Lamontius |
6 people marked this as a favorite. |

step A: acquire a date
step 2: confirm you have the correct date: the food, not a potential relationship partner, though to each their own you filthy animals
step D: stuff date with goat cheese
step 4: wrapped stuffed date in bacon
step 5: repeat with each date
step 5: bake 5 minutes
dubstep 6: rotate dates
step 7: bake 5 more minutes or until bacon is crispy
step 8: let them sit for a few minutes on a paper towel
step $: consume them like locusts falling upon a bountiful harvest
step 10: loathe yourself when you wake up from your blissful food coma

Ambrosia Slaad |

gary: "this ship is powered by handwavery, but that much is going to cause a containment breach!!"
OK, now I'm picturing Mr. Scott and the entire Engineering crew performing some mathematically-choreographed Bob Fosse + Martha Graham routine with lots of jazz hands to stabilize the handwavium crystals.

Ross Byers RPG Superstar 2008 Top 32 |

christopher: Sorry, I had to use parts from the core ejector to fix the coffee machine.
Now all I can think of is the scene in Mote in God's Eye where the engineer uses parts of the coffee machine to replace a broken bit of the ship after a firefight, and it warned the crew may mutiny if he doesn't get them coffee.

SnowJade |

step A: acquire a date
step 2: confirm you have the correct date: the food, not a potential relationship partner, though to each their own you filthy animals
step D: stuff date with goat cheese
step 4: wrapped stuffed date in bacon
step 5: repeat with each date
step 5: bake 5 minutes
dubstep 6: rotate dates
step 7: bake 5 more minutes or until bacon is crispy
step 8: let them sit for a few minutes on a paper towel
step $: consume them like locusts falling upon a bountiful harvest
step 10: loathe yourself when you wake up from your blissful food coma
Bake at what temperature?

Lamontius |
1 person marked this as a favorite. |

Lamontius wrote:Bake at what temperature?step A: acquire a date
step 2: confirm you have the correct date: the food, not a potential relationship partner, though to each their own you filthy animals
step D: stuff date with goat cheese
step 4: wrapped stuffed date in bacon
step 5: repeat with each date
step 5: bake 5 minutes
dubstep 6: rotate dates
step 7: bake 5 more minutes or until bacon is crispy
step 8: let them sit for a few minutes on a paper towel
step $: consume them like locusts falling upon a bountiful harvest
step 10: loathe yourself when you wake up from your blissful food coma
400 degrees if you are using actual dates, I don't know the temperature for the alternative

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SnowJade wrote:400 degrees if you are using actual dates, I don't know the temperature for the alternativeLamontius wrote:Bake at what temperature?step A: acquire a date
step 2: confirm you have the correct date: the food, not a potential relationship partner, though to each their own you filthy animals
step D: stuff date with goat cheese
step 4: wrapped stuffed date in bacon
step 5: repeat with each date
step 5: bake 5 minutes
dubstep 6: rotate dates
step 7: bake 5 more minutes or until bacon is crispy
step 8: let them sit for a few minutes on a paper towel
step $: consume them like locusts falling upon a bountiful harvest
step 10: loathe yourself when you wake up from your blissful food coma
Do you need to vary the temperature if your date is a Tuesday rather than a Wednesday? or only by month? Do Mondays require walnuts?

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Crystal: Why is there blood on my Wacom tablet?
Someone was signing an infernal electronic contract?
Edit: Don't they do those over at Goblinworks? I mean, as long as the writing is stealing your words, might as well take your soul as well.

Tirisfal |

Jessica Price wrote:Wes: That's how you get crotch locusts."So you see, Officer, that's why I'm smearing my groin with honey - I'm making a trap for Prophets"
** spoiler omitted **
Blame sleep deprivation, or perhaps mild concussion
I'm suddenly and horrifyingly reminded of Laughing Target D:

Kajehase |

Jessica Price wrote:Wes: That's how you get crotch locusts."So you see, Officer, that's why I'm smearing my groin with honey - I'm making a trap for Prophets"
** spoiler omitted **
Blame sleep deprivation, or perhaps mild concussion
Certsinly a novel way of girding one's loins.

Ross Byers RPG Superstar 2008 Top 32 |
1 person marked this as a favorite. |

money chris: ...Well, if we're ordering up clones from the factory...
money chris: two pleasecosmo: submits a ticket to add “Cloning Functionality” to software.
money chris: I think you're more likely to get a murder ray out of Christopher
Those are kind of opposites. Cloning makes more of a person, murder makes less.

Tels |
1 person marked this as a favorite. |

Sara Marie wrote:Those are kind of opposites. Cloning makes more of a person, murder makes less.money chris: ...Well, if we're ordering up clones from the factory...
money chris: two pleasecosmo: submits a ticket to add “Cloning Functionality” to software.
money chris: I think you're more likely to get a murder ray out of Christopher
You need murder ray to ensure the Cosmo Clones don't get out of hand. Smart people would build the murder ray first, so you never have the problem in the first place.

![]() |
5 people marked this as a favorite. |

money chris: ...Well, if we're ordering up clones from the factory...
money chris: two pleasecosmo: submits a ticket to add “Cloning Functionality” to software.
money chris: I think you're more likely to get a murder ray out of Christopher
Murder rays require Hellstone and the last time I hiked down to pick some up, Asmodeus kept calling me for weeks. Dude is seriously needy.

Sparrow Jailbird |

Sara Marie wrote:Murder rays require Hellstone and the last time I hiked down to pick some up, Asmodeus kept calling me for weeks. Dude is seriously needy.money chris: ...Well, if we're ordering up clones from the factory...
money chris: two pleasecosmo: submits a ticket to add “Cloning Functionality” to software.
money chris: I think you're more likely to get a murder ray out of Christopher
Might know a guy who can get ya what ya need without the complications. If I don't, I def'nitly know a guy who knows a guy.