What's Your Party's Details for SC? (e.g. how many and what are they playing as?)

Shackled City Adventure Path

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i made a mistake there coz i didnt remember the PCs in my party :)

at the begining of chapter 4:

- CG human fighter 3/psion (telepath) 3
- LG human paladin of Kelemvor 3/cleric of Kelemvor 3
- NG human sorcerer 6
- CG aasimar sorcerer 5

little versatility but lots of firepower and they fall for most of the traps :)

Playing in Greyhawk in the Sea Princes region. Two sessions in to Life's Bazaar; the whole gang just leveled after their first good romp through Jzaridune.

Halfling Rogue 2 (with Nobility trait)
Human Cleric of Boccob 2
Human Paladin of Freedom 2 (CG, worships Kord)
Human Bard 2 (Scion of Surabar, but doesn't know it yet)
Dwarf Wizard 2 (Diviner)

This group is very chaotic and heavily neutral. Only the Pali cares about the kids; everyone else just wants Jenya's gold!

Pathfinder Roleplaying Game Superscriber; Pathfinder Starfinder Adventure Path, Starfinder Roleplaying Game, Starfinder Society Subscriber

We just started last weekend. I'm letting them start at 2nd level, but with 1st level xp and starting gold. Also, using action points.

Human Warlock 2
Human Rogue 1 / Cleric of WeeJas 1
Human Diviner 2
Half-Orc Rogue 1 / Monk 1
Human Ranger 2
Dwarf Cleric of Farlanghan 2

They'll soon be joined by a Half-Ogre Psionic Warrior 1 for a short time


Liberty's Edge RPG Superstar 2014 Top 16, RPG Superstar 2012 Top 16

Nurgan wrote:
Out of curiosity, how strict were people with races they allowed, as the city seems to be based purely around "normal" races?

My character creation guidelines limit players to the PH races and although I am not running SCAP in Eberron I am allowing the new Eberron Races.

I'm flipping the Eberron designer credo: "If it has a place in Eberron it has a place in D&D."

Warforged are extremely rare and are the product of a bygone age, shifters seem to fit region's history, and changelings and kalashtar blend in with humanity.

Again all are rare less than 1% of the population but heroes of the PCs calibur are rare as well.

Forgotten Realms, Life's Bazaar (currently exploring Jzadirune):

Tubok Half-Ogre Barbarian 1
G'Kuan Extaminaar Monk 2
Ibis Aaasimar Sorcerer 1
Raven Elf Swashbuckler 1/Diviner 1
Ambril Air Genasi Ranger 1
Dagnat Dwarf Cleric 1

Pathfinder Maps, Pathfinder Accessories Subscriber; Pathfinder Roleplaying Game Charter Superscriber; Starfinder Charter Superscriber

Just started out a new SCAP campaign with this group

- Human Sorcerer
- Human Druid (wants to become Master of Many Forms)
- Human Cleric of Pelor (wants to become Radiant Servant)
- Dwarf Cleric of Hanseath (with substitution level)
- Deep Dwarf Fighter (with substitution level, wants to become Exotic Weapon Master)
- Grey Elf Paragon (wants to become Arcane Archer)
- Wood Elf Scout

Just had our first session (so all level 1):

Human male Archivist (from HoH) (Dreamnhaunted)
Dwarven female paladin (trait made up for Malachite Fortress)
Human male scout (Scion of Surabar)
Halfling male rogue (Scarred Soul)
Elf male warmage (from Complte Arcane) (Nobility)
Human male fighter (Scarred Soul)

Looking forward to using the character traits in the campaign. :)

The PC's are just about to face Dark Myrakul and his Demonflesh Golem.

The surviving players are:

Gelinor Fellspar, 19th level cleric of Pelor (bearer of the Smoking Eye)
Aldonar Stormblood, 20th level sorcerer
Bersarrk Splintershield (cousin of Zenith), 19th level dwarven barbarian
Cora Lanthemire (the Stormblade) acquired earlier and is currently 19th level fighter.
Nidirama fell in a recent battle.

Gelinor and Aldonar began the Adventure Path, other friends that persihed before were:
Finneas, halfling rougue fell during Demonskar Legacy.
Sageus, elf fighter, victim to Moltenwing.

As DM, I made their journey through Orthyrs more perilous. They were hounded by semi-sentient globes of rock and flame, made enemies at Bastion of Lost Hope and got into a vicious bar fight. While travelling on the hellish plane, they were plagued by dominating ghosts of long forgotten battles, had to cross a portion of the River Styx and were hunted by Kelubar slave lords. Bayalka the Marlith and her fiendish dwarven rentinue gave them a hostile welcome at Harrowfell Tower, before disclosing the location of Skullrot.

