Forums are Way Too Long!!!

Off-Topic Discussions

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Okay, I'm done. Please don't kill me, Poodlemonster.

Dark Archive

Mairkurion {tm} wrote:

Why, I've already heard most of them.

Liberty's Edge

Herr Doktor Schadenfreude wrote:
Lord President Moorluck wrote:
We will also need to appoint a Lord Surgeon General, Any suggestions?
I am alvays available for a reazonable rate.

Sounds good to me.

Liberty's Edge

lynora wrote:
Vice President HD wrote:
Lord President Moorluck wrote:
David Fryer wrote:
I here our illustrious leader prefers cheerleaders.
Cheerleaders... Schoolgirls.... I still don't get to touch. ;)

Neither do I. We should pass one of those "executive order" thingies...

Welcome aboard, Lynora. Your first order of business? Issue cheerleader outfits to the White House tour guides!

you get to explain to the male ones why they have to wear skirts.

I'm glad I'm a goblin! I don't think there are any cheerleading outfits that would fit over my head!

Scarab Sages


Scarab Sages


Scarab Sages


Scarab Sages


Scarab Sages


Scarab Sages


Scarab Sages



Liberty's Edge

To be the butt of a lame joke.

RPG Superstar 2012

Because cows don't look good in plaid.

Because it was stapled to the kobold?

Scarab Sages RPG Superstar 2009 Top 32

'cause I ate it and it was in my belly slowly digesting!

RPG Superstar 2012

Because it was fated to do so, a mere actor in a mad god's play.

Because it wrapped the plot up neatly?

To get to my BBQ grill.

David Fryer wrote:
Vice President HD wrote:
Lord President Moorluck wrote:
David Fryer wrote:
I here our illustrious leader prefers cheerleaders.
Cheerleaders... Schoolgirls.... I still don't get to touch. ;)

Neither do I. We should pass one of those "executive order" thingies...

So are we making polygamy legal?

I would but I'm afraid Solnes may see that as an opportunity to marry Hugh Jackman.

flash_cxxi wrote:
lynora wrote:
Umm, but you get to explain to the male ones why they have to wear skirts.
We have Male Tour guides? Well as long as they shave their legs I 'spose it's OK... I'll just look down and pretend whenever I pass by one. "Think happy thoughts, think happy thoughts..."

Their Scottish, and those are kilts. Trust me they hate when you call them skirts.... Oh and don't EVER ask them whats under the damned thing.

Lord President Moorluck wrote:
David Fryer wrote:
Vice President HD wrote:
Lord President Moorluck wrote:
David Fryer wrote:
I here our illustrious leader prefers cheerleaders.
Cheerleaders... Schoolgirls.... I still don't get to touch. ;)

Neither do I. We should pass one of those "executive order" thingies...

So are we making polygamy legal?
I would but I'm afraid Solnes may see that as an opportunity to marry Hugh Jackman.

Acutally polygamy doesn't cover multiple males in a marraige. That's polyandry.

Intern Lynora, you have done a fine job but I feel your talents are being wasted. I am appointing you to Lady of Submissive Interns. You will be responsible for making sure that all future interns are as dedicated to making this administrations dreams a reality as you have been.

*hands over a leather cheerleader outfit, stiletto heals, and a whip*

The Two-Headed Flying Monkeys wrote:
Lord President Moorluck wrote:
David Fryer wrote:
Vice President HD wrote:
Lord President Moorluck wrote:
David Fryer wrote:
I here our illustrious leader prefers cheerleaders.
Cheerleaders... Schoolgirls.... I still don't get to touch. ;)

Neither do I. We should pass one of those "executive order" thingies...

So are we making polygamy legal?
I would but I'm afraid Solnes may see that as an opportunity to marry Hugh Jackman.
Acutally polygamy doesn't cover muliple males in a marraige. That's polyandry.

