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![]() DMFTodd wrote:
Thank you, I can then safely run the whole Life's Bazaar from the magazine :) ![]()
![]() Hi folks, My ordered SCAP Hardcover has not arrived yet, but i am DMing Life's Bazaar from the magazine. This weekend we will probably finish the Malachite Fortress. My question is do i need to change anything in the Malachite Fortress ending to make a transition to Drakthar's Way? Also, could anyone summarize in a few lines what Drakthar's Way is about? Thanks,
![]() What I don't understand about this part of the adventure is why would Vhalantru even appear after the PCs successfully freed Terrem? I assume he's certainly spying on them, so once he learns that the PCs found the children, he should know that they will take Terrem back to the orphanage, which is exactly what he would do anyway. So I think hes just taking unnecessary risk of being revealed, just because the plotline needs this bit of mystery about the beholder. What did your players say/do when they found out that Terrem has been safely returned to the orphanage? ![]()
![]() Sean Mahoney wrote:
How did you change Flood Season's beginning? Is there a lake in Sundabar too, that needs to be controlled with the spring melting, or are the wands needed for a whole different type of threat? (e.g. wands of control weather against freezing winds, or hurricane storms?) ![]()
![]() I placed Cauldron in the south part Tashalar, in the mountains right next to the Black Jungle. St Cuthbert became Tyr (justice, retribution), Pelor --> Lathander, Kord --> Tempus and Wee Jas --> Malar. The reason I went for Malar is that in my opinion, it is the evil aspect of the clergy that plays a role, not the portfolio of death and magic. Thus Kelemvor doesnt fit, he's always been a good guy, even if his official alignment is lawful neutral. I can't imagine a priest of Kelemvor sending assassins after the heroes of the city. Plus Malar fits the jungle theme perfectly. The Ebon Triad will be Bane, Bhaal and Myrkul. ![]()
![]() I think that Life's Bazaar is a very tough adventure, and if the players dont realise this after the first few encounters, and they keep charging headlong into trouble, TKP is inevitable. For example, players could be somewhat used to the first adventure in a party being relatively easy, with CR1/2 or even CR1/4 monsters, with only maybe the final boss being a hard fight. In SCAP however, the first enemy they fight is CR2 and there are a lot of CR3 mobs right at the beginning. The dark creepers are especially deadly - with their good hide skills and sneak attacks, they can easily down a PC in a single blow. I still think it was a miracle that my PCs survived the attack of the two DCs in the kitchen area, where the little fellas were hiding in the fireplace. After that fight they realised the difficulty of the task ahead of them, and this gave a very tangible tension to the atmosphere. It was surely a night they'll remember! On the other hand, i can understand peoples frustration if they stumble into a dark creeper and a pulverizer automaton at level 1 unprepared and get wiped. Still, I love the adventure. ![]()
![]() Hi all, just started SCAP last weekend, and the PCs managed to clear Jzadirune in a marathon session, becoming lvl 3 in the procees. We use the FR world, and i set Cauldron in Tashalar, where there is both jungle and mountains, yet the region is not very well developed in official sources, so i could use the Cauldron environs map with very slight modifications. The party consists of: - dwarven fighter
The cleric and the paladin are brother-sister and came from the capital city to help Kristoff Jurgensen and investigate the disappearances. The dwarf traveled from the Great Rift following in the steps of the legendary Zenith Splintershield. The gnome bard's player couldnt attend the first session unfortunately, so i used an NPC human wizard, who is an apprentice alchemist at Vortimax's. |