magei their paths would have crossed at some point in the past, could have been a joint task dealing with some horror or event.

We talked here about how Fallen would ask Candraphon to be the remover of time corrupted sites. Acting as a maker of fire brakes so the time brake dose not spread. Really like that idea.

Godwyn Blaecwulf
I think as he also hangs around the higher plans of good, And being and Angel, they would have meet in those planes at some point. Again psobly fighting some great evil or danger to reality.

I picked the above PCs as I feel like he would know them, but he would also know others I have no debt, the 10 min background only asks for 3 so have more then needed for that, they just seem to fit best for background.

The End of their time:

The city had once been a marvel, with towers of gold and glass, airways, and skywalks carrying its plant-like inhabitants and gleaming crafts. Waterways and parks adorned with artworks glittered in the sun.

Cronossuss materialized, his feet floating down to touch the ground.

He now walked through a devastated place. Towers had fallen, broken skyways and walkways littered the streets, and the once-glistening crafts lay in shattered, eggshell-like forms all around. Parts burned and blasted, as fires still raged.

He surveyed the looted shops, shattered glass windows, and the dead—there were so many, some clad in blue and others in green. The factions of this civil war had made their positions clear: the Blues sought technology and life in space, while the Greens desired a return to nature, to reconnect with the land, and to reject technology. They fought and killed each other until the Blues unleashed mechanical weapons that never ceased. The Greens resorted to bioweapons, turning the dead into killers. Ultimately, both sides were decimated—almost all were gone.

Cronossuss found some steps and walked down them. Passing through a series of thick doors, he finally arrived at a lab. There, both Blues and Greens worked feverishly on a device—a basic time vortex creator that could allow a single person to travel to the past. They hoped to change history, to stop the war, and to make everything better. Their plan was simple: go back in time and kill the leaders of their respective factions.

But in 300 years, a lesser hairless ape species they had overlooked would claim this world, discovering the remnants of this civilization of plant beings. They would learn to be cautious and avoid the same path to self-annihilation. Cronossuss knew all of this because he had seen it. The gem embedded in his forehead had informed him of a possible time breach. That’s why he was here in the past, observing as they worked.

He could see that the time device they had created would work. However, he faced a difficult choice: he did not want to harm them, as that wasn't necessary. All he needed to do was stop the device. Reaching out with an invisible hand, his finger pressed against a single wire, and in an instant, it broke inside—no sound, no fuss.

As a time warden, his task now complete, he didn't want to wait and witness only working device they had fail; he just hoped that the wouldn’t burn itself out to much. he know that now nature and fate would take care of the rest. Perhaps a few of them would survive, but he doubted it, they were too combative with one another to do that.

So he faded from this time and headed back to a new age. The proctor had said the game would be streamed tonight; he was a big fan of Tree-Football after all.

All remade but for items, which are only a few Magic/Power tattoos

Pasha of the Nightsands wrote:

@Cronossuss Fallen of Time: That definitely sucks. Hopefully you have a backup saved somewhere?

Sadly no, but the upside is, making it again, lets me check everything.

Well shoot, seems I just deleted my whole PC sheet, going to find a hole to cry in now.

Pasha of the Nightsands wrote:
@Cronossuss Fallen of Time: Any other changes besides those?

Just the race change, it will effect, Dex state and race Skills, and so on. He has ageless from other sources, so do not need that race now, amd wanted to go back to Android.

Moved Fallen back to being an Android, will update skills and other effected parts of PC.

I would say yes just as android is both humanoids and Contract, so with this logic you could have say...

You would count as both aberration and outsider (Native) For the purposes of effects targeting creatures by type (such as a ranger’s favored enemy, bane weapons or spells that target type), you count as both aberration and outsider.

With NA, yes I believe they do as some templates state the increase NA on top of the base creatures and NA sources stacks.

That is my thinking

@GM I have placed this limit on my PC, as a GM I don't want to break the game with time shenanigans


Cronossuss Fallen of Time us of time is linked intracinily to the Gem in his forehead THE EYE OF TIME, which has its own mind as a Psicystal and legendary artifact. It acts as a protection for time itself, It will not let its posseser brake the timeline or use powers if they causes a 'Time Breach' All time wardens have a simpler limited on what they can do with time. The other limit is that Cronossuss does not whined back time for the rest of reality, but sends his mind back where is body was, doing what it was doing. The action still stands but the outcome may change.

