DM Dave's Nentir Vale Discussion

Play-by-Post Discussion

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Male Human - dash of elf Miniature painter/ Heroic

Well, we've only really just started but I am enjoying it. I do feel that some sort of grid for battles will become more and more necessary, if I'm honest.

I will work on that.


I like the characters and it has an entertaining flavour to it. Your willingness to run with what we chuck at you is fun too. Not everyone would let me play Elmo, and I'm looking forward to more of the adventure unfolding for this ill-assorted band. The NPCs are plausible too, which matters a lot.

I'd echo Fabes's comment about the battle grids. One other suggestion I would make would be to add a note of who is due to act next at the end of your DM posts, just to keep things clear for the players. If a lot of people post, the most recent list can be a page away when you need to find it in a hurry.

All of this is purely technical though - I'm enjoying both the game and your DMing skills.

Male Human Ranger 1

I agree with need for battlemap [a necessary evil of 4E] and cueing who is up next. Your narrative for combat actions are good. Can't really complain, I'm enjoying myself so far.

Scarab Sages

Male Synod Psion Kineticist 5
Yrenn wrote:

My apologies to DM Dave for lobbing yet another suggestion (I think you are doing a great job so far, BTW). To speed up combat can we try grouping players and NPCs into blocks? Our order is currently

the gatekeeper
the shadowy figures

In blocks the order would be

1) Logan
2) Gatekeeper
3) Jake, Elmo, Yrenn
4) Shadowy figures
5) Ba'az

So no one within block #3 has to wait for the other to post first.

Because a lot of powers are situational we really need to post in order.

Male Human - dash of elf Miniature painter/ Heroic

With the block system, I think if one assumes that if someone posts ahead of his or her 'slot' then the other person is assumed to be delaying, even if they haven't stated it. It seems to work well enough.

Scarab Sages

Male Synod Psion Kineticist 5


Male Human - dash of elf Miniature painter/ Heroic

Possibly. Maybe. I dunno. That's how I justify it, but Pat created it.

m human 1

Great start to the game, thank you Dave.

Male Human Ranger 1

Dave and everyone:
I'm moving tomorrow and won't have internet hooked up for at least 4 days. I won't be able to post till then. Dave, would you kindly take over Logan or have him imcapacitated or eaten by a mysterious monster. I've enjoyed the game so far and would like to return once I get my internet connection figured out.


Good luck with the move. I don't envy you. And see you when you get back.

Male Human Ranger 1

In the words of that immortal philosopher Bender, "I'm back baby!"

female Eladrin wizard 1

Hooray ! We've survived out second battle.


Apologies to you all if I'm rather sporadic in responding in the next day or so. Have hectic 24 hours coming up and have also been smitten with nasty bug which is making me feel a bit rubbish.


Dave, you'll probably have gathered from various threads by now that Fabes and I are both away next week with doubtful internet access. (14-21 Feb).

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