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Figurehead golems, immobile ofcourse.
When added to a ship they come alive. Unlike most golems, almost all are intelligent.

They add to speed and armor of the ship. In addition to firebreaths, healing, lightning bolts or whatevr they have been designed to do.
Some even summon extra crew as needed!

and no sun for the next 183*24 hours... have fun hiding mortals, the vampires are thirsty..!

heh, the lesser version is weird tho.

At 11th level it would be some 24* 5th level orc barbarians, then buy them all some armor and a weapons.

Me and my orc horde. Then again, they may not even obey.. lol

Ok so 13th level. 110k. Thats still 220HD of various critters at your command. Such as 20 of those sorcerer-liches. Or 16 of a 13th level variety. Almost 17.

so at 11th level 66.000 gp -> 12! Simulacrum of 22nd level lich (and 1/2 celestial, 1/2 draconic etc..?) sorcerers -> 11th level. At 5500gp each thats the whole 66.000 gp.

Sure none have any equipment. But should still provide quite a bit of blasting.

I think that would make said clone master into the most powerful character in the party :p

So the idea is to play a alchemist clone master. But not for the purpose of being a hard hitter or tossing bombs. Well not primarily anyway.

And infact be as poor as a pauper levels 7-19. (and then get the philosophers stone :D )

The idea being to forego equipment or doing your own fighting, instead simulcraing the biggest and baddest as weapons of sorts. Hard to beat having 12 dragons in your back pocket... swooping down and firing off their breath weapons.

Combined to this concept the creation feats from Libris Mortis. Well, in a modified fashion, that is allowing those crafting feats to enhance anything you construct. Such as a little bit stronger and faster dragon simulcras or explosive suicide goblin-simulcras.

This i suppose could be extremely powerful, but also runs the risk of having all your gear destroyed... and be rather helpless.


Diego Rossi wrote:
logic_poet wrote:

Back in the ancient days, when everything was rolled for character generation, Traveller had a table for what side effects befell your character when he woke from suspended animation at the end of char gen/start of play. The idea was that the subluminal ship arrived at the campaign star, revived him/her along with the other passengers, and then you began. Roll poorly, and all the work of rolling before that was wasted, because he woke up dead.

You are mixing 2 games I think. Traveller has FTL drives (and suspended animation).

During character generation if you were following some dangerous profession you had to pass a survival roll every 4 years of your term of service. That was a way to limit the number of older and more skileld characters.

In Megatravelelr it was changed so that it was a wound grievous enough to get you dismissed from service.

LOL, reminds me of cyberpunk.

You are from a, not wealthy, but certainly quite well doing family. Your parents bought you a flat. Worth around 150.000 eb. You have a job at arasaka paying 5000eb/mo. Just like your dad and mom who also work for arasaka.

...150k? Sure? awesome... ill sell it and get a fullbody cybernetic conversion. Realskin ofcourse. But stats at superhumanlevels*3 ..and running faster than most cars. Along with other cybernetic enhancements ill be a superior worker. Mom and dad will be so proud! :D


I dont know about taking CC as a package. Almost works better as individual adventures.

1) okie, nice
2) brilliant premises
3) great fun still
4) err..
5) Good ending
6) what, thought we ended this?

SS otoh started out brilliantly (shipwrecked on a island along with spiffy orphan nobelwoman needs help has kinda replaced the "you all meet in the pub"), but after that..
Well had its good moments like organising the ruins, but the whole premises of vast plunder kinda didnt materialise.

I do wonder, would it really totally break the game if gold earned was suddenly 10 times the usual? Especially in coinform. Especially if far away from society.. one cannot eat coins ;)

the secrets of tao it turns out is already known in the west.. as alchemy.

Then theres the ancestor shrines. Like intelligent weapons, and ever growing.. oh and if you werent thinking about serving the honor of the family, it will make you :p
And maybe a ressurrection prestige-class, tie yourself to the ancestor shrine, gain nice abilities and be eternally ressurrected aslong as you serve the family well. Maybe youth too (hint koya hint..). But no immortality, afterall, what is a ancestorshrine if all lived forever? Besides, thats what tao does ;)

winter or even post winter into mountain passes?

