hedgeknight |
1 person marked this as a favorite. |

I don't mind all of the pages, I just wish when I scroll all the way to the freakin' bottom of the threads, choose one, and then go back, that the page would automatically flip back where I left off. Instead, it starts at the TOP of the thread list again and I have to scroll all the way back to the bottom to where I started.
Does that make sense?

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I don't mind all of the pages, I just wish when I scroll all the way to the freakin' bottom of the threads, choose one, and then go back, that the page would automatically flip back where I left off. Instead, it starts at the TOP of the thread list again and I have to scroll all the way back to the bottom to where I started.
Does that make sense?
Which browser are you using?

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I don't mind all of the pages, I just wish when I scroll all the way to the freakin' bottom of the threads, choose one, and then go back, that the page would automatically flip back where I left off. Instead, it starts at the TOP of the thread list again and I have to scroll all the way back to the bottom to where I started.
Does that make sense?
I'll verify that I'm getting the same problem with Firefox.

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hedgeknight wrote:I'll verify that I'm getting the same problem with Firefox.I don't mind all of the pages, I just wish when I scroll all the way to the freakin' bottom of the threads, choose one, and then go back, that the page would automatically flip back where I left off. Instead, it starts at the TOP of the thread list again and I have to scroll all the way back to the bottom to where I started.
Does that make sense?
I get that with Firefox but not with IE.

bugleyman |
2 people marked this as a favorite. |

You need more moderators and Cut the number of pages down to 10 per thread, then start new thread plz! Most of the comments are 1 liners and the threads go all over the place I know these forums are young and under funded but 551 pages on one topic is insanity!
Few things are more annoying than an arbitrary thread length limitations. Trust me, I've seen it done, and it never turns out well...

Kruelaid |
2 people marked this as a favorite. |

Kruelaid wrote:Well, we've beaten that one to death.I'm not opposing your statement, but for Isaac's benefit (and mine, since I haven't seen those threads), could you at least hint were to look?
I meant that ironically, that Kaeyoss had beaten it to death with his little spam.
Irony, such a weak device online... sigh. When will I learn?

Disenchanter |
2 people marked this as a favorite. |

I meant that ironically, that Kaeyoss had beaten it to death with his little spam.
Irony, such a weak device online... sigh. When will I learn?
:-D That makes it even more funny that I "fell" for it.
I'd suggest quoting his posts in your post something like this:
KaeYoss wrote:Not.KaeYoss wrote:Going.KaeYoss wrote:To.KaeYoss wrote:Happen.Well, we've beaten that one to death.
It is a bit more work though.

Jeremy Mac Donald |
1 person marked this as a favorite. |

Interesting. I am on FireFox myself and when I come back to a thread it takes me to the newest thread. I usually click the "43 seconds ago" part of the link, though I have no idea if that matters. Also I'd guess you should make sure you're logged in.
Well 5 seconds of experimentation reveals that if you click the '2 hours and 3 minutes ago' part it takes you to the last thread. Clicking back and forward takes you to the top of a thread.
You can also click 'X new posts' in a thread you've been to and it will take you right to the first one posted since you were last here.
Honestly considering all the above I really can't see what the fuss is about. If you want to cut back on the clutter you can focus things down to just the sections of the forum your interested in as well.
All 1 minute and 32 seconds worth of experimentation was done in Firefox...YMMV.

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Interesting. I am on FireFox myself and when I come back to a thread it takes me to the newest thread. I usually click the "43 seconds ago" part of the link, though I have no idea if that matters. Also I'd guess you should make sure you're logged in.
I think they're talking about refreshing and back paging. When you use IE, if you refresh, you stay at the same point on the page, which makes looking at the "Recently Posted" column more convenient. When you use Firefox, it goes to the top of the page when you refresh.
It may be the only thing I've noticed IE does better.

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Tarren Dei wrote:KaeYoss wrote:I don't beat to death. I gently flog to death with scented shoelaces.How much you charge for that service?You're lucky you're in Canada. It's probably legal there.
Like "happy endings" are now, apparently.
Lucky Canuckleheads...
Are they really?

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houstonderek wrote:Are they really?Tarren Dei wrote:KaeYoss wrote:I don't beat to death. I gently flog to death with scented shoelaces.How much you charge for that service?You're lucky you're in Canada. It's probably legal there.
Like "happy endings" are now, apparently.
Lucky Canuckleheads...
Legal or lucky?
The actual act, exchanging money for sex is legal. However everything else in the transaction is illegal (running a brothel, soliciting in public, living of the avails of prostitution, transporting someone for the purposes of etc..
It gets an air of legality because the larger cities like Vancouver are lax about enforcing the law. The mayors in Vancouver for the last little while have been half-assing some harm reduction plans. Not sure what the current mayor has planned for dealing with all the tourists and media for the Olympics.

eirip |
1 person marked this as a favorite. |

hedgeknight wrote:I'll verify that I'm getting the same problem with Firefox.I don't mind all of the pages, I just wish when I scroll all the way to the freakin' bottom of the threads, choose one, and then go back, that the page would automatically flip back where I left off. Instead, it starts at the TOP of the thread list again and I have to scroll all the way back to the bottom to where I started.
Does that make sense?
I am using firefox and I have this problem as well. I now just right click and open a new tab so as not to lose my place.

