Motivational Quantum Limey's page
22 posts. Alias of Limeylongears.

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Vanykrye wrote: Ambrosia Slaad wrote: Vanykrye wrote: I'm abstaining because I know the answer. I was going to apply for an opening in his department before they decided to send it offshore. Why does this make me think of the Bugs Bunny sawing off Florida cartoon/meme? My company has a lot of remote employees in Florida. I'll have to sacrifice the in-laws, but I'm in favor of this overall decision. The needs of the many saw off the incoherent few.
I suppose we can run a covert rescue/relocation mission for our chosen few FAWTLs who would otherwise be affected by this perfectly rational decision.
Freehold's Abscondicar could use the miles. So, like, Floridlantis sank below the waves, thanks to their irresponsible use of Astral Vril (it looked like MadDog 2020... possibly it was just MadDog 2020), but the survivors climbed on the back of a giant albatross and flew through a gap in the clouds to a place where peace & happiness reigned and music played ever so loudly... gurgle... crystal pyramids... gibber... cyclopean structures constructed solely from Coors Lite cans far beyond the primitive technology of the untutored natives... superhuman giants, glowing with cosmic energy and surrounded by an aura of Eternal Wisdom and Tranquility, running around naked with lit sticks of dynamite clenched between their bumcheeks for a dare...
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NobodysHome wrote: Yeah, yeah, totally hypocritical of me to decry all the lying, falsehoods, and gullibility of humanity in general, then admire someone for targeting those who richly deserve to be targeted.
But this little gadget is out-and-out hilarious.
I particularly love, "quantum holographic catalyzer technology for the balance and harmonisation of the harmful effects of imbalanced electric radiation."
If you read that and believe it and shell out $350 for the device, you really *do* deserve to get scammed...
But, like, clearly you haven't done your research, else you'd know that quadraluxophilic astral mumunating tachyo-disodicholrowoowoo is the only thing preventing us from being BRAINWASHED MIND-CATTLE OF THE TRANSDIMENSIONAL KILLUMINATI.
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gran rey de los mono wrote: Those places aren't real. They're as fake as unicorns, pegasi, and kangaroos. Yeah! Step outside the crushing prison of consensus reality into the quantum godhead of your mind and see THE TRUTH! Nothing is real except what you choose to make real, except Wisconsin, which exists whether you like it or not.
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Vanykrye wrote: captain yesterday wrote: Yeah, the next person that says they "elevated" meatloaf I'm laughing in their face, a full throated, no question there's sarcasm, Gilbert Gottfried laugh. What if they simply and quite literally just placed meatloaf in an elevator and sent it to a higher floor? We massaged its chakras with amethyst and activated Manuka turmeric water dust and sent it to a higher plane, in fact. Love and Light!
Join me in the eternal quantum sunshine of sparkly quantum Secret eternity, where if you ask the universe for Wins, it will make you Winnonade!
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Ohhh Yanni, synth pad me. Synth pad me up, Yanni. Synthi omi mani padme aum. I require Universal Oneness, and only by bathing in the Quantum Geyser of Yamaha DX7 squirgles and dolphin noises can I achieve this, so get to it.
I'm everywhere, fellow Lighbringer, as a part of the universal quantum consciousness crystal matrix! Time to move to a new octave!
The next poster has formed a scheme to delay the dawning of the Age of Aquarius.
Ancient Dragon Master wrote: How did pluto cat keep the win for 4 days straight? Hey!
Because, having joined the Mahasharata Golden Chi Temple of Divine Bliss, when he asks, the Universe says 'Yes!'
It's an activated tachyon moon crystal amulet, designed by precision quantum shamans to vibrate at the same frequency as your most intimate chakras and surround you with an eternal bubble of mindful wellnessism!
The next poster has also had a product endorsed by Paltrow.
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My chakras! They cannae take any more! I've reached a new octave of enlightenment, and without having to shove a jade egg up my [censored], this time!
You asked the Universe for pine cones... and it gave you pine cones! Cosmic Wishing Wealth Visualisation totally works!
{Starts thinking very hard about Nicki Minaj, smeared all over with Guinness}
*Destroys ASC with a single goji berry and the power of Positive Wellness*
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We are all one or none! All-One!
By which I mean, we are all onanists or nuns, sugarbuns!
Except me. I am the reincarnation of the Count of St. Germain, so screw you clowns.
I am always grateful!
And mindful!
And brimful of locally-sourced organic echinacea, placenta, kale, quinoa, saw-toothed scarlet dongle root and cultured squitt smoothies!
For Gaia's sake, don't stand downwind of me
You didn't believe!
If you believe!, anything can happen! Watch!
{Performs chi-revitalising Quantum dance, then runs at full pelt into wall}
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I like your style!
True wisdom lies in not answering the question that cannot be answered!
Immerse yourself in the quantum mindful sea of tachyon aloe vera silence and hear the universe whisper 'Yes!'
However, since I'm here, how many beans make five Paladins?
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Treppa wrote: No posts in FAWTL since my last post? How weird. Hey!
It's like you're all alone on a beautiful beach...
A soft breeze is blowing...
Tiny white clouds float across a sapphire blue sky...
In the background, a crab plays the ukelele, and who's that accompanying him on a lap steel and singing a traditional Hawaiian love song? Why, it's Justin Beiber!
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When the Universe gives you pants, make pantonade!
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Fear are the blinker on your Vision Horse! Release the Teeth of your Desires from your Frowning Tooth Cage and chew on the Oats of Destiny! You're a rainbow, spreading from peak to peak! You're a handful of magic poo, whizzing across the Monkey Cage of love like a galaxy full of brown stars! You're a unicorn with two bums! Release your inner angel and feel the Quantum Turnip!
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Don't just settle for good Mwahahahahaha!!
You deserve amazing Mwahahahahaha!! Superb Mwahahahahaha!! SUPER STUPENDOUS MEGA QUANTUM Mwahahahahaha!! Yes! You! YOU! YOU!!!! The Universe wants to have the Mwahahahahaha!! you've been striving for! Catch the Mindful Mega-Dollar Energy Cloud of Prosperity in your Sock Of Dreams and REACH FOR THE SUMPTUOUS GOLDEN STARS! You're worth it! {Ping!}