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I would like to ask FATWL some questions:
Why do GMs ask for novella long backstories?
Never seen any advantage/disadvantage for backstories in the games I’ve played. Games I’ve run though…heh different story =) But as stated – I will tell you if I’m going to do something about your backstory.
Why do GMs ask for writing about people your character has ties with?
Most of the time it never comes into play. Well in my games it does, but if its to screw you over, you will be warned first. If you still want to do it, then by all means, lets roll with it!
Why do GMs ask you to write about your character likes and dislikes/phobias?
It’s never come up in any of the games that I’ve been in.
Why don’t PBP recruitments just go on what rules that you can use, how much posting is expected, compatible timezones, and start rolling up a character straightaway?
Why do some GMs create one campaign after another and never run any of them to completion?
Why do many PBPs not ever get beyond 500 posts?

Vidmaster7 |
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I've had DMs use my back story before. It helps you get into the mindset of your character. I have a character I played for almost 11 years When I'm playing this character I know how to think like he does and act like he would. That came mostly from experience playing him. but If you can think hmm this character is an orphan and his parents were killed by bandits and then you run across some bandits it might definitely change the way you play that character. For White wolf games I always require a back story but yeah I don't necessarily for Dnd I let them build their character form their adventuring experience instead but I could see a place for knowing little tid bits about your toon.

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I for one cannot write a backstory for nuts.
It may come from my particular history. I’ve had a GM saying that my character cannot leave an NPC to die because she is CG. CG does not mean stupid. If you roll an 18 on the dice and can’t hit a creature at level 3 – is it wrong to decide that you’re in waaay over your head and decide to run for the hills?
It is not for a GM to dictate how my character would play, thus Id be damned if I gave the GM any backstory hooks to use against me.
Pretty much my characters don’t have any living relatives etc. Generally it’s the orphan kind of thing.
I have trust issues.
So generally what I’ll give you is that I’m a traveling mercenary (Think Geralt, witcher style), and out for hire for coin.

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And about RP – I’ve been scolded for derailing things with RP. So two paladins, one of abadar and one of shelyn, a witch, an oracle, a bard and a drow rogue capture a bunch of bandits. Since everyone is of different alignment it becomes a whole skew of conflicting decisions.
Witch + Bard: Set the bandits free after wiping their memories so they have a new chance at life
Me(Neutral alignment – Oracle with burnt curse): ExecuteMurderhobo them because scum like these burnt my families home and left me with horrible scars
Paladin of Shelyn: They can be redeemed!
Paladin of Abadar: Turn them over to the sheriff!
So basically I was like hey! RP fest! I was happily egging everyone to raise their views on what we should be doing with the bandits, and the drow said I was wasting time with all that RP.
So, what IS RP?

Vidmaster7 |
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I had a paladin whose family was killed (his dad was a priest) I didn't like it at the time but I will say it really made me hate the villain and motivate me to paladin extra hard. Made a memmorable game it was slightly frustrating but everything has its up and downs. Also I don't play dnd to win or beat the dm Its a story I'm their to help build. So it can help add to the story.

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The only time I’ve ever played a paladin is when I am both GM and player in the game. I feel that the paladin code is too dependent on GM fiat. And damn if I’d get my class feature taken from me on a GM whim. Yes, it took me a while to even play divine classes in pathfinder, after a GM told me he took away a clerics powers for doing something against his deity.
And whether the paladin falls or not…the thread just goes up in flames.
A paladin trips on the stairs. He falls.

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Not really. If you’re a sorcerer with eschew materials its rather hard to mess up with you. You’ve got no spell component pouch to steal, you’d actually need to be grappled and tied up. My clerics generally have holy symbol tattoo/birth mark trait.
I’ve had a GM in PFS declare that my spellbook got wet and destroyed because we were soaked in a submerged chamber.
Was there a way to proceed without going through that room? No. Did anyone have disable device to disable the trap? No, because its PFS and you get unbalanced parties.
So, tell me if there are reasons why I should not be paranoid…and assume the worst possible outcome.

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I am a rule lawyer, hopefully of the Praecepta leges pulchritudinous variety.
But again our experiences shape us to be what we are...

Vidmaster7 |
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If the GM starts every fight from sneak attacking your sorcerer from behind and killing you before you get to do anything the yes a bad gm can F you every time.
I don't do PFS. Isn't thier rules in place in PFS to keep them from doing things like oh you tripped over banana peel your paladin has fallen. or oh you pissed your god off no more divine power?

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The gist of things:
Praecepta leges pulchritudinous: the scrupulous rules lawyer. The scrupulous rules lawyer fears disadvantage. Ultimately, P. leges pulchritudinous thrives on knowing exactly how things are going to work so that she can form good plans and minimize the chance of failure. She is not unreasonable, she merely wants to know where things stand. The trouble is, spirit and intent are nebulous, unreliable things. They vary from table to table, system to system, and DM to DM. They cannot be relied upon. So, her only recourse is to know the rules and insist on their consistent application. In short, she demands consistency in her game.
No one is quite sure where the scrupulous rules lawyer comes from. She might have played under several bad DMs or she might just have inherent need to feel more in control than other players. Either way, she doesn’t really care about the rules. They are just something she can rely upon. She is easily spooked by apparent unfairness and inconsistency and she hates feeling as if she is being cheated out of something. So, as she settles at the watering hole with her fellow gamers, she is constantly on the lookout for unfairness and inconsistency.
I never screw a paladin over their powers, again my idea of a paladin code is very far removed from traditional ones.

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How to prevent sneak attack. Bat familiar for blindsense 20 feet. So you have some idea that someone is there. Get Scion of war to use charisma for init instead of dex, since it’s your casting stat, you should be able to pump up most of it. Stay in the middle of the party, so that there is cover for attacks against you. (It takes improved precise shot to remove that cover – which minimum requires 6 levels of ranger).
Also – ranged sneak attack can be done only within 30 feet unless special archetypes/items are used.
There’s probably more like be a gnome/Halfling so that you can hide behind your party with them for cover and pumping your stealth to the wazoo, but that’s approaching ridiculous territory.

Vidmaster7 |
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When I start gaming with new people I usually run first and give them my expectations with my game so when they run they know what I will expect. Ofcourse I guess when your doing with a lot of different groups of people that are mostly stranger I could see some trouble arising. Still seems like a human issue more so then a game issue. Even with a perfect game people will find some way to screw it over...