toby.kind's page

Organized Play Member. 6 posts. No reviews. No lists. No wishlists. 1 Organized Play character.


While I appreciate the latest updates, I wanted to state that there is a large number of tokens that are not designed to be popping up off their rings and are just a resized version of the full art that sits over the ring. I hope they complete these tokens as well.
Examples are pegasus, phoenix, dolphin etc.

SpartanCPA wrote:

The Dynamic Token support allows for changing out token rings are you prefer. If you think the token ring that Paizo or Foundry have included by default is too thin, there will be other rings that are designed to be thicker and touch the edge of the space.

The smaller rings are Foundry's and Paizo's aesthetic choice to let them be more creative with pop outs, but a primary selling point of the feature is that it's not mandated that you have to use that ring if you like a different one more.

Well, it would be appropriate to have that support to have the larger version as an option as part of this premium module, wouldn't it?

Also where are those alternative rings or how do we make them without having the knowledge of designing modules in a way they can be usable with this token pack?

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I also want to jump in and say that the significant size difference is very disappointing and not something I expected to see. I expected to see the same size with the previous token pack.
Wishing and asking for a fix.

Although this is a gorgeous product and merits the attention. It feels like a 'Pay-to-Win' scheme due to the in-game play benefit which turned me off immediately.

Being an emanation, it is an area of effect which means that it only effects things that are out in the open, nothing inside containers, drawers, buried etc. You still have to search to find hidden things. So I don't really see it as an option to reveal loot. Even in a pile of scrolls, magic scrolls can be behind others which means no line of effect.

Are we missing something?

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SchighSchagh wrote:

Ok, so the license is pretty much unreadable if you don't have a law degree. Are we now requiring content creators to hire a lawyer to navigate the license? Because the OGL v1.0 was super approachable even to laymen. This license seems a step backwards in terms of ease of use (irregardless of the actual licensing terms).

tldr: I can't judge whether this is a good license because I can't even get through the first page of it and understand it.

From Orc's AxE:

Why is the License so complicated?
o We wish it were less complicated too. We opted for simplicity wherever possible but when we were faced with a decision between precision or simplicity, we opted for precision. We wish it was simpler but slicing copyright in half is challenging. We want this to last for a very very long time and resist all imaginable legal challenges. If we could have found a way to make it simpler, we would have done so.