And the endgame will be glorious...

The PC's are just about to face Dark Myrakul and his Demonflesh Golem.

The surviving players are:

Gelinor Fellspar, 19th level cleric of Pelor (bearer of the Smoking Eye)
Aldonar Stormblood, 20th level sorcerer
Bersarrk Splintershield (cousin of Zenith), 19th level dwarven barbarian
Cora Lanthemire (the Stormblade) acquired earlier and is currently 19th level fighter.
Nidirama fell in a recent battle.

Gelinor and Aldonar began the Adventure Path, other friends that persihed before were:
Finneas, halfling rougue fell during Demonskar Legacy.
Sageus, elf fighter, victim to Moltenwing.

As DM, I made their journey through Orthyrs more perilous. They were hounded by semi-sentient globes of rock and flame, made enemies at Bastion of Lost Hope and got into a vicious bar fight. While travelling on the hellish plane, they were plagued by dominating ghosts of long forgotten battles, had to cross a portion of the River Styx and were hunted by Kelubar slave lords. Bayalka the Marlith and her fiendish dwarven rentinue gave them a hostile welcome at Harrowfell Tower, before disclosing the location of Skullrot.

And the endgame will be glorious...

Dark Archive

Current Group includes:
Isol Skellarang, LG Celestial Human Cleric/Paladin Gestalt 1/1 (Son of Tereson, Has Nobility trait)
Helga the Untamed, CG Feral Human Werebear(*)/Urban Ranger/Barbarian Gestalt
Aryan the "Honest", CN Fiendish Halfling Rogue/Battle Sorceror(UA) Gestalt
(Has Scarred Soul trait)

Should be adding two more players in the near future, not sure what they will be playing but I am hoping someone will be willing to use one of the other good traits from SCHC, will update with new players when they are decided. Also might start a chronicle thread for party and lasting enjoyment.

*: uses savage species progression from Dragon 313. I am actually making the feral template part of this progression so she gets rend, rake and pounce around 10 - 12th lvl

My hard cover just arrived from the US, in tip top shape too. Trouble with being in New Zealand is getting the Dungeon mags to arrive at the best of times :P.

After my Ravenloft campaign to a conclusion the players expressed interest in something that didnt take too much thinking on my part as they could see stress and time I put in keeping the story going. Another player suggested this to me and I was intrigued. Now with the full book in my hands I am hooked. The players already (and only two sessions in) are roleplaying more than ever, and loving the rewards (compared to low magic low reward Ravenloft). All in all a fun game to play and they are wanting more than one game a week 8)

All characters are still first level of course. The party make up is:-

Human Fighter - Complete with pet chicken. Has a fetish somewhat and is modelled after Gonzo from the muppet show.
Human Sorceress - Draconic Heritage.
Human Cleric - Greek style Trithereon Warrior/Philosopher.
Human Wizard - Devoutly religious St Cuthbert follower. Sacred Exorcist wannabe.
Tiefling Rogue - Initially was sceptical about +1 lvl adjustment. After a few door traps now swears by it.
Gnome Ranger - Goal to be tuffest Gnome in the world.

Hiya Guys,
Its been a while since I started this thread and funnily enough my group ended up changing last minute. Just about to start Drakthar's Way we are all level 4 at the end of Life's Bazaar. Currently no deaths but plenty of ko's.

6 PC'S (Based in Q'Barr)
Shifter Barbarian (heading to Frenzied Bezerker)
Dwarf Fighter (heading to Dwarven Defender)
Human Monk
Elf Rogue (heading to shadow dancer)
Halfling Rogue (heading to assasin)
Kalashtar Psion Kineticist

Problems ive found that would be obvious to most veteran dm's is that we have a lack of healing and magic. It hasnt been a huge issue but what I have found is the guys have hardly any money\treasure as for one they are splitting it by 6 and second they are spending all their money on healing potions and getting items identified ($100-150 gp per item). Any advice\opinions\ideas welcome. One major question is that there currently value is approx $2500 but for level 4 characters it should be approx $4000 now would you modify this to boost them up or would you let them suffer for having an unbalanced party?


Problems ive found that would be obvious to most veteran dm's is that we have a lack of healing and magic. It hasnt been a huge issue but what I have found is the guys have hardly any money\treasure as for one they are splitting it by 6 and second they are spending all their money on healing potions and getting items identified ($100-150 gp per item). Any advice\opinions\ideas welcome. One major question is that there currently value is approx $2500 but for level 4 characters it should be approx $4000 now would you modify this to boost them up or would you let them suffer for having an unbalanced party?

I was thinking along the same lines there Rocksteady. I may have a couple of ideas for you though.

