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Kjeldorn wrote:
Todd, The Infernal Janitor wrote:


I hate theaters, no one knows how to clean properly.

*Adjusts monocle and straightens top-hat*

Are you even sure, you have ever seen the inside of a theater? I mean, I don't believe that my favoured establishment, would let in infernal riff-raff.

Well, now we are discussing a completely different kind of establishment, much cleaner, also, I go where I please, and I clean what I please...

*Hovers, silently philosophizing about the pros and cons of being aware of the fourth wall*

Evil janitor Now I only see him as the janitor from scrubs.

Iron Federation Drone wrote:
*Hovers, silently philosophizing about the pros and cons of being aware of the fourth wall*

Your fourth wall should have a door in it.

It's also nice to have a window in one of the other walls. The third wall for instance. You can have more than one window, usually to benefit.

Better than windows, however is a roof. Really helps keep the weather out. Don't go for one of them Santa Fe style roofs either, the roof of a building should be larger than the building it's meant to cover. Tends to leak otherwise.

2 people marked this as a favorite.

When I was younger I used to wonder if I was in a show like the truman show with people watching me secretly. Now I realize we are all on the truman show.

Vidmaster7 wrote:
Evil janitor Now I only see him as the janitor from scrubs.

It took me a minute to understand what you meant, as I don't actually watch scrubs.

Always got to ruin my streak. eh hamster?

of course.

I would baleful polymorph you but where do you go from a hamster?


Vidmaster7 wrote:
I would baleful polymorph you but where do you go from a hamster?

I'm not even sure it would work anyway...

Vidmaster7 wrote:
I would baleful polymorph you but where do you go from a hamster?


I think that's, like, a koan, man, or something. Way Zen.

We'll get you one of those little wheels so you will run yourself dun dun dun... (dramatic pause) to death.

I fully support the gifting of exercise machinery to our sentient animals-in-arms.

Why do you have animals in your arms? Let them out!

'Good' Kjeldorn. Feh.

AH, I don't care... Much.

1 person marked this as a favorite.

Kjeldorn has split into two Kjeldorns!

Wait... why am I so amazed? I have a Gyarados me, a Pirate me and some sort of Pinecone duplicate.

Is there a Neutral Kjeldorn too?

I think I am probably too Chaotic to have an alignment. Today I've been called Constant and Efficient in my job. I thought: I guess that makes me CE xD

1 person marked this as a favorite.

I just have different people posting under different names under one account... Oh, wait, no... False alarm, they are all just me, posting under different personalities... I think... It may explain the flaming mop in the closet.

I am one intelligence occupying several bodies. I do not find it particularly unusual.

Youve had long enough

They've all gone. Hey, Vid, let's swap beard-care tips! I favour a marinade of balsamic vinegar, jet fuel, Kabbalah Water and oil of impact, combed out with an ettin's ribcage and then lightly dusted with cornflour. How about you?

All natural baby although sometimes it gets exposed to various food products for indeterminate amounts of time. pretty well until someone points and goes hey you got something in your beard.

Tell them: «It's a decorative food piece! You know nothing about fashion!»

Well you heard it folks if the fashion designer says so it must be a thing.

She's not a fashion designer, just a weirdo with funny hats.

My username says otherwise!

She does have you there.

I have no real opinion on fashion. I have just enough fashion sense to know that blue jeans and black t-shirts (with or without a geeky picture/quote on them) go together, and then work from there.

How do you get them in a size to fit your tiny but perfect furry form? Do you steal them off Ken?

I have left many a poor Ken-doll homeless, clothes-less, and money-less in my rampant quest for materialistic possessions.

Ah, leaving people penniless and naked in the street when you're done with them. That takes me back.

About an hour.

GoatToucher wrote:

Ah, leaving people penniless and naked in the street when you're done with them. That takes me back.

About an hour.

Stop right there criminal scum!!!

What governing body's jurisdiction does this area fall under? I am uncertain as to who is responsible for law enforcement here.

Liberty's Edge

Iron Federation Drone wrote:
I am uncertain as to who is responsible for law enforcement here.


*jumps into squad car, drives to the rescue!*

*sits in the back, cleaning the squad car*
I can't promise it'll be clean after GoatToucher's been in it, but at least it'll be clean before he gets in here.
*Grabs a doughnut*

We all know GH lifts Just look at those books.

Good Kjeldorn wrote:

Stop right there criminal scum!!!

You're adorable.

1 person marked this as a favorite.
GoatToucher wrote:
Good Kjeldorn wrote:

Stop right there criminal scum!!!

You're adorable.

*Pales considerable*

Take off the sparkly pink Judge Dredd costume and he'll lose interest pretty quickly.

That depends entirely on what's underneath...

A sparkly blue Judge Dredd costume.

I know that I've lost interest... Not that I had any to begin with...

I'm back baby.

*looks a the back of Vid and smiles*

Yup you've got back baby

*hovers, while contemplating the best way to try to improve conditions in this inherently chaotic format*

Liberty's Edge

1 person marked this as a favorite.
Sunomono Slaad wrote:
Iron Federation Drone wrote:
I am uncertain as to who is responsible for law enforcement here.


*jumps into squad car, drives to the rescue!*

*finally Hong Kong*

*somehow finds GoatToucher there*

HALT! You're under a Rast!

>.> I think I just got check out.

Sovereign Court

Hey, Sunomono Slaad, do you think you are able to send that rast over to the menagerie? It would be the perfect first creature for the Firelands enclosure. I tell you, guys, it's great to be back from my vacation with the family (we were in Absolem, I'd won a contest to compete in that trial where if you reach a meteorite that's in the centre you'd get to become a God. Needless to say, I won). And good thing too, I needed a break when I found out that one of the dodos turned out to be a Jubjub Bird.

Vidmaster7 wrote:
>.> I think I just got check out.

...By someone other than GoatToucher... what is this world coming to??

I don't even know little hamster I don't even know.

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