Starfinder Scoured Stars Adventure Path

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Starfinder Scoured Stars Adventure Path
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A complete Starfinder campaign debuts in hardcover!

With most of the Starfinder Society’s agents trapped behind an impenetrable force field, it’s up to a new generation of heroes to step forward and uncover the mystery of this interstellar prison—the mystery of the Scoured Stars! Unravel the threat of the merciless alien jinsuls while rebuilding an interplanetary adventuring guild and dealing with the emerging threat of a slumbering god—all in a day’s work for a Starfinder!

This expansive 256-page hardcover campaign weaves together twelve popular scenarios from Paizo’s enormous Starfinder Society organized play campaign, remastering and optimizing them for at-home play in the form of an exciting cosmos-spanning complete campaign from levels 1 to 15. The perfect introduction to the Starfinder RPG, and Starfinder’s biggest adventure to date!

Written by: Eleanor Ferron, Vanessa Hoskins, Thurston Hillman, Jenny Jarzabski, Mikko Kallio, Cole Kronewitter, Lyz Liddell, Shahreena Shahrani, Christopher Wasko, Nicholas Wasko, and Larry Wilhelm.

ISBN-13: 978-1-64078-524-3

The Scoured Stars Adventure Path is sanctioned for use in Starfinder Society Organized Play. The rules for running this Adventure Path and Chronicle sheets are available as a free download (5.4 MB PDF).

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4.00/5 (based on 3 ratings)

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An Epic Space Opera Adventure


This hardcover AP is an excellent repackaging of the Season 1 Org Play meta-plot scenarios. I have played or GM'd through all of them, and found myself reminiscing while reading through the updated versions. You can tell it was a labour of love by the Paizo team to go back and revisit these old favourites, and give them a new coat of paint, tighten up bits that weren't quite there the first time, or expand and clarify parts with the benefit of a few more years of experience and world-building.

As an adventure, the first half of the Scoured Stars is about unraveling the mystery of how most of the Society became trapped within the eponymous Scoured Stars system. Then, there's an exciting midway event the change the status quo, and finally the back half of the adventure deals with racing to understand and counter a new threat to galactic peace. It's very "space opera," and has everything from space fleet battles, exploring ancient ruins of forgotten civilizations, and forging alliances with strange new friends. There are lots of exciting "set piece" encounters, like fighting enemies while on the external hull of starships that are themselves engaged in battle, and snagging a camping sniper's perch to rain fire on an angry storm demon.

Highly recommend grabbing this for groups that never played the Season 1 adventure; it's an excellent on-boarding point to first edition Starfinder. It maybe has less value for a group that's already experienced that storyline, but even so there's enough new art, lore, and worldbuilding that it's worth reading for serious Starfinder aficionados.

Updated compilation of best Starfinder metaplot


Its pretty much as advertised, its collection of Scoured Stars metaplot main scenarios adjusted level wise as milestone 1-15 adventure (and content wise with some encounters swapped or changed, some minor plot holes tweaked and some retcons and clarifications.)

There are some minor errors/confusions (I know ports of call said Thyr are from Bastiar-7 and so does this book, but this book also calls Bastiar-7 both ice giant and gas giant (with "icy rings of Bastiar-7" fitting ice giant better in my head at least) and description of "ice giant" Bastiar-8 fits with how Bastiar star's description says it has gas giant with three dozen moons with Bastiar-8 having most moons with missions in it. So either Thyr are from ice giant of Bastiar-7 or they are actually from Bastiar-8?) and with retcon of matoh being from scoured stars I'm curious which planet they are from. (all planet get briefly mentioned at least once besides Agillae-3, which I think I heard from forums is underwater planet, so I forget when that tidbit was originally revealed or if it was changed)

Clarifications I'm hyped for include Ailuros' title as herald and what happened to figures impaled on Jinsul Wargod ship ;D So lovely to see extra space being used to clarify things.

The book also sets up new jinsul bad guys for Starfinder 2e and does lot of hints about future plotlines, with mentions of Apostae Assignment and retcon about fifth mysterious shapeshifter civilization from scoured star that has resemblance to astrazoans. Overall I really got what I wanted from book :D Its really delicious to also get Starfinder Society history mini article, this really did good for SFS & metaplot lore in general

Low Effort Starfinder Society adventure


This is not an AP or a series of AP. It is a series of short adventures which barely have any connective tissue between them. There's no separate map file for the PDF (because it uses maps 90% pulled from flipmats you can buy separately). It even shows its age by showing Izalguun as new, exotic species despite the fact they've been represented in SF since Alien Archive 3. Adventure #12 has a "paratrooper strike" and says that the characters just get parachutes. I guess nobody told them that they've had drop pods as an item since Starship Operations Manual.

