GoatToucher is banned for thinking a few rubber bands are appropriate evening wear.
JTDIII is banned for supplying GoatToucher the rubber bands and not expecting him to use them as evening wear.
UT is banned for not appreciating a well-cinched scrotum.
Pathfinder Rulebook, Starfinder Society Subscriber
GoatToucher is banned for using those rubberbands for purposes not intended.
Sliska Zafir is banned because those teeth were all STOLEN!
IHIYC is banned because those teeth were stolen from him, and HE stole them from the hopes and dreams of children everywhere.
Banned for being Closet's treasonous right-hand man who aided in that heist.
Terrinam is banned for being the getaway driver and forgetting their car keys.
Uncle Teddy is banned for the cruel way he eats animal-shaped snacks. Bites off appendages; works his way to the head; talks despicably to it the whole time...
Pathfinder Rulebook, Starfinder Society Subscriber
JTDV is banned for NOT dragging victims he grapples with his mandibles back into his tunnels to messily devour, but instead messily devours them in front of their party mates. Uncouth!
Sliska Zafir is banned for using his original Atari 2600 as a toothpick.
JTD is banned until it gets a manicure.
Monica is banned for that sultry look she always wears.
Schism is banned for using dark magic to take away my ability to speak
PJ's horse is banned because horses are evil.
Angry Little Guy is banned because there are already too g#@*~~n many small and angry people out there right now.
IHIYC is banned for scaring all the young children and forcing me to need to come in and start his court ordered therapy sessions.
Dr. Sigmund is banned for that cheesy handlebar mustache; also the ruffles which are so last year.
Dr G House MD, DDS, DVM is banned for copyright infringement against Incognito Mosquito!
I'm Hiding In Your Closet is banned for offering me a straw for my coke. He stores his straws in his nose! This was originally for Dr G House MD, DDS, DVM, but this is funnier!
JTDV is banned for actually thinking his jokes are funny .. let alone that he missed out on the possible chance that one of his jokes may have been funny with Dr G House ... that might have been funny.
Angry Little Guy is banned for making me snort my drink out my nose.
Pathfinder Rulebook, Starfinder Society Subscriber
The Dr is banned for poking his nose into everything...and I mean Everything.
1 person marked this as a favorite.
Sliska Zafir is banned until this affair with the busload of Japanese schoolgirls gets sorted out.
Goat Toucher is banned for filming the event and forcing others to watch it.
Monica is banned for orchestrating the whole thing.
Ranger Alissa is banned for providing the bus.
Archfiend Terrinam is banned from being involved in the legal proceedings from the event.
Burning Straw man is banned for burning the evidence.
Sergeant Baskerville is banned for eating the District Attorney's notes from the ensuing investigation (AKA his 'homework').
1 person marked this as a favorite.
I'm hiding in Your Closet is banned from all wooden enclosures after the coffin incident.
The Vandalism Officer is banned for vandalizing his own pupils.
JTDV is banned for trying to end the BANNED forum game.
Vidmaster7 is banned because he urgently needs an appointment with his barber.
Quiche Lisp is banned for having obviously been hogging the barber's attentions nonstop.
Sirius Sa'luk is banned for swimming in bleach.
Captain Spalding must be banned postehaste as consequence for her longstanding habit of swimming in the ocean WITHOUT the use of bleach, nor any like or better antiseptic, nor even a scrap of protective clothing - dear gods, woman, are you not aware of what all the creatures of the sea DO in there?!?
Tvashtri Abdul-Khasis is banned for trying to give ocean dwellers a bad name.
Bigger Shark is banned for wearing a white bikini after Labor Day.
JTDV is banned for his obvious prejudice against white bikinis. They can be worn at anytime.
CC is banned for no one else banning him for quite some time.
1 person marked this as a favorite.
GG is banned for hiding the ban thread so he can make that statement.
Belphegor is banned for her regular bicentennial re-embalming.
Nectobod is banned for picking at all the left over bodies. EWWWWW gross.
Monica is banned for using an odd number of W's.
Snow White's Mother is banned for laughing the melodies of popular songs. Not humming melodies, but laughing them. With a somewhat maniacal twinge.
JTDV is banned for tunneling into people's FarmVille games just to pop out and devour them as they water their crops...
...wait, no, not 'banned', what's the word I'm thinking of?...'Commended'! Ah, yes, that's it! 'Commended' and 'honored'!
The closet jester is banned for backing out of his ban.
Snow White's Mother is banned for failing to meet the minimum-nose requirements.
1 person marked this as a favorite.
I'm Hiding In Your Closet is banned for replacing all the mart-carts in a certain retail store with ATVs. Although, it has been fun to watch the carnage. So, only a temporary ban.