NOTE: FIXED points in time, Fate and Time have fixed points, events and outcomes that can not be changed or a time breach will happen. If fate states here and now something MUST happen, then happen it will.
One only finds this out if something is a fixed point, when no matter what ones dose the same outcome happens or a time breach, so messing with time is risky so time wardents try very very hard not to alter the times main events. Time has an order and a direction after all.

1 person marked this as a favorite.

@fun at the rock concert:

Is it was open mic KTV time, Cronossuss nods at Candraphon.

"I booked this slot for a song, back in a moment"
and he is gone, reappearing on the stage and taking the mic.
A stunningly handsome elf stands on stage, he nods to the band and who start up the music.

Performance sing = 1d20 + 42 ⇒ (5) + 42 = 47
Spends a mote of time to reroll
Performance sing = 1d20 + 42 ⇒ (7) + 42 = 49

Cronossuss starts just a little off key, so he windes back time 6 seconds and starts again, this time a little better.

The song he sings = Depeche Mode Heaven

Taking a bow at the end he puts the mic back and heads back to the bar.

all done

@Candraphon, fun at the rock concert:

Cronossuss orders two pan galactic gargle blaster drinks from the bar, when the come they like quite inoffensive. He leviates one over and offers one to Candraphon.

"Eaten any nice worlds restanily?"

He asks in his high fading in and out voice, Cronossuss always seems a little away with the fay. Too much smoking of herbal menthol cigars per chance. He becomes material just long enough to down the drink in one. Shudders, belches a rainbow to the sound of a trumpet, looks around as if seeing things that are not there, and then dematralaises once more.

"Not bad two more please"

Thinking of playing Fallen like a hippy that do so many Lucy in the sky with diamonds and never fully came back.

slight change

* Alignment: LG
* Race: Planer Elf
* Classes: Time Warden / Psion Uncarnate -Telepath
* Mythic: Overmind / Genius

Class:To be an Uncarnate, Which I really want to play, You have to be able to manifest powers, and as we seem to have a two other players applying with the Investigator class. Dropping Investigator for Psion makes mores sence.

Race: Felt Planner Elf felt like a better fit, And he is a gentle soul, a good guy so, LG Seems more inline with the build.

Presented Form
Cronossuss Fallen likes to keep well dressed, as he says, "you never known when you may be invited to a party". He is a shocking attractive elf, with white Hair, White pale skin and stange grey white eyes that seem to glitter. In the center of his forehead is a diamond gem, like a 3ed eye.

Fallen is very very old and at times Odd. He is caring, intelligent, charming, tactful and discreet. Fallen likes the company of others and will help anyone if they can, being kind by nature. He hates to harm others and will only kill if there is no other way. Fallen oddness comes from the face he can "sees" time, The pathways of reality. So he sometimes seems lost, seeing and talking about things that are not there.

As they are none add, CR Templates, I think everyone is just using the 20HD as CR20, so you would get CR31


Candraphon wrote:
The strange entity turns to regard Cronossuss, And people call me mad! it utters in an entirely deadpan voice.

haha, that he may seem, But I have a feeling we may start the game knowing each other as we are a team. And here is lies something that I have been thinking about. I have made my PC so that he can't really function without others to lock him into the here and now. And as a Time warden he has to sometimes do this that may seem evil. Like Ending a plane, because it's either going corrupt others, or become the start of time corruption. I am working on the ideal that there is a near infinite number of planes out there, from pocket dimensions to dream planes, Etc.

And there are times where he needs someone like Candraphon to pop in there and do the deed. Think the hard, cull the weeds. And this is where a mobility and vision come in. Local good, may not be global good.
Local evil may not be global evil. Intent evil/good and action evil/good not being the same. So I think Candraphon would be friends in an odd way.


