Spirit of Vengeance's page
18 posts. Alias of BluePigeon.
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I will burn everyone in this thread. This is no challenge.
Hops on a motorcycle and hunts down Nicholas Cage
Killer DM #0664 wrote: Aberzombie wrote: Perhaps murdering some PCs will make me feel better. Always brightens my day. :) I use fire, fireballs, flaming spheres, fire elementals, and what not.
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I have nothing against Johnny Blaze, but Nicholas Cage is another thing...
I'll cheer for the other team.
If he had lips, the more he would grin at the flow of coins into his store.
Demands for elelmental bane and nature bane weapons empty out his cellars. His armor and shield inventory almost gone. It's time to contact his suppliers across the myriad worlds and cities of his new home. Oh yes, new magic indeed.
Thw war-merchant watches the day's violence from his shop with glee.
Rowan Bladesinger wrote: Spirit of Vengeance wrote:
With a snap of his finger, the sword blinks off its wall rack and then blinks back onto the store counter, sheathed and ready for use. Scooping the gemstones, SoV hurrily deposits the gemstones into a pouch and drops it behind the counter.
"All is ready. Anything else youe require?" "No thank you," she says eying the sword appreciatively. She picked it up and hurried from the shop, buckling on the sword as she walked. She really hoped she had seemed nervous enough back there. A flaming skeleton seemed a bit over the top, really. She was going to miss her flaming scimitar, but all in all it was a necessary loss. It was much too distinctive. She did appreciate having a sword again, though. She felt much less vulnerable. Only if she could here the lich chuckling wickedly to himself. "That sword has quite a history to itself, and a reputation."
I'm off to work. Hopefully, I'll be off the next two days. Have a happy Memorial Day.
Rowan Bladesinger wrote: Spirit of Vengeance wrote:
"These will do." He squeezes the gemstone between his boney fingers. "Please, do you wish to take the sword as is, or do you wish it sheathed, or gift wrapped?" "Sheathed would be best. Thank you." She looks at the sword again, now hers, thinking how good it will feel to have a blade in her hand once more. With a snap of his finger, the sword blinks off its wall rack and then blinks back onto the store counter, sheathed and ready for use. Scooping the gemstones, SoV hurrily deposits the gemstones into a pouch and drops it behind the counter.
"All is ready. Anything else youe require?"
Rowan Bladesinger wrote: Spirit of Vengeance wrote: Rowan Bladesinger wrote: "It sounds perfect. I'll take it. Er, is payment in diamonds alright? I can go to a moneychanger if you prefer. Gold coins are just so heavy to carry around." "If all you have is gemstones, so be it. I will need to examine them to determine their authenticity." "Of course," she said with a nervous laugh, and placed a handful of quality well-cut diamonds on the counter. "These will do." He squeezes the gemstone between his boney fingers. "Please, do you wish to take the sword as is, or do you wish it sheathed, or gift wrapped?"
Rowan Bladesinger wrote: "It sounds perfect. I'll take it. Er, is payment in diamonds alright? I can go to a moneychanger if you prefer. Gold coins are just so heavy to carry around." "If all you have is gemstones, so be it. I will need to examine them to determine their authenticity."
Rowan Bladesinger wrote: Spirit of Vengeance wrote: "Ah the Sword of Miracles, also called the Telavin Blade. 12,000 Gold, no more or no less." "What exactly are the properties of the blade? The purchase price will not be a problem, but I'd like to know exactly what I'm getting before I buy," she says nervously. "The blade is enchanted with sympathetic magics. The properties become what the sword weilder needs at a particular time and duration. It often called a Sword of Miracles because it usually does what is needed at the last minute. Of course, the sword-weilder also influences the results as well."

Rowan Bladesinger wrote: A lovely young woman wanders the streets of the Bazaar, stopping at a shop selling weapons. The sign said 'Fires of Vengeance'. She hesitated outside as if she was nervous about stepping into such an establishment. But her eyes kept going to a particularly shiny blade in the window display. At last she walks in the door.
"Excuse me, could you tell me please how much for that sword in the window?"
As Rowan enters the shop, she can see lain before her almost one of every weapon classification conceivable, swords, maces, axes, pole arms, knives, all arms from ten thousand worlds, some familiar, some exotic, some chipped, and some still blood splattered adorn cases and the walls. One rack contains what appears to be blunderbusts or flint-lock rifles. She has heards stories about such weapons used in the far eastern lands of Chi'naa, but their design and base materials puts them centuries ahead of their ancestors.
Standing before Rowan is what appears to be skull-flamed sorcerer of unknown nationality or origin. If he could grin with lips, the sight would send shivers down her spine. His blank eyeless stair puts Rowan on edge and in a hallow nightmare-driven voice, he says, "Ah the Sword of Miracles, also called the Telavin Blade. 12,000 Gold, no more or no less."
Stepping forth from a mid-air portal, the war-merchant proceeds to his shop. Eager to "drop" its supernatural wards, he motions his hands and the bound spirits protecting the shop and its contents part. His zombie servants labor mindlessly carrying an iron-bound chest. As he proceeds up the short stairs, they follow him slowly as he motions the door to open. Once he enters, his wicked laughter can be heard from its interior.
Once the zombies enter the shop, the door closes shut once more.
Oddly enough, this merchant's shop hasn't opened for the last two days. Word at the Bazaar is he practices a dark art behind closed doors and barters with demon and divels from the outer planes. No one with the courage has dared investigate, or at least knocked on the front door.
... wrote: The skies above the Bazaar let loose their fury. Lighting smites the desert around the immense souk. The merchants look up to see the insubstantial forms of Djinn and Efreets at war in the dark thunderclouds. Something momentous occurs elsewhere. If he had lips and could smile, he would be amused by the destruction wrought by the heavens.
Shovastika wrote: The nondescript woman that nobody really paid much attention to at the Sanctum slips out to the Bazaar for a few hours. One of her first ports of call is the 'Fires of Vengeance' shop, where she makes detailed inquiries as to who has recently been buying or selling what? At the end, a small bag of gemstones changes hands as payment for the information.
Behind shaded curtains, the war-wizard gleefully counts the facets and the day's profits.
A necromancer, possibly an evoker with a flaming skull paces across his large shop. Inside, on display are the arms and armors from countless worlds and their undocumented wars.
Armaments and Armor
New and Used
Repairs and refurbishing,
No questions asked.
I deal in vehicles and siege engines too.
The shop sign reads: Fires of Vengeance
licensed trans-planar arms dealer and war-wizard