Pathfinder Adventure: Prey for Death

Our Price: $44.99

Preorder expected mid-July 2024

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The infamous Red Mantis assassins are feared throughout the world for their ruthlessness and legacy—those they slay stay dead! Yet they are not without honor, so when a group of assassins sent on a dangerous mission are met with unexpected treachery, they must clear their own names while remaining true to their murderous calling, even as greater plots and shocking truths reveal themselves.

Prey for Death is a deluxe hardcover Pathfinder Second Edition adventure for 14th level characters, and gives players the chance to play members of the world's most notorious assassin's guild. The adventure also includes new items, lore, and character backgrounds, as well as a several powerful monsters ready to threaten high level characters!

Written by: Vanessa Hoskins

ISBN-13: 978-1-64078-600-4

Note: This product is part of the Pathfinder Adventure Subscription.

Product Availability

Preorder, expected approximately 1 Aug 2024

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1 person marked this as a favorite.

I do hope that this is the cover, it is gorgeous!

Liberty's Edge

Elfteiroh wrote:
Ed Reppert wrote:
TRDG wrote:
I see we lost Vanessa to WotC
Where did you see that?
She updated her Blue Sky (Twitter competitor) bio with "WotC Staff" and "D&D Producer", at the very least.

LinkedIn too.

Pathfinder LO Special Edition, Maps, Pathfinder Accessories, PF Special Edition Subscriber; Pathfinder Roleplaying Game Superscriber; Starfinder Superscriber

Ah, well.

8 people marked this as a favorite.
Pathfinder Adventure Path, Lost Omens, Rulebook, Starfinder Adventure Path, Starfinder Roleplaying Game Subscriber
TOZ wrote:
Bold to assume that Vanessa is incapable of working both.

IIRC, WotC has a strict noncompete clause in their contracts.

1 person marked this as a favorite.

Far be it from me to say, I hope there's a PDF version. I just have no call for hardcover books anymore as none of my groups meet face-to-face. There is no mention of a PDF in the product description yet, while other pre-orders do list PDFs even if you cannot preorder.

On that note, I wish Paizo would allow preorders and subscriptions in the PDF format as that is the only format that has meaning for me in this day and age.

Silver Crusade

7 people marked this as a favorite.
Pathfinder Pathfinder Accessories Subscriber; Pathfinder Roleplaying Game Superscriber

I don't remember a single time in 15 years where they did not offer a PDF of a product, I'd imagine this would not be the first.

Paizo Employee Creative Director

9 people marked this as a favorite.

There will be a PDF of this adventure, yes. We have no plans of not doing PDFs of our products anytime soon, if ever.

1 person marked this as a favorite.
Pathfinder Adventure, Adventure Path, Lost Omens, Rulebook Subscriber

Will we be seeing a FoundryVTT module down the line?

I understand that Rusthenge was an exception to the norm, but having the module is such a boon from GM prep perspective - just load and run.

1 person marked this as a favorite.
Pathfinder Starfinder Society Subscriber
amalgam_81 wrote:

Will we be seeing a FoundryVTT module down the line?

I understand that Rusthenge was an exception to the norm, but having the module is such a boon from GM prep perspective - just load and run.

Andrew White said that there is a very good chance that there will be a module earlier in here :)

1 person marked this as a favorite.

If this gets Foundry VTT module it's insta buy

4 people marked this as a favorite.
Pathfinder Maps, Pathfinder Accessories Subscriber; Pathfinder Roleplaying Game Superscriber; Starfinder Superscriber

My current conspiracy theory is that Paizo is testing the waters to potentially turn Adventure Paths into quarterly 192~256 hardcovers permanently.

Starfinder tends to be the place that Paizo first tests new concepts, which started the 3 parter adventure path trend. That line is now shifting to hardcover adventure paths. Seven Dooms had a hardcover equivalent. A standalone issue 200 was a good test product. The campaign setting products shifted to hardcover. And now the stand-alone adventure line is shifting to hardcover.

Stores tend to have an easier time selling hardcovers and they restock more often. 5E shifted to hardcover adventures some time ago for multiple reasons. Quarterly releases sell better. You don't compete against yourself with players buying only a select few of products. This was a huge problem with DND 3E and the relentless Forgotten Realms products. Buyers get fatigue and sales have a huge drop-off.