Firstly, the magic item identification. Just this week WoTC had a thread in the Saving My Game area about Item Identification. You can check that out in the link below. In particular the part about letting Rogue's identify may be of some use, especially if you are still short on a caster.


As far as the mission rewards are concerned. I assumed most of the modules are based on a four man/lady party. Bearing this in mind with any set rewards in the module I will be dividing them by 4 and then multiplying the result by the number of players (if greater than 4). So for my party of six the shall receive if they rescue all the abducted children in chapter one 3750gp rather than 2500gp (2500/4 = 625. 625x 6 = 3750).
It is not too much of a drastic increase (in my opinion) and each player ends up with the same amount in the hand. I have left all other treasure the same.

A lot of players tend to leave behind mundane items that can be sold off. My players tend to divulge rooms of their entire contents and trade these off. Even at a pittance of the value (10% for an old weapon), it can still add up and help alleviate money woes.

Just some random warblings. I hope it helps in some way.

Hrm. Just started two sessions ago and the party has just finished their intial foray into Jzadirune. I'm basing in FR, in the Vilhon Reach.

Bugbear Fighter/2 (the PC is a runt, so he does not gain the benefits of the extra HD or the majority of the stat bonii.)
Human Cleric (Tymora)/2
Human Monk/2 (Shou, his stated goal is to create a market for goods from Kara Tur. The poor guy has no idea what's coming...)
Human Bard/1 (A late arrival, she's actually the oldest of the orphans from the Lantern Street Orphanage.)

I'm looking for several more players, as I can foresee a great deal of trouble in the upcoming modules with only four PCs. The players are already looking for an 'underground specialist' after wandering through Jzadirune for a few hours.

My PCs are 4 sessions into the SCAP (5th session this Thursday), and the players are still all first level and exploring Jzadirune.

* Dwarf Paladin
* Human Cleric
* Human Bard
* Elf Rogue

My players do not read!
I've had the AP1 adventures in Dungeon format since the start, but only ran "Life's Bazaar". Years later, and I purchased the Hard Cover, and I'm running the whole thing from start to finish. I've read everything at least twice through, so I feel comfortable. We play this Sunday.

The HC is utterly fantastic! Best purchase I've made all year, and this despite owning all of the Dungeon adventures.

My players are running (there are secrets about each character):

Laelithar Vanderboren, female half-drow Scout 0/Urban Ranger 0.
Adopted daughter of the Vanderborens (they own the Lantern Street Orphanage), tormented by her adoptive brother Todd. Spends lots of time imagining revenge, has explored many lava tubes below the city, and has tried her hand at being a city guard (working with Krewis, Endercott, and Triel at some point), and being apprenticed to Maavu in a desperate effort by her parents to get her to settle down. She is an economic wiz, but wants more out of life. When Todd announces 'he' has formed the Stormblades, she sets out to one-up him, and get behind the rash of dissapperances. Knows Ralrao from the orphanage, and Fash through Ralrao. Has the Noble trait and the FR regional feat Mercantile Background. Wants to head to Dervish/Bloodhound.

Fash Falon, male whisper gnome Rogue 0/Wizard 0.
His parents escaped from Jzadirune, but scared him silly about the fate of the gnome enclave. He hates the big, noisy city, and likes to keep to himself much, in nice safe corners and alleys. Met Ralrao down by the Lakeside Pavillion at night, where they decided to keep watch for the legendary Lake Monster. No luck, but they ended up being friends. Apprenticed to the wizard Tyro Amberhelm, who thinks that Fash needs to think about what he will do with the imminent end of his tutorage approaching. Fash keeps thinking that he needs to find Jzadirune and confront his fears. Has already had run-ins with the Alley Bashers, and hopes the Last Laugh runs them out of town. Despite being a fearful person, he has tremendous reserves of bravery that come to the fore when the need arises. Tyro has hinted that perhaps great things are in store for him, but Fash is not so sure he is eager for 'great things'. Has the Child of Jzadirune trait and the FR regional feat Strong Soul. Wants to go Daggerspell Mage.

Ralrao, male human Rogue 0/Archivist 0.
His adventurer parents never returned when he was seven years old, but the nightmares replaced them. Horrid dreams where he became the monster. He spent nights outside of the orphanage, trying not to sleep, and on one such trip met a gnome named Fash and became friends. He also befriended a snotty kid whose parents own the orphanage. Ral looks for ways to combat the terrors of his mind, which includes learning about all the dark and nasty stuff that lurks in the corners of the world, and he then learns how to kill it. His rough upbringing means that he has learned to handle himself in a dozen dirty situations. He has twice refused to join the Alley Bashers, and has so far managed to live, but is worried about his future. When his friend Laelith suggests forming an adventuring company, Ral sees his opportunity and gets Fash to agree. Ral knows Rufus and Jenya from their work at the orphanage, although he now lives near the temple. He has taken an interest in the purifying aspect of Kossuth, from a pamphlet left to him by a wandering cleric of the Fire Lord. Wants to go Black Flame Zealot (modified, see below) Has the Dream Haunted trait and the FR regional feat Knifefighter.