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Tarren Dei wrote:KaeYoss wrote:I don't beat to death. I gently flog to death with scented shoelaces.How much you charge for that service?You're lucky you're in Canada. It's probably legal there.
Like "happy endings" are now, apparently.
Lucky Canuckleheads...
"I don't even know what street Canada is on." - -- Al Capone
Just kidding. Yep. I'm in Canada.
Hadn't heard about the happy endings though. Guess I just read the wrong magazines.

KaeYoss |
3 people marked this as a favorite. |

I just did a check on Opera: if you move back and forth, Opera remembers where you were.
KaeYoss wrote:I don't beat to death. I gently flog to death with scented shoelaces.Oh, I guarantee I'll be repeating this at some point this week. What a marvelous image.
I must confess that it's not born of my mind. As so often, I draw my inspiration (read: liberally steal lines) from master Pratchett.

toyrobots |
2 people marked this as a favorite. |

I don't mind all of the pages, I just wish when I scroll all the way to the freakin' bottom of the threads, choose one, and then go back, that the page would automatically flip back where I left off. Instead, it starts at the TOP of the thread list again and I have to scroll all the way back to the bottom to where I started.
Does that make sense?
Use Tabs.

Secretlyreplacedwith |
2 people marked this as a favorite. |

Ah-Hah! More evidence that what this place needs is fewer posters. And, the best way to achieve that goal remains, as always, to give me the unfettered, absolute, non-appealable power to ban anyone any time I please.
I respectfully suggest that these powers be granted to me immediately.
Of course, I already possess these powers. However, in my infinite wisdom (and a sense of mercy to you insects), I choose not to use them.

Lanx |
2 people marked this as a favorite. |

Ah-Hah! More evidence that what this place needs is fewer posters. And, the best way to achieve that goal remains, as always, to give me the unfettered, absolute, non-appealable power to ban anyone any time I please.
I respectfully suggest that these powers be granted to me immediately.
In Golarion, he would run an island which carefully selects its inhabitants out of the best humanity has to offer in all other lands ...
So, where did I put this blasted key?

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Lanx wrote:So, in other words, I'd be the only inhabitant.......an island which carefully selects its inhabitants out of the best humanity has to offer in all other lands ...
The only human one, maybe.

KaeYoss |
2 people marked this as a favorite. |

Ah-Hah! More evidence that what this place needs is fewer posters. And, the best way to achieve that goal remains, as always, to give me the unfettered, absolute, non-appealable power to ban anyone any time I please.
I respectfully suggest that these powers be granted to me immediately.
You need that? All you need to do is be yourself and they will go away out of their own free will. :D

seekerofshadowlight |
3 people marked this as a favorite. |

You need more moderators and Cut the number of pages down to 10 per thread, then start new thread plz! Most of the comments are 1 liners and the threads go all over the place I know these forums are young and under funded but 551 pages on one topic is insanity!
Gods no! I hate 10 post boards oh gods I hate them. I think we do well with few moneratiors and like the feel of the place, I do not think we need this.
And leave the insanity alone! we like it. Oh stop by off topic some time we will show you insanity

Jeremy Mac Donald |
2 people marked this as a favorite. |

This is what I was referring to, btw.
Seems to be a pretty shaky conclusion. I'd not be surprised if it where over turned on some kind of appeal.
On the other hand there is currently something of a movement to legalize Bawdy Houses, which are defined as anyplace you have sex for the purposes of prostitution more then once - a Car for example or an alley way (as was pointed out above, in Canada prostitution is legal - as long as you communicate the transaction via telepathy or astrological card reading and consummate the transaction in an alternate dimension). That said there is a significant move toward legalizing Bawdy Houses. The middle class benefits as the prostitutes are taken out of sight and out of mind. The state benefits because its easier to keep tabs on the practitioners. The prostitutes themselves benefit because they are safer and can more easily organize. The downside is it makes the whole life style easier and potentially increases the number of people that choose to become prostitutes.

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3 people marked this as a favorite. |

You need more moderators and Cut the number of pages down to 10 per thread, then start new thread plz! Most of the comments are 1 liners and the threads go all over the place I know these forums are young and under funded but 551 pages on one topic is insanity!
No no, it'll completely ruin the feng shui of the place.

Kruelaid |
2 people marked this as a favorite. |

Kruelaid wrote:Oops. In my rush to do your bidding, I seem to have accidentally clicked the "Permaban Kruelaid" button.I think this thread is getting unfocused. Theses nonsense posts need to be cleaned up.
GARY, Vic, Josh! Chop, chop!
I'm still here wise guy.
But hey, between you and me, don't tell Sebastian about that button.