Aureus |

We know of Demogorgon, but what other celebrities will we see in the adventure path? Perhaps another one from the Circle of Eight. If so my money is on Drawmji! I look forward to run the author of the infamous Demonomicon: Igglwilv. Are my hopes justified? The finale includes a planar conspiracy. Maybe more than one demon prince plays a major role... It could be Graz'zt, Orcus or even Dagon who uses the player characters to weaken his eternal foe the so called Prince of Demons.
Or we might see some recurring NPCs or even PCs from other adventure paths, as mentioned in other threads on these boards.
Who could it be?


Erik and/or James has mentioned already that we can expect to see other demon lords involved... :)
given their three-way rivalry, i'd be surprised not to see at least some involvement from Graz'zt and/or Orcus.
and they may not be the only ones involved - i'm sure some demons and demon lords of lesser status would be jealous enough of Demo's power that they'd love to see him dethroned or taken down a notch.

Gwydion |

and they may not be the only ones involved - i'm sure some demons and demon lords of lesser status would be jealous enough of Demo's power that they'd love to see him dethroned or taken down a notch.
Indeed. I'm sure the lord of Occipitus may have something to say in the matter... *grins*
And Kyuss...I mean, I could easily see an alternate STAP based on fleeing the mainland after the Age of Worms occurs...

Bloody Root |

Cool celeb's every Savage Tide needs:
3)Lassiveran the Dark
4)Slippery Ketta (she swum away, I tells ya)
5)Valerius--HE should be on the rum bottle
6)Gormadoc--the quest for the elephant
7)Wolverine (just kidding--movie coming out and all)
The only one of these people that I recognize is Rautheene 9and of course wolverine). And that is only because of the Wizards Three article in Dragon 344.
I think that I would prefer appearances from "celebrities" that showed up (or were featured) in other AP's. Just a personal preference.
Does anyone know where to get info about the other NPC's. Wiki? Modules?

Sean Mahoney |

So my bets are we'll see two types of appearances.
1) Characters from old 1st edition modules that will completely sail right by me as I didn't play these... I still think they are a great thing to add, but without reading about them here I would have no clue. As a result, I can't really speculate a whole lot on these folks.
2) Things from previous APs.
The second item lends itself to some better speculation. Personalities and organizations from the first AP will most likely be early in the campaign as it is clost geographically to cauldron (so things like the mason people whose names escape me). We'll see Celeste in there making an appearance but only being tangentally involved (after all that is what she does in all of them). There will be spellweavers influencing things somewhere in there as they have in both the past APs...
Sean Mahoney

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We know of Demogorgon, but what other celebrities will we see in the adventure path? Perhaps another one from the Circle of Eight. If so my money is on Drawmji! I look forward to run the author of the infamous Demonomicon: Igglwilv. Are my hopes justified? The finale includes a planar conspiracy. Maybe more than one demon prince plays a major role... It could be Graz'zt, Orcus or even Dagon who uses the player characters to weaken his eternal foe the so called Prince of Demons.
Or we might see some recurring NPCs or even PCs from other adventure paths, as mentioned in other threads on these boards.Who could it be?
Well Iggwilv is certainly my first choice, for such an influential character there has been relatively little information around about the infamous witch queen. JJ, you know what we want...

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Heathansson wrote:Cool celeb's every Savage Tide needs:
3)Lassiveran the Dark
4)Slippery Ketta (she swum away, I tells ya)
5)Valerius--HE should be on the rum bottle
6)Gormadoc--the quest for the elephant
7)Wolverine (just kidding--movie coming out and all)The only one of these people that I recognize is Rautheene 9and of course wolverine). And that is only because of the Wizards Three article in Dragon 344.
I think that I would prefer appearances from "celebrities" that showed up (or were featured) in other AP's. Just a personal preference.
Does anyone know where to get info about the other NPC's. Wiki? Modules?
Phoebus, Lassiviren, Valerius, and Gormadoc were from the Rogue's Gallery; they were characters of rpg-celebs back in the day. Also had a lot of Gygax's characters for AD&D 1ed., with a paragraph schpiel for each.
Slippery Ketta was from the A1-A4 against the slave lords modules.I remember they did a writeup in Dragon for Lassiviren a few months/years back, and I was kinda being half-silly with most of what I wrote.

