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1 person marked this as a favorite.

Start making sense already! I have absolutely no idea what you're saying!

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*disappointed moo!*

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Geez, do I have to spell it out for you?!

Are your "WIVES"

Wuh Ih Vuh Eh Suh


Luh Ih Tuh Tuh Luh Eh.

Edit: and I can see that they are, so don't play the innocent with me.

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Right! I've had enough - I shall not be spoken to in this manner!

Trombonists, remove this nuisance from my presence!

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And people complain my aliases don't make sense and needlessly argue with themselves.

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captain yesterday wrote:
And people complain my aliases don't make sense and needlessly argue with themselves.

This isn't over Yesterday! Not by a long shot! You still owe us for getting you out of jury duty!

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Wait, is Limey getting hitched...

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Pathfinder Lost Omens Subscriber
NobodysHome wrote:

So what does it say about me that I *finally* noticed that the political threads were missing YESTERDAY, and it turns out Paizo shut them down just under a month ago?

Lack of Perception, or excess of taste?

"We don't want NobodysHomes with good taste, we want NobodysHomes that taste good..."

Lack of time and appropriate sewer-swimming gear?

captain yesterday wrote:

You mean Ireland isn't the new Utah?

C'mon ladies, guess we're going to have to go to Florida instead...

Haha! I can only imagine the General if you ever actually tried this...

"She was always a quiet sort... never posting on the forums..."

NobodysHome wrote:

So what does it say about me that I *finally* noticed that the political threads were missing YESTERDAY, and it turns out Paizo shut them down just under a month ago?

Lack of Perception, or excess of taste?

"We don't want NobodysHomes with good taste, we want NobodysHomes that taste good..."

Holy carp, all of 'em?!

... huh. I didn't expect that. Well then!

*whistles merrily on his way*

Daggummit, iPad, I've been using you for the last three days! Stop trying to pretend I need to "activate" you before I can use you! It's stupid and irritating!

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Also: I'm currently missing a page~! Oh no~!


All something-like-twenty FaWtLians that haven't yet, find my old posts and sign up to taig's eveeeeeeent~!

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This week is starting to feel... disjointed? Staying up late, getting up early going through a flurry of activity and then taking a nap makes for a weird day.

Still gotta do dishes and take the dogs for his walk. :-\

Did I mention it's 3 degrees out.

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gran rey de los mono wrote:
Freehold DM wrote:
Aranna wrote:
NobodysHome wrote:

We're watching Death Note now, and it's a wonderfully creepy anime. Very much fun trying to assign alignments to all the major players, as morality has nothing to do, yet everything to do, with the overall theme.

** spoiler omitted **

OMG I hate DeathNote... If I could write the names of it's creators into a notebook...

cries single tear but... But... It's so good! Are you sure this isn't splash back from the playboy bunny work outfits? Cuz I'm willing to consider every day RWBY cosplay!

Note: you will have to dress as Yang. Every day.

Would she have to cut off an arm?


And what about Blake? Don't you want to see Aranna in those cute little kitty ears?

Alternating Tuesdays.

Or maybe Cinder?

Every third Monday.


One Wednesday a month.


Last Thursday of the month.


She picks a Friday, that day will be coco cosplay day.

And what's wrong with Weiss? Or even ruby on occasion?

They wear too much clothing and Aranna works in hot areas sometimes. I would not want her to dehydrate. I'm a caring employer.

How about Pyrrha, before the fall of Beacon?

Not a big pyrrha fan.

And Glenda?

Okay YOU pick a day where she dresses as Glenda.


Random White Fang minion #842?

I should stop now.

yes. I never liked white fang minion 842.

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Turns out there is a lot of crossover between Gravity Falls and Wayward Pines.

Do not watch it with small children though.

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Cap'n Siskel, FaWtLy Critic wrote:

Turns out there is a lot of crossover between Gravity Falls and Wayward Pines.

Do not watch it with small children though.


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Kind of. It's a small town with mysterious circumstances and Terrence Howard as the sheriff.

It's a bit (lot) more dystopian everyone is watching you fishbowl then Gravity Falls.

It's pretty entertaining through the first two episodes. :-)

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One quick post before I leave for work, preferably on time. My mother was discharged from the hospital today for a minor cellulitis infection. It took four hours to get her home. Why? because the pharmacy tech took over an hour to return with a debit card reader. She's home now, and getting better. Now, I have to try to get to work on time. Hopefully. :)

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Yeah!! We're up to 11 degrees! With a windchill of 0! Zero!!!

strips naked, jumps in the nearest snowbank to make Snow Captain's.