Im sure hey have much magic, but to push thru that 6m+ (20') packed high snow in mountains for many long months.. ow dear... temperatures at -50C (-60F) etc. Elements alone will kill.

equally silly ofcourse to assume any such illusions annot be easily pierced. Way better to be open about it and walk in, buy your bagel and eat it (alnd all falls down on the floor thru th naked bones..)

If anyone has a problem, theres always the arena.. always kinda neat to challenge if you cannot die permanently :p

But ofcourse equally much a danger for the neighbourhood is anyone knowing fireball. Its all a question on whether its legal to carry anything as dangerous as a nailclipper (let alone worse!).

The Forgotten wrote:
seekerofshadowlight wrote:

I see no reason why not, he could give ships the chance to surrender or maybe just go after warships or the like or known pirates or enemy privateers.

But even merchant ships are ok targets long as they are treated fairly and decent after capture.

Most historical pirates followed the "let us take your cargo and go file under your maritime insurance policy" rout (maritime insurance was the first form of insurance offered in Europe, at least in Europe after the fall of the Roman empire). Less bloodshed then you would think unless hitting a military target (say a Spanish Galleon laden with gold). On the other hand piracy did not equal a profitable career in most cases.

iirc modern day somali pirates have a expected yearly income of 85000 dollars. Naturally no taxes ;) (was it FT that did the math??)

i for one am in the wrong business..

Chris Kenney wrote:
Honestly, while I feel caravans should be generating a profit, that profit should be on the level of "Good show everybody! Drinks are on us tonight!" after paying for its' own resupply, repairs, and maybe some upgrades if you've scrimped enough. Not enough to make the party filthy rich, but enough to keep the running the caravan to a sideline for those who like it, not a money sink. Right now, unless you play your cards just so, it's definitely the later.


What kind of investments do you feel like you have to make into the caravan?

because asfar as i can tell, the party+named npc:s+2 helping free drivers should be able to handle everything. I can imagine those winter clothing will cost a bit. a whole terrible 200gp, but ill be pretty surprised if a party cannot earn that tricking some community to buy "magic potions" (colored water)!

In case you missed the logic, one can switch jobs from one day bto the next depending on what the caravan needs for the moment. Repairs and food can be handled for free with a bit forethought.

keeping the fire burning, playing the banjo in the night and hunting the bbq meats ;)

Oh and on the roleplaying aspect, theres something of a lack of magic for travel.

Yes the portable fire. But wheres the rest? Wagonfurlining of warmth? guarding fire (alarm+magic missile/fire ball) vs various wandering wolves etc. Or neverending peppershaker and a box of replenishing steaks. Or a watchmans cloak +10 perception, warm (cold 10) and 1 alarm/day + darkvision cost 15000gp :p Oh and a tent of holding. Or just everburning tar logs -warmth and +1 morale vs fear from nice smell. And how can anyone forget a cask of neverending mead!

pretty brave that part with konya. and a bunch of 15yo wet behind the ears kiddos dating someone old enough to be their grandmother.... and may even have functioned as a unoffical one.

Or for even more weird fun. be a younger brother of ameiko, then date her. "Oh ofcourse im CN with Socothbenoth as my patron, why?" ;)

Since asmodeus no doubt gained the most, and hes such a nice fellow who would never plan anything ahead for his own benefit. Im sure asmodeus had nothing whatsoever to do with it :D

page 15 in the players guide spells out the intentions and effects quite clearly. Shouldnt leave any further questions.

And roadkills.

Its easy enough to hunt more than you eat. (9 ppl+4 from wagons = 13 -9 (hunters) -6 from efficiency -2 (cook) = 4 food left over daily). Carft rules allow a doubling of your "wealth" so cooking would increase 5 food into a full 10 food dry food cargo unit.

Same for scavenged parts. Afterall the caravan starts at lvl 6, thus 6 feats (thanks shaelu!).

