TangledLion |
2 people marked this as a favorite. |
Well I can't NOT buy this... Patiently waiting for the Scamp Core Book and token pack. Featuring;
1. Metal Scamp
2. Wood Scamp
3. Dust Scamp
4. Ice Scamp
5. Ooze Scamp
6. Steam Scamp
And while yes I know that Metal Scamp and Wood Scamp have art in the Year of Unfettered Exploration, They are in the old scamp design. These babies deserve a makeover.
Andrew White Digital Products Lead |
5 people marked this as a favorite. |
Woo! Love to see it.
Though a little sad to see duplicates in place for the different ages of the new dragons - will there be more art coming at some point to differentiate adult and ancient dragons?
Fingers crossed in hope. Dragons are cool...
Dragons are cool! Unfortunately, the species introduced in Monster Core have never appeared in a book before, and therefore don't have the 20+ years of archived art to draw on that the old chromatic and metallic ones did. While the Monster Core pack has unique pieces of art for 19 of our 24 new dragon variants, we did end up having to duplicate the existing Adult art for the Ancient age categories of Adamantine, Diabolic, Empyreal, Fortune, and Horned dragons, which have yet to be illustrated anywhere.
But that's the nice thing about digital products: if and when we do create unique art for Ancient dragons of those species, we can just add them to the pack as a free update, while keeping the old ones around as options if it turns out you like them better. So we will.
Elfteiroh |
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Moth Mariner wrote:Woo! Love to see it.
Though a little sad to see duplicates in place for the different ages of the new dragons - will there be more art coming at some point to differentiate adult and ancient dragons?
Fingers crossed in hope. Dragons are cool...
Dragons are cool! Unfortunately, the species introduced in Monster Core have never appeared in a book before, and therefore don't have the 20+ years of archived art to draw on that the old chromatic and metallic ones did. While the Monster Core pack has unique pieces of art for 19 of our 24 new dragon variants, we did end up having to duplicate the existing Adult art for the Ancient age categories of Adamantine, Diabolic, Empyreal, Fortune, and Horned dragons, which have yet to be illustrated anywhere.
But that's the nice thing about digital products: if and when we do create unique art for Ancient dragons of those species, we can just add them to the pack as a free update, while keeping the old ones around as options if it turns out you like them better. So we will.
Note that they used the "young" art for the ancient horned dragon!
But yeah. The Dragon art that is used here that was NOT in the Monster Core book are from the Pawns, hence why none of the gargantuan creatures that were missing art from the book have new art here. (I did a big comparison with my own archives, as I get ALL Paizo PDFs, and I extract the art from them all for later personal digital VTT usage. xD )
And yeah, I fully expect an update when they release the currently unannounced (but inevitable) Monster Core Battle Cards. :3
Andrew White Digital Products Lead |
6 people marked this as a favorite. |
Will this and the existing token pack conflict or will it work to have both installed and enabled simultaneously?
The existing Pathfinder Tokens: Bestiaries pack will continue to work the same way it does now, which is to say: it will map tokens and portrait art to every creature in all three of the Bestiary compendiums that come standard with the Pathfinder 2e system for Foundry VTT, as well as to equivalent creatures in the Monster Core compendium that didn't get new art in Monster Core and/or remain more or less unchanged.
Likewise, the Monster Core pack will map tokens and portrait art to every creature in the Monster Core compendium, as well as to creatures in the three original Bestiary compendiums that have the same name and remain more or less the same creature. (This latter distinction is important because some creatures appearing in Monster Core, despite having the same name, have undergone substantial changes in the Remaster to distinguish them from their OGL origins.)
Right now, if you have the Bestiary pack but not the Monster Core pack (because it hasn't yet been released), you'll see the original Bestiary art for, say, the Harpy mapped onto both the Bestiary compendium entry and the Monster Core compendium entry, because the Harpy underwent some changes but is fundamentally the same monster. You'll see the Bestiary art for, say, the Sea Hag mapped onto the Bestiary compendium entry, but not the Monster Core entry, because the Remastered Sea Hag is a very different creature from the OGL version. If it was the future, and you had the Monster Core pack but not the Bestiary pack, you'd see the same cross-mappings, but in reverse.
For now, if you have both the Monster Core Pack and the original Bestiary pack installed, the Monster Core pack will always take precedence where applicable. However, both packs still contain all of the art for their respective books, so if you want everything in the Monster Core pack except the new Harpy, you can always manually assign it from the token directory contained in the Bestiary module.
