![]() June Cleaver wrote:
That's a mother's love I tell ya. I hate to see what the Wrath of Mom look like. ![]()
![]() The Eldritch Mr. Shiny wrote: So... almost got robbed at work tonight by a mob of 8-year-olds. Nothing stolen, but they did a small number on my truck with the rocks they were throwing... Now I have to meet with the police this week and pray to whatever gods there may be that corporate doesn't decide I'm a liability and fire me. It wasn't me. ![]()
![]() Hungry and cold, Tristan the Waif attempts to pilfer the coin pouch from Darb the Merchant-Priest. If Tristan succeeds, he have a full belly and a warm place to sleep tonight. Darb the Merchant-Priest - Wis 19 (He is very observant) Tristan the Waif - Dex 17 (Yea, he's a slippery waif) Tristan is a third level rogue needs to perform both Stealth [TB = AM + R + MM] and Sleight of Hand [TB = AM + R + MM] skill checks Tristan has a guardian angel watching him so he gains a +02 circumstance bonus Stealth: 1d20 + 3 + 4 + 2 ⇒ (19) + 3 + 4 + 2 = 28
Darb is a seventh level LE cleric of Ayeares, God of Law and Taxes, performing an important courier service in the name of righteousness and government service. He gets two perception checks. Darb has Owl's Wisdom in effect prior to the encounter. Perception: 1d20 + 4 + 7 + 3 ⇒ (16) + 4 + 7 + 3 = 30
Although, Darb notices the young waif behind him and of to his side he has yet to pay attention to him. Both tied on the Sleight of Hand and Perception skills check, so the dice must be rolled again. Tristan - Sleight of Hand: 1d20 + 3 + 4 + 2 ⇒ (8) + 3 + 4 + 2 = 17
Darb spots Tristan by one. Darb reaches to grab the young waif and must roll a BAB [+8] to succeed verses Tristan AC. This is consider a touch attack, but Tristan is allowed to retain his dexterity modifier and circumstance bonus. Tristan's AC is 15. Tristan's AC 15 vs. 1d20 + 8 ⇒ (7) + 8 = 15 TIE! Tristan uses his Dodge feat against Darb and gains a +01 to his AC. Tristan's AC 16 vs. Darb's attack roll 1d20 + 8 ⇒ (2) + 8 = 10 Darb misses. Seeing an opening, Tristan makes one more attempt at Darb's coin pouch. Darb, wearing Bracers of Armor +04 neglected to wear his chain mail and settled for weaing his masterwork leather. His AC 02 + 02 + 04 = 18 verses Tristans Sleight of Hand roll substituted for his BAB. Tristan's target is the coin pouch, not Darb Darb's AC 18 vs. Sleight of Hand 1d20 + 3 + 4 + 2 ⇒ (12) + 3 + 4 + 2 = 21 Success! Tristan cuts the pouch free with speed and determination and is off with it while Darb is yelling for the city guards. ![]()
![]() Arielle wrote:
Little Kiba wrote:
:::Yea, the lightning bolt and the wolf ride. I can't wait to do that again.::: He smiles, :::Arielle, Kiba, are you all right. That snake-demon didn't hear you to much did it?::: He gasps and he jerks his head suddenly to Solmyr. :::Uncle Solmyr, I can hear the family and they want our help. They say there's more snakes. I can take us to them.::: Without waiting, the proceeds towards the lower deep of the family home. ![]()
![]() Little Kiba wrote:
:::I can try!::: Grasping Little Kiba's fur with one hand, and extends the other hand. Tristan concentrates then fires a bolt of blue energy at the ethereal serpent and strikes it in its mid-section. The entwined creatures lurches at the impact stops and turns to face the wolf and it rider. It begins to grow in size. As Arielle and Devlyn catches up to the others, she too see the serpent growing larger. Angry, it's poised to attack! ![]()
![]() Little Kiba strikes true and flame races off the ethereal snake to some effect. He hisses in pain then roars loudly as it continues to fly pass the wolfling and out the reception room door. The doubles the paces and energy of its flight. :::I heard my Uncle's thoughts. Oh no. It doesn't want me. It's going after the spell pool. Follow it!::: Tristan somehow breaks away from the group and races after it. ![]()
![]() Aidan Moonschild wrote:
:::I think it's this way.::: ![]()
![]() Tristan takes Arielle and Little Kiba and motions them to join him. :::This is bad. I can feel it.:: The roof window shake and quivers a the heavy rumbling grows louder as it approaches the estrate yard. The rumbling sounds louder, more like hoven footsteps and the party looks up and verses through the ceiling from their particular locations in the front room. Above them, they see large demonic minotaurs, Goristo stepping over the house, but their appearance is almost ethereal. Their threat however is not. ![]()
![]() For Little Kiba and Arielle only. No peaking. Spoiler:
:::I'm really nervous about this, thanks for coming.:::
:::I think there's something wrong with Uncle Solmyr. It's not him, I can no malice or evil in him. But he's hiding something, or something is hiding in him.::: Okay everybody, see you at the House at the Edge of Eternity ![]()
![]() Little Kiba wrote:
:::No, I think that was Nailz's doing. But maybe he had help.::: ![]()
![]() The Dalesman wrote: "So does Tristan have to absorb these gems in order to neutralize their effectiveness? And if Zhalail has to have all three to do what she needs to do, why exactly do we need to take Tristan to his old home, other than to secure this third gem and keep it out of her hands?" Tristan looks at Devlyn. ::That's were my spirits are telling me to go.:: ![]()
![]() Allura wrote:
Spoiler: Allura gets telepathic flashes from Tristan, but he seems very content that a blood relative is with him. ![]()
![]() Solmyr of the Azure Flame wrote:
Tristan look dumbfounded and a bit astonished at his uncle. His youthful ear not quite grasping the complexity of the situation. His telepathy broadcasting for all those to hear. ::My mother and father, they loved me, did they?:: ![]()
![]() .... wrote:
Tristan throws him a dirty irritated look. ::Stuff it pickle-nose. That's Uncle Solmyr. He doesn't do illusions.:: Tristan moves around the staff and proceeds forward. Alias