So no need whatsoever of buying tradegoods for sale, they can be busy peddling roadkills to collect cash for some small item or two. I bet it will be worth a tiny story when after 3 months of travel and peddling goods in 10 communities theres a profit of 3000gp that can be turned into one of those lil magical gadgets. All from free roadkills :p

I cannot even manage to wrap my head around them being somehow traders. Nah, they are like gypsies. So the tradegoods is like fake rolexes, value depending more on how good they are at tricking targets rather than value of the goods. Note targets and not customers. Confidence tricks, not trade.

Another perfectly valid source of income would be pickpocketing the people in the communities they pass thru. And burglaries.

Nor is there any sense in expanding a caravan beyond the core: 4 pc+4 close npc+random hangarounds. Just as there is even less sense in hiring folks or buying more wagons, all they incur is costs.

If anyone is foolish enough to join as a paying passenger, they are just waiting to be mugged and robbed nd left naked in the wild. Evil ones would kill.

Just like gypsies :D

Desalination plants, and ceasing with senseless wasteful practices like open air farming in dirt like some 7000yo sumerians when both greenhouses and hydroponic farming has been invented allowing to capture even all water while assuring a even absorbtion of nutrients.

Combined with breeder nuclear powerplants, like tens of thousands of them.. using stuff like thorium which is as common as it gets. Replacing all current energy needs and multiply by a hundred, the thorium should still last for a billion years or so. And voila, water solved..


Any thoughts on odd market behaviour in the shackles? Basically theres good acess to plentiful and cheap varisian goods. Some access to innersea port goods, and almost zero access to anything else.

Magic would be expensive as ever, but some goods would be almost piling up and have its traders begging anyone to take them.

But oh yes.. old style opera, pirates, prostitutes and neverending supplies of rum! Aside from the private island, what more can a halfelf wish for?

Grand Magus wrote:

My feeling is they'll kick the can down the road,

just like every other Congress has done. They'll
all be dead in 30 years, and will just leave the
problem to the next generation, who will do the

And so on...

And then there is the OTHER option. Nationalise the fed, write off the intergovernmental debts and print intrestfree money by outlawing minimal banking reserves. Sure banks will drop into bankrupcy real fast, but the people will be free and prosperous.

The next problem would be a government busy spending all this free money. Unless circumbented by not allowing government access to the newly minted money. All such would be instead added to a foundation, much like the alaskan oil money.

There would still be a need to tax, and the money printing fund could be building infrastructure, feed the hungry and rescue cats. Which leds to corruption and special intrest groups infiltrating the fund... ow dear... direct democracy and one unsellable share a citizen along with perfect openness into the fund might get around that.

Heh, with a single share each and profits around a few trillion a year = 10.000 dollars a citizen a year, no more need for separate welfare..

Evil to Chaotic neutral campaign? I mean, pirates are supposed to steal stuff from the helpless.. right? Or then a bit of a poser, just the wear, language and stuff. But never actually robbing anyone :D

If they can find the time to go north and prey upon ships going from the inner inner sea to the east coast. Or just much too busy staying alive, finding treasure and protecting bases? :p

...evil crystal balls... 3 shows already and the pirate afaicr only managed a single act of piracy at the start of the first movie. Or maybe that other variety, wizards busy sharing spells to eachothers spellbooks.

Gignere wrote:
Does the damage effect stack if someone casts it multiple times? Like a sorcerer spamming this thing 4 times in a row on a BBEG. So this means you either lose four rounds or after four rounds start taking 4d8 + 4 x str.

Target either loses all actions and gets damaged each round for the duration of the spell.

Or loses a round.

So spamming a sole enemy, and they will be paralysed no matter what!

1 person marked this as a favorite.

Heh, there are still MANY wicked tricks ;)

Like say a simulcra of a illithid larvae, buy slave, insert larva -> obedient perfectly organic mind-flayer.

Simulcra+beholder = free disintergrate & other fun

Create wondorous item + stone wall = free castles!

Then theres the old McMurluns spoon business of selling gruel ;)

Fabricate could even use freaking iron ore to pump out masterwork daggers! Or other fun stuff like porcelain from dirt. Add bonedust for fancy dresden porcelain. Im sure someone who can do a alchemy dc 30 knows how ;)

Or just summon monster: djinni, and massproduce silks, ebony, ivory, oil, myrrh, sandalwood, pearls and other organic stuff.