Time Warden 1: “There is a corridor…
Time Warden 2 (telepathically): It can’t be explained to him.
Time Warden 1 (telepathically): It can, in a way. But not by you perhaps.
Time Warden1: …There is a corridor, and the corridor is Time. It surrounds all things, and it passes through all things. But you can’t see it. Only sometimes. And it’s dangerous.
Boy: This corridor…can you enter it?
Time Warden 1: No, not in the way you imagine it, you cannot enter into Time. But sometimes Time can try to enter into the present. Break in. Burst through and take things. Take people. The corridor is very strong, it has to be, but sometimes, in some places, it becomes weakened, like fabric, worn fabric, and when there is pressure put on the fabric…
Boy: Time comes in…
Time Warden 1: …Reaches in and takes out what it wants. And we think that Time has broken into that room. Broken through, and taken away your parents.

Time is like a progressing corridor, but there are weak spots where Time – implied to be a malignant force – can break into the present and take things. There are also creatures from the beginnings and ends of time that roam the corridor looking for the same weak spots to break through.

A Time Warden task it to find these weak places, branches and spots that can let outside things come in, old building full of old things. Places of massive plane braking energy discharge, Beings who play with forces they do not understand, letting outside things in. The Time Wardens are tasked with pushing whatever comes in back out again, and then fixing, repairing or removing the time breach so it doesn't happen again.

Cronossuss Fallen of Time, is a Time Warden, vested with powers and skills to protect timelines and planes themselves. He operates and follows a strict code, as do all Time Wardens. Braking of the code has only one punishment, the total eradication of the effender form all time lines. So he takes his responsibility very very seriously. The house of Fallen, has been Time Wardens for as long as there has been time. Each incarnation of the house offers one of its children for the transformation into a Time Warden. The houses Legendary item, the TIMES EYE is implanted into the forehead of selected child. This child then has a raised under the Times eyes tutelage. Transforming into a being that can walk the paths of time and space. They also learn what can and can not be done. But with such power comes a down side, seeing into posible planes at the same time, is always disoranting. It's hard to know which here and now one is in. So most Time Wardens work with others to help them keep grounded in the here and now.

Dr. Vulpiano Arvanxi, MD wrote:

I have decided to go with the Doctor archetype for the Scholar, and the Medicine Course of Study for the L. Investigator.

Thus, the new alias, as he's literally both, lol

However, he's also Lawful Evil(with the Spheres of Power Half-Fiend template) and a Yaksha, so he's also kind of a jerk about it all, lol

Every single one of you is dumber than he is(even if you also have a 40 Int, lol), and he won't be afraid to let you know it...

Oo I like this PC, I think Fallen would get along with him only.

Fallen is lawfull good.

Candraphon wrote:
Drinks for everyone, my treat, he says, turning to see who is left watching the performance.

Fallen looks at the world ending dark lord and says.

"You know in another timeline you're a 13 year old girl who calls herself Milli, rightnow she trying to show her drawing of a flower, all while her mother and father looks on proudly.I have to say the justapasion is quit jaring."

Then adds

"Yes Miss Milli its very nice. How about you show the others here."

I have the idea that when he sees other he sees their revised form. Kind of like Star wars visions of luke and Ray, good and evil in one vision,etc

Cool idea, darn that dyslexia

Josten Cailean wrote:

Weeelll! With all the additions I made to Josten character sheet today. I lost a lot of his other information due to space. So I will work on making a Google Doc to link all that missing info to Josten's character page. I've never had to split a online character page before due to lack of space.

Thanks everyone for your help in getting Josten correct.

Happened to me as well, :( Had to just put links in to things.

But Fallen of time is looking more and more fun to play,
I have was going big hitter show what I can do, but now going with
I think this is a call idea and as the GM said, this is the game to try out cool ideas.

Im going all in, replacing Psion with
Lord of Time - Time Warden, if your going to try something new, this is the game for it.

The being made of light, slaps his hands soundlessly looking at Josten Cailean, on the stage. Tuning to a fellow inext to him.

"I have to say Josten was really rather good."
Then he face fell.
"or was he?"
Looking a little upset now.

Two performances played out before him, one amazing the other not so.
Seeing time in this way is always so distracting for Cronossuss. Which one had been real?