Any update for the people that bought the previous bestiary pack?
Like will the "same" monsters still work?
Yeah, as per the explanation above, the original Bestiaries collection will continue to map to both the various Bestiary compendiums, as well as the Monster Core compendium where applicable. It is worth noting, though, that even monsters that appear in both the Bestiaries and Monster Core pack been given all new tokens for the Monster Core pack that did not appear in the Bestiaries pack, including full support for the new Dynamic Token Rings feature introduced in Foundry version 12.
Moshtradamus |
azrazalea wrote:Will this and the existing token pack conflict or will it work to have both installed and enabled simultaneously?The existing Pathfinder Tokens: Bestiaries pack will continue to work the same way it does now, which is to say: it will map tokens and portrait art to every creature in all three of the Bestiary compendiums that come standard with the Pathfinder 2e system for Foundry VTT, as well as to equivalent creatures in the Monster Core compendium that didn't get new art in Monster Core and/or remain more or less unchanged.
Likewise, the Monster Core pack will map tokens and portrait art to every creature in the Monster Core compendium, as well as to creatures in the three original Bestiary compendiums that have the same name and remain more or less the same creature. (This latter distinction is important because some creatures appearing in Monster Core, despite having the same name, have undergone substantial changes in the Remaster to distinguish them from their OGL origins.)
Right now, if you have the Bestiary pack but not the Monster Core pack (because it hasn't yet been released), you'll see the original Bestiary art for, say, the Harpy mapped onto both the Bestiary compendium entry and the Monster Core compendium entry, because the Harpy underwent some changes but is fundamentally the same monster. You'll see the Bestiary art for, say, the Sea Hag mapped onto the Bestiary compendium entry, but not the Monster Core entry, because the Remastered Sea Hag is a very different creature from the OGL version. If it was the future, and you had the Monster Core pack but not the Bestiary pack, you'd see the same cross-mappings, but in reverse.
For now, if you have both the Monster Core Pack and the original Bestiary pack installed, the Monster Core pack will always take precedence where applicable. However, both packs still contain all of the art for their respective books, so if you want everything in the Monster Core pack except the new Harpy, you can always manually...
A little bummed as someone who bought the original token pack after reading the comments about how the staff would "love to update" the original pack after the remaster release; strongly implying that it would be a free update/patch :(
azrazalea |
A little bummed as someone who bought the original token pack after reading the comments about how the staff would "love to update" the original pack after the remaster release; strongly implying that it would be a free update/patch :(
If it helps at all, I got an answer on Reddit that they are doing a free update (to normalize the old pack's look with the new and add dynamic token ring support) and they also work if both are installed! If the monster core has a token that the old pack also has, monster core wins, but apparently in the future you'll be able to choose which wins on conflict.
PhoBuuS |
2 people marked this as a favorite. |
It's hard to complain with all the news and content they've released today, but... Man do I really want this token pack and the PC2 errata.
For sure... i'm not complaining but i'm curious because i can't wait to give my hard-earned money to paizo's coffers.
Take my money Paizo!!
Katiemp013 |
It's slightly annoying for me because I wanted to make use of the Gencon sale and pick this up among other things, but doesn't seem to be possible. I don't know if the code will still be available tomorrow either...
The code seems to be good till the 4th according to the website!
"Take 20% off a single order on paizo.com with code GenCon2024 from August 1st through August 4th!"
Katina Davis Webstore Coordinator |
KingTreyIII |
For now, if you have both the Monster Core Pack and the original Bestiary pack installed, the Monster Core pack will always take precedence where applicable.
Not...quite. I have both installed right now and the Bestiary pack takes precedence for FULL images, but the Monster Core pack takes precedence for TOKEN images. e.g. the basilisk uses its Bestiary art for the full-body art on the character sheet, but uses the Monster Core art for the token itself.
Virenerus |
1 person marked this as a favorite. |
I've purchased and installed the module but no artwork is being added. Is there any known fixes?
Have you tried to drag new monsters onto the map? I think the compendium browser does not support the new way of adding compendium images yet. That will probably be fixed with the next system update.
xcmt |
2 people marked this as a favorite. |
I really strongly dislike how tiny these tokens are on the map compared to the standard all the other tokens use. If this is WAD, I wish I had known about this design decision before I bought them…
I shared a similar complaint on the Foundry discord and was told that this is the intended design style for reactive token formats from a baseline Foundry perspective. And, for the record, it looks terrible when mixing tokens from various sources (Monster Core vs Bestiary vs AP modules). I guess it's to allow for all the excessive popping out of various limbs and art without stretching into adjacent grid squares. But medium creatures look small, large creatures look like medium creatures that don't grid-align.
