I tested J when I was younger, but then crossed over as I tested in later years.
Zigman Fraud, Psychiatrist M.D. wrote: You vant to murder your Pfather and love your mother somevhere along those lines of psychobabble. Was ist?! Vhere are my Austrian manners?
Guten Morgan Orthos!
Mein poor, poor Doktor-Vater. Vill he never learn?
Somebody got The Red Book for their birthday.
Martin Gardner wrote: I'm a follower of Carl Gustav Jacob Jacobi. Where's my matrix? ::Starts into the thread, then backs out, disappointed.::

EDIT: Heh...just screwin' around. Your observation is right, so, here's my interpretation of the Dream in the Woods:
The house is the Self. The bird is the Persona, which is desiring freedom/transcendence. It gives a gift to the Anima, which takes it out into the world (dangerous, stormy forest) where it is called to Death by a siren song (possibly also a Shadow figure). The Anima is killed out in the world, meeting Death/the Shadow. The Persona goes out into the woods, now on fire, to bring the dead Anima back. It leaves the gift behind to be lost.
The Persona/Conscious Self wakes up from the dream, and goes to a bridge over water (a liminal place, the waters representing the Unconscious, the bridge a way to a new place). As the Conscious Self looks down into the waters of the Unconscious, it is revealed that the gift dreamed about is down there.
I'd say this was a big dream. No wonder the artist made it into an animated short. There is anxiety, hope, and guidance about the integration of the Self in this dream.
Myers-Briggs sent me as soon as they got your message. I believe you need an exterminator to get rid of this lesser, verminous, personality type.
Crimson Jester wrote: A lot of Mini's. Some terrain even. Very gut. Tell me more about your minis...
Dr. Sigmund Freud wrote: Dr. C. G. Jung wrote: Make yourzelf comfortable on zis couch, Mr. Rimmer...und tell me everyzing from zee beginning...
EDIT: Und try to ignore zee talking bird perched on the bust of Pallas above my chamber door, ya? Maybe it haz to do wit de relationship wit hiz muzzer? Shuttenzie hell up, domkopf!
General Mauser VonEsandem wrote: Dr. C. G. Jung wrote: Make yourzelf comfortable on zis couch, Mr. Rimmer...und tell me everyzing from zee beginning...
EDIT: Und try to ignore zee talking bird perched on the bust of Pallas above my chamber door, ya? I love you accent, are you from Dusseldorf? Mine cousin is from Dusseldorf, and they do some weird stuff out that way... Dusseldorf? NEIN!
Ich bin Schweizer!
Make yourzelf comfortable on zis couch, Mr. Rimmer...und tell me everyzing from zee beginning...
EDIT: Und try to ignore zee talking bird perched on the bust of Pallas above my chamber door, ya?
Someone please move my tank to the new thread. All the blitzing my knock it over.
NEIN! My nemesis doktor vater for the TotP!
::Rips imaginary clothes off inside his mind::
James Jacobs wrote: I put a song into the very first Pathfinder. So does that make "Burnt Offerings" a musical? Proving zat unconsciously you love ze very thing zat you consciously claim to despise. No matter how far you push ze "goblins" of musicals down, zey come surging out, a primal irruption of ze collective unconscious und your own unconscious, in rebellion against ze ego!
Evil Lincoln wrote: James Jacobs wrote: The Psychoanalysis skill's in there mostly because I have an on-and-off again relationship with using sanity rules in the game. In the end, I'll probably just remove the sanity rules and go with the simpler variant of them (the rules for insanity I designed for the GameMastery Guide), which would mean that the Psychoanalysis skill would go away. And I could see rolling Drive and Pilot into one... I'd like to suggest that you call it Psychology rather than psychoanalysis, unless you actually want Freud's baggage. Let us call it, Jungian Analysis!
This cannot be delved into too deeply!
Gary is Sara Marie's animus and Sara Marie is Gary's anima.
Gary Teter wrote: The Jade wrote: Oh but in this case, you really ought not to. Resist the urge and know the joy that comes through temperance and sacrifice. That's crazy talk. You have lizened to hiz podkast, korrekt?
Senator wrote: Did I mention I have a very old weiner?
- Senator
Don't go to my docktor-vater. Inevitably, it vill be all he vants to talk about.
Jack's Right Hand Man wrote: lynora-Jill wrote: Jack's Right Hand Man wrote: President pro tempore wrote: You been lettin' the An-Ti-lectuals control yuh movement again. Who needs intellectuals? As a Jack I don't have a brain and it ain't hurtin' me none. What? You do realize that the boss is currently a disembodied brain in a jar right? Callous is the only one of us that has a brain. That's probably why he leads us. BTW, how did his brain get in that jar anyways? None of these are surprising.
