Big Honking Hero's of Golly-I-ran OOC thread

Play-by-Post Discussion

Male Daytona 500 DM / 12

OK. Here is the first OOC discussion thread for this wild and woolly campaign. Following is a list of 1st level options. If you don't see anything you're interested in let me know what you'd like to see (For flavor, not so much mechanics) and I'll see what my devious mind can dream up. After choosing a beginning feat we'll do a cool little exercise to determine how the party came together (Which I stole outright from Spirit of the Century)

First Level options:

    *1 Jeves - 0-level npc to hinder...I mean help the PC with various cooking, pitching tents, research, keeping watch for them, polishing armor, keeping bedroll warm etc.

    *2 10-Fingers - You've got 10 fingers, why not 10 magical rings. The only problem is you don't like other jewelry...No amulets, Periapts, Bracers, headbands etc. Belts, cloaks, robes, hats etc are ok.

    *3 Magical Dumpster Dive - You or some of your deceased friends found this really cool item in the Midden heap of Castle Beigerock. Some cool but not outrageous magic item. Once the character concept is established I'll come up with a cool item (with your agreement of course) to help you along

*4 Sure it Stacks - Every time you take this feat you can choose a bonus of some kind that normally doesn't stack and for you it does. Must be magic!

*5 Hit the Rewind - Once per session (Session length to be determined by god) you can pretend you didn't do or say something that you really did. This not a do over for dice rolls, but "I wish I hadn't opened that door" type thing.

*6 My Dad's richer than your dad - Begin play with 2,500 gp. Problem is you stole the money before you left home, and you're not really welcome back.

*7 I can't believe I ate the whole thing - You can eat anything non poisonous...and I mean anything and it never effects you. If you had time you could eat the entire contents of a library, all the grass in a great meadow, or all the webs in a giant spider lure. No problem to consume many times your body weight in stuff. (Gut of holding?)

*8 Sasquatch got nothing on you - You have thick mats of body hair covering your entire body...thick, stiff, resilient stinky body hair. The good news is this gives you a +2 Natural Armor bonus (Unless you shave twice a day). The bad news it stinks and is ugly which gives you a -4 to CHA based checks vs "normal humans". Bugbears might find it sexy which creates another problem entirely.

*9 Seventh son of a Seventh son - You are very lucky. Almost like a cat but not quite. You've got seven lives. When you should have died in the adventure seven times fate will intervene and you somehow live...Who would have thought that Roc would be flying by, just as you fell from the cliff. The drawback you can't be reincarnated or resurrected as a normal character...oh and you cast no shadow which can be interesting.

*10 Renaissance Man - You know a little about everything, and constantly surprise people with your abilities. Every level when you get new skill points you can choose to spend them whenever you like instead of when you level up...What no ranks in Knowledge big slimy things...Well I just happen to have read a book about them last week.

Please choose one of these as a free first level ability. It would be cool if everybody chooses something different.

Male no, I think I'll just sit here, you go ahead though... Father 2/Geek8

Posting to get the dot.

Also, love the "Flavour Traits" not sure what I want to pick yet, its almost like I'm a 7 year old in a candy story with a fifty dollar note!

Of course *1 was created just for my Paladin.

Why wouldn't he have a butler. I'm just surprised there isn't an option for a housekeeper, cook, scullery maid, someone to draw his bath...

Would you as GM run the NPC or could the player? I was thinking Cato/Inspector Clouseau or Jeeves/Wooster. It's the manservant that has all the brains.

Male Daytona 500 DM / 12
abstract xp wrote:

Of course *1 was created just for my Paladin.

Why wouldn't he have a butler. I'm just surprised there isn't an option for a housekeeper, cook, scullery maid, someone to draw his bath...

Would you as GM run the NPC or could the player? I was thinking Cato/Inspector Clouseau or Jeeves/Wooster. It's the manservant that has all the brains.

Jeeves could be any of the options. Doesn't have to be a manservant. It would be a combination of player run, and GM run. You for the most part, but I'll probably come up with a couple of quirks for the npc.

Male Humanoid Lurker 1/ Nerd 1

I'm here. As for my trait, I'll be going with My Dad's Richer Than Your Dad. (Well technically his mother is richer than your dad, since his father is technically some random elf they hired to tend the garden.)


I'll take #3 ... Magical Dumpster Dive

I'm curious with what you can come up with for my mini he-man ;)

Do I need to incorporate it into my background too ?


Half Elf Bard 1

I'm just about done with my sheet. Now to write up a background.