I placed Cauldron on the Western Coast of the Lake of Steam (Forgotten Realms), in the mountains north and east of Almrhaven, which substitutes for Sesseren.

Character Creation:
Ability Scores: 4d6 six times, roll three sets, use the set you like best. They did this in front of me. We got(with racial adjustments):

Laelith - STR8,DEX17,CON15,INT15,WIS11,CHA13
Fash - STR10,DEX17,CON17,INT17,WIS15,CHA8
Ral - STR15,DEX17,CON17,INT18,WIS15,CHA14

I was worried about only three characters but with good scores like these, they should do a bit better.

Classes: I allowed apprentice levels from the 3.0 DMG, and they all went the stealthy/skilled route. Ral's player liked both the Shadowbane Stalker and the Black Flame Zealot, but had issues with each. I basically gave the BFZ the Shadowbane Stalker the Stalker's spell level progression, otherwise the BFZ is the same. He must choose Kossuth when he takes the prestige class.

Traits: I allowed everyone a trait from the SCHC appendix.
Feats: I allowed two flaws for each character, if they wanted them, and gave a regional feat for each of them for free from the players guide to faerun.
Skills: I used the Maximum Ranks Limited Choices variant from Unearthed Arcana. I hate checking skill points. They get maximum skill ranks in any class or cross-class skills they take. They can add a skill (or rarely two) when they add a new class, upgrade cc skills, or increase Int.

Player Secrets

(my players, DO NOT LOOK please)


Laelith is the twin sister of Shensen Tesseril. Shensen has never had a presence in the city, except once, when she was mistaken for Laelith. Shensen does not know about Laelith, and the rest of the Striders figure it will work itself out soon enough without interfering. Where Laelith is supposed to be b@%@#y and condescending (as her player has told me), Shensen has always struck me as serene and gentle. Wait until they meet at the Lucky Monkey. The bard who was approached the monestary where Shensen grew up was actually a Strider. The Monks were of the Pure Flame (Kossuth). The bard had actually left her with the monks years earlier, after finding both her and her sister in the underdark with their then-pregnant mother. Unable to travel with two babies, he had taken Laelith to Cauldron, leaving Shensen with the nearby monks. Repeated attempts to place Shensen with her sister were to no avail, as the head of the monestary was possessive of the child. Rumors spread by that monk led to the bard's death, and Shensen's departure. If Ralrao decides to strengthen his connection to these monks (closer to Mintar), he may have problems with Shensen.

Fash's mentor is actually an elf, of course. The Striders would love to recruit Fash if he turns out to have the right character. His parents are supporters of the Striders, though not Striders themselves, and members of The Chisel. They sent Fash to learn magic for a good reason, and expect him to make good. They won't say a word, though, until he has made accomplishemts as well. Fash is supposed to come off a bit timid, but bite your head off when it counts (like a berserk bunny).

Ralrao's (pronounced rahl-reyo) parents are statues in Vhalhantru's mansion. When the group gets that far, he might be able to save his parents and reunite his family. Ralrao explained to me to be like some Lovecraftian-possessed paranoid monster hunter. The player suggests he might not be willing to accomodate anything truly non-human if anyone tries to Diplomacy undead, aberrations, etc.


That sounds really cool, Skylark!

I only have one PC. I've set the campaign in Azeroth (the World of Warcraft RPG) and my husband is playing a human arcanist (warlock). He has one friend traveling with him (controlled by me - a human rogue) and he's hired a bodyguard (warrior). So far we're still mucking around in Jzadirune and having lots of fun.

-Amber S.

My players have just finished chapter one:Lifes Bazaar. Already there have been three deaths and one retirement. The current party is as follows:

Rourke- human rogue 3/fighter 1 (looking to take the shadow dancer and tempest prestige classes)

Dingle Twiddleknocker - gnome paladin of Heironeous 3

Meethos- human cleric of Heironeous 4

Arais- human wizard 3

Anoshi- human samurai 3 (bodyguard in training to the Lord Mayor)

I had my players roll their traits in secret and they all agreed to only reveal what they had through good roleplaying.

Rourke has the Long shadowed trait...and is hating the drawback so much that he wishes he never rolled for a trait in the first place.

