2 year-old male-personality MournlanderWyrmforged from Making, Cyre, Artificer 1
CG Medium construct (living)
xp 0/3,000 Tier 1
Destiny Points 1 Hero Points 5
Init -1 (+1 Dex, -2 Curious); 39 (40 Size, -1 Dex)SensesPerception +2
Favored classArtificer - Add +1/4 to the caster level of any infusion cast that only targets yourself.
"You can obey your laws and still be amoral."
"I've walked in the wilds of Eberron. I've been to Cyre and the Mournland. There is beauty in Eberron yet. And amazing discoveries to make!"
"I would have had a scholarship at Morgrave University, except I dumped a pint of ale on the Dean of Admissions."
Goal (what) I want equity and respect for the warforged. For my people.
Motivation (why) If the Day of Mourning had not happened, warforged would not be a free race...but we would also not be on the path to extinction.
Seed (originating thought) Are we already extinct?
Embodiment Scholar-adventurer Chronicler
Artificers are the practical technicians of the magical world. Unlike wizards or sorcerers who pursue more theoretical research, or clerics and druids who are tied to the mandates of their deities or churches, artificers take the practice of magic and tailor it to the needs of the situation. From maintaining complex enchantments along lightning rail lines or on board an elemental airship, to customizing the combat enchantments from a strike team deep behind enemy lines, artificers take the magic that is already at hand and applies more efficiently.
Defense +8, touch +0, flat-footed +0 (+8 Armor, +1 Dex, -1 Prototype - Wyrmforged)
Hit Points 21/21 (1d8+2) Vigor 21/21 Wound Points 25/25 (Threshold 12)
DR 2/adamantine damage 0 non-lethal damage 0
Clobbered 12 Massive damage 24 Stabilize 24%
Staggered at 0, disabled from -1 to -24 MaxDex +2 ACP -2 ASF 25% Light armor F/R/W 2/1/1
Defensive abilities
• +2 racial bonus on saving throws against disease, mind-affecting effects, and poison.
• -2 penalty on saving throws against the distraction ability of swarms and mind-affecting effects and on concentration checks.
• -2 penalty on all saves versus Enchantment. Weaknesses
• Warforged vulnerabilities
Speed30 ft. (6 squares)(8 counts) 20 ft. in armor (4 squares) (10 counts) Melee
• Slam +1, (1d4) 20/x2 B
Ranged Space 5 ft. Reach 5 ft.
Special attacks Artificer infusions(CL 1st; concentration +3)
1st level (2+1 bonus/day)
• Identify (ઓળખવા) - This spell functions as detect magic, except that it gives you a +10 enhancement bonus on Spellcraft checks made to identify the properties and command words of magic items in your possession. This spell does not allow you to identify artifacts.
• Repair Light Damage (ಬೆಳಕಿನ ಹಾನಿಯನ್ನು ಸರಿಪಡಿಸಿ) - As cure light wounds, but it repairs objects and constructs that aren’t destroyed rather than healing living creatures.
• Spell Storing Item (მართლწერის შესანახი ელემენტი) - This infusion allows you to place a spell effect into an item to draw it forth later, at your command. The item becomes, in effect, a wand with a single charge, which only you can use.
Str 10 (+0), Dex 12 (+1), Con 14 (+2), Int 14 (+2), Wis 9 (-1), Cha 12 (+1)
Bab +0, CMB +1, CMD +1
• Advanced Construction (Adamantine) - You are constructed from adamantine.
• Agile Combatant - You’ve learned to use your quickness in place of brute force when performing combat maneuvers.
• Endurance - Harsh conditions or long exertions do not easily tire you.
• Harvest Parts - You can extract the choicest parts from a monster’s carcass to use as resources when crafting items.
• Scribe Scroll - You can create magic scrolls. Traits
• Dangerously Curious - You have always been intrigued by magic, possibly because you were the child of a magician or priest. You often snuck into your parent’s laboratory or shrine to tinker with spell components and magic devices, and frequently caused quite a bit of damage and headaches for your parent as a result.
• Spark of Creation - You have always had a knack for making useful things, and your talent as an artisan was evident even at an early age. Flaws
• Curious - You are easily distracted by the sights and sounds around you.
• Magical Fascination - You tend to become fascinated by spells and elaborate magical effects. Drawbacks
• Addiction - You are moderately addicted to opium.