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Been a while since I posted, so . . . .

Howdy, FaWtLies!!

Gift Time:
Tac -- Thank you for pointing out taig/Rawr!'s event (so often, and loudly -- :P ), and while I appreciate gaming gifts and holiday cheer, I am on a minimization spree -- I have too many things already. I hope the winners enjoy their new toys!!

Xorn Terel (Oklahoma-brother) is eyeballs deep in preparing for his son's impending birth, and will likely remain incommunicado for a goodly while. His life is about to get shockingly more hectic than it already is . . . .

Y'all have been posting like mad the last several days . . . . I think I've read 10 pages of posts with nothing for me to really contribute . . . . Which is more than fine, considering how busy I am these days. Workworkwork. Made a visit to see a buddy in NW AL this past weekend. No homecrowd gaming in weeks . . . . Ah, the holidays -- no time to make time for the time you wanna take.

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Cap'n Yesterdays Winter Madness wrote:

Yeah!! We're up to 11 degrees! With a windchill of 0! Zero!!!

strips naked, jumps in the nearest snowbank to make Snow Captain's.

cries a snowflake tear

Sooooooo jealous. It's in the low 50s here, I think. :(

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You can have it, by all means!

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Just caught the dog trying to chew on the Christmas tree lights.

And just when I was starting to think he was smart.

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Well, we have snow, so that's good. The kidlet got a snow day on Monday which he spent all day playing outside in the snow. The roads weren't at all bad. I think it was mostly that it was the first snow of the year so the city didn't actually have their snow removal plans in working order...which is baffling. I mean, winter happens every year. It's always the same. But the first big snowfall almost always ends up being a snow day. Like they're surprised that winter happened again! (Or they just want to go out and play too) :P
But the cold hasn't really been that bad. I haven't even had to turn on my space heater. I have two uninsulated outside walls and a poorly sealed large single pane window in my room, so it can get a bit nippy in there in the winter. None of the other rooms have more than one outside wall, so my room is always the coldest. Still, it is distinctly less cold than I would expect at this time of year. But at least it looks pretty outside. :)

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And I am coming to realize all the reasons why making gloves is a bad idea partway through making this pair. Mittens are fine. We can make mittens in many ways. Gloves we buy. I should have realized that this was going to be trouble as soon as I read the word gussets. >.<

But the other Christmas sewing projects are going alright. I'm not anticipating any further catastrophic complications to any of them.

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Oh joy of joys!

It's -2 degrees out, so naturally the dog wants to go on a walk. :-\

I'm just going to end up having to carry him home like a baby because his paws get cold. :-\

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That sucks, CY. Doggies just don't understand the cold. :(

Well, most doggies don't. We had one that would dig himself a freaking igloo. Wouldn't come inside no matter how cold it was cause he was nice and warm in his hidey hole outside. He was also an escape artist that couldn't be kept on a leash ever. Smartest dog I've ever met, but you couldn't tell him what to do. He wasn't taking any crap from stupid humans. :)

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He's a beagle, so god forbid he go back the way he came. He also refuses to s*!@ in his own yard. And I'm not an a$$%!#* so guess who gets stuck picking it up (there's one exception, one place a week I take him to s$$+ on the lawn, but it's a business and I have my reasons, I've said too much already...)

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The dog I had when growing up was crazy about snow. It would be single digits and a blizzard outside with 3 feet of snow and he would be waiting at the slider to be let out. Once outside he would run through the snow and roll in it. Of course he wouldn't want to come back in because we had to put him in his cage to melt and dry off before letting him run around inside.

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lynora wrote:
I think it was mostly that it was the first snow of the year so the city didn't actually have their snow removal plans in working order...which is baffling. I mean, winter happens every year. It's always the same. But the first big snowfall almost always ends up being a snow day. Like they're surprised that winter happened again!

There are jokes about winter surprising the magistrates responsible for maintenance of the roads every year here too. It's practically a tradition.

Grand Lodge

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To be fair, keeping a bunch of people on the payroll while waiting for winter to start can be an expensive proposition.

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Well, I'm home. And I even made it to work on time, with about fifteen minutes to spare. The bus I absolutely needed to catch showed up a minute after I got to the Bus Stop. So, if I took the time to shave, I'd have missed it. Well, it was only one day.

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Hey, TL.

Are those strategy guides helping you any?