Dingle rolled the Mark of the Beast trait. Once he becomes a 4th level paladin he will be immune to lycanthropy so he is pretty happy with the trait.

Meethos rolled the Scarred Soul trait. I cant wait till he finds out he is one of the Shackleborn!

Arais rolled the Scion of Surabar trait. He is immensely pleased with being the descendant of a mighty wizard.

Anoshi also rolled the scarred soul trait. Looks like the Cagewrights will be capturing a couple PCs in the future!

Medesha wrote:

That sounds really cool, Skylark!

I only have one PC. I've set the campaign in Azeroth (the World of Warcraft RPG) and my husband is playing a human arcanist (warlock). He has one friend traveling with him (controlled by me - a human rogue) and he's hired a bodyguard (warrior). So far we're still mucking around in Jzadirune and having lots of fun.

-Amber S.

Wow, one PC. Even with the DMPC and NPC, what do you do to make sure he stays alive? Once he fails a save or goes below 0 hp it spells trouble. I probably would have had him go gestalt.

I DM'd for my S.O. long ago, but it never really worked out. Lucky you!


Well my husband's pretty good at min/maxing, so that helps. Plus he has the two hirelings to heal him/pull him out of trouble should he need it (plus his imp familiar). So I'm not too worried. So far he's obliterated everything he's met. :-)

My husband's job requires us to move every 3-6 months, so often we're the only ones around to game with. So we've had many solo games over the years, and I guess we've gotten good and stacking the odds in a solo PC's benefit. :-)

-Amber S.

Liberty's Edge

Pathfinder Battles Case Subscriber; Pathfinder Maps, Pathfinder Accessories Subscriber; Pathfinder Roleplaying Game Charter Superscriber; Starfinder Charter Superscriber

Started the Game off with 3 Players 1 NPC

Dwarf Fighter
Dwarf Rogue (Dwarfs are brothers)
Human Cleric of Pelor
and a NPC Human Bard

Latter on I lost a married couple (Human Cleric, Dwarf Fighter), and added 5 more players so the group ended up looking like this

Dwarf Rogue (Brother is dead by his own hands, Became a wererat then cured)
Half-Drow Cleric/Wizard
Neanderthal Barbarian
Elf Ranger
Elf Warmage
Human Wizard
Human Bard/Rogue (Same NPC)

Well that was my group set up until the last adventure Zenith Trajectory, 3 PCs were killed 1 was brought back, so this is the current set up.

Dwarf Rogue 8
Half-Drow Cleric of Wee Jas 3/Wizard 3/True Necromancer 2
Neanderthal Barbarian 7 (Raise dead)
Elf Ranger 8
Dwarf Fighter 7/Dwarven Defender 1
Human Favored Soul 8
Human Bard 6/Rogue 2 (Still NPC)

We are about to start The Demonskar Legacy and the group is loving it!

Grand Lodge

Human Fighter with ties to nobility in Cauldron
Human Cleric of Kord
Elven Sorcerer (Wyrm Blooded)
Human Rogue (also Wyrm Blooded)

They are about halfway through Life's Bazaar and this is our first time playing 3.5 so it's going kinda slow. Unfortunately I showed my players Libris Mortis that I got from my library and now they're kinda bending towards playing evil PCs! This is my biggest fear when running a campaign! I was a bit worried when they all chose chaotic neutral for their alignments. At least the Cleric is chaotic good.

Grand Lodge

OK, i am new to 3.0/3.5 but can paladins really be chaotic good?

Mr. Peepers wrote:

Human Paladin of Freedom 2 (CG, worships Kord)

This group is very chaotic and heavily neutral. Only the Pali cares about the kids; everyone else just wants Jenya's gold!

Pathfinder Rulebook Subscriber

My team's been running through SC for the past 6 months or so, and have finished Jzadirune and The Malachite fortress. They've taken a sidetrack to Sassarine, and a further sidetrack through the Amedio Jungle to find a certain witch of legend, but eventually I'll steer them back to Cauldron for the next installment.

9 Players:
Male Half-giant Barbarian
Male Gnome Bard
Male Halfling Paladin
Female Halfling Paladin
Female Elven Thief
Male Half elf Ranger
Male Human Sorceror
Male Dwarf Cleric
Female Dwarf Cleric

Because of my large number of players, I've had to scale up every encounter, but the scaling advice in the magazine has helped to keep it challenging. We've had 3 deaths so far, one in the Malachite fortress and two in the Amedio Jungle.