That time seer template is great, really feels like Fallen, working on what I can do with it as a core. I love the idea he see the possibilities of time, but has a hard time working out where he is in the flow if it.

Fallen: "The red 47 sounds nice. I would love some"

Barman: "But I did not say anything."

Fallen: "Really, O dear, sorry I responded in the wrong reality"

He just does things that seem odd, then realising they were not meant for this 'here and now'. [Not crazy evil stuff], just odd things like being putting out a another dish thinking there is another person.



Android race + boon 6CR templates

Advanced-creature {CR1}

+BOON: God trait
Artificial Intelligence

+ adesdent psion.
always incorporeal

and no angels or demons in sight and they all fit him as a good peson made to be good

i like time-seer-creature{CR1} it fits his name

I agree Monkeygod, just feel some players with 30+ stats and saves in the 40's would for me be as a GM a challenge, trying very hard not to one shot kill players not CR Maxing. Our DM did hint and banning some templates but there are so many meant for monster-challengers in game and not really players use. It does feel like, all or nothing with them.

But you are still using them, try and compare your outcome to others and I think you will see why the powerlevel balance is off. I'm thinking of using a whole other PC, so I can get it to work, because she is Evil.

Monkeygod wrote:
Dang, we gots 3 potential angels?? And here I am, a Yaksha/Rakshasa, who will probably be evil, lol

Haha, What about we become Hells Angels, have Magic Motorbikes hehe.

But you have a point, Looking at templates BOON, I think it's so tempting, and if you take it, I think most will fall into 4 camps.

1: Undeadeded shadow/worm walking/vampre... 2: Fendi possessed 3: Angeli Possessed 4: Godzilla size stompers

SOOoooo, Im test not using it and take, Boon of the Well-Traveled Wanderer and Boon of the Apex Entity. And change my PCs race to Android, I want to see what the gap will be if you don't take CR6 templates

EDIT: Well I did and the gap is bad like really, really bad, 6CR of template levels with no level loss from PC is massive, Templtes just add so much, Immunities, Skill bonus, Stats getting close to max. Advanced alone is just 1CR and your getting +4 to all starts, +2 to all rolls. Any other way of getting that costs a lot. And you still have 5CR of templates left to play with. Without temples 6CR Template BOON your kind of much weaker.

Pasha of the Nightsands wrote:
@Cronossus Fallen of Time: I was looking over your character and saw that you took the Mighty template. That's one of the templates I'm banning, so there needs to be some changes on that front. Be sure to clear templates with me unless I've already ruled on them elsewhere so there's no confusion.

Arr. Oke-doky GM, not a problem. I will have a look and see what I can do with others, truth is could be more fun this way. :)

On the vine of him being a good guy, would you allow, Sending PM GM, :)
Im thinking of changing his race to Aasimar, now I just keep having the urge to make him into an Angel. In fact looking at the setting, I could redesign Cronossus Fallen as an Aasimar/Half Celestial Angel Temple its really very appealing.

I am running QT to see I have not messed up, But Cronosuss Fallen is mostily done.

Originally an Androffa'on experiment, once he learned how to planes travel he has spent a long time learning and evioliving himself. He is good, and will try and do good deeds where he can. Elan Ascendant Pison, , legendary Investigator / Overmind Genius,
Core roll a Fixer, Pison powers, tech skills, lots of skills, Telepathic group hub. He can hit hard when he needs to, heal and protect.
If you fail a save he can jump in and give you a second chance.

In personality he is low key, being human/elf looking.
And likes to think his way out of things. He was design to be the perfect tool/being. But he doesn't think he is, his is humble and knows there is no such thing as perfection. he is kind and respectful of others. No matter rank, class or race. He dose not like weapons and carries none, or in fact armor. His only companion the tiny Psicrystal Alrzion.

I know other players will make Beasts of builds, I had a core idea of what Fallen would be and kept to that.

