
Luke Skywalker's page

42 posts. Alias of Mairkurion {tm}.


For CrimJ:

I care.

Jandrem wrote:
Urizen wrote:
MaxBarton wrote:
EDIT: Also this just makes me think of this... comic
Ninja'ed me as I was about to do that. Inception.
You obviously didn't spend enough time in the edition war threads. That link was tossed around more than hand grenades.

You fought in the edition wars against the empire?


CrimJ: I care.

Darth Thac0bama wrote:
Luke, I am your president.

N00000...that's unpossible!

::moaning and whining::

Ah...but I don't wanna stop.

lastknightleft wrote:
Xabulba wrote:
Tensor wrote:

Light sabers cannot block magical attacks.

And now, after Harry received mental defense training from Snape, Luke's Jedi-mind f&%&s, I mean tricks, will have low success probability.

I'm giving the edge to the boy-who-did-not-die. Unless Luke pulls out a blaster, or wins initiative and cuts off Harry's wand wielding arm(s).

The force trumps magic, Skywalker for the win.

Thet're tied for the most whiny hero though.
No, anakin takes the gold for that.

Aa-awww... I came in second again!


joela wrote:
Enlight_Bystand wrote:


Out of interest, who was covering marketing before this position emerged - I'm guessing it was being spread between Lisa, Chris and Pierce, maybe some onto Eric?

I'm more curious as to what happens to Super Genius Games. The impression I get from the press release above is that Hyrum left SGG. Where does that leave Owen?

With Aunt Beru?

Moorluck wrote:
Sharoth wrote:
WOOT!!! My first TotP!!! ~does a strip tease in front of everyone~
Uhm... aren't you a little short to be a Stormtrooper? :P

Oh...the uniform. No wait, the uniform's not the problem here...

Urizen wrote:
Moorluck wrote:
Spanky the Leprechaun wrote:
Moorluck wrote:
Spanky the Leprechaun wrote:
Byooty wey, eh?
Uh... HUH?
Take off!
If you are referring to Solnes, she did. She's in her bra and panties laying in front of the fan.
<puts fan next to face> Lllluuuukkkeeee iiiiii aaammmm yoooouuurrrr faaaaattthhhheeeerrrrr

::Gives standard, anguished response, with much facial contortions::

You just look like a little fey baker. I'm looking for a great MAGISHI KNIGHT!


Wrong forum

Gary Teter wrote:
Treppa wrote:
See now, THAT's the scary part... ;)
sm and I shall rule the galaxy together.

NOooooooooooooo...that's imPOSSIBLE!

Solnes wrote:
Fine...whatever..I don't care...I have to go back to work anyways.

I care.

Crimson Jester wrote:
taig wrote:
Y'know, I really was hoping Flash or one of the clones would have noticed the Flash thread getting restarted. :(
I noticed.

I care.

Sebastian wrote:
Luke Skywalker wrote:

I care.
No one cares what you think. Go down to the Bathi Power Station and play with your friends.

::Goes out, whining and mumbling to self::

Sebastian wrote:
Auxmaulous wrote:

That's the problem, you assume that nobody over there actually cared to discuss an ignore feature - so you threadcrapped until the subject was dead.
I don't think you were trying to beat up on me, you and a few others who post here just decided (yet again) to deliberately derail a thread you didn't like.

Congrats on the shutdown.

Anyway, apologies for the interruption

What can we say, that's the way we like it. If you don't, feel free to continue b%#%#ing. Maybe some day, you'll find someone who cares.

I care.

BTW, Pony, you got more grey in your mane.

*Incoherent mumbles escape his puffy, bruised face.*


Princess Leia wrote:
Luke Skywalker wrote:
I care!
Who are you?

I'm Luke Skywalker, I'm here to rescue 4-- I mean, you.

I care!

I care.

Noo...NO! That's IMPOSSIBLE!!!

The Stick of Darkness wrote:
Use the Force Luke.


I care.



That's impossible!!!!!!!!!!!


That's impossible!!!


That's impossible!!!

I want to become a gishi like my father...


post with overwrought expression from Ingénue

David Fryer wrote:
Just watch yourself.

I hear that you have the death sentence on twelve systems...I'll be careful.

I care.

I care...I mean, am here.

Heathansson wrote:

"I don't believe it!"

"That is why you epic fail."


face goes all squishy


I care.

But seriously, folks, paisan[o] comes from the same root as peasant: <pagensis. Basically, the Latin word for "redneck" [person from the country or rural district]. They're not related.

Vic Wertz wrote:
"I love the Republic."

You fought for the Republic against the Pony Empire?

lastknightleft wrote:
CourtFool wrote:
lastknightleft wrote: have doubleteamed my thread with your hilarity.
Apparently, it's our thang. Although, I am not sure SB is even aware.
I used to think it was our thing, I thought I was special, now I realize you were merely using me like some cheap painted hussy, how could you, you bastard?

I care...