Drejk wrote: Ehhh, I got Merlin second time... Cool. One to read and one to snack on.
I can say. I'll probably be wrong, but I can say.
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Cap'n Yesterday, FaWtL Party wrote: NobodysHome wrote: Every election, I go through all the candidate statements, voting records, and even decision histories for justices, all so my family can make informed decisions when they vote.
Unfortunately, after one candidate statement, my entire summary was, "XXX is an a$$hat."
Sometimes, you just have to be honest. It all depends on if you prefer nut jobs or a#!$$++s. I only vote for nutholes and assjobs.
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Freehold DM wrote: Drejk wrote: Ah, well, it was nice knowing Impus Major...
*packs his things quickly to get Impus Major's room before Freehold* Hey! Hey! That room is MINE! I've been tunneling under it for years! AHA!! A CONFESSION!!!
Freehold's been tunneling under NH's house, causing the the foundation to settle unevenly, leading to all the other issues he's had to fix over the years. And probably, somehow, Impus Major's memory problems!

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Vanykrye wrote: gran rey de los mono wrote: Vanykrye wrote: Freehold DM wrote: Vanykrye wrote: NobodysHome wrote: Vanykrye'll like this one.
I was trying to describe my hardware requirements to GothBard. And I realized they're very simple:
"Can I drop it in a jar of jam?"
It's an amazingly good test: If you can drop it in the jam, rinse it off, let it dry, and still use it, then it's "good" hardware. Dude. Our clients don't need your help with those kinds of ideas. Is this your average client? I would really like to say no. I dunno...Are you sure your average clients would take that long to completely destroy the system? On average our clients would ask us about the specific effects of different flavors of jam. So I notice your documentation says not to smear jam on my tablet, but what about peach preserves? It isn't jam, it's preserves. That's okay, right?
No? Okay, so what if, hypothetically speaking of course, I already lathered it with peach preserves in an effort to remove the peanut butter.
What do you mean, "What peanut butter?"? The peanut butter I put on it so that my dog would lick it and clean the Cheeto dust off the screen. Duh.
NobodysHome wrote: Marvel Movie Timeline #26: Eternals:
I've used the word "stupid" with great abundance in my reviews of the Marvel movies. For that, I apologize, as I am now at a loss for a word to describe the intellectual abyss I have just witnessed.
To all of the actors and actresses who performed in this scathingly excruciating ripping away of two hours of my life, my profound apologies. You did your utmost with the material you were presented.
And that's all the time I feel like wasting on this any more.
EDIT: Howard the Duck was better.
But tell us how you really feel
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NobodysHome wrote: lisamarlene wrote: NobodysHome wrote: I don't know whether I get credit any more...
NobodysHome: Oh, the ONE thing I can't possibly do for the soup is to pull apart the chicken. So after work I'll make the roux and get it simmering, but around 5:30 when the dumplings are ready to go in I'll need a chicken de-boner.
GothBard: Gotcha
NobodysHome: And I have now successfully used "boner" in a non-NSFW context.
GothBard: Congrats! LOL
EDIT: Ohhhh, noooo...
So it's not just me. Chicken deboning is weird.
Every time I've tried to spatchcock a bird, it ends up Hitchcocked. Oh, TWO-handed chickens give me no trouble at all.
ONE-handed... not so easy...
Why do any of your chickens have hands?
Mark Hoover 330 wrote: captain yesterday wrote: Another reason why I work where I do.
The boss had some calendars printed with pictures of various jobs for each month.
My birthday month has a picture of my favorite job from last year I did almost entirely by myself, the robot pergola job.
And then I also did the jobs for January, March, June, October, and December. This is why I appreciates you CY, it's your glowing humility and modesty. Oh, is that why you appreciates him, Squirrelly Mark?
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I think its all been downhill since we crawled out of the primordial ooze.
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Sharoth wrote: SomebodysHere wrote: Sharoth wrote: *Is anyone home? NobodysHome. If you are here then SomebodyIsHome. I could be Here, but not Home.
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Sharoth wrote: *Is anyone home? NobodysHome.

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NobodysHome wrote: ..and don't forget the whole, "Hey, you've been working 60-80 hours a week for the last 15-16 weeks and we haven't had a chance to see you! Let's ALL try to socialize with you at once during your downtime!"
And holy carp is it insidious.
NobodysWife: "Can we do the Dickens Faire on the 16th?"
NobodysHome: "Sure!" (Sends out two "No" RSVPs to try to keep the weekend clear)
NobodysWife: "Oh! My friend just said she wants to host a holiday party that evening! We need to go to that!"
NobodysHome: (Winces at the thought of 12 hours solid of "social, festive" activity) "I guess that's OK..."
...and the invites just keep coming in. Relatives. Long-silent friends. Anyone and everyone who hasn't seen you in years wants to see you during that precious, precious two weeks of downtime where you were thinking you could finally relax and sit around doing nothing for at least a day or two.
Want to thank a teacher? Don't frigging invite them to anything during the holidays!
Hey, NH! I just wanted to invite you to a big party I'm having next week!! You better be there!!!
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*throws tomato at Vidmaster7*
*Attack roll: 1d20 + 4 ⇒ (9) + 4 = 13*
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baron arem heshvaun wrote: I definitely want one of these. You want a Matt Danick sign? Wouldn't you prefer a baron arem heshvaun sign?
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Join me in my quest to stamp out, eliminate, and abolish redundancy.
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State of confusion wrote: Got lost at some point. Did you try looking over there?
Drejk wrote: Could somebody be so kind and kill me, preferably with cone of cold or polar ray, please? kthx! I prepared Fireball and Scorching Ray today. Do those help?
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Limeylongears wrote: NobodysHome wrote: So, random funny/dismal thought of the day:
"My son was sick, so I had to put him to sleep on the couch," and, "My cat was sick, so I had to put her to sleep on the couch" are two VERY different things in English.
On the bright side, Impus Minor did throw up at blacksmithing camp. I'm sure that won him some "hardcore" points...
What did he make at blacksmithing camp? A mess.
Edit: A nekkid mess.
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