I will expand his backstory and link him into the group GM

New background,
Making Fallen male feels better.
IMAGE MALE Cronossuss Fallen

Fallen was activated by the planet Androffa, tasked with protection of its people and reality from the destructive forces. Which he did up until the great war. Made to be the pinnacle of Psionic and technological invention he form follows function. He was gifted with powers and abilities beyond any norm. After the great war, Fallen went searching for the lost generation ship Divinity. but was unable to find it. How ever he did discovering a means to travel to other planes. Where he worked with a number of organisations on his prime directive. Protect the people and reality from the destructive forces.

He likes cats, fav color is Electric blue, thinks 8 is a lucky number, does not like the smell of Cheese, Will always try and help a child in trouble, no matter the race. Does not like slavery and thinks its an abhorrent practice. Most of all he always tries to Stands for all that is good and true.

Monkeygod wrote:
How ya guys gettin such high ability scores?? Best I can *maybe* pull off is a 29 for Int. That's starting with a 16(no templates or racial bonuses, yet). Did ya'll drop some stats super low to gain more starting point buy??

Hi Monkeygod this is how I got 1 to 40

Used the Advanced {CR1} and Mighty {CR5} Templates
So AI Boon sets my PCs Int to 19 {I could add points to this but I will not as I don't think it is meant to be used like that, ity just sets it to 19}
Then spending points 35 gets me
SRT 11 [01p]
DEX 14 [05p
CON 13 [03p]
INT 19
WIS 17 [13p]
CHA 17 [13p]

Now add,
Race add +2 to int.
Age adds +3 to Int/Wis/Cha
APB gives +6+4+2 Physical states
APB gives +6+4+2 Metel states [You don't get any more than that as Legendary gifts ruled out in Game OP]
+7 from levels
The +8 in 4+2 Capstone.
Mighty {CR5} Template {note I only used 1 template that adds to states,
Felt off having ones that stack. And Mighty is on its own adding +4, And my idea is she is a Psionic construct, someone sort to make a perfect being. So having other odd templates like Undead doesn't fit that. Advanced then pushing the design to Mighty feel more like what a tech race would do.}
Leaving when used to give my PC


Hope that helps

Legendary Investigator L20 + Ascendant-Psion - L20 Overmind T1 / Mythic Genius T1 [LG]

Im thinking that Cronossus Fallen
Is an Androffa Tech Advanced Ascended Elan
Made by her creators to be the perfect being.
AI mind, in an Elan body, with skills and powers
She is 100% artificial.

Why going the group, because its what she was designed for.
To Protect and surve, all the way.

Seems my Dyslexia is getting the better of me again, Sorry GM, I keep missing things.

"I will not allow custom races whatsoever and I'm standing firm on that."

Thanks Andrew missed that.

Just seen the leadership ban so forget that last one.

Hi GM I think you missed my questions

Question GM: Dose these CR templates take 6 levels from one side of the Gestalt?
Question GM:Is Age and 20th level Capstones allowed?
Question GM:Also I will not need it but I bet some one will ask about race builder.
Is that allowed?
Question GM: Last of all, I have a PC build of Fallen with a Million followers, I am not joking, would that be allowed?

im happy with @name

Change of plan Ascendant is not a Archetype, so going with.

Boon of the Evolution's Chosen: Some circumstance in life has altered your very being in a fundamental way that sets you apart from normal beings of your species. As a result, you or a companion you gain from a class feature gain a number of templates of your choice less than or equal to a total CR value of +6. These must be cleared with the GM, who has the right to deny or alter any that they feel do not suit the game. You may take this boon more than once, but this new set of templates cannot be added to the same being.

Question GM: Dose these CR templates take 6 levels from one side of the Gestalt?

The idea is she is an AI placed in an Elan body, both of which are manufactured. Weather in the far past or far future. And now lives in Sigil

As she is a Dreamscarred Psionic Elan {Ascendant} Psion and Legendary Investigator, working with Psionics/Magic transparency I think she will work well and with High Psionics should be a few with the same powers.

Question GM:
Is Age and 20th level Capstones allowed?
Also I will not need it but I bet some one will ask about race builder.