Male Daytona 500 DM / 12

Character Backgrounds. I love character write ups, but keep in mind there is another step after everyone has their basic characters done. As I mentioned I stole this from another game. After the characters are done I will assign them a number between 1 and 5. This is how this step will work:

Everybody comes up with a title of a novel staring their character:
Horus and the Purple Beetles

He then writes the first paragraph of the adventure like the back of the book:
Horus after defeating the Scion of Wedgiefield, descends into the tombs beneath Wedgiefield manor, and encounters his worst nightmare...The giant purple beetles. These four Beetle shaped demons; Juan, Paulo, Jorge, and Ringo, present Horus with challenge after challenge as he descends into the tombs searching for the shiny disk of endless chanting.

He then passes the torch to the next player in line who writes himself into the story in a co-starring role:

Descend into the darkness with Horus and his trusty companion Felicia the wonder Druid, as her ability to summon underground burrowing creatures to distract Paulo help the intrepid adventurers sneak past the Chamber of Tangerine trees.

The story is then passed to the next player in line whom writes himself into the story as well.

Stare wide eyed as Horus and Felicia are captured by the Gently weeping Harps of Romance...doomed to spend eternity pining over real or imaginary lost loves...only to be rescued by Flynn the Flying Barbarian, who descended from out of the Marmalade skies at the last moment

This ties all the players together and is kind of fun as well. If this seems too much trouble just let me know...but I think it would be kind of fun.


I'm game here :)

Sounds like a lot of fun, and all Roleplay-y.

I'll start up something tomorrow.


Current map Temple of Thyr God Infinity........
TDLofCC wrote:

I'll take #3 ... Magical Dumpster Dive

I'm curious with what you can come up with for my mini he-man ;)

Do I need to incorporate it into my background too ?


Opening the Codex of It tells me that you have been blessed with the Plush Stuffed Fennec of Random Brilliance. If you sleep overnight with this in your bed you receive every morning determined randomly a +20 to the determined skill check for the next 24 hours. This changes everyday. This only works if you have slept with the cute little thing seven days in a row. It is then attuned to you. The only potential drawback to this is that this voice is in your head all day giving you the advice and skill to do these things. Each skill has it's own master whom is your guide to this skill. Some of them are annoying.

Supreme Being wrote:
TDLofCC wrote:

I'll take #3 ... Magical Dumpster Dive

I'm curious with what you can come up with for my mini he-man ;)

Do I need to incorporate it into my background too ?


** spoiler omitted **

rofl :)

I'll encorperate it in my background ... mind if I alter it to an item I took from my home .. it used to belong to my wife .. but she had no idea what powers it has.

It stood on an shelf somewhere, so she never slept with it either :)

I'll ofcourse have to name it Orko ... :D


Male Half Orc Sorcerer 1

Hey, watch it with the racial remarks!

Behold Harktom the Sturdy, your Half Orc necromancer.
(hold that beholding, I haven't written anything yet!!!!)

Male Half Elf Wizard 3 / Cleric 3 / Mystic Theurge 1
TDLofCC wrote:

I'll ofcourse have to name it Orko ... :D

lol .. it has nothing to do with Orcs ;)

Behold Orko


Male Half Orc Sorcerer 1

Harktom "can't-believe-he-ate-it-all" (of course he believes it, he just saw himself doing just that!)

I don't mind picking something else if someone wants this one, the 10 fingers one sounds like fun too for a half orc.

Harktom the Sturdy wrote:

Harktom "can't-believe-he-ate-it-all" (of course he believes it, he just saw himself doing just that!)

I think it's made for half-orc .. especially with the avatar picture you chose ;)


Current map Temple of Thyr God Infinity........
TDLofCC wrote:
Supreme Being wrote:
TDLofCC wrote:

I'll take #3 ... Magical Dumpster Dive

I'm curious with what you can come up with for my mini he-man ;)

Do I need to incorporate it into my background too ?


** spoiler omitted **

rofl :)

I'll encorperate it in my background ... mind if I alter it to an item I took from my home .. it used to belong to my wife .. but she had no idea what powers it has.

It stood on an shelf somewhere, so she never slept with it either :)

I'll ofcourse have to name it Orko ... :D


Sure. Have at it. This game is all about fun!!!

Male Half Elf Wizard 3 / Cleric 3 / Mystic Theurge 1
Supreme Being wrote:

Sure. Have at it. This game is all about fun!!!

He we go .. I present .. Orko

And I edited into my background.

Current map Temple of Thyr God Infinity........
Delwyn Mane wrote:
Supreme Being wrote:

Sure. Have at it. This game is all about fun!!!