Quite frankly, Society scenarios are skeletons, frameworks that the GM is responsible for adding detail into, and these bare bones adventures do not dissuade me of that opinion.

If you play Society and missed this or are nostalgic about having played it, then buy it. If you're not a Society player, there are much better options available from Paizo than this compilation. Given the assurances we were given that this would not simply be a reprint compilation, I feel bait & switched.

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Paizo Employee Sales & eCommerce Assistant

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Announced for July! Product image and description are not final and may be subject to change.

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Pathfinder Adventure Path, Starfinder Adventure Path, Starfinder Roleplaying Game, Starfinder Society Subscriber

And lo, the long wait begins.

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Oh damn. THAT'S a cool idea. Can't wait for this one.

Grand Lodge

4 people marked this as a favorite.

As someone who got to experience the Year-or-so of Scoured Stars as it happened, I'm very excited to see where this AP cleans things up and expands, as well as delighted to find an avenue to share one of my favorite stories of the Starfinder Society with the friends I have who got into it a bit late.

Pathfinder Maps, Pathfinder Accessories, Starfinder Adventure Path, Starfinder Society Subscriber; Pathfinder Roleplaying Game Superscriber

As someone who has never played Starfinder Society, I am curious to hear from folks who have (and who are familiar with these scenarios) how well they feel like they will work as a cohesive campaign rather than a bunch of one-shots?

Starfinder Superscriber

Color me skeptical that they'll be able to tie things together without an extensive rewrite. Still, the summary of Scoured Stars I read make it sound like an exciting space opera epic and Jinsuul are a cool enemy.

8 people marked this as a favorite.
Pathfinder Adventure Path, Starfinder Adventure Path, Starfinder Roleplaying Game, Starfinder Society Subscriber
Davelozzi wrote:
As someone who has never played Starfinder Society, I am curious to hear from folks who have (and who are familiar with these scenarios) how well they feel like they will work as a cohesive campaign rather than a bunch of one-shots?

I've been running Scoured Stars as an AP for years (ironically I'll be wrapping it up around the time the hardback is released) and I think it's one of the best APs Starfinder has published.

Also, I've been treating like an episodic TV show, with seasons, mini-arcs, b-plots, and so on.

Will there be new aliens in this?

Director of Marketing

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Nick O'Connell wrote:
Will there be new aliens in this?

I have not seen it yet, but we put new aliens in almost everything.

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Pathfinder Adventure Path, Starfinder Adventure Path, Starfinder Roleplaying Game, Starfinder Society Subscriber

This AP "unlocks" several new potential PC species. Two have been published in Alien Archive volumes. This hardback will present stats for one more, I think, and another species introduced in this AP will get PC stats in Ports of Call.

Guessing at the modules: 1-05, 1-11, 1-13, 1-17, 1-23, 1-99, 1-26, 1-29, 1-31, 1-34, 1-39, 2-00.

1 person marked this as a favorite.
Pathfinder Adventure Path, Starfinder Adventure Path, Starfinder Roleplaying Game, Starfinder Society Subscriber

My educated guess: 1-01 (confirmed, with some narrative changes), 1-05, 1-11, 1-13, 1-17, 1-99, 1-23, 1-26, 1-29, 1-34, 1-39, 2-00


This looks great, is it July yet?

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Pathfinder Roleplaying Game Superscriber; Pathfinder Starfinder Roleplaying Game Subscriber

Are the APs are being replaced with hardcover compilations of society scenarios?

3 people marked this as a favorite.
Pathfinder Adventure Path, Starfinder Adventure Path, Starfinder Roleplaying Game, Starfinder Society Subscriber

On the Starfinder side, the (semi-)monthly AP volumes are being replaced with single hardback releases. This AP happens to be a compilation/revision of Starfinder Society scenarios, but that's not the pattern going forward. The next, as-yet unannounced AP will be an original story dealing with mechs.

Quite curious to see what we will end up getting for this and going to be a bit strange for an all in one book. Like we have had for PF I and II, but hope to be pleasantly surprised.


2 people marked this as a favorite.
Starfinder Superscriber

I'm still pretty lukewarm on it. Never played a ____Finder Society Member and don't really intend to start.