We are about to start this campaign, I hope, in a couple weeks. We have a 4 character party.
Human rogue
Human or half elf fighter
Human wizard
Human or half elf cleric

Silver Crusade

My party is just about to tackle the Malachite Fortress and all just made third.
Human Samuri1/Ftr2
Human Sor3
Human Clr3
Dwarf Ftr1/Bar2
Elf Rogue1/Ftr2

1) Female gnome rogue (might multiclass as artificer later)
2) Male dwarf cleric of Clangeddin Silverbeard
3) Male human evoker focused on fire spells
4) Male half-elf druid with badger companion
5) Male elf barbarian with whirling frenzy instead of rage
6) Male human fighter
7) Female human sorceress with draconic feats (player is moving away so character is retiring)

Not sure why I have avoided replying to this post for so long, but I have been running the SCAP now for over a year. The party has experienced one TPK (room 5 Zeinith), but were rescued. Valbjörn Rauðrson Ftr6/Purple Orchid 4(purple dragon PrC renamed for the campaign); Arn Thok 1/2 orc monk10; Cade Longfellows tallfellow 1/2ling Rog3/wiz4/blood magus 2; Lilliandra elf Sor6/dragon Disc 4; Giegan relicbane Barb 2/Sor5/ragemage 3, Tlyn Cleric 10 of Fharlagan.

Scarab Sages

We are getting ready to start SCAP this Friday (1/13/06).

My players have come up with

1. K'tya Anohon: High Elf Favored Soul of Corellon with the Nobility Trait
2. Kinless: Goliath Barbarian (using variant rules from UA to handle the +1 level adjustment of the Goliath)
3. Sylfer Rhomus: Half-Fire Elf Fire Domain Wizard (using variant rules from UA for the Half Fire Elf and the Fire Domain Wizard)
4. <insert name here>: Rogue (dont know if the player is going human or halfling yet, but he is modeling his character after Riddick so this should be really interesting...)
5. Human Barbarian (this player wont be joining us for about 3 months though)

I set the SCAP in Greyhawk, down by the Hellfurnaces.

As the adventure is written for 6 PC's I have had to make a few adjustments to the encounters to reflect having only 4 PC's initially.

Hi all, just started SCAP last weekend, and the PCs managed to clear Jzadirune in a marathon session, becoming lvl 3 in the procees. We use the FR world, and i set Cauldron in Tashalar, where there is both jungle and mountains, yet the region is not very well developed in official sources, so i could use the Cauldron environs map with very slight modifications. The party consists of:

- dwarven fighter
- human paladin of Lathander
- human cleric of Lathander
- gnome bard

The cleric and the paladin are brother-sister and came from the capital city to help Kristoff Jurgensen and investigate the disappearances. The dwarf traveled from the Great Rift following in the steps of the legendary Zenith Splintershield. The gnome bard's player couldnt attend the first session unfortunately, so i used an NPC human wizard, who is an apprentice alchemist at Vortimax's.

Sovereign Court

God, its over a year since we finshed SCAP. So i don't hardly remember the party's stats.
What i do know:
1. Renn Whitelake-male human,paladin of Lathander died when Tongueater ripped out his tongue along with the rest of lower jaw in Flood season.
2.Boregad Freehand-Male human , fighter/wizard curretnly the lord mayor of cauldron along with his wife,Shensen Tessaril.
3. Zarik Dhor-half black dragon/minotaur,fighter/barbarian,current captain of the town guard of cauldron and its champion. attended the champions' belt games in calimport as its representative during AOW.(aka special guest star.)
4.Asenath Ravenlock-female moon elf,cleric(azuth)/wizard/archmage,currnet high priestess of the temple of Azuth in cauldron.

Pathfinder Adventure Path Subscriber

Just started out, had a terrific first session this sunday.

Halfling Rogue
Elf Sorcerer
Dwarf Barbarian
Dwarf Cleric
Halfling Cleric

I've only allowed PHB-races and all material from Complete- and Race-books must specifically be allowed, so nothing special here (other than there's no humans in the party).

I'll try to scale the adventure to 5 players by adding about 25% more hp to each monster (or occationally adding an extra foe).

Well, I'm running SC for a core group that's been around in previous campaigns. We're up to the Smoking Eye. They were dead set on playing some kind of half-elemental group from the Manual of the Planes book (utterly rediculous, I know), but they've been good and I don't particularly like killing them, so I let them.

Half-Air Elemental Elf Rogue
Half-Earth Elemental Dwarf Cleric (Moradin)
Half-Fire Elemental Orc Ranger

and, for extra players, a
Half-Water Elemental Human Wizard

It's going to be their fault when they've got insane template stackage (Elemental Smoking Eye Orc Ranger/Prestige Class, ect.) The way I've counteracted the template's power boost is by splitting the exp as if there were four of them, even though there are only three, so they generally stay at the same level as recommended by the adventures.

