Deep 6 FaWtL

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Scarab Sages

But, DAMN! That's some good stuff.

Scarab Sages

nekkid good stuff! WOOT!

Scarab Sages

Brought a couple of bottles to work today for some friends.

Scarab Sages

See, if all you Texas people would move to Philly, you could share in my inebriation inducing bounty.

Scarab Sages

And another awesome episode of Game of Thrones, although I'm not sure I like some of the changes they made.

Scarab Sages

Afterwards, I watched Underworld: Awakening. Kind of silly, but Kate Beckinsale is still hot.

Scarab Sages

Ah well, that's enough for now. Already at work because the wife wasn't feeling well and stayed home. So I was able to get in early.

Later folks.


Headache continues. Meh.

RPG Superstar 2012

I hope everyone feels better soon.

Kingmaker didn't happen last week due to one player being absent for work and a second not feeling well. Hopefully get to make it up this week.

In other news, I did not sleep at well last night at all. I'll be hobbling through today on sugar and caffeine and probably crash for a nap when I get home before tonight's Council of Thieves session.

Sounds like everyone had a much more exciting weekend than I did.

I merely battled the weeds, I mean yard, again.
Edged the grass, until I ran out of weedwacker line.
Took the edger to the parts I had gotten trimmed before running out of line.
And finally managed to go and get a big bag of weedkiller and deposit on weeds. I mean yard.
Seriously, this time tomorrow I expect big brown patches where green currently resides. Because I think 90% of my backyard is all weeds.
And not the cute little dandelion kind of weeds either. Although they are there too. I'm talking about D&D/PFRPG kind of weeds, blades of living sawblades that will attack your bare feet and hack them off to bloody stumps if you let them get too close!

Every year they get closer to the house, and every year I battle them back. It's the green version of the zombie horde I tell you! They just keep coming! I don't know how much longer I can keep up the fight!

And maybe the sunburn on the back of my neck from doing yardwork is making me see things. Yeah,... that's it,....

I started on a valiant battle against the grass Friday night Rags, before the weekend-long rain hit.

Sadly, they had prepared for my arrival, and littered their fields with mines. My trusty blade struck one of these hidden saboteurs - a rock the size of my fist - and bent the frame of my weapon of choice. It's now in need of repairs and, save the two laps around the yard I managed to complete before being driven back to the barracks, the grass is unfortunately free to run rampant.

If this week dries out some rather than continues pelting us with rain, I might convince the parents to help me haul out the riding mower to finish the job. When a bayonet won't do the job, perhaps it's time to send in a tank.

Silver Crusade

Morning, all. What did I miss?

Oh I concur sir!
Send in the tank! And the marines while your at it!

If your yard is anything like mine, you'll need the backup. ;P

I swear I've never seen such aggressive weedage before. I really do think it has it in for me. Sunburn induced mania aside,...

I still don't LIKE yardwork, but I mind it a LOT less since this is actually my home now, and not a rental. Although too much more of THIS nonsense, And I'm going to join my neighbor and wish for another scorching drought to kill the grass so I don't have to mow the stuff.

Although with MY luck, the weeds would STILL be there,... ;P

Silver Crusade

1 person marked this as a favorite.

Why can't the weekend be longer?

4 people marked this as a favorite.
Celestial Healer wrote:
Morning, all. What did I miss?

Well, the Monkey, Orthos and myself all embarked upon a crusade against the evil crabgrass empire, with varying degrees of success ranging from 'All Hail Emperor Monkey' to a mower sabotaged by a land-mine-rock prepared by the enemy for such an eventually.

I remain convinced that my sunburn induced hallucinations are harbingers of a future yet to come, when the weeds gain Triffid-like abilities and voraciously attack all who dare to step foot in their dirt-covered domain. Meanwhile Orthos is preparing to reenter the fray with an anti-grass tank once the monsoon the enemy has conjured finally dissipates enough to maneuver the device without being trapped in the mire.

Meanwhile, Aberzombie,....

Wait where IS Aberzombie?!?

*Searches news stations for reports of zombie attacks,...*

Ragadolf wrote:

Oh I concur sir!

Send in the tank! And the marines while your at it!

If your yard is anything like mine, you'll need the backup. ;P

There are three main problems with my yard.

1. We have four dogs, one of which stays outside/in the garage all the time, the other three are mostly indoor dogs but if the weather is nice we leave them outside. This mean sticks and rocks are scattered all over the place and much of the yard is riddled with holes, some of which are as big as a foot or more across.

2. There are a lot of hidden obstacles like concealed stumps, knots of those bizarre weeds that grow into minature trees, and stuff like that, that if the grass is tall enough you don't notice until they're too big to mow down anyway or until you run into it and mangle your lawnmower up.