DOCTOR!! DOCTOR!! I think the stress of taking over the world is starting to get to me, I just saw a 2-headed flying monkey! :(

Tch! Ze strains of your pozition are getting to you, Herr President. Here, haff zome Napien, und zome Zombiax und some ..

Shakes out a handful of different pills and hands them over

Vat are you doing, Sigi? He doesn't need medication, he needs analysis! Next you'll be asking him about his villi or his sphvincter!

Lord President, allow me to analyze your dreamz und ve shall get to ze bottom of zis stress, ja?

Herr Doktor Schadenfreude wrote:

Tch! Ze strains of your pozition are getting to you, Herr President. Here, haff zome Napien, und zome Zombiax und some ..

Shakes out a handful of different pills and hands them over

It's that damned VP! and the Supreme First Lady.... I think they might be conspiring to drive me mad.... well I've got news for them. TO LATE!!!


I think a simple bombing of a large metropolitan area will help. Might I suggest Paris?



Lord Secretary of Nature wrote:

No way. Kim Jong-Il is crazier than those poodles. I'd be afraid that he'd show up on the boards and threadcrap everything.

How about Pontiac?

Dark Archive

Or Provo?



Lord Secretary of Kicking A** wrote:
Lord Secretary of Nature wrote:
No way. Kim Jong-Il is crazier than those poodles. I'd be afraid that he'd show up on the boards and threadcrap everything.

Ship the poodles there? Let two problems potentially take care of each other?

Lord Secretary of Kicking A** wrote:
Lord Secretary of Nature wrote:
No way. Kim Jong-Il is crazier than those poodles. I'd be afraid that he'd show up on the boards and threadcrap everything.

Surrender your pathetic excuse for a domainion or I will be forced to launch a smurf missile and destroy your board.

I will also send my army of fiendish poodles to crap all over your lawn.

God, I hate that bastard.

Lord Secretary of Nature wrote:
God, I hate that bastard.

What did God ever do to you?

Comma. You don't even believe in God, you crazy-haired commie, so shut the hell up.

Stamps "Rejected by Nature" across his face with a big permanent ink stamp.

Liberty's Edge

Pathfinder Lost Omens, Rulebook Subscriber
Mairkurion {tm} wrote:

Because it was stapled to the punk rocker!

Just wake up, Matt? ;)

Lord Secretary of Nature wrote:

Comma. You don't even believe in God, you crazy-haired commie, so shut the hell up.

Stamps "Rejected by Nature" across his face with a big permanent ink stamp.

You just need to watch one of my movies. Now sit back, relax, and let go of all hope for your capitalist pig system.

RPG Superstar 2012

Oh, dear.

mattdroz wrote:
Mairkurion {tm} wrote:
Because it was stapled to the punk rocker!

Ah yes, very funny American joke. Almost as funny as your belief that we cannot detect the brian control signals in your television and movies. This is why I let my people maintain a stone age life style.

Liberty's Edge

Lord President Moorluck wrote:
flash_cxxi wrote:
lynora wrote:
Umm, but you get to explain to the male ones why they have to wear skirts.
We have Male Tour guides? Well as long as they shave their legs I 'spose it's OK... I'll just look down and pretend whenever I pass by one. "Think happy thoughts, think happy thoughts..."
Their Scottish, and those are kilts. Trust me they hate when you call them skirts.... Oh and don't EVER ask them whats under the damned thing.

From what I hear, nothing. (You may interpret this as you wish.)

Liberty's Edge

Kim Jung-Il wrote:
Lord Secretary of Kicking A** wrote:
Lord Secretary of Nature wrote:
No way. Kim Jong-Il is crazier than those poodles. I'd be afraid that he'd show up on the boards and threadcrap everything.
Surrender your pathetic excuse for a domainion or I will be forced to launch a "serf" missile and destroy your board.

Mr. Ill*, your credibility is severely hindered when you've got a lady "serf" avatar holding a butterfly. (I bet you're a secret cross-dresser.)

*Blame the spell checker.

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