He we go .. I present .. Orko

And I edited into my background.

Ummm That picture makes me feel a little bit weird. What have I created?

Supreme Being wrote:
Delwyn Mane wrote:
Supreme Being wrote:

Sure. Have at it. This game is all about fun!!!

He we go .. I present .. Orko

And I edited into my background.

Ummm That picture makes me feel a little bit weird. What have I created?

Well .. probably something just like the REAL Orko .. Comic Relief ;)


abstract xp here...

Sir Corvus Cornix is taking shape - he'll be completed within 24 hours. His manservant (Corbie) will be given some flesh too.

Sir Corvus is the paladin's poster boy - it's just a pity he insists on thinking and opening his mouth!

Male Half Elf Wizard 3 / Cleric 3 / Mystic Theurge 1

I've just whipped up the novel start :)

It's somewhat similar to He-Man .. but hey .. he just is The Most Powerful Man in the Universe.

Male no, I think I'll just sit here, you go ahead though... Father 2/Geek8

I'm sorry, Scranford, but I am going to have to back out, my PbPs are just about to start, so I shall be a little busy.

I'm very interested in how this will turn out though, so I think I will follow the IC thread.

Male Daytona 500 DM / 12
Ekeebe wrote:

I'm sorry, Scranford, but I am going to have to back out, my PbPs are just about to start, so I shall be a little busy.

I'm very interested in how this will turn out though, so I think I will follow the IC thread.

No problem. Got one in the wings.

I think I'm gonna go with the Magical Girl Cleric. Any ideas on how to make her as magical girl-y as possible? Obviously she needs a talking magical animal of some sort as a companion. Maybe take the animal domain and custom something up? I could take the free level 0 npc thing, but our paladin already took it, and I'd like to get some kind of magical girl transformation, so she spends most of her time as a normal girl, but when needed she goes into a minute-long transformation sequence, with music, special effects, and partial nudity. Of course while this is happening, nobody does anything (not even planning) because that's how the genre works, so it really just takes a free action on her turn. ^_^

Rokku wrote:
I think I'm gonna go with the Magical Girl Cleric. Any ideas on how to make her as magical girl-y as possible? Obviously she needs a talking magical animal of some sort as a companion. Maybe take the animal domain and custom something up? I could take the free level 0 npc thing, but our paladin already took it, and I'd like to get some kind of magical girl transformation, so she spends most of her time as a normal girl, but when needed she goes into a minute-long transformation sequence, with music, special effects, and partial nudity. Of course while this is happening, nobody does anything (not even planning) because that's how the genre works, so it really just takes a free action on her turn. ^_^

That actually sounds like a druid :)

Perhaps that might something to think about.

Oh .. and yeeee for the partial nudity :P


Male Daytona 500 DM / 12
Rokku wrote:
I think I'm gonna go with the Magical Girl Cleric. Any ideas on how to make her as magical girl-y as possible? Obviously she needs a talking magical animal of some sort as a companion. Maybe take the animal domain and custom something up? I could take the free level 0 npc thing, but our paladin already took it, and I'd like to get some kind of magical girl transformation, so she spends most of her time as a normal girl, but when needed she goes into a minute-long transformation sequence, with music, special effects, and partial nudity. Of course while this is happening, nobody does anything (not even planning) because that's how the genre works, so it really just takes a free action on her turn. ^_^

I'm thinking that is kind of Druid like as well...And if you want to take choice number 1 for your animal companion I will allow you to communicate with the companion, in your own special language. It will act kind of like a talking familiar animal companion. If other players wish to be able to communicate in this manner they must spend a skill point on Linguistics to pick up this "language".

Hmm, okay, we can swap over to druid.

Can I get all the magical girl effects? These will mostly be cosmetic: no matter what kind of armor she's wearing, when she HENSHINS UP!! she looks like she's wearing her silly magical girl outfit (which incidentally, will be this) even when she eventually gets and uses wild shape. She would look like she's wild shaped into a hybrid form and is still wearing the outfit, but mechanically it wouldn't change.

Edit: Actually, I just realized that the cosmetic thing *would* effect wild shape mechnaically -- she'd lose the +20 to disguise herself as a bird, cat, etc. I'm fine with that, if I could say, get to keep opposable thumbs in exchange. Or maybe never have to pay for the Wild enhancement.

Also her animal companion should look small and cute no matter how deadly of a beast it becomes.

(also if I could trade a 20 and an 8 for like two 14s that would be awesome)

Male Daytona 500 DM / 12
Rokku wrote:

Hmm, okay, we can swap over to druid.