Rob Bastard |

Phoebus, Lassiviren, Valerius, and Gormadoc were from the Rogue's Gallery; they were characters of rpg-celebs back in the day. Also had a lot of Gygax's characters for AD&D 1ed., with a paragraph schpiel for each.
Slippery Ketta was from the A1-A4 against the slave lords modules.
I remember they did a writeup in Dragon for Lassiviren a few months/years back, and I was kinda being half-silly with most of what I wrote.
Gormadoc was most recently mentioned in Slavers! by Chris Pramas & SKR. He's now working as an agent of the Slave Lords in Hardby, IIRC.

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Saint Kargoth the Betrayer gets my vote :) He is in FC1 page 141 lurking on Kolurenth. Basically looking at the map of the Gaping Maw (88th layer of the Abyss) it's easy to see how AP3 is going to be aquatic in the Abyss. Besides Lemoriax on the coast of the Screaming Jungle, with the Brine Flats running along it, most of Demogorgon's realm is sea/ocean with large island pillars within it. And Abysm connects to Dagon's realm (The Shaowsea 89th) as well, and the Stygian Eye connects to the Abyssian Ocean. Basically lot's of connections to other layers with celebrities, and lots of ocean.
It would be nice if Iggwilv was involved, possibly to be consulted on Demogorgon and his duel natures of Aameul and Hethradiah, which may be the driver to this planar shake up. Last time Aameul wanted to kill Hethradiah and then consume Ashadalon's supercharged soul. Maybe this time's it's Hethradiah's plans that drive the campaign.

Aureus |

Obox-ob wants his title back: Prince of Demons. So he is a very likely ally in the destruction of Demogorgon. To connect Savage Tide and Age of Worms, it could be the Queen of Chaos and her consort Miska the Wolf-Spider, also a former holder of the title Prince of Demons, plotting the downfall of the two-headed-baboon-snake-man.
As an ally of Demogorgon I really hope to see/read something of Dagon in the STAP. Perhaps when the AP leads into the Abyss they will cross paths with the Blood Empress on the oceans of the Gaping Maw.
Thank you guys for the Fiendisch Codex 1!!!

And I'm all out of bubblegum... |

If the new adventure path involves a conspiracy of demons, It hink it would be cool if the PCs get drawn into a pivotal point in the Blood War. It would be amusing to be sent on an "assassination" mission against one of the Archdevils only to have said Archdevil send you back with an even sweeter deal.....
That being said, I would definately love to see a member of Baator's power structure in STAP. One can't have a demonic conspiracy without their arch-rivals coming along trying to sabotage everything :)

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Well, in AoW, we learn that Celeste is too busy to help squeeze the little green b#!@%*s cuz there's supposed to be a little problem with pirates that needs taken care of ... so I can only imagine ...
Ah, and who does she work for? Is that revealed in AoW? If not, I know that SC only says that it's a "good wizard from the north"... didn't someone leave the circle because they tended to favor more direct support of good?...

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Troy Taylor wrote:Well, in AoW, we learn that Celeste is too busy to help squeeze the little green b#!@%*s cuz there's supposed to be a little problem with pirates that needs taken care of ... so I can only imagine ...Ah, and who does she work for? Is that revealed in AoW? If not, I know that SC only says that it's a "good wizard from the north"... didn't someone leave the circle because they tended to favor more direct support of good?...
It is revealed in the AoW that Celeste works for Tenser, who did indeed leave the Circle of Eight in order to be more Good than its framework allowed him.

Aureus |

In the AoWAP we saw the authors connecting the AP with other adventures published by Dungeon. Perhaps they do it again with the module "Strike on the Rabid Dawn". If so our PCs might meet Markosian, the Devil Behind Thrones, or some other cultist of Asmodeus. I don't think the Horned Societs will play a major role in the STAP as there is already the Scarlet Brotherhood involved. But perhaps it is Asmodeus himself the PCs have to deal with in order to lay low Monkey Boy!

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Heathansson wrote:
3)Lassiveran the DarkI find it extremely tacky and even offensive that NPCs get named after real and living persons. Paizo should be ashamed they ever ran that NPC article in Dungeon, no matter if said character had been played by whoever years earlier.
Simpi (an offended Finn).
Woah. I had no idea.
I'm gonna change his name, if I ever use him.Heathansson (adept at ticking people off in multiple countries)

And I'm all out of bubblegum... |

If I'm not mistaken, that was taken care of in another topic. Two totally unrelated things that someone took offense over. The name may look or even sound familliar, but it's not the same, and any attempt to make it so is tacky and offensive. I don't recall where it was, but the problem was quite miniscule and dealt with.
So speaketh a guy who takes his messageboard alias from a bad b-movie starring a guy who goes to work in a skirt :)

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I predict Celeste will be encountered singing a duet with the awakened whale druid who's name I can't remember from the first epic level adventure in Dungeon. What! She's a bard, and she's already made appearances as nobel, damsel in distress, and roguish type. Now, let's see her really perform.