• Dependant - You are dependent upon the acceptance of others. Skills
• Acrobatics -4 (-8 to jump)
• Craft (armor) +4
• Diplomacy +1 (+1 CHA, Dependant*) *Whenever you fail a Diplomacy check, you become shaken for 1 hour.
• Disable Device -1
• Knowledge (arcana) +6
• Knowledge (engineering) +6
• Knowledge (planes) +6
• Perception +3 (-1 WIS, +1 SP, +3 trained, -2 Curious)
• Spellcraft +6
• Use Magic Device +5 (+7 vs scrolls.)
• Addiction - You start the game with moderate addiction to a drug of your choice. If you manage to cure yourself of the addiction, you must replace this drawback with another one or remove one of your traits to compensate.
• Advanced Construction - Adamantine: You gain DR 2/adamantine, and may choose heavy armor as plating (rather than just light or medium armor). Your natural attacks count as adamantine for overcoming damage reduction.
• Agile Maneuvers - Use DEX instead of STR for CMB.
• Artificer Knowledge - An artificer can make a special artificer knowledge check with a bonus equal to his artificer level + his Int modifier to detect whether a specific item has a magical aura. The artificer must hold and examine the object for 1 minute. A successful check against DC 15 determines that the object has magical qualities, but does not reveal the specific powers of the item. An artificer cannot take 10 or take 20 on this check. A particular item can only be examined in this fashion one time; if the check fails, the artificer can learn no more about that object.
• Artificial Metabolism - Warforged are immune to necromancy effects and regain only half the normal hit points from magical healing unless they affect constructs (such as the make whole spell) or originate from the warforged itself. The warforged still gains full benefit from fast healing.
• Artisan Bonus - An artificer gains a +2 bonus on Use Magic Device checks to activate an item of a kind for which he has the prerequisite item creation feat. For example, an artificer who has the Craft Wand feat gains a +2 bonus on checks to use a spell from a wand.
• Construction Metabolism - A warforged does not heal hit points or attribute damage naturally but can be repaired with the use of the Craft skill or with effects that repair constructs. Repairs made with the Craft skill take 8 hours and a warforged repair kit. The amount of hit point damage repaired per check is the result of the Craft check -15. Repairing a point of attribute damage requires 8 hours and a Craft check, DC 25. Repairing both hit point damage and one point of ability damage can be done during the same 8-hour period, but still requires two different checks. Appropriate Craft skills include armorsmithing, blacksmithing, gem-cutting, and sculpting. A conscious warforged can repair itself.
• Composite Body - Warforged bodies are composed of stone, metal, wood, and crystal, and thus are vulnerable to effects that target creatures composed of these substances, like Heat Metal, Repel Wood and the rust monster's rusting touch. Spells that target objects only (such as stone shape) do not affect a warforged.
• Consume - A warforged does not need to eat, sleep, or breathe, but he can still benefit from the effects of consumable spells and magic items such as heroes' feasts and potions.
• Craft Reserve (20) - An artificer receives a pool of points he can spend instead of experience points when crafting a magic item. Each time the artificer gains a new level, he receives a new Craft Reserve; leftover points from the previous level do not carry over. If the points are not spent, they are lost. An artificer can also use his craft reserve to supplement the XP cost of the item he is making, taking a portion of the cost from his craft reserve and a portion from his XP.
• Curious - You take a -2 on Perception and initiative checks.
• Damage Reduction (2/adamantine) - You have Damage Reduction against all except Adamantine attacks.
• Dangerously Curious - You gain a +1 bonus on Use Magic Device checks, and Use Magic Device is always a class skill for you.
• Darkvision - Warforged can see perfectly in the dark up to 60 feet.
• Dependant - Whenever you fail a Diplomacy check, you become shaken for 1 hour.
• Die Hard - A warforged responds slightly differently from other living creatures when reduced to 0 hit points. A warforged with 0 hit points is disabled, just like a living creature. He can only take a single move action or standard action in each round, but strenuous activity does not risk further injury. When his hit points are less than zero but greater than -24 (his wp value), he is inert. He is unconscious and helpless and cannot perform any actions. However, an inert warforged does not lose any additional hp unless he takes additional damage.
• Endurance - You gain a +4 bonus on the following checks and saves: Swim checks made to resist nonlethal damage from exhaustion; Constitution checks made to continue running; Constitution checks made to avoid nonlethal damage from a forced march; Constitution checks made to hold your breath; Constitution checks made to avoid nonlethal damage from starvation or thirst; Fortitude saves made to avoid nonlethal damage from hot or cold environments, and Fortitude saves made to resist damage from suffocation. You may sleep in light or medium armor without becoming fatigued.
