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The when wrote:

Rather than engaging in pointless acts of violence (That’s more the Grinch’s thing), The when offers the nice mime knitted jodhpurs to the Comte.

“I’m handing them over till them over via telekinesis. You just have to reach out and grab them, Count.”

{Diddler durdur, diddler durder, diddler durdur, diddlerdur}

I see those,
Personal trousers.
Something to warm your thighs, as well as the hair.

Reach out, touch pants.

Sovereign Court

*Charges, full pelt, at Comte de Malodor. Successfully impales him on the horns.*

*Keeps on charging, while Comte de Malodor is stuck going along for the ride.*

Watch out for the Goat Police. They won't like you going at that speed with an obstructed view.

Sovereign Court

Don't worry, I have the perfect solution: CARTOON POWERS, ACTIVATE!

*In true cartoon fashion, Fish-Malkovich runs up into the air, continues running across the sky (upside down), and then drops an anvil on top of the Goat Police.*

Sovereign Court

1 person marked this as a favorite.

The Goat Police are always there.
The Goat Police are in your hair.
The Goat Police they don’t wear shoes.
That’s because they walk on hooves.

I'm sorry, what are we talking about now?

Sovereign Court

GoatToucher wrote:
I'm sorry, what are we talking about now?

We're talking about the following:

1. Mr. Grinch hiding from Santa Claus.
2. Orange Hulk and Schism delivering the presents this year.
3. Something to do with the Goat Police.
4. Listing every single robot from the transformers universe.
5. Writing up a daily rota of harvesting Alphonse's (Comte de Malodor) body parts.
6. Your triumphant return and how you will bless us once again.
7. And solving the mystery of how they put the jam in Jammy Dodgers.

1 person marked this as a favorite.

What was that?

Yip Yip
It's coming from the den.

Yip Yip
A Puppy!

Yip Yip
Oh, She looks just like Max.

Yip Yip
Let me take you to Mr. Grinch.

Wake up Mr. Grinch.
Look what Santa brought you.

Isn't she Cute?
What are you going to name her?

Sovereign Court

I'm torn between Maxine and Schism 2, if you have any suggestions, please let me know.

*Comes out from under the bed.*

Well, I think that I should be safe now. How about we...


*Gets karate chopped on the back of the head, falls to the floor unconscious.*

Santa Claus: I said that I would get you next year!

1 person marked this as a favorite.

Schism: Hey!
That wasn't nice.
Santa doesn't do things like that.
Looks closely
You are not Santa.
You are Krampus, the Bad Santa.

Git him Maxine.

Maxine: GRRRR. Chomp

Krampus: Yow! Exits, limping badly

Schism: Good girl Gives Maxine a pat on the head

Sovereign Court

1 person marked this as a favorite.

The Goat Police got pointy horns.
The Goat Police can eat on thorns.
The Goat Police are out to getcha.
A galloping charge right to your britches.

Sovereign Court

*Is slowly, very slowly, regaining consciousness.*

Ugh... what.. hurts... need... rest...

1 person marked this as a favorite.

Applies ice bag to Mr. Grinch's Boo-Boo
There, there.
Everything will be fine.
Maxine chased the Bad Santa away.

Sovereign Court

You might want to put him on a sofa or something, instead of leaving him on the floor.

And maybe try and keep him awake, I'll see if I can get Dr House.

Sovereign Court

You are my sofa, I am your chrome dinette.

I am portly, and I am maroon.

Sovereign Court

One is shiny, the other's hairy. When put together, something scary!

As in 'The Bussy World of Richard Scary'?

Sovereign Court

Pulg wrote:
As in 'The Bussy World of Richard Scary'?


Sovereign Court

That’s all mildly disturbing.

Sovereign Court

Suddenly, you hear a noise coming couldn't be....





Scarab Sages

I just wanted to wish everyone a


Chain Lightning!: 20d24 ⇒ (15, 23, 20, 9, 5, 4, 5, 17, 13, 10, 1, 11, 17, 12, 12, 6, 23, 10, 22, 24) = 259

Sovereign Court

Good to see you again, and just where have you been all this time?

And don't say the obvious response, we all know that it's not true this time.

Because you've been away for so long, your Cheese Shop has been sold off to a butcher.

It was GoatToucher who sold it, so you know it went for a great price.

Oni Taiko-Drums In Your Closet wrote:





That's a very accurate summary of my weekend.

Sovereign Court

Don't think you're getting out of having your organs harvested, the rota is almost finished.

