Pat o' the Ninth Power |

The subject line pretty much says it. I'm running a Keep on the Shadowfell pbp that has suffered some attrition. Discussion thread is here; game thread is here.
The characters are in their first significant fight inside the keep (after a few other encounters before getting there) and it's a close thing. We have a rogue, a warlock, and a paladin; we've lost our wizard and warlord. New players are welcome to make their own characters (whaddaya mean Fred was a dwarf all along?), but I'd strongly prefer a controller and a leader.
It's a pretty tactical game -- KotS is pretty much built for that. I use Google Spreadsheets for maps. They're not pretty, but they work and they can be immediately updated.
Take a look and, if you're interested, please chime in on the discussion thread.
ETA: Oh, yes -- daily posting expected during the week if possible, and preferably weekends. I won't wait on one player more than 24 hours before running their turn for them.

TGZ101 |

Ok, we have a wizard.
Anyone want to be the leader for this merry band?
Hello there,
I'm fairly new to PbP (this will be my second game) but I am familiar with 4E and would be interested to play for a change (I usually just DM), if you'll have me.
I'm sure I can throw together a decent Cleric tonight, given the chance. I assume you're doing straight PHB since that is all that was available when the game started? I currently have access to the Player's Guide to the Forgotten Realms and Adventurer's Vault as well as all the core books.

Pat o' the Ninth Power |

Pat o' the Ninth Power wrote:Ok, we have a wizard.
Anyone want to be the leader for this merry band?
Hello there,
I'm fairly new to PbP (this will be my second game) but I am familiar with 4E and would be interested to play for a change (I usually just DM), if you'll have me.
I'm sure I can throw together a decent Cleric tonight, given the chance. I assume you're doing straight PHB since that is all that was available when the game started? I currently have access to the Player's Guide to the Forgotten Realms and Adventurer's Vault as well as all the core books.
Wonderful! Stop by here to chat about it.
Yes, PHB only, please, for exactly the reasons you state.
EDIT: Fixed link