Mon–Fri, 10:00 a.m. to 5:00 p.m. Pacific
17 posts. Alias of Mairkurion {tm}.
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Hey...that's my line.
::Quietly positions himself between hookah and the admiral::
Studpuffin wrote: ] Hey, would you like to fill out this survey? ;) !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
] Hey, would you like to fill out this survey? ;)
Hey, would you like to fill out this survey? ;)
I presume your check is in the mail?
Don't get married! Ah, too late.
Best cover ever!!!
Damn you, Evil Lincoln!
It's a trap.
Sorry, I was busy role-playing on Sunday and couldn't make it.
Aren't you supposed to be a Mon Calamari rather than a troll?
Treppa wrote: Cute widdle zombies, awwwwww.... *waits patiently for Admiral Ackbar to arrive*
Cute widdle zombies, awwwwww....
Out to dinner with the Wife and an Ex............. Should be painful.
*sets a trap*
Waits patiently.
IT'S A wrote: Stuff... OK... I think this has won my award for best Alias Name/Avatar combo. Well, 'cept for maybe Sebastian. ;)
OK... I think this has won my award for best Alias Name/Avatar combo.
Well, 'cept for maybe Sebastian. ;)
Thanks. I can't wait to get together with Admiral Akbar.
Urizen wrote: I got a bad feeling about this. "That's no moon!"
I got a bad feeling about this.