Can I get all the magical girl effects? These will mostly be cosmetic: no matter what kind of armor she's wearing, when she HENSHINS UP!! she looks like she's wearing her silly magical girl outfit (which incidentally, will be this) even when she eventually gets and uses wild shape. She would look like she's wild shaped into a hybrid form and is still wearing the outfit, but mechanically it wouldn't change.

Edit: Actually, I just realized that the cosmetic thing *would* effect wild shape mechnaically -- she'd lose the +20 to disguise herself as a bird, cat, etc. I'm fine with that, if I could say, get to keep opposable thumbs in exchange. Or maybe never have to pay for the Wild enhancement.

Also her animal companion should look small and cute no matter how deadly of a beast it becomes.

(also if I could trade a 20 and an 8 for like two 14s that would be awesome)

Boy we're really stretching d20 to it's limits to try to make this character at 1st level. I'd say this is eventually possible, but you'll have to buy armor with the "Glamored" trait. Not going to be possible with first level money, but it gives you something to shoot for.

I'm not sure what you are talking about with the +20 disguise thing. Could you point me in the right direction for this?

Pick you're animal. I'm sure we can work something else. The Druid calls his/her own companion.

Sorry but no trading on the stats. We're purposely staying away from having balanced characters. These are guys of extremes. Even our Paladin has only an 8 STR. ;-).

scranford wrote:

Boy we're really stretching d20 to it's limits to try to make this character at 1st level. I'd say this is eventually possible, but you'll have to buy armor with the "Glamored" trait. Not going to be possible with first level money, but it gives you something to shoot for.

I'm not sure what you are talking about with the +20 disguise thing. Could you point me in the right direction for this?

Pick you're animal. I'm sure we can work something else. The Druid calls his/her own companion.

Sorry but no trading on the stats. We're purposely staying away from having balanced characters. These are guys of extremes. Even our Paladin has only an 8 STR. ;-).

Yeah, I didn't think I was going to get that last one.

The Disguise thing is under "special" for the disguise skill -- and I was wrong, it's only +10.


Spiritual Soldier Princess Eve

Not entirely done, but mostly.

Male Daytona 500 DM / 12
Rokku wrote:


Spiritual Soldier Princess Eve

Not entirely done, but mostly.

Almost everything looks good on first inspection. You will have to get rid of the Traits though the starting Ability replaces the traits.

Shoot, I really wanted that trait to get a couple rounds out of summoning.

Updated and completed! I discovered that druids aren't proficient in crossbows, so... yeah.


Just bumping the topic up ... Can't wait to start the Over-The-Topness :)


Current map Temple of Thyr God Infinity........

OK. It looks like we have 5 victims...I mean players. Following is your player number:

Rokku 2
Davi 3
Abstract 4
Brass Pigeon 5

Everybody just needs to write their novel back page paragraph, then we can tie the other characters in. For example:

TDL has written his. Rokku needs to write a sentence to tie himself into TDL's Novel back cover.

When he is through Davi will then tie his character in. Just follow down the line write your novel cover, then your sentences for the players directly in front of you. There is an example in an earlier thread. When we get this done...The great metropolis of Al Kapone will open it's alabaster gates to your motley crew.

Current map Temple of Thyr God Infinity........
TDLofCC wrote:

Just bumping the topic up ... Can't wait to start the Over-The-Topness :)


Hey. Just a thought. You might want to paste your novel blurb in a separate post, unspoilered so when the others post their connecting blurbs they can simply reply to yours and everything will be in one place by the time everyone has posted.

Supreme Being wrote:
TDLofCC wrote:

Just bumping the topic up ... Can't wait to start the Over-The-Topness :)


Hey. Just a thought. You might want to paste your novel blurb in a separate post, unspoilered so when the others post their connecting blurbs they can simply reply to yours and everything will be in one place by the time everyone has posted.

Alright, I'll make a new OOC Topic.

And link it here


Current map Temple of Thyr God Infinity........
TDLofCC wrote:
Supreme Being wrote:
TDLofCC wrote:

Just bumping the topic up ... Can't wait to start the Over-The-Topness :)


Hey. Just a thought. You might want to paste your novel blurb in a separate post, unspoilered so when the others post their connecting blurbs they can simply reply to yours and everything will be in one place by the time everyone has posted.

Alright, I'll make a new OOC Topic.

And link it here


I really just meant another post in this thread instead of in your profile, but that will work also. Thanks.

Sir Corvus (and his faithful manservant Corbie) are 99% done. I may tweak them when the novel blurb gets to me though.

