Allevrah Azrinae

Darth Tyler Do'urden: Fanboy's page

35 posts. Alias of Studpuffin.


I find your lack of Philosophy disturbing.

And slightly erotic. ;)

Somewhere, this thread turned chaotic evil.

bugleyman wrote:
ghettowedge wrote:
bugleyman wrote:
KaeYoss wrote:
If I were the betting type, I'd have money on either this GenCon or the next for their big announcement.
My money is (and has been) on this GenCon. I thought the writing was on the wall as soon as the release schedule dried up.
Dried up?

While kind, I am afraid I must pass on your offer of an edition war. ;)

Do it for old time's sake. :P

Besides, if it's 5e the addition wars shall start anew!!!

*stokes flames*

I'm cool, uhuhuhuhuhuhuhuh.

Madclaw wrote:
Studpuffin wrote:
2nd Rule of Edition Wars: There can be only one!
But I thought there could only be two?

Did you see a second highlander movie? No! It was Highlander, then Highlander: the Final Dimension. There was no second movie.

{Force irresistable force}

Force Nut-Tapping

*spins around, making buzzing- and whooshing-sounds*

Darth Knight wrote:
Darth Tyler Do'urden: Fanboy wrote:
Darth Malice wrote:
You probably should all start bowing down to my magnificance.
I'm constantly bowed down due to my magnificence.
Here I just thought you kept dropping the soap all the time.

It is slippery... wait a second!!!

Darth Malice wrote:
You probably should all start bowing down to my magnificance.

I'm constantly bowed down due to my magnificence.

Darth Draconis wrote:
Darth Barbie!!1! wrote:

Girls can be Sith Lords, too!

*ignites pink lightsaber*

Bzzzzzzzzzz! Whoooozzzzh!

~force chokes the bimbo~

Back off my kool-aid!

*force slams DD's nethers*

Darth Zombeh wrote:
Force Choke III: This Time, It's Personal

Charles Bronson is a lithuanian-tartar! That's so cool. Darth Bronson would be an awesome name for a Sith.

Darth Knight wrote:
Darth Tyler Do'urden: Fanboy wrote:
Darth Knight wrote:
Darth Tyler Do'urden: Fanboy wrote:
Darth Knight wrote:
Darth Tyler Do'urden: Fanboy wrote:

I'm still trying to learn force lightning. I tried so hard last night I s$#@... I mean nearly s+$* in my pants.

Yeah, that's the ticket.

You know what true Sith need? More cussing. They don't cuss enough. Darth Maul's original text was nothing but a string of profanities that ended up getting cut from the Phantom Menace.

I know it's true. Lucas came to my high school and told me.

That is utter and total b&^^%#!!


I wonder if anyone else sees the irony in this back-and-forth

Muther f&^#%%$ F#$^$#, and your little dog too!!
Damn, you sound just like Nicole Richie!
She got married she isn't Nichole fr#^%ing Ritchie anymore.

Oh, congratulations... Nicole. How is Paris? Did she evolve into Parasect yet?

Darth Knight wrote:
Darth Tyler Do'urden: Fanboy wrote:
Darth Knight wrote:
Darth Tyler Do'urden: Fanboy wrote:

I'm still trying to learn force lightning. I tried so hard last night I s$#@... I mean nearly s+$* in my pants.

Yeah, that's the ticket.

You know what true Sith need? More cussing. They don't cuss enough. Darth Maul's original text was nothing but a string of profanities that ended up getting cut from the Phantom Menace.

I know it's true. Lucas came to my high school and told me.

That is utter and total b&^^%#!!


I wonder if anyone else sees the irony in this back-and-forth

Muther f&^#%%$ F#$^$#, and your little dog too!!

Damn, you sound just like Nicole Richie!

Darth Knight wrote:
Darth Tyler Do'urden: Fanboy wrote:

I'm still trying to learn force lightning. I tried so hard last night I s$#@... I mean nearly s+$* in my pants.

Yeah, that's the ticket.

You know what true Sith need? More cussing. They don't cuss enough. Darth Maul's original text was nothing but a string of profanities that ended up getting cut from the Phantom Menace.

I know it's true. Lucas came to my high school and told me.

That is utter and total b&^^%#!!


I wonder if anyone else sees the irony in this back-and-forth

I'm still trying to learn force lightning. I tried so hard last night I s@&$... I mean nearly s$#% in my pants.

Yeah, that's the ticket.