I actually hate it. You can manually adjust the scaling of individual tokens to get them back to full size, but that's extremely annoying.
Gorgo Primus |
1 person marked this as a favorite. |
Well, then this pack (and future ones) should also come with normal sized normal tokens as well and let us choose between them. Because I would not have bought this had I known it’d be effectively incompatible with all other tokens currently in use - and make it harder to see new small/tiny token art in general unless you zoom in a ton.
Are they willing to do that?
Peacelock |
3 people marked this as a favorite. |
I’m going to echo the concerns of others and say that I (subjectively) dislike the smaller style and it (objectively) causes issues of compatibility and usability. The industry standard for as long as VTTs have existed is for tokens to fill the space so it’s easy to tell at a glance exactly what spaces they’re occupying, and as a result this clashes hard with all other existing products and custom tokens.
As someone who makes tokens with custom rings in image editing software as a hobby, I can’t style match without my rings being comically small and having their finer details obscured. And for quick tokens with no pop out effect? They’ll all be incredibly small because this new style assumes all tokens have significant pop out and budgets space accordingly. For people who don’t know photoshop, most of the most common sources of custom tokens on the entire internet also either can’t do pop out at all or don’t do it well. The Token Stamp website is a huge example. Just because I personally am able to make tokens to the new spec doesn’t mean non-photoshop savvy people should be stuck with images for ants forever because non-pop out tokens have so little space to work with if they want to style match.
I bought this and the bestiaries token pack for two reasons, the token art and the timesaving. If this module has a style of token I dislike aesthetically and causes headaches that I need to spend time resolving (either warping all other tokens around its style or changing the scale of these tokens to match the industry standard) then its utility as a product for me nosedives.
Weissrolf |
To be fair, it seems like FoundryVTT itself set up rules that "dynamic" token rings do only fill 2/3 of their tokens' space:
Subject artwork should assume that the ring will start ⅔ from the center of the image, with the remaining ⅓ “padding” being reserved for the ring to use...
Any element of the Subject that protrudes into the padding area will appear to “pop out” over the ring.
Conversely, anything that is intended to be “hidden” by the Ring must be eliminated either by a mask or by deletion. Any elements which should be rendered *over* the Ring and Background - like the drop shadow added to the Subject in our example- should also be baked into the Subject texture.
SpartanCPA |
The Dynamic Token support allows for changing out token rings are you prefer. If you think the token ring that Paizo or Foundry have included by default is too thin, there will be other rings that are designed to be thicker and touch the edge of the space.
The smaller rings are Foundry's and Paizo's aesthetic choice to let them be more creative with pop outs, but a primary selling point of the feature is that it's not mandated that you have to use that ring if you like a different one more.
toby.kind |
The Dynamic Token support allows for changing out token rings are you prefer. If you think the token ring that Paizo or Foundry have included by default is too thin, there will be other rings that are designed to be thicker and touch the edge of the space.
The smaller rings are Foundry's and Paizo's aesthetic choice to let them be more creative with pop outs, but a primary selling point of the feature is that it's not mandated that you have to use that ring if you like a different one more.
Well, it would be appropriate to have that support to have the larger version as an option as part of this premium module, wouldn't it?
Also where are those alternative rings or how do we make them without having the knowledge of designing modules in a way they can be usable with this token pack?
SpartanCPA |
Well, it would be appropriate to have that support to have the larger version as an option as part of this premium module, wouldn't it?
They certainly could make a second, thicker ring and include it in an update. A module can include multiple rings, but only one can be used at any time. Like I said above, this was largely just an aesthetic choice, but it's not a forced choice on the end user, since the user can decide whatever token ring they want.
Also where are those alternative rings or how do we make them without having the knowledge of designing modules in a way they can be usable with this token pack?
This is the first product released that takes advantage of the Dynamic Rings. As more products release more ring options will be available. The Foundry community is also guaranteed to make community token rings that will be easily enabled. For instance, the Starfinder 2e Deluxe Module has a dynamic ring as well that can be used with all of these tokens, with more to come.