5 people marked this as a favorite.
John Napier 698 wrote:
Well, I'm home. And I even made it to work on time, with about fifteen minutes to spare. The bus I absolutely needed to catch showed up a minute after I got to the Bus Stop. So, if I took the time to shave, I'd have missed it. Well, it was only one day.



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*sigh* well I tried to fight the ticket I got. They decided against me. Ah well. Late Xmas presents this year.

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captain yesterday wrote:

Oh joy of joys!

It's -2 degrees out, so naturally the dog wants to go on a walk. :-\

I'm just going to end up having to carry him home like a baby because his paws get cold. :-\

get him those cute dog boots!!!

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I'll look into it. :-)

Boy, when this cold spell breaks and we claw our way above 20 degrees (tbd) it's going to feel damn near tropical.

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Oracle with the Wood mystery sounds like fun.

No joke, or anything, just saying. :-)

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Public Safety Annunciation wrote:
John Napier 698 wrote:
Well, I'm home. And I even made it to work on time, with about fifteen minutes to spare. The bus I absolutely needed to catch showed up a minute after I got to the Bus Stop. So, if I took the time to shave, I'd have missed it. Well, it was only one day.



And, that pharmacy tech seriously needs an idiot slap. I could have gone to an ATM, got the cash, and returned in a fraction of the hour it took him. What was he doing anyway, playing hopscotch in the snow?

John Napier 698 wrote:

Hey, TL.

Are those strategy guides helping you any?

Oh! Yeah, I've got 'em on another tab. Thanks!

(I've been running short of actual solo video-game play time lately, but they were really useful, and still are, when I can spare a few!)

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Oh good! The wind gusts are near constant and 30+ mph.

Because 5 degrees just isn't cold enough already.

spray paints a big "F$%+ you!!" on the north face of the Pillow Fort. Sends Miss Piggy to Gastown for more supplies.

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*eats Miss Piggy, then goes back to huddling in the cold under a bush*

1 person marked this as a favorite.
Tacticslion wrote:
John Napier 698 wrote:

Hey, TL.

Are those strategy guides helping you any?

Oh! Yeah, I've got 'em on another tab. Thanks!

(I've been running short of actual solo video-game play time lately, but they were really useful, and still are, when I can spare a few!)

Glad I could help.

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Captain Yesterday's guide to baking: the basics. (To be read with your pinky finger in a severe upright position.

If in doubt as to the veracity of it's confidence in doneness, poketh it with your best knife, if in it comes out clean, it's done, if not sticketh it back in the oven for another ten to fifteen minutes.

Captain Yesterday's brothers guide to baking: the basics.

The recipe said "50 minutes at 350 degrees, therefore it is done.

Seriously! They're nerds, how are they so terrible at baking!

Our grandmother was a baker, from Sweden!

6 people marked this as a favorite.
Bleached Otyugh wrote:
*eats Miss Piggy, then goes back to huddling in the cold under a bush*

to the tune of The Sound of Silence

Hello, Otyugh, my old friend,
It's time for us to dine again
Because there's bacon to be eaten
While the weather is so freezin'
And the banquet's set inside my hall
For one and all
Within the Hall of Dining

In the snow I stalked alone
Embraced the cold into my bones
Through windows I saw warm firelight
And a table stretched out of sight
Covered o'er with gastronomic delight
So by my might
I took the Hall of Dining

And by the leaping flames I saw
Ten thousand plates and maybe more
Plates of high cuisine
None of it at all too lean
And my guts within me roared
To conquer sideboard
Alone in the Hall of Dining

"Friend, give up the frigid hunt
No need for masochistic stunt
For here there's food a-plenty
To feed far more than twenty
So let Miss Piggy take her hike
On through the night
And join me in the Hall of Dining"

Let the fire dim and fade
While through entrees we shall wade
As the winter is so nice
Howling winds and frozen ice
We can feast and await our friends
Until the end
Within our Hall of Dining

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That's okay, I was hoping it wouldn't come to this...

Sends out the action figure commando strike force. Consisting of Lionel Hutz (with briefcase), Fat Tony, Groundskeeper Willy, Dolph, Silent Bob, Baxter Stockman (in armor), and Crazy Baldhead, the late '80s Fisher Price Caveman that had originally come with a dinosaur.

Just be glad I didn't send Square Dude, or his evil twin, Evil Square Dude.

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What's the best Swedish dish, in your opinion, cap'n?

And what's the one you like to prepare most?

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Swedish Pancakes. For both.

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