I ♥ Sith

Off-Topic Discussions

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I'm still laughing about Thac0 Bell.

Darth Thac0bama wrote:
Luke, I am your president.

N00000...that's unpossible!

Clearly I'm the best out of all of you.

Spanky the Leprechaun wrote:
Matthew Morris wrote:

I just hate Sith that take levels in bard...

** spoiler omitted **
Darth Behemoth

I'm impressed, Spanky. I approve of this.

recognizes a foul stench as he is brought onboard

*begins spinning around the curtained room with a broomstick taped to two flashlights, humming the theme from Phantom Menace*

considers biting someone so we can rule the galaxy as Father and Spawn

Darth Zombeh wrote:
considers biting someone so we can rule the galaxy as Father and Spawn

Does anyone still read spawn? God, what a whiney, emo, jerk. Plus, lightsabers are much cooler than a cape full of chains.

Plus, his movie SUCKED!

So this is where all the cool people hang out...

*starts tuning his mandolin*

Darth Tyler Do'urden: Fanboy wrote:
Darth Zombeh wrote:
considers biting someone so we can rule the galaxy as Father and Spawn

Does anyone still read spawn? God, what a whiney, emo, jerk. Plus, lightsabers are much cooler than a cape full of chains.

Plus, his movie SUCKED!

My movies, they shall RULE the galaxy.

There is only One sith.

does not recall anyone named Darth One

I'm only called Darth one when I wear the respirator

no longer needs to breath, menacingly or otherwise

Before the Darth, they went by...."Pier"...


The ranks of the Sith grow as does my hunger for roast beef!!!

looks at Darth Viscoun
Ummm is that an anti-scratch collar...?

Like a bridge over troubled water...

Would that be the 69th st bridge?


Dark Archive

is gonna forcechoke a b*~+&

Dark Archive

~comes in bearing the crispy bodies of several Jedi~ Their force powers were too strong, so I fried their asses. It is so much fun being able to breath fire.

None of you are better than me, I am the best out of all of you.

Dark Archive

Darth Malice wrote:
None of you are better than me, I am the best out of all of you.

~snickers~ Yea, right Darth Dorkus!

shuffles menacingly

Darth Zombeh wrote:
shuffles menacingly

flaps menacingly

Doggy Door of Doom wrote:
Darth Zombeh wrote:
shuffles menacingly
flaps menacingly

sings menacingly

That's music to my ears.

ear falls off

Heya, did you guys here that they're gonna put Chewbacca in the Clone Wars finally? Shuh, why do they, like, even bother. Wookiees can't even be Jedi, therefore they can't be Sith, therefore they're not cool.

QED b+&#&es!

Matthew Morris wrote:

I still hold that the reason the Sith fought the Jedi was to eliminate the competition.


  • abducted force sensative children and made them cut off all contact from their family.
  • Used mind control when diplomacy failed
  • Lied, cheated, stole.
  • Apparently had a cut off age, but never explained what happened to other children who were too old.
  • Served as judge, jury, and executioner.
    And that's just in the prequels.
  • And don't forget...

    Never kill...but it is ok to main somebody and let them continue to live in agony...or get corrupting cybernetics....but Don't kill people.

    Who ever said the jedi are good lied...they are more neutral...if not evil in their own right.

    Jedi can't be evil! That's our baliwick!

    Darth Zombeh wrote:
    Jedi can't be evil! That's our baliwick!

    Evil is like Stupid: there's plenty to go around for everyone.

    Tira'Mari-Sue Tyler-D'oh!Durden wrote:
    Darth Zombeh wrote:
    Jedi can't be evil! That's our baliwick!
    Evil is like Stupid: there's plenty to go around for everyone.

    You seem to be familiar with this concept. Do you have any literature I could pass out?

    Darth Zombeh wrote:
    Tira'Mari-Sue Tyler-D'oh!Durden wrote:
    Darth Zombeh wrote:
    Jedi can't be evil! That's our baliwick!
    Evil is like Stupid: there's plenty to go around for everyone.
    You seem to be familiar with this concept. Do you have any literature I could pass out?