Normally I'm pretty stringent about races and so on, so I let them loose here. Hey, they want to have characters in an epic campaign they can remember!



Just interested to see what you guys are running with in SC.

My group consists of:

Kyra Lanthenmire, human female fighter, leader of the group, younger sister of Cora.
Gwendolyn Weer, female elven rogue/sorcerer, golddigging wife of Vortimax.
Seodarin "Seo" Hillsborough, female halfling cleric of Pelor, child of the owners of the Tipped Tankard Tavern.
Brunhilda Spintershield, female dwarven Wizard, granddaughter of Davked, niece of Zenith.

They are all gestalted with Aristocrat as they are nobles.

Henning Kristensen wrote:

I'll try to scale the adventure to 5 players by adding about 25% more hp to each monster (or occationally adding an extra foe).

Wow, since the adventure is designed for 6 players, you will raise difficulty to the "insane" level. :-))

Well if your players can handle that, then they are pretty cool. My group of seven players had problems already without upgrading anything.

RPG Superstar 2010 Top 16, 2011 Top 32, 2012 Top 4

Guys, Just interested to see what you guys are running with in SC.

We only have 3 players, so I plan to run 2 NPCs. The NPCs will be run by other players who are only able to join us every once in a while. The campaign will be set in the Forgotten Realms, in the Tashalar.

Here's the group:
Gronjaer - CG Male Human (Shaaran) Fighter 1
Lrr - LN Male Half-Orc Monk 1
Chance Direfallow - CG Human (Calishite) Ranger 1

Bran Hawkwinter - NG Human (Chondathan) Bard 2
Rexel - CN Halfling (Lightfoot Rogue 1

To help keep them alive, I'm having them "befriend" Vortimax Weer the potions dealer. IMC, he's a retired adventurer from Thay with the goal of establishing a Thayan Enclave in Cauldron. He will have been in Cauldron for a decade already with an established potions business and strong ties to the Bluecrater Academy. He'll ply the PCs with healing potions to earn their trust and get them to work for him. One of his main rivals is going to by Skie Aldersun, who rightly believes the Thayan wants to muscle her out of business. At some point in the campaign, I'm assuming the PCs' loyalties will switch to backing Skie, after they discover that Weer is an evil, evil man.

My group started playing the SCAP a month ago, and we've been playing it twice a week since then. This is quite an accomplishment for a group in its mid-thirties, with jobs, families, etc.! It's an indication of how much we like it, as previous campaigns would maybe see us getting together once every other month.

We're currently in Chapter Four, and the party composition is as follows:

- Human Paladin of St. Cuthbert (Level 7)
- Human Cleric of St Cuthbert (Level 7)
- Wood Elf Ranger (Level 7) - Archery specialist
- Human Fighter (Level 6) - Spiked chain specialist
- Wood Elf Hexblade (Level 6)
- Gray Elf Wizard (Level 6)
- Human Monk/Cleric (Level 2/3) - Working towards becoming a Sacred Fist
- Human Rogue (Level 5)

We've had 3 deaths. The first one was the cleric, who died to Drakthar's energy drain the first time the party encountered him in Chapter 2. They came back prepared and quickly dispatched him.

The fighter has died twice. Once fighting ogres and orcs (wandering monsters) between Chapters 2 and 3. He made a mistake and provoked 2 attacks of opportunity from the ogres and that was it for him. The second time was against Tongueater and friends. He charged the room full of enemies, while the rest of the party stayed at the doorway and controlled the battlefield. Unfortunately for him, the Web the wizard cast to delay the enemy from killing the fighter was not enough, and he was killed by a baboon and 2 hillfolk.

There's been many instances of people going into the negative hit points. I think the only ones that have never been into negative hit points have been the monk/cleric and the rogue. I did help them a bit in Chapter 1, with some of my rolls, but other than that, they've played well enough that they've managed to minimize deaths. And it's a pretty well-balanced party so that helps.

Typically I've had 6 people attend the sessions, so I haven't altered the adventure. However, the past couple of times, all 8 have showed up and they've had an easier time, so I'm thinking of trying to make it a little tougher next time they do.

Just finished the character generation session earlier this evening.

We've got five PCs - thus far:

Cleric of Kord (human)
Wizard (elf)
Rogue (halfling)
Swashbuckler (human)
Psychic Warrior (human) (although, I'm inclined to have him switch to Soul Knife)

The first playing session will be in two weeks. :)

RPG Superstar 2010 Top 16, 2011 Top 32, 2012 Top 4

Oswaldo Sandoval wrote:
My group started playing the SCAP a month ago, and we've been playing it twice a week since then. This is quite an accomplishment for a group in its mid-thirties, with jobs, families, etc.! It's an indication of how much we like it, as previous campaigns would maybe see us getting together once every other month.