• Finesse Weapon Attack Attribute - Finesse weapons use Dexterity on attack rolls.
• Harvest Parts - Craft/heal check on foe dead (max 1 hr), get parts useable as a substitute in crafting.
• Hero Points - Hero Points can be spent at any time to grant a variety of bonuses.
• Integrated Weapon - One of the warforged's hands is replaced by a weapon, which cannot be disarmed or sundered. He is automatically proficient with this weapon; if he was already proficient then he gains Weapon Focus as a bonus feat for weapons of this type, but only gains its benefits while wielding that specific weapon. If the integrated weapon is two-handed, he must still use his second hand to help wield it. If it is a throwing weapon then he may detach and reattach the limb freely, and it can be sundered while separate. If it is a double weapon then both of the warforged's hands are replaced. Unlike his plating, the warforged must purchase this weapon normally at 1st level. This ability replaces Natural Weapons.[smaller]
• Item Creation - [smaller]An artificer can create a magic item even if he does not have access to the spells that are prerequisites for the item. The artificer must make a successful Use Magic Device check (DC 20 + caster level) to emulate each spell normally required to create the item. Thus, to make a 1st-level wand of magic missile, an artificer would need a Use Magic Device check result of 21 or higher. To create a bottle of air (caster level 7th), he would need a check result of 27 or higher to emulate the water-breathing prerequisite. The artificer must make a successful check for each prerequisite for each item he makes. If he fails a check, he can try again each day until the item is complete (see Creating Magic Items). If he comes to the end of the crafting time and he has still not successfully emulated one of the powers, he can make one final check - his last-ditch effort, even if he has already made a check that day. If that check also fails, then the creation process fails and the time, money, and XP expended to craft the item are lost. For purposes of meeting item prerequisites, an artificer's effective caster level equals his artificer level +2. If the item duplicates a spell effect, however, it uses the artificer's actual level as its caster level. Costs are always determined using the item's minimum caster level or the artificer's actual level (if it is higher). Thus, a 3rd-level artificer can make a scroll of fireball, since the minimum caster level for fireball is 5th. He pays the normal cost for making such a scroll with a caster level of 5th: 5 × 3 × 12.5 = 187 gp and 5 sp, plus 15 XP. But the scroll's actual caster level is only 3rd, and it produces a weak fireball that deals only 3d6 points of damage. An artificer can also make a Use Magic Device check to emulate nonspell requirements, including alignment and race, using the normal DCs for the skill. He cannot emulate skill or feat requirements, however, including item creation feat prerequisites. He must meet the caster level prerequisite, including the minimum level to cast a spell he stores in a potion, wand, or scroll. An artificer's infusions do not meet spell prerequisites for creating magic items. For example, an artificer must still employ the Use Magic Device skill to emulate the light spell to create a wand of light, even though light appears on his infusion list. Magic items created by an artificer are considered neither arcane nor divine.
• Light fortification - Whenever a sneak attack or critical hit is scored against a warforged, there is a 25% chance that the extra damage is negated and the damage is rolled normally.
• Magical Fascination - -2 penalty on attack rolls and skill checks when in sight of a visible magical effect with a duration greater than instantaneous.
• Martial Weapon Proficiency - You make attack rolls with all martial weapons normally (without the non-proficient penalty).
• Prototype - Wyrmforged - The warforged does not take a racial penalty to Charisma but takes a -1 penalty to AC. This ability replaces Focused Training.
• Simple Weapon Proficiency - You make attack rolls with simple weapons without penalty.
• Spark of Creation - You gain a +1 trait bonus on Craft checks, and the cost of creating magic items is reduced by 5%.
• Tireless - Warforged are immune to the fatigued and exhausted conditions, and receive Endurance as a bonus feat.
• Trapfinding +1 - Gain a bonus to find or disable traps, including magical ones.
• Warforged Immunity (Ex) - Immunity to poison, sleep effects, paralysis, disease, nausea, fatigue, exhaustion, effects that cause the sickened condition, and energy drain.
• Warforged Vulnerabilities - The unusual physical construction of warforged makes them vulnerable to certain spells and effects that normally don't affect living creatures. A warforged takes damage from heat metal and chill metal as if he were wearing metal armor.