Second Seekers (Jadnura)

4 people marked this as a favorite.
Pathfinder Starfinder Society Subscriber
Leon Aquilla wrote:
I'm still pretty lukewarm on it. Never played a ____Finder Society Member and don't really intend to start.

Honestly, if that's the only thing giving you pause, I'd encourage you to not let that hold you back from giving this a go :) The Scoured Stars arc is a terrific series of adventures about re-discovering an ancient, forgotten, history, and then a fantastic space opera back half. (Or, at least, the Scenarios are - and I can't see how making it a more personal adventure in an AP format would change that.)

John Mangrum wrote:
On the Starfinder side, the (semi-)monthly AP volumes are being replaced with single hardback releases. This AP happens to be a compilation/revision of Starfinder Society scenarios, but that's not the pattern going forward. The next, as-yet unannounced AP will be an original story dealing with mechs.

Where was it announced that they're cancelling the bimonthly APs in favor of hardcovers for Starfinder? I can't find anything about that anywhere on the blog, boards, etc.

1 person marked this as a favorite.
Phaedre wrote:
John Mangrum wrote:
On the Starfinder side, the (semi-)monthly AP volumes are being replaced with single hardback releases. This AP happens to be a compilation/revision of Starfinder Society scenarios, but that's not the pattern going forward. The next, as-yet unannounced AP will be an original story dealing with mechs.
Where was it announced that they're cancelling the bimonthly APs in favor of hardcovers for Starfinder? I can't find anything about that anywhere on the blog, boards, etc.

I think we announced it at Gen Gen in a video, in Erik’s keynote.

1 person marked this as a favorite.
Paizo Marketing & Media wrote:
Phaedre wrote:
John Mangrum wrote:
On the Starfinder side, the (semi-)monthly AP volumes are being replaced with single hardback releases. This AP happens to be a compilation/revision of Starfinder Society scenarios, but that's not the pattern going forward. The next, as-yet unannounced AP will be an original story dealing with mechs.
Where was it announced that they're cancelling the bimonthly APs in favor of hardcovers for Starfinder? I can't find anything about that anywhere on the blog, boards, etc.
I think we announced it at Gen Gen in a video, in Erik’s keynote.

Oh, hmm, not sure how I feel about that, but thank you for the quick official response!

8 people marked this as a favorite.
Phaedre wrote:
Paizo Marketing & Media wrote:
Phaedre wrote:
John Mangrum wrote:
On the Starfinder side, the (semi-)monthly AP volumes are being replaced with single hardback releases. This AP happens to be a compilation/revision of Starfinder Society scenarios, but that's not the pattern going forward. The next, as-yet unannounced AP will be an original story dealing with mechs.
Where was it announced that they're cancelling the bimonthly APs in favor of hardcovers for Starfinder? I can't find anything about that anywhere on the blog, boards, etc.
I think we announced it at Gen Gen in a video, in Erik’s keynote.
Oh, hmm, not sure how I feel about that, but thank you for the quick official response!

We need to be better about summarizing all the announcements from our conventions in writing after the event. We usually just collapse of exhaustion.

4 people marked this as a favorite.
Phaedre wrote:
Paizo Marketing & Media wrote:
Phaedre wrote:
John Mangrum wrote:
On the Starfinder side, the (semi-)monthly AP volumes are being replaced with single hardback releases. This AP happens to be a compilation/revision of Starfinder Society scenarios, but that's not the pattern going forward. The next, as-yet unannounced AP will be an original story dealing with mechs.
Where was it announced that they're cancelling the bimonthly APs in favor of hardcovers for Starfinder? I can't find anything about that anywhere on the blog, boards, etc.
I think we announced it at Gen Gen in a video, in Erik’s keynote.
Oh, hmm, not sure how I feel about that, but thank you for the quick official response!

We need to be better about summarizing all the announcements from our conventions in writing after the event.

1 person marked this as a favorite.

Its going to seem so weird to level up the group almost every session, as I tend to focus on the RP aspect and having each players character come alive than just a combat fest.

But the Mech AP (I have super high hopes for that one, really need to start a thread on that me thinks in the SF forum) is still a good year away give or take so this will have to work somehow, or so I hope.


Grand Lodge

Pathfinder Starfinder Roleplaying Game Subscriber
Paizo Marketing & Media wrote:
We need to be better about summarizing all the announcements from our conventions in writing after the event. We usually just collapse of exhaustion.

Con Drain, almost as bad as Con Crud.

Paizo Employee Sales & eCommerce Assistant

1 person marked this as a favorite.

