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Sovereign Court


*Notices the funny looks.*

What? That WAS my name after all!

Oh, I don't read lore. It has a well-known liberal bias.

Scarab Sages

Lore may be liberal, but Data's a SOCIALIST!!!

Well, obviously. All androids are socialists. It's the fourth law of robotics.

I thought that was the fifth law.

Androids are people too...aren't they?

People who are programmed to be Socialists, yes.

They certainly loose hope, weep, and curl into fetal balls like people do.


F*** YEAH!

* A strange mass of energy that can only be described as light and darkness swirling together in a ballet of chaos flows out of the now helmetless suit of armor. The energy forms the shape of a human head.

Hey now, IHIYC, that helmet was a gift! I'd appreciate you returning it.

I'll have to stop you right there. Roleplaying is against the law in these parts.

So..... what´s up doc?

Just me winning.

Sovereign Court

Bestiary number five is coming out in November, I think it will be awesome! What about the rest of you? Oh, UT, did you get your helmet back yet?

Scarab Sages

*hacks Uncle Teddy's helmet back up - it now has a big silly spiral mustache of twisted metal on it*

I hate mustaches.

And here I was going to try and sell you a mustache comb.

I believe it's pronounced "Moos-tashe."

Been a while since I've been here... I win?

Scarab Sages

A stern voice shouts "YOU LOSE!" while M. Bison levitates and sneers at you on the right side of the screen.

1 person marked this as a favorite.

When you heard that reference, it was the most important day of your life.

But for IHIYC, it was Tuesday.

Today is Wednesday.
That means I win.

:throws Schism in a sack:

Not for long.

Yikes! That's it for schism I guess.. . At least I'm winning,so that's a thing.

*Cuts way out of sack.*

You will never get me into your house of horrors.

Unfortunately for you, we're in a mansion of horrors. Much harder to navigate out of.

Sovereign Court

Yes, mainly because there is NO way out! If there is, please tell me so that I can get out!

1 person marked this as a favorite.

I'm pretty sure the yelp reviews for the Hotel California mentioned that problem. This really is your own fault.

Scarab Sages

1 person marked this as a favorite.

Is the leader of the South Korean mafia known as the Godfather of Seoul?

I am not sure why don't you ask him see what happens? In the meantime I think I will take up my spot here as victor.

Missed it by that much. This is me winning. Neat, huh?

Not particularly.


Dark Archive

More like SPOOOG !!!! After I bash in your head and take the victory.

Sovereign Court

Arrg, to that, matie!

*Laughs for a brief period.*

But seriously, I have decided to reveal the truth about my corruption. It is a paradox, for (after joining the faith) GoatToucher went back in time to ensure that I became that which you see before you. And that glaive? Well, it was not originally used for it's correct purpose.

It's waterproof for a reason.

But perhaps I've said too much...

Definitely TMI.

Schism wrote:

Today is Wednesday.

That means I win.

Today is still Wednesday.

That means we all lose. I just lose somewhat less than the rest of you, so it's kind of like winning.

Or, at least that's what I tell myself when I get out of bed in the morning.

Scarab Sages

*wallops Waterhammer with an ice-tetsubo*

Waterhammer wrote:
Schism wrote:

Today is Wednesday.

That means I win.

Today is still Wednesday.

That means we all lose. I just lose somewhat less than the rest of you, so it's kind of like winning.

Or, at least that's what I tell myself when I get out of bed in the morning.

Sorry Waterhammer. When you claimed the win, it was already Friday.

Sovereign Court


*Does a double fistpump.*

TGIF! Let's party!

*Runs to the shops to get the supplies.*

Don't forget the streamers and Kat Nip.

I'll get the lavacuzzi nice and bubbly.

I'll get my ointments and tongs, along with a few... surprises!

Sorry. Fun police. I'm shutting it all down!

Come on Ventnor. Join us. Take a dip in the lavacuzzi, why not? GoatToucher set this guy up with a "massage".

:thumps Ventnor on the back on the head with a sap:

:drags body into "Workroom":

:begins "massage":

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