
Moth Mariner's page

Organized Play Member. 81 posts. 4 reviews. No lists. 1 wishlist. 2 Organized Play characters.

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Great Alternative to the Beginner Box


Ran it once, played it once. Yes, in that order `:D

Nice build up of challenge over time, a variety of styles of play over the chapters.

There's a couple of places where I'd suggest either failing forward (climbing a specific object), or stopping players from reattempting without a change in circumstances (picking locks).

Great alternative to the Beginner Box, I think.

Our Price: $39.99

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A great accompaniment to a great adventure


Maps for everything, including bonus maps that aren't in the print/pdf version. Remade maps. Useful extra art and tokens. Environmental audio. A responsive dev team that have fixed the few problems I did spot.

The standard of the Pathfinder Foundry modules is high and this adventure is no exception.

Our Price: $19.99

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EDIT: Massive upgrade!


[Edited from original review]

A huge save pulled off, well done!

Browsing through this updated version, the difference is night and day. Definitely worth the purchase now, get it while it's hot etc.

Good job.

Our Price: $8.99

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All fun and games until the research section


Played this at Virtually Expo, my first experience of Pathfinder Society.
Everything was going fun and well until...

The party sits in a room rolling check after check after check to look at things.

Tediousness supreme.
And I say that with our party being relatively successful in our rolls, as far as I’m aware. The GM said we hit the number of successes needed. I can’t imagine how rough it would have been to slog through that with lower rolls.
(Scary boss fight though, good stuff there!)