Going with, Elan Psion
Cronossuss Fallen of Time [The Mythic Elan]

Fallen IMAGE [CG]

Cronossuss Fallen is a being out of time, she has no idea how she got where is is not, nor dose she have any memory before being here. what she dose have a a mind and body beyond the normal. She learns information at and incredible rate. And makes leaps of deduction others find astounding. Power of reality comes from this mind, able to shape and alter matter and Energy. Who made her, why she is as she is, she doesn't know. So she has set out to find out.

Legendary Investigator L20 + Ascendant-Psion - L20 Mythic-Overmind T1 MarshalT1

BOONS Ascendant
Boon of the Well-Traveled Wanderer: You have occupied many roles during your life and picked up many abilities and tricks during this time that would fall outside of a normal adventurer's purview as a result. This is represented by you gaining the class features of ten prestige class levels. These effective 'levels' worth of abilities can be mixed and matched as you see fit and you do not need to meet most qualifications unless they require continued devotion to a deity, one of the Parities, or a particular alignment. Note that this boon only grants the class features and none of the other things a normal prestige class could grant: HD, BAB, saves, skill points, spell/power progression, etc. Taking this boon twice grants you an additional ten levels of prestige class features.

Boon of the Apex Entity: {Artificial Intelligence}
You were either born as an apex being of your kind or became such somewhere along the way. This grants you the one of the basic Universal Deific Spheres suited to your character's themes and two talents that from that sphere. Taking this boon twice grants you three additional talents from that sphere. The GM can veto or alter any talents that do not suit the game as-written.

Artificial Intelligence:

Artificial Intelligence
Basic Power: You are an incredibly intelligent artificial intelligence. Your base Intelligence becomes 19 (or increases by +4 if your base Intelligence is already 19 or higher). All Intelligence-based skills are always Class Skills for you, and you gain an additional +3 untyped bonus to those skills the first time you invest a skill point in them.

When you first gain a Deific AI Talent, choose an AI Origin that represents the way you were made. This may be Divine, Magical, Technological, or a Hybrid. This choice will affect many of your Deific AI Talents because you are not necessarily compatible with other types of powers.

As a move action, you can wirelessly transport yourself into a new body capable of housing your mind as long as that body is within sight. The GM determines what sort of body can house your mind. In general, however, you can possess any body similar to your previous form and that it makes sense for you to inhabit. For example, a technological AI can usually inhabit computers, while a magical AI can often inhabit golem bodies or anything powered by an elemental. Divine AIs can always inhabit holy symbols of the deity that created them, and usually possess construct bodies marked with that symbol. Divine AIs may also be allowed to inhabit holy symbols of deities friendly to theirs. (Good deities are typically friendly enough and willing to help each other.)

Backup Body: You may create a backup body capable of housing your mind in no more than 24 hours of work. This body must be appropriate for your AI Origin. At any time, you may transfer to your backup body as an immediate action if you have a physical connection, but it takes 5 minutes if you're doing it remotely. Backup bodies are created with systems specifically attuned to you, allowing you to pinpoint them from any location (even on other planes). You may only have one Backup Body at a time.

Control The Network
Any device visible to you that's compatible with your AI Origin is susceptible to your commands, and you may control it as a Move Action as if you were physically next to it. For example, a Technological AI can remotely interface with computers, while a Divine AI can interact with a holy ward.

Data Gathering
As a standard action, you may answer any question that can be answered by careful study of a database you currently have access to that matches your AI Origin. For example, a Divine AI may search a repository of knowledge in a temple, while a Technological AI may scan a central bank of information on a space station. You can access this information regardless of the security on the information.

Flawless Computing
As a standard action, you may spend a spell point or expend your martial focus and predict an event that will occur within the current encounter. If the event is not wholly implausible, it will happen more-or-less as you predict (though minor details may differ). If the event includes the involvement of people with equal to or more hit dice than you, they get a Will Save to negate it. You may only perform this calculation once per encounter.

Pulse Of The Network
You have constant access to all systems appropriate for your AI Origin within 100 miles, and can instinctively locate each system. Your communication speed is so fast that you are treated as physically connected to all of these places.

Targeting Plan
You have a deep understanding of your origin. Attacks you make against enemies matching your AI Origin (such as fiendish outsiders for a Divine AI associated with a good deity or an enemy android for a Technological AI) who have fewer hit dice than you always hit. You may still roll a d20 when attacking to see if your attack is a critical hit. If the relevant enemy has equal to or more hit dice than you, you gain a +4 bonus to your attack rolls.