He has developed into something of a Gilderoy Lockhart (for those that know the Harry Potter stories). Foppish, overstates his role in everything and as camp as a row of tents (but he loves the ladies and they love him of course).

Supreme Being wrote:

I really just meant another post in this thread instead of in your profile, but that will work also. Thanks.

Oopsy .. my bad .. well .. it's there now ;)



Where is everyone ... the post has al but moved to the archives :(


Current map Temple of Thyr God Infinity........
TDLofCC wrote:

Where is everyone ... the post has al but moved to the archives :(


It look as thought the Supreme Being will have to recruit a couple of replacement players, as we've apparently lost one, and one never showed. In addition a possible replacement declined. I'll post for replacements tonight. Sorry guys. I love DMing, but hate having to constantly recruit new players, which is why I haven't run a game before now. I'll try to recruit a couple of new guys, and move forward however.

Supreme Being wrote:
TDLofCC wrote:

Where is everyone ... the post has al but moved to the archives :(


It look as thought the Supreme Being will have to recruit a couple of replacement players, as we've apparently lost one, and one never showed. In addition a possible replacement declined. I'll post for replacements tonight. Sorry guys. I love DMing, but hate having to constantly recruit new players, which is why I haven't run a game before now. I'll try to recruit a couple of new guys, and move forward however.

Sometimes it's better at the beginning to recruit a couple more than you can handle. One or two always drop out.

Do any of the existing players know anyone? A personal referral is always a good sign.

Some honest feedback. I thought I would enjoy this game but I had a few doubts. The truth is that I love it! Playing an OTT character forces you to role-play in a way that playing a regular character doesn't. I had a character in mind that was OTT and now I can't help but play up to that image in my head.

Current map Temple of Thyr God Infinity........
Sir Corvus Cornix wrote:
Supreme Being wrote:
TDLofCC wrote:

Where is everyone ... the post has al but moved to the archives :(


It look as thought the Supreme Being will have to recruit a couple of replacement players, as we've apparently lost one, and one never showed. In addition a possible replacement declined. I'll post for replacements tonight. Sorry guys. I love DMing, but hate having to constantly recruit new players, which is why I haven't run a game before now. I'll try to recruit a couple of new guys, and move forward however.

Sometimes it's better at the beginning to recruit a couple more than you can handle. One or two always drop out.

Do any of the existing players know anyone? A personal referral is always a good sign.

Some honest feedback. I thought I would enjoy this game but I had a few doubts. The truth is that I love it! Playing an OTT character forces you to role-play in a way that playing a regular character doesn't. I had a character in mind that was OTT and now I can't help but play up to that image in my head.

Thanks for the advice. I'll advertise tonight and try to add 3 more. By the way we're still awaiting your actions for third round in the game thread ;-). The bad guys just went.

Sorry - I thought I was hogging the show.

I'll post very soon.

Current map Temple of Thyr God Infinity........
Sir Corvus Cornix wrote:

Sorry - I thought I was hogging the show.

I'll post very soon.

Hog away. That's Corvus's way!

... Uh.... so how do I make a character on here? I'm such a newb...

And is seventh son taken?

What are the types of charcters made? I see magical girl....

Male Humanoid Lurker 1/ Nerd 1
Silverbeam wrote:

... Uh.... so how do I make a character on here? I'm such a newb...

And is seventh son taken?

What are the types of characters made? I see magical girl....

To answer your questions in reverse order...

I wrote the current characters up in the recruitment thread.

Seventh Son is not taken, go to town.

As for stats, three stats are 20 while the other three are 8, both before racial adjustments. Other than that, standard character creation, really. If you meant how to create an alias to put the sheet in, just check under the "My Account" button on the left side of the screen and it should be simple enough. In any case, welcome to the boards!

Male Daytona 500 DM / 12

Hey guys I hoped it wouldn't come to this, and I really like your players and the game, but real life, plus having to take over a real life game due to illness have really cut into my time. I have to choose between giving up on all the games I'm playing in or putting this one on hold.

Didn't think life would get this busy, but it's not a good thing. I sell industrial products, and the fact that I'm busy is good for all of us. I don't think I realized how much time it took to run a PbP either, as this was my first.

Again I apologize for cutting this game short, and hope that someday things might slow down enough to resurrect it, because it really is fun but right now I'm going to have to put the game on hiatus until further notice. :-(.

Hope to game with you all in the future.

Male Humanoid Lurker 1/ Nerd 1

Shoot. The game's been good while it lasted. Well, good luck, have fun, don't get shot, etc.

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