::Moves on to new thread, in case zombies come up with a plan::
Studpuffin wrote: Mairkurion {tm} wrote: Studpuffin wrote: uh oh
uh oh
uh oh
*hops around anxiously*
Oh, and good morning to everyone in FaWTL V.
Good afternoon.
Get up late and break something in the store? Sorry, just seeing things said that could lead to some issues in the future. I panicked. Ja, ja. Zeze issues could be vruitfully analyzed, vis Jeremy's kooperation. Ve vould need to uncover vich archtypes of ze Shadow zat he is struggling against.
Aberzombie wrote:
Yay! Congratulations! But....! Think on this - you went from a bad-ass golem avatar, emulated by a multitude of cultists, to a brain in a jar.
In a jar.
I think vat Aberzombie is trying to zay, iz dat dis is more of a "Dr. Jung after his death" avatar zan a "Callous Jack, famous golem" avatar. Ven did you virst veel zis dizatisfaction vis your avatar? Vas it after a dream, perchance?
I like badgers. They burrow deep into the Earth's Unconscious.
They are afraid of what they might see in the shadow.
Ze Rone iz un eruption of the kollective unkonsciousness, zpringing up towardz konsciousness!
Zis thread is very comfortable vis its dark side.
taig wrote: Thing had some great stories from work. Lots of talk about red meat, but Freehold still wants to eat you. David tried to TPK his party he's GMing because they challenged him. :)
Vhy do people have theze recurring fantazies of conzuming Mairkurion?
They must vant to BE Mairkurion, and have adopted primitive zymbolik thinking.
Vell, there is no time like zee present!
DM Phil wrote: Now Spanky, not everything is yours! Qviet, you! He's bizy doing the verk of individuajun!
taig wrote: Moorluck wrote: What. Is. Wrong. With. Me. O_o I don't have the right background to answer that question.
I do know someone who will give you unsolicited advice, though. :P
I, on zhe other hand, may be retained vis a zizable fee.
Dere is a sudden und massive upzurge of the schadow in this thread's kollectiv conjunz.
Struck by madness, Mairkurion transforms into...
A terrible--but beautiful!--upsurgence of the anima!
Solnes' First Alias wrote: I got the top of the page and yet, I still feel hollow and empty inside. Let me zee...Dezcribe zis hollowness for me...
Or an Unconscious peopled vith many characterz.
Ah, mein gut Bugley. I have already queried Herr Hogarth, but he iz unresponzive. He just sits zere, like zum zort of origami aluminum foil unicorn.
Dis is a straightforward anxiety dream. Vy are you zo anxious?
If you can elevate your mind from ze orifices of your body long enough, Herr Doktor, you vill be able to contemplate ze Archetypes.
Zo, you finally show yourzelf! Behold, the fiend that possessed my poor doktor vater for zo many yearz! If he had only listened to me, he could have faced you for what you are: an archetype of the collective Unconscious, zurging up, a fragment of his own Shadow that controlled him because it was never made conscious.
The Jade wrote: Dr. C. G. Jung wrote: Perhaps zeze verbal zlips are manifestationz of your Shadow, mein lieber Jade? For all your podcast zuccezes, you cannot run from your Shadow. Ignoring my previouz post is zimply futile, ja? I didn't ignore it... I sat and pondered, haunted by the enlightenment you offered, Dr. Jung. I will never be the same. It was aimed at getting you to respond with something snappy. Now I just feel guilty.
Perhaps zeze verbal zlips are manifestationz of your Shadow, mein lieber Jade? For all your podcast zuccezes, you cannot run from your Shadow. Ignoring my previouz post is zimply futile, ja?
Vell, I am terrible sorry, Var-Bucks, but your time is kaput! Our next appointment is already scheduled, and I must go to my next one, which is qvite pressing.
Lord Prezident, though I am a physician, all of my practice is given over to analysis now, so I do not believe I vould be suitable for your concierge pozition. I hope to hear from your Zurgeon General soon, as I vould love to be his Assistant, Undersecretary of the Collective Unconscious. I am zertain that it vould be qvuite important, given your cabinet and the frequency of outziders in zis realm.
Good day!
<clicks heels, bows, and turns>
Good Lord President, allow me to prezent mein credentials.
Motions to forklift to deliver The Collected Works of C. G. Jung.
How do you feel about your gnomic transformation? Vat does blue mean to you? Vat do gnomes mean to you?
Very interesting...und then vat happened?
Let us try talking virst, und medication as a last resort, ja?
Now, describe to me how your troubles began...