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The Exchange

*makes off with the gold*

Leave Moishe alone - he's married.

Hey I'm not short!

I'm actually exactly at average height for an adult male. Its kind of nice actually. The world is made for me.

Hey ... what's wrong with being short eh?

*Beep Beep*

Its harder to reach the bookie jar.

Sovereign Court

You and your addiction to gambling, Vidmaster7, perhaps that's why you went to see GoatToucher in the first place!

*Checks the number on the screen, which hasn't changed.*

Still number 60? Blimey, Comte de Malodor is taking his time isn't he?

*The Comte emerges from the workroom, cleaning his nails. There is a broad grin on his face, and his skin glistens lightly with sweat*

How invigorating, though lacking in rigour compared with Detention time at the Brown Brothers of St. Alphonse's Academy For Promising Young Tyrants.

*He tosses a coin back through the doorway*

This is for you, Jambi. A votre sante!

I noticed the typo and chose to keep it. I regret nothing.

You have to keep it since it was too late to change it when you found it.

Sovereign Court

Normally, if you can't change it when you find it, you're supposed to drop it and leave it alone for fear it will sneak up on you in the middle of the night and do GoatToucher style things to you.



Count Reiner Heydrich wrote:
Normally, if you can't change it when you find it, you're supposed to drop it and leave it alone for fear it will sneak up on you in the middle of the night and do GoatToucher style things to you.

Wasn't GoatToucher Style a novelty dance smash hit about three or four years ago, with accompanying dance routine, or was that just a beautiful dream I had?

Sovereign Court

Let's just hope and pray that it WAS a dream you had, not sure if anyone but GoatToucher would call it beautiful though.

Man I thought I had one I had such a streak going.

Pulg wrote:
Count Reiner Heydrich wrote:
Normally, if you can't change it when you find it, you're supposed to drop it and leave it alone for fear it will sneak up on you in the middle of the night and do GoatToucher style things to you.
Wasn't GoatToucher Style a novelty dance smash hit about three or four years ago, with accompanying dance routine, or was that just a beautiful dream I had?

Not a dream, more a nightmare.


Sovereign Court

Now, now, there's no need for profanity! Oh wait, Vidmaster7, you just sat on the button that calls Jambi to give you an emergency operation on your small intestine. No worries then.

When did this thread get so dark BDSM-y?


Join me in the eternal quantum sunshine of sparkly quantum Secret eternity, where if you ask the universe for Wins, it will make you Winnonade!

Dark Archive

Winnonade Ryder?


Just another average day

Hey Grandpa, whats for dinner?

Today we have a variety of barbecued meats and grilled veggies, fresh fruits, freshly-baked breads, and a plethora of beverages both alcoholic and non.

And, of course, baked goods galore for desert.

Midnight at the Oasis!

Of donuts.

Sovereign Court

Marvelous! I was getting hungry, number 74 is taking a very long time, so I will need to keep my strength up.

*Sits at the table and helps himself to many of the delicious goodies.*

Now that's good eating, thanks as always, Grandpa Wonderbra!

mmm donuts.

*digs in, spraying food chunks all over*

Never mind my appetite is suddenly staunched.

Hey, Bleached. Long time no see. Where you been?

Sovereign Court

Probably eating all the "gloofy" things, knowing him.

I thought Bleached Otyugh had been on a job for the Swedish government, helping make their recycling system the envy of the world.

* wanders in carrying a squirming sack *

Hey, GoatToucher, I got the special items you wanted.

* looks over at Bleached Otyugh *

Really? Just look at that mess you made.


:opens the sack, the contents of which begin to squirm more vigorously, making a variety of noises, some of which you -think- might be intelligent speech:

Excellent. These will be perfect in a salad.

Vidmaster: I am going to need 1 1/2 cups of your tears for this recipe: preferably caused by dwelling regretfully on your past. Can you manage this yourself, or should we set you up in the workroom and... facilitate your lachrimosity?

Will Swiss Bouillon not do?

You said butt.

You didn't.


Sovereign Court

What are you looking around for, did you drop something?

Was it a housemaid's bloomers, or is that just wishful thinking on my part?

Scarab Sages

No, it was an entire house.

On your sister.

Mon diable! Really?

*Shouts* Hey, Juliette, are you alright?

In the pink, as usual, thankyou, Alphonse!

Sovereign Court

Ah, my dear Lady Blackmoor, so good to see you again!

*Performs the gentlemanly custom of kissing the lady's hand when she extends it.*

I have not seen you since that little "get together" at the Maison Devillia.

1 person marked this as a favorite.

Reiner, darling, how are you? Yes, it was quite the event, wasn't it? Sacrifices to the Elder Gods can be such a crashing bore, but the balloon modelling accompanied by musical saw helped make that one fly by. How is your dear cousin?

Sovereign Court

To be most blunt, my lady, I haven't the slightest idea. The Heydrich family consists mostly of infamous individuals that happen to be vampires (such as my sister and myself) and we all try to kill each other for control. And, if memory serves me well, I made sure that the only people who bear Heydrich as a last name are me, my wife's (including mistresses) and my children.

Horizon Hunters


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