    {drools with glassy-eyed gaze} Durrrrrrrrrrr?

    Still, wookiees are cooler than ewoks.

    Darth Mao wrote:
    Still, wookiees are cooler than ewoks.

    But they take three times as long to marinade, and even then are not as tasty when slow-BBQed.

    Darth Mao wrote:
    Still, wookiees are cooler than ewoks.

    Everything's better with wookies!

    Is this the Star Wars convention? I need to get Jar Jar's autograph!

    Another Dang Hippeh wrote:
    Is this the Star Wars convention? I need to get Jar Jar's autograph!

    Force chokes

    Star Wars fans isa da craziest peeples!

    Darth Zombeh wrote:
    Another Dang Hippeh wrote:
    Is this the Star Wars convention? I need to get Jar Jar's autograph!
    Force chokes

    URGHK! Phantom... Menace... was awesome... {dies}

    Har Har Dinks wrote:
    Star Wars fans isa da craziest peeples!

    even more Force chokes

    Darth Zombeh wrote:
    Another Dang Hippeh wrote:
    Is this the Star Wars convention? I need to get Jar Jar's autograph!
    Force chokes

    IT'S A TR- Oh, never mind.


    I'm still trying to learn force lightning. I tried so hard last night I s@!&... I mean nearly s@#& in my pants.

    Yeah, that's the ticket.

    You know what true Sith need? More cussing. They don't cuss enough. Darth Maul's original text was nothing but a string of profanities that ended up getting cut from the Phantom Menace.

    I know it's true. Lucas came to my high school and told me.

    Darth Tyler Do'urden: Fanboy wrote:

    I'm still trying to learn force lightning. I tried so hard last night I s$#@... I mean nearly s+$* in my pants.

    Yeah, that's the ticket.

    You know what true Sith need? More cussing. They don't cuss enough. Darth Maul's original text was nothing but a string of profanities that ended up getting cut from the Phantom Menace.

    I know it's true. Lucas came to my high school and told me.

    That is utter and total b&^^%#!!

    Darth Knight wrote:
    Darth Tyler Do'urden: Fanboy wrote:

    I'm still trying to learn force lightning. I tried so hard last night I s$#@... I mean nearly s+$* in my pants.

    Yeah, that's the ticket.

    You know what true Sith need? More cussing. They don't cuss enough. Darth Maul's original text was nothing but a string of profanities that ended up getting cut from the Phantom Menace.

    I know it's true. Lucas came to my high school and told me.

    That is utter and total b&^^%#!!


    I wonder if anyone else sees the irony in this back-and-forth

    Darth Tyler Do'urden: Fanboy wrote:
    Darth Knight wrote:
    Darth Tyler Do'urden: Fanboy wrote:

    I'm still trying to learn force lightning. I tried so hard last night I s$#@... I mean nearly s+$* in my pants.

    Yeah, that's the ticket.

    You know what true Sith need? More cussing. They don't cuss enough. Darth Maul's original text was nothing but a string of profanities that ended up getting cut from the Phantom Menace.

    I know it's true. Lucas came to my high school and told me.

    That is utter and total b&^^%#!!


    I wonder if anyone else sees the irony in this back-and-forth

    Muther f&^#%%$ F#$^$#, and your little dog too!!

    Darth Knight wrote:
    Darth Tyler Do'urden: Fanboy wrote:
    Darth Knight wrote:
    Darth Tyler Do'urden: Fanboy wrote:

    I'm still trying to learn force lightning. I tried so hard last night I s$#@... I mean nearly s+$* in my pants.

    Yeah, that's the ticket.

    You know what true Sith need? More cussing. They don't cuss enough. Darth Maul's original text was nothing but a string of profanities that ended up getting cut from the Phantom Menace.

    I know it's true. Lucas came to my high school and told me.

    That is utter and total b&^^%#!!


    I wonder if anyone else sees the irony in this back-and-forth

    Muther f&^#%%$ F#$^$#, and your little dog too!!

    Damn, you sound just like Nicole Richie!

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