3. A large chunk of our yard is on a steep slope. Steep enough that the riding mower can't do squat on it unless I want to roll the thing over on my face. To mow this thing we *have* to haul out the push-mower (the one that is currently broken due to rock) and go up and down the hillside, then drag the thing to the hilltop and mow that bit. The riding mower can only handle the stuff further down, where the slope evens out some (though the entire yard is still slightly sloped down toward the fence, away from the house, the grade is significantly less steep once you get away from the hill).

Well, the slope means that at least you don't have to worry about water gathering and flooding your home, but it sure sounds like a pain to do anything in! ;)

Perhaps (this is just off the top of my head, not being able to actually see you yard) Just perhaps you could invent a new sport.

Or better yet, a new EXTREME sport!

Downhill riding lawnmower speed runs!

Everyone takes a turn riding the drivable lawnmower straight down the hill, (Cutting a swath as they do of course) Continue until hill is mowed. The one with the fastest time wins. ;)

Invite the neighbors, the yard will be mowed in no time!

That'll teach that pesky crabgrass! :D

EDIT- And any who fail to stop before hitting any fence at teh bottom of hill are automatically disqualified. ;)

Considering our "pile of rocks that was once meant to be a ring for a fire pit" is between the hill and the fence, I think disqualification is the least of their worries ;)

Meh. I should wash my hair. I just wonder if it ill cause spike in he headache or not...

Orthos wrote:
Considering our "pile of rocks that was once meant to be a ring for a fire pit" is between the hill and the fence, I think disqualification is the least of their worries ;)


Extra points if they are mowing that particular line, and manage not to get 'disqualified' by any errant obstacles.

(Rocks, dog holes, etc)

I think it's another wave of rain incoming.

Quote from friend: "Why did they make Monday sound like mundane?"

Ragadolf wrote:
Celestial Healer wrote:
Morning, all. What did I miss?

Well, the Monkey, Orthos and myself all embarked upon a crusade against the evil crabgrass empire, with varying degrees of success ranging from 'All Hail Emperor Monkey' to a mower sabotaged by a land-mine-rock prepared by the enemy for such an eventually.

I remain convinced that my sunburn induced hallucinations are harbingers of a future yet to come, when the weeds gain Triffid-like abilities and voraciously attack all who dare to step foot in their dirt-covered domain. Meanwhile Orthos is preparing to reenter the fray with an anti-grass tank once the monsoon the enemy has conjured finally dissipates enough to maneuver the device without being trapped in the mire.

Meanwhile, Aberzombie,....

Wait where IS Aberzombie?!?

*Searches news stations for reports of zombie attacks,...*

I can say he was NOT sighted on the Las Vegas Strip last night. I repeat, NOT sight on the Strip.

Drejk wrote:
Meh. I should wash my hair. I just wonder if it ill cause spike in he headache or not...

Sounds like a sinus headache.

Home Remedies and Techniques for Sinus Headache

Acupressure is helpful for some people. There are pressure points on both sides of the nose near your nostrils that when pressed gently for a of couple minutes can provide relief. Other points that work are where the ridge of your eyebrows connects with the bridge of your nose.

Sometimes simply laying down and going to sleep for a little bit can work wonders.

Gently massage the sinus cavities with your fingertips.
Place a small towel in hot water and apply to your forehead or across the front of your face in the sinus cavity area.

Close the bathroom door, turn the shower on as hot as you can tolerate it and stand under it. Let the hot water beat on your face in the area of the sinus cavities. Make sure the door is shut, so that steam will build up in the room. This will release the pressure and loosen mucous.

Some people prefer a portable humidifier or a face sauna such as the ones shown below. You can also add eucalyptus or peppermint to the face sauna.


Exhales a gout of flame

Time for a Dino-Rampage!


*Smashes Hong Kong*



Hot Las Vegas Summer! Here I come!

Tristan, my young sapling, I'm your father.

Noooooo!!!!! That's not possible!



Sovereign Court



Becasue I can, dammit!


*Licks chops at the sound of a bell*

We heard ya's thinkin' about havin' yerselfs a unauthorized rampage down 'ere.

Hops on a motorcycle and hunts down Nicholas Cage

Steps on Orthos

That look liked it hurt...

*unleashes Big Bang*

Spirit of Vengeance wrote:
Hopes on a motorcycle and hunts down Nicholas Cage

When you wish upon a motorcycle...

Liberty's Edge

Decca, Demon Queen of Ruin wrote:
That look liked it hurt...

Nothing wrong with a little pain, luv.

*unleashes a bigger bang and the partial collapse of the multiverse*

The Cathezar wrote:
Decca, Demon Queen of Ruin wrote:
That look liked it hurt...
Nothing wrong with a little pain, luv.

True, so true.

*eats multiverses for breakfast*

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