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Lasse Viren's a Finnish runner who won 4 golds in 1972 and 1976 at the Olympics. I wiki'd the spelling that I presented and it pops right up.
I don't want to mess with nobody's hero or nothing, so I'll rename him Keyser Soze.
Okay, thank you, Heathansson...
But i can't understand why someone finds the use of this name offensive or why "the people at Paizo should be ashamed". If it would be a person with a sad history or if the certain NPC would be a person that'd be portrayed in a silly way or something similar, i could understand that, but this doesn't seem to be the case...Sure, you could say that the use of real names isn't very creative, i'd second that, but from my point of view in no case offensive. I can imagine distasteful uses of real names (here in germany we'd be angry if NPC's would be named after "famous" nazis), but to lend out the name of a sportsman doesn't fall into this category in my opinion. Sometimes soccer games on TV inspire me for NPC names. I once had a villain named Crespo, after a famous european soccer player. I don't think he'd mind me...

magdalena thiriet |

True, D&D has long history of picking names up from real world sources (Finns should recognize some familiar names in Forgotten Realms...).
Using a name of a real person is however always a bit questionable, at least in published work. In private use they are naturally fine (I have had a Vampire character whose name and background was directly lifted from a real person, only that he was then transformed into a vampire :) ).
Admittedly the name has minor difference in spelling but I would say all the Finns recognise the name immediately, it's a bit like having a drow assassin named Kareemabduljabber.
Tacky? Yes. Slight overreaction from Simpi? I think so :)

Simpi |

Sure, you could say that the use of real names isn't very creative, i'd second that, but from my point of view in no case offensive. I can imagine distasteful uses of real names (here in germany we'd be angry if NPC's would be named after "famous" nazis), but to lend out the name of a sportsman doesn't fall into this category in my opinion. Sometimes soccer games on TV inspire me for NPC names. I once had a villain named Crespo, after a famous european soccer player. I don't think he'd mind me...
It is the fact that:
A) they take the name of someone who could very much be called a national icon and give it to some crazed assassin.
B) They use it in an actual official publication.
Now, I don't know where Lassiviren originated. probably in someones home campaign, but Paizo did publish him later as 'critical threat' and for that they should be ashamed. Yes, I known finnish names get abused a lot, such as 'Eloranta' in Dungeon adventure 'Practical Magic'. How about giving it a rest?

Aureus |

I am glad that some of the celebrities mentioned on this thread actually appear in the STAP. But to form our own St. Kargoth over the course of the campaign is really GREAT! This is going to be the best villain ever! I always had the picture of a dandy swashbuckler with some sinister magical powers in mind when envisioning a possible long time foe for my PCs. And he actually looked quite similiar to V.V.!

terrainmonkey |

Absinth wrote:Sure, you could say that the use of real names isn't very creative, i'd second that, but from my point of view in no case offensive. I can imagine distasteful uses of real names (here in germany we'd be angry if NPC's would be named after "famous" nazis), but to lend out the name of a sportsman doesn't fall into this category in my opinion. Sometimes soccer games on TV inspire me for NPC names. I once had a villain named Crespo, after a famous european soccer player. I don't think he'd mind me...It is the fact that:
A) they take the name of someone who could very much be called a national icon and give it to some crazed assassin.
B) They use it in an actual official publication.
Now, I don't know where Lassiviren originated. probably in someones home campaign, but Paizo did publish him later as 'critical threat' and for that they should be ashamed. Yes, I known finnish names get abused a lot, such as 'Eloranta' in Dungeon adventure 'Practical Magic'. How about giving it a rest?
okay, Simpi, i'm sure no one really had any idea they would ever be offensive to your "national icon" probably because they hadn't heard of him, or that the name originated before he became a "national Icon". paizo shouldn't be ashamed at all, simply because Lassiveren the Dark is an assassin. no attempt was made on thier part to offend the finnish people, so just get over it. besides, lassiveren is pronounced "lass iv err in", not "lassey verrin" or however you finns pronounce it. grow up, get over it, and let it go already.
finland finland finland, there's no place i'd rather be......
see the loveli lakes