You know what true Sith need? More cussing. They don't cuss enough. Darth Maul's original text was nothing but a string of profanities that ended up getting cut from the Phantom Menace.

I know it's true. Lucas came to my high school and told me.

Heya, did you guys here that they're gonna put Chewbacca in the Clone Wars finally? Shuh, why do they, like, even bother. Wookiees can't even be Jedi, therefore they can't be Sith, therefore they're not cool.

QED b+$&%es!

Darth Zombeh wrote:
considers biting someone so we can rule the galaxy as Father and Spawn

Does anyone still read spawn? God, what a whiney, emo, jerk. Plus, lightsabers are much cooler than a cape full of chains.

Plus, his movie SUCKED!

*begins spinning around the curtained room with a broomstick taped to two flashlights, humming the theme from Phantom Menace*


Darth Lister wrote:
Sooch a smeg!

That's vile. I love it!

Ambrosia Slaad wrote:
Bruunwald wrote:
Henceforth, I shall be known as... Darth... Zeppelin!
Oh the Humanity!


Tira'Mari-Sue Tyler-D'oh!Durden wrote:
Darth Tyler Do'urden: Fanboy wrote:
KaeYoss wrote:
Bah. Sith. Bunch of losers. They're the 13-year-old counter-strike players of the Star Wars universe. "Look at me, I have a scary name! I have this RED lightsabre. It's totally red! And I totally cheat with those Jedi rules. HAHA! Fear me! Please! I'll be your friend!"
Says the guy with the clown avatar on the roleplaying website. That's just Age-ist propaganda!

Is this where they're holding the Tyler-D'oh!Durden family reunion?

WHY WON'T SOMEONE TELL ME WH- oh yeah, First Rule... keep forgetting

That, and I'm Grandma's favorite. Nyah nyah!

KaeYoss wrote:
Bah. Sith. Bunch of losers. They're the 13-year-old counter-strike players of the Star Wars universe. "Look at me, I have a scary name! I have this RED lightsabre. It's totally red! And I totally cheat with those Jedi rules. HAHA! Fear me! Please! I'll be your friend!"

Says the guy with the clown avatar on the roleplaying website. That's just Age-ist propaganda!

CourtFool wrote:

This thread violates rule number one and two.

I find your lack of faith disturbing.

You would!

Wet Blanket wrote:
Darth Tyler Do'urden: Fanboy wrote:
Wet Blanket wrote:

You don't have a catchy title like, "DON'T YOU DARE REPLY TO THIS TREAD!!!"

Maybe I should go with something as elegant and classy as: "Piss off you wankers!"
That's lovely.

Thought you'd like that. You always appreciate that kind of work.

Wet Blanket wrote:

You don't have a catchy title like, "DON'T YOU DARE REPLY TO THIS TREAD!!!"

Maybe I should go with something as elegant and classy as: "Piss off you wankers!"

Wet Blanket wrote:
Oops. I killed your thread. It was an accident. Really.

Ha, it's a stupid thread.

Does you leik mudkipz?

Dark Solnes wrote:
Darth Tyler Do'urden: Fanboy wrote:
Dark Solnes wrote:
Darth Tyler Do'urden: Fanboy wrote:
Sith Fanboi thread active. All systems are go. All your base are belong to us. Further internet meme. What's the frequency Kenneth?
I will burn you alive for stealing my face. Prepare to fry.

STFU NQQb!!!!!eleventy-one!1111!!!!

I. Will. Pluck. Your. Feathers. One. By. One.


Does you leik mudkips?

Dark Solnes wrote:
Darth Tyler Do'urden: Fanboy wrote:
Sith Fanboi thread active. All systems are go. All your base are belong to us. Further internet meme. What's the frequency Kenneth?
I will burn you alive for stealing my face. Prepare to fry.

STFU NQQb!!!!!eleventy-one!1111!!!!

Sith Fanboi thread active. All systems are go. All your base are belong to us. Further internet meme. What's the frequency Kenneth?

The first rule of the Sith: you don't talk about the Sith.

The second rule of the Sith: you don't talk about the Sith.

The third rule of the Sith: There can be only one! Or two... hell, I can't remember.

taig wrote:
Darth Tyler Do'urden: Fanboy wrote:
Do I win for best or worst alias?

I'm unfamiliar with Tyler. :S

Can you squeeze a Wesley in there? Or Adric?

Other than that, appropriately hideous, I think. :)

Tyler Durden becomes Tyler Do'Urden in the land of Fanboica.

Do I win for best or worst alias?