I think the Lost Omens line has sold a lot better since the shift to hardcover, over the 64 page softcovers of "Pathfinder Chronicles" and "Pathfinder Campaign Setting." (The product is better too in my opinion, it has less inconsistencies. The relentless releases of the previous line had more editing issues. It seems there was some lore that had less oversight since it was being hammered out so quickly.)

Paizo's current release format is a holdover from the APs basically being a Dungeon magazine replacement. They were a magazine company, but the market has moved on, and their place in that market has shifted.

1 person marked this as a favorite.
NumberA wrote:

My current conspiracy theory is that Paizo is testing the waters to potentially turn Adventure Paths into quarterly 192~256 hardcovers permanently.

Starfinder tends to be the place that Paizo first tests new concepts, which started the 3 parter adventure path trend. That line is now shifting to hardcover adventure paths. Seven Dooms had a hardcover equivalent. A standalone issue 200 was a good test product. The campaign setting products shifted to hardcover. And now the stand-alone adventure line is shifting to hardcover.

Stores tend to have an easier time selling hardcovers and they restock more often. 5E shifted to hardcover adventures some time ago for multiple reasons. Quarterly releases sell better. You don't compete against yourself with players buying only a select few of products. This was a huge problem with DND 3E and the relentless Forgotten Realms products. Buyers get fatigue and sales have a huge drop-off.

I think the Lost Omens line has sold a lot better since the shift to hardcover, over the 64 page softcovers of "Pathfinder Chronicles" and "Pathfinder Campaign Setting." (The product is better too in my opinion, it has less inconsistencies. The relentless releases of the previous line had more editing issues. It seems there was some lore that had less oversight since it was being hammered out so quickly.)

Paizo's current release format is a holdover from the APs basically being a Dungeon magazine replacement. They were a magazine company, but the market has moved on, and their place in that market has shifted.

While I think calling this a conspiracy theory is selling yourself short (it's perfectly sound and logical), I think the real mark of this will be when we see the format that Starfinder 2e APs are going to come in. If this does come to Pathfinder, it won't be for another 2 or 3 years at the earliest.

Honestly, I don't even dislike this outcome! I think it's perfectly reasonable, and it'd be interesting to see what the format does for it. Seven Dooms is 204 pages, and it certainly feels like it has "enough" in it - but the more they can squeeze in there the better.

4 people marked this as a favorite.
Pathfinder Adventure, Adventure Path, Lost Omens, Rulebook, Starfinder Adventure Path, Starfinder Roleplaying Game Subscriber

I am all for quarterly hardcover releases if that is the way it goes. Less monthly shipping fees (overseas rates hurt), hardcover weather better and travel better. Monthly is nice but it can make the stories in APs feel disjointed. Much easier to read the story end to end before starting to run it.

1 person marked this as a favorite.

So I've been holding onto my seat for more Rahadoum content and AFAIK JJ has been planning out a Rahadoum adventure featuring the Red Mantis for like, a while. I don't know if that's what this is gonna be but if it is I'm a lot more interested. I'll wait and see.

Could certainly help explain how and why this ties into War of Immortals if something big goes down in the godless nation.

Paizo Employee Community and Social Media Specialist

Went a little off topic there at the end. Please keep the conversations on the module itself everyone!

James Jacobs wrote:
TRDG wrote:

James and we, get to see what he has been talking about the last couple years about a Mantis adventure he has been thinking a lot on and wants it to be told(unless this is something else James??).

CAN'T wait to see the new Remastered Red mantis in all its glory and seeing the tweeks that go along with it!!

My most memorable characters when I get to actually play and not GM IS this one.

SUPER EXCITED for this and I wonder if this will add more lore to our sweet sweet Mantis "Hit Squad" society.


This is very much the "You play evil PCs who are Red Mantis Assassins" adventure itch I've been eager to scratch forever. The Red Mantis Assassins are an export from my homebrew setting, and I've long wanted to get more about them in print in the form of an adventure like this one.

It's not the SAME adventure I planned back then, but to be fair, I'd had several different adventures planned (and even a novel at one point) for getting them more screen time. This one's the right adventure for the time though, and hopefully folks like it and we'll be able to do more with them in the future.

Thanks James, I thought I posted a reply but looks like it did'nt take just after you posted this!!

Now not sure you can reply to this BUT..

So for those interested in the Mythic (Godsrain / War of the Immortals) storyline this is the first one we should play run? Or could you pop this in anywhere be it the Curtain Call AP or Triumph of the Tusk.