Sovereign Court

*Sits down at a massive, demonic pipe organ and begins to play. Ironically, the organ is situated in Oregon.*

*What's more, the organ in Oregon is made out of oregano*

Scarab Sages

1 person marked this as a favorite.
Dedrick, The Professor wrote:

Good to see you again, and just where have you been all this time?

And don't say the obvious response, we all know that it's not true this time.

Nonsense; I'm always Hiding In Your Closet...sometimes I just roll higher on my Stealth check than others!

I found your missing extra head, Professor - now YOU tell ME, what have you been up to while I wasn't paying attention?

Dark Archive

Dedrick, The Professor wrote:

Because you've been away for so long, your Cheese Shop has been sold off to a butcher.

It was GoatToucher who sold it, so you know it went for a great price.

*shows up wearing a blood-soaked paper hat and apron, waves an even more blood-soaked hand while holding an oddly-immaculate obsidian ritual cleaver in the other*

I DO hope the baker and the chandler keep stubbornly holding out...I much prefer a hostile takeover!

1 person marked this as a favorite.

Here I am.

Examines Mr. Grinch
Contusion on the head.
Some swelling.
Looks like a sub-dermal hematoma.
I am going to have to extract the blood.
This may hurt.

Sticks needle into hematoma


Take one of these every 3 hours.

Gives Mr. Grinch pain medicine

Come see me in the morning.

Sovereign Court

1 person marked this as a favorite.

Doktor House is in the haus, wut, wut!

Ja ja!

Sovereign Court

*rides up*

A légpárnásom tele van angolnákkal!

*rides off*

Sovereign Court

Should I post here tonight?

Nah, think I’ll let it slide…

Sovereign Court

I'm Hiding In Your Closet wrote:
Dedrick, The Professor wrote:

Good to see you again, and just where have you been all this time?

And don't say the obvious response, we all know that it's not true this time.

Nonsense; I'm always Hiding In Your Closet...sometimes I just roll higher on my Stealth check than others!

I found your missing extra head, Professor - now YOU tell ME, what have you been up to while I wasn't paying attention?

Firstly, that is a fibreglass replica of a tigon for a museum display.

Secondly, I have been right here writing the rota for harvesting Alphonse's body parts.

Speaking of which, your turn to do the harvesting next Saturday.

Sovereign Court

Spenser Quixote wrote:

*rides up*

A légpárnásom tele van angolnákkal!

*rides off*


*Intercepts Spenser Quixote, preventing him from going anywhere.*

Hello, I am the Legendary Sir Loin of Beef, you killed my father, prepare to die!

Dedrick, The Professor wrote:
I'm Hiding In Your Closet wrote:
Dedrick, The Professor wrote:

Good to see you again, and just where have you been all this time?

And don't say the obvious response, we all know that it's not true this time.

Nonsense; I'm always Hiding In Your Closet...sometimes I just roll higher on my Stealth check than others!

I found your missing extra head, Professor - now YOU tell ME, what have you been up to while I wasn't paying attention?

Firstly, that is a fibreglass replica of a tigon for a museum display.

Secondly, I have been right here writing the rota for harvesting Alphonse's body parts.

Speaking of which, your turn to do the harvesting next Saturday.

Most of them are still available except his heart, which he left in Fran's Sand Disco.

Sovereign Court

Dibs on the spleen!

Sovereign Court

1 person marked this as a favorite.
The Legendary Sir Loin of Beef wrote:
Hello, I am the Legendary Sir Loin of Beef, you killed my father, prepare to die!

*spits in Sir Loin's face, drinks his beer*

Sovereign Court

1 person marked this as a favorite.

Ah yes. The used camel, Lot.

Sovereign Court

*eats The when*

Sovereign Court

*Is protected from the camel spit due to the face guard.*

I have no quarrel with you, noble beast of the desert, my battle is with your foolish rider.

Sovereign Court

1 person marked this as a favorite.

*looks down to side, rummages through his things, pulls out an unusually thick and juicy leather case of crossbow-bolts*

Forsooth, quam dost yon daardoor ensconce itself?!

*passes it to Sir Loin via lance-tip*

Thine quarrel, sirrah!

Sovereign Court

*Takes the case of crossbow bolts, a look of pure disdain on his face.*

Once more, I have been outwitted. But, my honour is still unblemished, so I roam once more.

*Walks into the distance, proud yet crestfallen, still seeking glory and redemption.*

Sovereign Court

Lot wrote:
*eats The when*


Sovereign Court

Who knows? Probably best to ask him.

Sovereign Court



Sovereign Court

*Bounds by, using long strides, and muttering eldritch ramblings.*

Sovereign Court


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