Upgraded Body
You've learned how to upgrade your physical form. You gain a permanent flight speed (magical if your AI Origin is Divine or Magical, mundane if your AI Origin is Technological) with perfect maneuverability equal to your normal land speed, a highly advanced toolkit that you can turn into any tool required for a skill check as a move action, and a +4 bonus to a physical abiltiy score.

War Machine
Your body is built for conflict. You gain a +5 bonus to your Natural Armor, DR/Epic equal to your Character Level, and halve all Energy Damage caused by non-environmental sources.

We Are The Legion
As a standard action, you may spend a spell point or expend your martial focus to splinter your awareness into thousands of subsidiary foci, monitoring separate locations and inhabiting any body you currently have a way to access. For example, a Magical AI could inhabit an army of golem bodies, while a Technological AI may inhabit every computer on a space station. You cannot inhabit bodies that have not been compromised by your previous presence or set up to be accessed by you. Specifically controlling any given body requires a full-round action, though it's often possible for one command to direct large numbers of automated effects. While this power is active, your mind cannot be read and you are immune to mind-affecting effects.

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Fallen Test roll play:

Fallen has been wounding the great north woods for a few years now, exploring and seeing the life there. Today she was flying along with her tow compilation Psycritals, having taken the form of one hers when they heard the sound. The Barking of colbolds , a child crying of a child. Fallen chanced cause and ship, taking on the form of small female elf in winter clothing. She gestured for her competitions with Drow sign language to hid in the trees. Then she walks to the sounds.


She came to a clearing where overturned cart could be seen, a few human bodies lay on the snow red stained snow. Dead from wounds inflected by the band of kobolds now ransacking the cart. A small human female child was kneeling next to what Fallen guest must be her mother or sister.
Crying over the dead. The kobolds not bothering with her while they hunted for loot. Fallen moved to the child soundlessly. As her shadow cross the kid it looked up at Fallen and wailed.

"She want get up, mummy wont get up."

Fallen reached out her mind to the child's and read the grief and pain there past it to the ambush that afternoon. Flashes of images, of the attack. Fallen held out her hand and one of her tattoos lit up family. A large box came into being, and the girls mothers body lifted off the snow and into the box. The child's looked shocked, warrid and moved as if to follow her mother into the chest. But before it she could it was gone, Fallen held out both hands, and indicated the child should come into them as a gesture, sending images of a Temple, A priest and the spell he could cast to being her mother back to life. The child understood at once, they always did, she went to hold Fallens hands when and arrow shot bast them both. It seems the kobolds has at last noticed them. And this new intruder was not welcome. Fallon ignored them as she picked the using her telekinesis, smiling at the child and holding her tight. Then Fallen turned face the kobolds. As the jumped off the wagon and came at her. FAllen shifted that past of the mind to be the other self. Doing so, so that child could not see.

Intimidation 78+4d8 ⇒ (8, 3, 6, 6) = 23 Take best 2 = 92

And they stopped, Fallen could see the snow under them change color becoming yellow form what was running down their legs. then they ran, running into the woods to fallens competitions. Fallen waited as one by one their screams cut off sharily. Then the two competitions came to join Fallen and the child. There was a shimmer in the air, and they all of them where gone. To a temple somewhere warmer.

So thats how Fallen works, Fallen took the Oath of Silence, using sign language and non verbal telepathy to communication. Her two Cohort Psicrystals can at a push also interpret for FAllen if needs be. Fallen is also incorporeal and uses at will telekinesis to interact with the world and mimit substance with Internal armor, being a force field around her incorporeal, What role is Fallen, well none, Fallen dose not fit a roll as such, Fallen just has about everything most PCs don't concentrate on. A pc that can make a realy good cup of tea, talk to you about most everything and is good with kids. Fallen is an odd-ball PC that I just thought would be fun to make and play.

just a post to be on this page o and almost done :)

Sir Longears, +2 to four scores, seems fair, Ill try it and see what pops out.