Just trying to get the max experience of this and I am assuming no mythis class or monster stuff until Tusk and The war of the Immortals book?

Thanks for any help here


Paizo Employee Creative Director

10 people marked this as a favorite.
TRDG wrote:

Now not sure you can reply to this BUT..

So for those interested in the Mythic (Godsrain / War of the Immortals) storyline this is the first one we should play run? Or could you pop this in anywhere be it the Curtain Call AP or Triumph of the Tusk.

Just trying to get the max experience of this and I am assuming no mythis class or monster stuff until Tusk and The war of the Immortals book?

Thanks for any help here


Prey for Death is written for high level characters, but it is NOT written for Mythic characters. Those rules were not a thing when we wrote and developed and created Prey For Death, so it would have been irresponsible for us to make this a mythic adventure when we, the authors and developers of the adventure, didn't know how mythic worked.

At this point, we do have plans for mythic Adventure Paths and adventures, but those are not coming out this year.

This year's story lines associated with Godsrain and the War of Immortals are written for non-mythic characters, but just as the return of Runelords or the death of Aroden or the secession of Ravounel or any other big event doesn't have to be a one-and-done thing that we never go back to, we WILL be telling more stories about the fallout and ramifications of War of Immortals. Some of those could potentially be for mythic characters... but again... none of those stories are adventures coming out this year.

1 person marked this as a favorite.

Thank ya sir, see ya at PAIZOCON in the panels :)



1 person marked this as a favorite.
Pathfinder Adventure Path, Lost Omens, Starfinder Roleplaying Game Subscriber

Are there going to be premades? High level PC creation is a lot of work, even in 2E.

Paizo Employee Creative Director

3 people marked this as a favorite.
Yakman wrote:

Are there going to be premades? High level PC creation is a lot of work, even in 2E.

Nope. You'll be making your own PCs for this one, but we do include some advice at the start of the adventure for your GM to use and share to help create characters for this one.

James Jacobs wrote:
Yakman wrote:

Are there going to be premades? High level PC creation is a lot of work, even in 2E.

Nope. You'll be making your own PCs for this one, but we do include some advice at the start of the adventure for your GM to use and share to help create characters for this one.

Is this going to be on the level of what was done for 7 dooms (which was fantastic by the way), or more simplistic?

Are there any other published adventures/aps that you would recommend for getting PCs up to level for this?

Paizo Employee Creative Director

6 people marked this as a favorite.
KaiBlob1 wrote:
James Jacobs wrote:
Yakman wrote:

Are there going to be premades? High level PC creation is a lot of work, even in 2E.

Nope. You'll be making your own PCs for this one, but we do include some advice at the start of the adventure for your GM to use and share to help create characters for this one.

Is this going to be on the level of what was done for 7 dooms (which was fantastic by the way), or more simplistic?

Are there any other published adventures/aps that you would recommend for getting PCs up to level for this?

This one really does work best if your group is playing evil PCs who have been a part of the Red Mantis and have become, in particular...

...trusted agents of Blood Mistress Jakalyn herself...
... so it really doesn't mesh well to the "Play a bunch of adventures out before you get to this one." In this case, it really is best to treat this as a one-shot where you play a new group of PCs you create specifically for this adventure.

It's more on par with what we did for the start of the new Crown of the Kobold King. We don't do much at all to set up what you did before as PCs at all. It really leans into its status as a standalone, not as part of a larger whole. (And in that way shows off a type of adventure that works great as a 128 page book and NOT as a multi part Adventure Path.)

2 people marked this as a favorite.

I love this idea of stands-alone adventures. One where they explicitly don’t have any suggested lead in to the adventure

James Jacobs wrote:

Unfortunately, the digital one-shot adventure line ended up not being something we had the capacity or the proifts for to continue. I like all the adventures we did for that line and wish it had been more successful, but not all experiments are, in the end, successes to the bottom line.

We have no plans to release remastered archetype info early.

There's a lot of new lore on the Red Mantis, Achaekek, the Crimson Citadel, Ilizmagorti, and all of that in the adventure.

I realize in advance that you may not be able to say, but I'll give it a shot anyways. :)

Does this mean that the Remastered Red Mantis Archetype will be included with the adventure? While it generally works, there are definitely going to need to be some tweaking to bring it in line.