Persistant summon monster :p
Then create a whole horde of pals... espcially if they have at will powers.. :D

Quite powerful.

Its like a hold person with no save. You lose your actions either way, saving just makes you lose one round.

A pretty good way of taking down the bbg, keep him paralysed for the whole butchering ;)

as far as im concerned summon monstrs are just more shadows coming from the perfect example and endlessly copied as needed. Summoning thus tapping into this knowledge of the infinite precursor, and how to bring a copy into existance for a short while.

Ismodai wrote:
hi, i was wondering, the best creatures (sometimes the only ones) you can summon with a SM spell are demon/devils, that is considered an evil act? because if it is so, an evil summoner is way more powerful than a good one

Once upon a time there was this article on how summoning spelllists could be reworked. Essentially looking at CR alone.

1) cr >1
2) CR 1
3) CR 2
4) CR 3-4
5) CR 5-6
6) CR 7-8
7) CR 9-10
8) CR 11-12
9) CR 13-14

This opens up angels and the like in a whole new way n addition to allowing new monsters... aswell as fiendish creativity within summoning rules :D

Supposed to be all cosmopoltan, even jaded. Tolerant and open minded enough to serve and sell wands to a honest and non-smelly clean lich?

Or atleast to purchase that very first hat of disguise to eliminate future problems with narrowminded provincials :p

fleshgolems are pretty nice equipment at 7th level :p Lots of bang for the buck.

The vampires eat any orcs that come across. They may massacre any and all peasants... and likely do so too frequently (see all those ruins), but then that creates ghosts, provides feed for vampires, material for flesh golems and reasons for kids to escape into the wild, be raised by wolves.. become werewolves that eat orcs :p

with letsee.. a friendly sir and lady warden ghost pair, a golem that thinks you are their best friends evah.. A few misshaped carnies, happy uncle lupus skywolf to come along with a friendly and happy miss-shaped man-beast of the seas. Oh and then the inevitable aunt vampirella the dabbling necromancer-bard? (all very charming, just a bit scary) also happy the players helped them.

Who knows what friends and allies theyll pick up in the last sequel. A friendly mummy (and chef) afraid of being dominated by the over-lich?

That retirement castle sure will be a sight to be seen with those friends coming along for a party. Maybe fleshy-frank getting his own Fran as a gift. And superfriends become super-super-friends.

There was this letter, "scarred for life" in one of the really old dungeon magazines. About how every young beautiful woman in a dungeon or otherwise in distress is a terrible trap of one sort or another. Always paid off to immediately attack with full strength.

So yes, the issue is OLD.

Oh and the sisters, its a dead giveaway. They are a hag convent, maybe theyll mate with you first, but you will die and be eaten in the end. Some might go knowingly anyway :D

one intresting way to demonstrate why teleporting isnt a creat idea... allow them an extra 4 levels and reroll all stats. Oh and the players get to CHOOSE every single roll. Then they get to fight one of those CR 20+ end of ap bosses. And see all the enemy stats.

ooops.. you all died despite being luckier than whats remotely possible. Care to try again?

Should fairly nicely prove the point, that they plain and simple arent one last bit ready.

Will certainly be fascinating. Arguments for everything from sentinence to death penalty to whether it was a intricate suicide etc etc... haha. Maybe even let players take the prosecutor and defender roles and the last 2 players+dm as "jury".

or maybe especially in part 2 do some crafting... like a wife for franky :p Especially as part 1 provided the manual, almost anyway.

Another pretty fascinating one would be a wizards academy style megadungeon AP. Like a academy, but it has some pretty big cellars that havent been cleaned out since when they learned to write in osirion.

Perhaps THE aboleth lich still down there that taught the azlanti all they knew? ;) (and still kept a lot of secrets)

.... and then theres that alternative to farmers, the goblin tribe. Plenty of raiding, and if your character dies.. no worry.. the tribe has a replacement. A bard can invent new songs etc.

how about something really NUTS? That is, digging up the many threads on "how much does a farmer earn", and have a peasant campaign!

Commoner being the basic class, and making a new expert prestige class, one tied to each special skill like farming, fishing, carpentry etc.