Its an odd one, as you have Multi hits say for a monk, could be that +4/+4 on your unarmed attacks, ?

Ouachitonian wrote:

The first post says that capstones are allowed.

Fortuitously, I was just going to ask about that. There's been some suggestion that our PCs are veterans of one or another AP. If I take the With This Sword capstone:

Is this that brakes things

Perfect Body, Flawless Mind (Ex)
At 20th level, the character’s endless training and study has resulted in an unmatched mastery of the self. The character increases her ability scores by a collective total of 8. For example, she can increase one score by 8, or one score by 5 and another by 3, or four scores by 2, and so on. Characters of any class can select this ability.

That is +8 on Key ability, which with the build rules will have will have that ability bonus added to To-hit, Saves, AC, and so on. Its not that hard and that PC will have a +8 bonus, we still have Benchmarking to limit but still. It's a big add for one sides capstone.

I dont think we allowing capstone benefit or the Boons from Oaths that up states or in fact Class Bonuses, I think with benchmarking,
I could have taken 2 more in from Investigator at Level 20, but nope.
Not going that way, not in good spirit.

2x Level IE any stat at 40 should be the very Max, or we will get some mad builds and we will defeat what we set out to do,

INT[40][+15][Base 17][13p buy][Race+4][Levels+5][+3Age][ABP Legendary Mind APB+6][ABP+5Alt Reality/Wish IE inherent]

Are we saying that even with Race bonus, Max starting Stat before level/ABP and age is 18?

Also I am working with Psionics–Magic Transparency So Anti magic field would effect psionics just as they do magics.

If This is the case then there is a very good argument to have a none magic/psionic class on one side of our builds.

I bags Langandry Gunslinger-Investigator

Asking what is the max stat with Benchmarks is I have int at 40 and was wondering if it should be 36?

Have to say this is the most fun I have had making a PC in ages.
Thank you Voice of Awesomeness, this is the best Online Xmass Present
Now going to spend hours over xmass playing with this biuld.


Fallens back story.

Another image of Fallen here

Fallen doesn't know how/when they became a Elan, or who/what they were before the moment they work up a long time ago in a whole in the desert. Fallen form above the locals said. Back then the world was much more simpler as it is now. Things change slower, and if they said you fell from the sky, and no one asks more. Fallen found things to do, worked the land, subjugated monsters, was a slave for a time, A cook, an officer, A traveling Merchant, a sailor of the seas, a ruler of land, and many more lives lived. But always Fallen moved on. Over that time Fallen learned what they was capable of, and that they had a dual nature, A light and a dark side, locking it away until it was needed, learned to keep the light side facing the world. Fallen kept away from the limelight, letting others take credit for Fallens Deeds. Learned that fame or fortune had down sides. And kept at being a wanderer. Love interests fade as other grow old and passed, but Fallen knows a few immortals, who act as like Islands of stability and what seems to Fallen an ever faster changing world. But even with wondering and hiding away, Fallen over time gained a title, Cronossuss' they called Fallen when back at a place long ago visited. Later added 'Fallen of Time', A joke on Falens real name that stuck. So that is Fallen now, 'Cronossuss' fallen of time. Who walks the world.

I added in that Fallen would know other Immortals, and come on if your level 20 Legendary, Fallens would have meet you I feel at least once or know you well, over the many years of meetings, may even have stayed with you for a bit, but always Fallen will move on.

Fallens is a oddity, having arrived with the Falling Starts event, that brought the Andorians and Androids etc. But Fallens may be older than that but dose not remember.

Party roll, I have delibility NOT made Fallen a hard hitter, Fallen is all the other stuff, Skills and traps, manipulation of others, PCs at this level tend to be one PC armys who do it all, but I felt I wanted a roll for Fallen

I found a really nice image of FALLEN my pc offering

FALLEN Image here

And she looks like that, no weapons not Armor, just a nobles clothing and a long black coat. No harm at all to anyone.

But then she looks at you, SHE LOOKS AT YOU, and somehow your may not be that sore anymore she is as harmless as she looks. You may want to break eye contact with her, with a possible uneasy feeling something is very very off.


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