1 person marked this as a favorite.
Blaydsong wrote:
James Jacobs wrote:

Unfortunately, the digital one-shot adventure line ended up not being something we had the capacity or the proifts for to continue. I like all the adventures we did for that line and wish it had been more successful, but not all experiments are, in the end, successes to the bottom line.

We have no plans to release remastered archetype info early.

There's a lot of new lore on the Red Mantis, Achaekek, the Crimson Citadel, Ilizmagorti, and all of that in the adventure.

I realize in advance that you may not be able to say, but I'll give it a shot anyways. :)

Does this mean that the Remastered Red Mantis Archetype will be included with the adventure? While it generally works, there are definitely going to need to be some tweaking to bring it in line.

Answered early in Page 1 of this product thread:

James Jacobs wrote:
Lebombjames wrote:
Will this have a remastered version of the Red Mantis Assassin archetype?

As for details about it, here's an excerpt that JJ said during PaizoCon:

James Jacobs wrote:


“I would love to know more about what it was like fleshing out the Mantis as a player facing faction if you can divulge
Did the remaster change anything?”

James Jacobs (he/him) — Today at 5:50 PM
There's not a lot of new player-facing stuff in here, honestly; it doesn't spend a lot of time talking about the faction since the bulk is the adventure. It IS the first standalone Remastered adventure though, so we do reprint and remaster update the rules for Red Mantis Assassins that appeared in Lost Omens World Guide and Lost Omens Legends, plus several mantis-themed spells and magic items to buy or find during the course of the adventure. The biggest change to the archetype is that since we can't say that you pick your spells from arcane spell schools for the Basic Red Mantis Magic feat, we had to build a Red Mantis school.

So most of the "fleshing out" was just "updateing" and "converting." That said, we do go into some of the lore of how the organization is run and its history and all that, which is all baked into the adventure for players to learn about.

Thou, is this adventure has some lore about war of Immortals, especially the one around Gorum?

Grand Lodge

Pathfinder Adventure, Rulebook, Starfinder Adventure Path Subscriber

From the art in the PaizoCon streams, very much so.

Ezekieru wrote:
Blaydsong wrote:
James Jacobs wrote:

Unfortunately, the digital one-shot adventure line ended up not being something we had the capacity or the proifts for to continue. I like all the adventures we did for that line and wish it had been more successful, but not all experiments are, in the end, successes to the bottom line.

We have no plans to release remastered archetype info early.

There's a lot of new lore on the Red Mantis, Achaekek, the Crimson Citadel, Ilizmagorti, and all of that in the adventure.

I realize in advance that you may not be able to say, but I'll give it a shot anyways. :)

Does this mean that the Remastered Red Mantis Archetype will be included with the adventure? While it generally works, there are definitely going to need to be some tweaking to bring it in line.

Answered early in Page 1 of this product thread:

James Jacobs wrote:
Lebombjames wrote:
Will this have a remastered version of the Red Mantis Assassin archetype?

As for details about it, here's an excerpt that JJ said during PaizoCon:

James Jacobs wrote:


“I would love to know more about what it was like fleshing out the Mantis as a player facing faction if you can divulge
Did the remaster change anything?”

James Jacobs (he/him) — Today at 5:50 PM
There's not a lot of new player-facing stuff in here, honestly; it doesn't spend a lot of time talking about the faction since the bulk is the adventure. It IS the first standalone Remastered adventure though, so we do reprint and remaster update the rules for Red Mantis Assassins that appeared in Lost Omens World Guide and Lost Omens Legends, plus several mantis-themed spells and magic items to buy or find during the course of the adventure. The biggest change to the archetype is that since we can't say that you pick your spells from arcane spell schools for the Basic Red Mantis Magic feat, we had to build a Red Mantis school.

So most of the "fleshing out"


Thanks for that. Somehow completely missed that. :)

1 person marked this as a favorite.

Even more excited this post Paizo Con.

Will there be a map pack for this?

Paizo Employee Creative Director

Terevalis Unctio of House Mysti wrote:
Will there be a map pack for this?

No. For lots of reasons (sales, complexity of production between lines, limitations of flip mat sizes, inability to do all the maps for an adventure, and reusability being big ones), we're moving away from doing flip mats or map-related things as tie-in products for standalone adventures or Adventure Paths, and instead are focusing on making those flip mats more widely applicable for multiple non-specific encounters. So there'll certainly be some flip mats that will work well now and then for things like random encounters or the like.

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