• Envy - Disguise selfYou make yourself – including clothing, armor, weapons, and equipment – look different. You can seem 1 foot shorter or taller, thin, fat, or in between. You cannot change your creature type (although you can appear as another subtype). Otherwise, the extent of the apparent change is up to you. You could add or obscure a minor feature or look like an entirely different person or gender. The spell does not provide the abilities or mannerisms of the chosen form, nor does it alter the perceived tactile (touch) or audible (sound) properties of you or your equipment. If you use this spell to create a disguise, you get a +10 bonus on the Disguise check. A creature that interacts with the Glamer gets a Will saving throw to recognize it as an illusion.
I think I know a guy...
• Mirra d'Medani, Half-elf Beguiler 3
• Urthona, male long strider shifter barbarian 2/Fighter 1
• Shagraat, Hobgoblin Monk 3
• Lightbringer, Male Personality Warforged Paladin 9 / Exorcist of the Silver Flame 4
• Valessa Marr, Human (Aundairian) Rogue 3 / Ranger 1
• Elisile Starbrow, Female Elf Wizard (Transmuter) 6 / Ranger 1 / Eldritch Knight 4
• Vaisyrharath, Male kalashtar (Xen'drik) psion 13 N Medium humanoid (kalashtar)
Age 3
Height 6'0" Weight 300 lbs.
Plating Glossy purple-black with silver highlights Eyes Lilac
Occupation Writer
HomelandMournland & Thronehold
Next levelWitchblade Inspiration Porthos
Berserk button If others play dirty, cheat or lie about history or the natural order of things (science) to benefit themselves.
Belief Sovereign Host
Goal Understand how the world works so that he can be a warforged that is remembered by his species. Have parades that celebrate him.
Secret He worries he missed the time to be a hero because he was made at the end of the war and the end of his species.
TropesCultured badass, Big Fun, Does not know his own weight.
Unconscious belief Ingrained defense Childhood contributing environment Approach to connection Approach to feeling safe Relation to others Common characteristics Continuum Decision making Avoids Relation with perfection Mis-labeled as
Bexellock is sarcastic and optimistic and is working to redeem the good he feels is in everyone. He holds the written word very highly and loves fine entertainment, riches, and worldly things. He is a bit greedy. He will jump to the defense of anyone, and believes that he can be the hero that Eberron needs (and hasn't asked for).
He sees himself as a historian of Eberron, with a focus on the warforged. Bexellock has always been fascinated by history and how the world of Eberron works. And to study it, he has to get out in the world and get his hands dirty.
His tail swishes when he is thinking or reading, and his lilac eyes swim with a deeper color. His glossy black armor scales have a deep purple tint, and he wears black armor patterned after scales. When he laughs he hisses, and he's always into the latest fashions. He saved Korihor's life, has been her friend and companion since and loves listening to her practice her flute.
He is a bit of a braggart. He wants others to tell tales of him.
“I love to study people. The peoples of Eberron have their roots in politics, philosophy, in history. All of that culminated in the creation of my species, and the Day of Mourning. It is in all of us.”
Adventuring: For Bexellock history is about visiting the places where it happened, talking to the people that lived through it. He is always looking for another story, a new perspective. Nothing thrills him more than understanding the actions of today through the lens of yesterday. He does not trust another's account...he wants to stare into the great abyss of history and society with his own eyes.
Personality: You combine a solid grounding in academic research and established knowledge with a thirst for action and adventure. You have an inquisitive mind and are always wondering about the reasons why things happen and possible connections between apparently unrelated events. Your collection of scholarly tomes is like a group of old friends—you don’t necessarily see them every day, but you’re happy to spend hours in their company whenever you can. Your name is well known in academic circles: Some of your fellow scholars praise you to the skies, while others dismiss you as a hack.
Behavior: Take notes on everything. Copy diagrams and inscriptions into your notebooks. Collect samples of body parts from unusual monsters—or even entire monsters, if you can transport them. Treat shattered ceramics and magical relics as equally interesting, even as you recognize that magic items are more valuable and far more useful. You might be hesitant to use anything or go anywhere until you have properly researched it, or you might rush in to do your research on-site. Look for opportunities to use your various areas of knowledge. They might not happen very often, but that just makes it all the more memorable when you do glean some useful information from your studies of architecture and engineering!
Language: Drop the names of scholars both renowned and obscure into your conversations. Introduce theories and observations by citing tangentially relevant research. When you encounter a monster, try to come up with a useful reminder about its capabilities to share with your companions, gleaned from the knowledge you’ve accumulated.