Then dealing with rats and taxcollectors, and in the second installation of the adventure path, having advanced to a propable commoner 3/expert 3, they can duke out againts a STIGRE that is killing the cows.

Treasure would come just from keepimg the farm going, along with improvements built/bought and maintained. Oh and breaking up new land.

Then perhaps a goblin raid, one hey can handle being commoner 10/expert fishing 3/ expert apiaries 3 /expert farming 2, and having a fishing net +1 and hoe of deep furrows +3 nor to forget the scary ioun stone of bee creation (1 live obedient bee created/20 rounds) and boots of muckwalking+1

Earnings at this near epic levels isnt just from truly epic carrots and fine milk, but from a magnificient skill in talking the taxcollector into the ground regarding exemptions and deduction plans :p

so the picture still isnt correct. The fleshgolem reading.. as barbars are illiterate :p Wonder if someone manages to argue community service to the Beast, all in the name of acclimitation to society.
Such as by accompaning a party of well known dogooders?

Oh yes. and that manual of flesh golem. It would appear to be a pretty good investment as such for a bunhc of 7th or 8th level adventurers. Each setting 3-4k aside, and they get a new friend. And here comes the real horror... a wife for the beast... (or for a lonely mage) :D

And serves for amny levels as a viable bodyguard, longer still for other purposes ;) Such as carrying treasure, im sure.

unless it had its berserking rage, smasehd some innocent... and became sentinent by accident. and such rages can occur in the future aswell.

Our society has a rule for such tho, criminals being responsible for damages and deaths caused by the attacked. atleast in some cases. lem this is a pretty scary pic.. a golem reading a book.. :p

hmm.. player picking up the flesh golem /class 1 as a replacement character? :D Sure would be a character few have done before... and would have to start with getting decent clothes, deciding on a class and such. In principle all options being open... but..
Hehhe... atleast one in the party being immune to the lycantropy to come..

Otoh He/it would be equiv to a 10th level character as such. A bit OP for a 7th level party.

As i have been saying many a time my dear ladies and friends of late Lorrimore, the whole concept we stand infront of here is a testament to utter stupidity. A golem standing trial for murder. Quite frankly, it stands more sense to charge a horse for breaking legs and then breaking its leg as punishment.

You see, a golem is MINDLESS. It has no plans of its own and never will have. Thus IF one intends to charge a golem, then do so and charge the golems maker while at it. One can hope they charge the next cutpurse and his razor separately the next time a pair of those are caught!

Reckless wrote:
Keith Taschner wrote:

In this thread, James Jacobs admitted that there were flaws in the trust system. Specifically, that not enough trust points were detailed to let a party reach the maximum score.
Thanks, I did indeed miss that entire thread.

And then the whole problem of losing a point a day.. Much better to start this only after the undead begin rising. After that, wandering undead smited and returned to their graves +2, did nothing -1.

Just leaving uncle jones and mother lilly hacked to pieces in the street.. a 50% of +1, 50% for 0.. as someone from the family will have to rebury, remembering thruought the whole rainy and cold night of digging who it was that buried the "necromancer" there in the first place.

Then theres a real chance for actually reaching the upper points.

TwoWolves wrote:

Is the scale of the Ravengro town map really 50'/square? Because that makes for some HUGE buildings in a "small" town.

Well, its an eternal question. Like a certain pirate island a few adventure paths away, wherein a purple brothel was some 120' across on the outside and 360' on the inside. Its magic!

Atleast it is a chance to reuse my favorite manor, quelkins quandry and his home for our young grieving ladys home. Especially as quelkin DID have a bit of a odd reputation in that adventure so long ago :p

Firest wrote:
If they've been able to make a legitimate claim to it why are they trying to sell it? In a world without refrigeration a salt mine is literally worth it's weight in gold.

Indeed, its weight in gold. That is one more of those oddities along with pyramids that can be found all over the world. Just the same way, gold was always traded for salt weight by weight both sides of the atlantic.

Some day, try a all-dwarf. All Fighter-Cleric (mostly cleric).
TONS of hitpoints, all healers, Bloody tanks the whole bunch. Naturally wearing enchanted Superheavy UltraplateArmour. Like +12 on just armor, and even more with enchantments (home-made).