Thebigham |
1 person marked this as a favorite. |
toby.kind wrote:Well, it would be appropriate to have that support to have the larger version as an option as part of this premium module, wouldn't it?They certainly could make a second, thicker ring and include it in an update. A module can include multiple rings, but only one can be used at any time. Like I said above, this was largely just an aesthetic choice, but it's not a forced choice on the end user, since the user can decide whatever token ring they want.
But what if the ring you want is a regular "thin" style you are left with all that white space.
King Nothing |
1 person marked this as a favorite. |
I'm echoing the sentiment that I strongly prefer the Bestiaries token pack styling where the token ring touches the edges of the space the token occupies (hover over any token and see the red rectangle that surrounds the token). Take any Gargantuan-sized Dragon from Monster Core and compare them to the Bestiaries tokens Dragons and the Monster Core ones look much smaller. "Thick" and "thin" token rings aren't the issue; it's that the rings themselves occupy so much less space that they look small.
Weissrolf |
3 people marked this as a favorite. |
The following module (up)scales the token ring size automatically when you drag a token to the map. It also allows you to set the magnification sizes for each token size via configuration.
PS: No idea how magnified tokens affect the "Wall height" module (as in looking for walls of certain height).
redeux |
1 person marked this as a favorite. |
The following module (up)scales the token ring size automatically when you drag a token to the map. It also allows you to set the magnification sizes for each token size via configuration.
PS: No idea how magnified tokens affect the "Wall height" module (as in looking for walls of certain height).
Thank you Weissrolf for linking that.
As it has been said, this is a design choice of FoundryVTT and will impact any module that utilizes dynamic tokens. There are some exciting things possible with dynamic rings such as being able to have all actors with the same ring even if the actors are from varying sources.
Foundry Staff have marked the dynamic ring size to discuss for V13. They are making no guarantees or promises about what may occur other than they will be discussing as a team. I think that is good news they are at least willing to listen to community feedback.
redeux |
It is really unfortunate Foundry decided to go this route, I was very excited for this product (and future similar products), but it not going to be useful for me unless it is compatible with half a decade worth of tokens I have collected from other sources.
If you're referring to the scaling, the Token Ring Adjuster module (linked above, and searchable within foundry) is able to define scaling for dynamic rings. Once enabled you can go to the module settings and specify the token scale you want. Then when you drag new dynamic rings from the compendium they'll automatically be scaled to your liking. This is what I'm doing until/if Foundry allows the rings to be scaled natively.
MrVauxs |
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Seeing the whirlwind this caused over on the PF2e Foundry System Discord server, I will patiently wait till Foundry/Paizo get their act together and allow scaling these tokens without the need for manual overwriting of the data, as well as fixes for what seem to be choppy background-removal in some tokens.
There has already been a preview of a module that fixes this by automatically calculating the token border width. Hopefully that gets implemented.
King Nothing |
2 people marked this as a favorite. |
The Token Ring Adjuster works for now or you can try Pizza Box Dynamic Rings to get a visual reminder that the people at Foundry, while generally very nice and smart, can sometimes do very stupid things like making tokens really small for no reason.
Y'all might want to lock the Bestiaries Token Pack from receiving updates because unfortunately it looks like they're stubbornly moving forward with the new small size. I'm feeling like Dynamic Tokens were a mistake :(
xcmt |
2 people marked this as a favorite. |
I think the standard they've established fails at the two things digital tokens are supposed to do: Create a quick but accurate spatial representation of entities, and showcase their artwork.
Empty corners on large+ tokens leads to far more battlefield confusion than it's worth. And I don't accept that merely hovering a token to see its highlighted grid frame is an acceptable substitute because tokens as a concept exist to already be that visual reference. Players shouldn't need to take extraordinary steps to see whether an empty square is actually occupied or reachable.
And the weird scaling makes the art less substantial. Small and smaller tokens are so small you really can't see what they even are unless you zoom in to like a 3x3 grid, at which point you can no longer see a full standard combat on the screen. Meanwhile huge+ token pop-out designs I think make those creatures seem smaller than intended because they have these tiny concentrated cores with their weapons and tentacles sticking very far out beyond the ring border. I guess it can be visually striking, but they represent as less imposing than they should be.
And, further, these scaling issues are tethered to a token ring that's supposed to have special effects, and the smaller the rings are the harder it is to see these effects. You can barely register a flashing ring on a small/tiny token when you're operating at a full-room zoom, nevermind accurately spot what color it was. Why diminish the visual acuity of this new feature?