Wow! Kudos to you and your group! We are all in our early to mid-30s with jobs and families as well, and we have trouble getting together twice a month! Twice a week would be a dream. Heck, ONCE a week would be a dream! ;-)

I agree with Tom above. That is an outstanding feat for sure. Our players are all in the same age bracket as well.

Older gamers unit, in the diaper filled rooms O_o :P

Figured I should add in my lot to this thread, plus I don't want to derail the thread I posted this in anymore.

I should be starting this campaign this weekend (hopefully) and will have 6 players. We are playing it in the Forgotten Realms, set in Chult.

The Party as I know it so far:
Gold Dwarf Fighter 1
Human Fighter 1 (Scarred Soul)
Sun Elf Wizard 1
Human Ranger 1 (using the nonspellcasting variant from the Complete Warrior)
Human Fighter 1 (Polearm fighter)

The first four I know about for sure, the last two not entirely sure yet. The one I don't know about yet has been sick lately and haven't talked with anyone in the group yet. But he normally plays a Rogue or maybe a Bard.

So as things look, my group will be going in without a Cleric or any type of healer.

Is there any advice for dealing with this? I was thinking of letting things take their course to let them see that they need a healer. By the way, I did warn them about how lethal the campaign would be and expressed that a Balanced Party would be needed for best chance of survival.


And what are you guys using?

My Gestalted party in Jzadirune:

(started at 2nd level)

Tom Riddle (Githzerai Monk 1 / Panther Druid 1, MarkoftheBeast)

"Hawk" Calvin Surabar (Urban Ranger 2 / Ninja 2, noble, scion of surabar)

DaVid Navalant (Wizard 2 / Cleric of Boccob 2, Noble)

They just finished running from the Pulverizer Automaton in the Invisibility Sphere.

Here's an updated list of my group

Darin - Gold Dwarf Fighter 1
Rezo the Red Priest - 1/2 Drow Fighter 1
Sarva - Sun Elf Warmage 1
Lia - Wood Elf Ranger 1
Kel - Sun Elf Wizard 1
Drev - Human FIghter 1 (Scarred Soul)

They have survived 1 session so far. They've haven't had too much trouble with the thugs or Skulks, although they are getting sick and tired of the things coming out of nowhere and stabbing them.

Next session should be pretty interesting, as I expect them to explore more of the ruins and come across the more deadly foes in the complex.

The group I'm running through has this mix:
Laro Cultcutter -- dwarven cleric 3 of St. Cuthbert (Child of Jzadirune)
Hesus Derowid -- human rogue 3
Matika Stark -- human scout 2/warmage 1
Reinthoz "Rein" Talon -- common elven fighter 3 (Scarred Soul)

They will soon be joined by a couple more PCs. (I'm allowing two of the players to run second PCs because running NPCs to support the small group isn't really working out too well.)

We're supposed to start the SCAP around March, 'cause we're currently finishing a little Cthulhu campaign... however, I have some characters ready, and here they are:

- Elf Figther (ok, ok the guy is a newbie, and he just saw LotR)
- Meanad Monk
- Warforged Cleric
- Warforged Sorcerer
- Druid Human

Just ran one session last thursday, next one will be tomorrow.

Drow Cleric (Pholtus)
Aasimar Cleric (Pholtus)
Human Barbarian
Half-Elf Fighter
Human Sorcerer

CéPé wrote:

We're supposed to start the SCAP around March, 'cause we're currently finishing a little Cthulhu campaign... however, I have some characters ready, and here they are:

- Elf Figther (ok, ok the guy is a newbie, and he just saw LotR)
- Meanad Monk
- Warforged Cleric
- Warforged Sorcerer
- Druid Human

I will now add a Human Bard and a Soulknife Xeph!

Large, large party.

Dwarf Wizard 2
Dwarf Rogue/Fighter 1/1
Dwarf Barbarian 2 (leaving soon)
Elf Cleric/Fighter 1/1
Elf Cleric 2
Human Cleric 2
Human Paladin 2
Human Ranger/Wizard 1/1



Well FINALLY my party is completed, with some little modifications.

Warforged Sorcerer
Warforged Cleric
Meanad Monk
Human Druid
Human Bard
Shifter Rogue
Drow Warrior

Let the campaign begin!

1 Player, 1 Dm yields for an interesting setup.

Half-Orc, reptilian/winged gestalted Fighter Rogue
Half-Celestial gestalted Sorceror Favored Soul

We decided to power up for a fighting chance and for a more interesting backstory. Military genetic manipulation anyone?

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