No idea to waste points on dexterity. Or charisma. Speed? Well down to 5' now with the plates and hyper towershields of 6 inces thick adamantium. Untouchable, unmovable, indestructible. Did i mention they are all healers? and have superhigh constitions? ;)

With home-made vorpal battleaxes +1 and the rest of their stats wont matter much. Oh and probly should have some kind of ranged weapons too.

one of the problems with simulcras is their utter lack of initiative. They are quite happy to sit in a room for a millennia just waiting for the next order.

Told to head to town to purchase bread. Okie theyll do that, but will also ignore say wounded kids on the walk there (quite bad if its pretending to be the paladin), and will go into a "blue screen of death" -mode incase the bread price is different from what the master told it.

Still it has its uses, like as dragon steeds or homeguards. (titan! keep the door, and defend the tower from attackers, let noone except me in)
As for wishes, id have a genie army show up over "illegal wishing", after a few wishes extracted.

As for dumb guards: (1:50 -> )

It has an intelligence and ego etc, and i suppose that could be activated from day one.

What does it know? Probly a great deal about the background. What to tell? well, thats much up to the mood of the path. Spill all the beans, and players will feel like there isnt much to discover.
Feel free to fill in various more or less good advice (i remember, we once cahrged into a fortress like this, all went well until reinforcements teleported in behind our backs. There are no such reinforcements now, but ohwell), bad jokes and various other sayings.

When they are convinced it may know something, but is mostly senile.. it probly serves its purpose best.

Ironicdisaster wrote:
Forgive me, I'm not intending to threadjack, but this seems like the perfect thread to speculate on other powers and make up good alternatives.

by all means ;)

And from a quick head calculation, 1 million square feet :D Without forgetting the 40 foot celing.. Such a place in the us, letalone near the capitol (nobles quarters), easily a billion dollars :D

Might want to get rid of that ugly pyramid temple tho, thats some.. damdidam.. couple of millions of tons of living brass? ;) Gotta be worth a few millions.

And then those "other" estates in the city. Probly enough rent income from those to maintain that personal army of firegiants, jewellery and constant accumulation of various treasures. 30k/month? I dont think nobles actually work for a living, right?

That said, the stairs and entrance exits from one level to the next are weird at best. Walk thru the throneroom, via the harem door and thru the personal garden in order to get to the ballroom (for guests one can assume). Nonono..
Or how exactly to get into the tower? Punch a hole in the kitchen wall to enter the guardroom and from there along the stairs? (personally edited in stairs in the throneroom, and ledge+stairs on the roofelevel, fianally leading to the tower)

Same thing with reaching the roof, stairs were the smithy was, and editing away that empty room on the roof.

Oh and a few portals in the shrine/temple next to the throne room. Afterall, there are those 3 deepenings in the wall there already.
Leading to: 1) treasure level, 2) tower, and 3) to shaharadze. Usable only by the lawful owner of the house (pretty much as written, pwner having secret ways)

Sean, point taken. A limit for what an individual stone can produce in a month, until its sort empty until the next fullmoon or some such :p

@Abraham, then do enlighten us. Those were the 3 ive come across. Basically wealth, immortality and transformation of the soul into something purer and gooder & accompaning bodily perfection (thus the saint template).

A bit of searching,
"Such were the mystical powers of the Philosopher's Stone that anyone fortunate enough to own one was said to be ensured of good health, perpetual youth, success in love, wealth beyond his dreams and good luck in every undertaking. One noted alchemists, Albert Magnus (1206-1280), claimed that his magical Philosopher's Stone could create summer or winter in his garden at his command."

Wikipedia mentioned "oneness of humanity", now that would perhaps be the purity of soul, but several people being united thru the same stone. Thus surely linking all their lives together. Hivemind/telepathy shared between all perfected by the same stone?

The luck, love & success is easily enough done thru a luckstone effect of some power.
Weathercontrol, well.. Fairly sure we dont want to go into the "deathstone" effect wherein the deathstone holder gets a virtual necromancer level for each level of the owner, but transmuter in this case, but sure would ease things. And allow a anyone to use it.