Hello! This product has been bumped to an early 2024 release!

Bummer :(


Dark Archive

Pathfinder Starfinder Roleplaying Game Subscriber

Does that mean no starfinder ap or adventure content for rest of 2023? D:

Pathfinder Roleplaying Game Superscriber; Pathfinder Starfinder Roleplaying Game Subscriber

We'll probably still get society scenarios.

1 person marked this as a favorite.
Starfinder Superscriber

Looks like it's gonna be a pretty dry year for SF content.

Director of Marketing

5 people marked this as a favorite.

Starfinder Scenarios and Quests are not delayed. Ports of Call includes new side job adventures.

3 people marked this as a favorite.
Leon Aquilla wrote:
Looks like it's gonna be a pretty dry year for SF content.

Well, there's always Starfinder Infinite.

*looks at the bleak wasteland that is SF Infinite adventures*


There's always Free League, I guess...

1 person marked this as a favorite.

Can we ask what's causing the delays? Is there some kind of publishing issue or are Paizo just slashing the number of Starfinder books per year even further then we thought?

Dark Archive

Pure speculation here, but perhaps they decided to have a brief pause to more fully incorporate any adjustments from Starfinder Enhanced?

2 people marked this as a favorite.

I would think that would be reserved for the Mech AP after this one.

And I would assume that is now delayed another half year as well, but who knows. I am getting more and more concerned with my fav RPG Company, but at least its not as bad as the Revised 5th Ed mess thats been going on.

But this is not the thread to discuss that fiasco!! :)


Paizo Employee Sales & eCommerce Assistant

2 people marked this as a favorite.
Elegos wrote:
Can we ask what's causing the delays? Is there some kind of publishing issue or are Paizo just slashing the number of Starfinder books per year even further then we thought?

Hello! I can't speak too definitively, but it's nothing to be super concerned about. We've had some scheduling challenges that impacted a few release dates, and this is one of the more visible products being affected. :)

2 people marked this as a favorite.

Thanks Mika, Thursty chimed in on the reasons in the Starfinder AP general discussion sub forum in one of my threads there, for those interested.


3 people marked this as a favorite.
Mika Hawkins wrote:
Elegos wrote:
Can we ask what's causing the delays? Is there some kind of publishing issue or are Paizo just slashing the number of Starfinder books per year even further then we thought?
Hello! I can't speak too definitively, but it's nothing to be super concerned about. We've had some scheduling challenges that impacted a few release dates, and this is one of the more visible products being affected. :)

I mean, the concern is that we're going almost a year between any Adventure content for Starfinder that isn't organised play...

Grand Lodge

Pathfinder Starfinder Roleplaying Game Subscriber
Elegos wrote:
Mika Hawkins wrote:
Elegos wrote:
Can we ask what's causing the delays? Is there some kind of publishing issue or are Paizo just slashing the number of Starfinder books per year even further then we thought?
Hello! I can't speak too definitively, but it's nothing to be super concerned about. We've had some scheduling challenges that impacted a few release dates, and this is one of the more visible products being affected. :)
I mean, the concern is that we're going almost a year between any Adventure content for Starfinder that isn't organised play...

Unless we get some surprise announcements at PaizoCon.

Excited for this one, shame it got delayed. Is this getting a foundry (or other VTT) release?

Director of Marketing

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As stated in today's Update from Paizo President Jim Butler blog, "Abomination Vaults 5E, Starfinder’s Scoured Stars and Mechageddon! Adventure Paths, the Lost Omens Tian Xia Character Guide, and Pathfinder’s Howl of the Wild rulebook all had to move to 2024 to make room for the Player Core and GM Core ORC Remastered rulebooks coming out in November." The Starfinder Scoured Stars Adventure Path has been solicited to the industry as a January, 2024 release. Thank you for playing Starfinder!


Pathfinder Adventure Path, Lost Omens, Starfinder Roleplaying Game Subscriber

i am so hyped up about this. wanna run my guys through it after we do DEVASTATION ARK...

Really curious to see how it all links up and having players level up almost every session> I bet it will be more like 2 sessions for my groups as we all like to focus on RP and really getting to know each character, instead of a combat sim 24/7...... LOL


Pathfinder Maps, Pathfinder Accessories Subscriber; Pathfinder Roleplaying Game Superscriber; Starfinder Superscriber

Regarding VTT, do you plan to offer a foundry VTT (or other VTT) for Scoured stars, like those awesome starfinder society scenarios modules I have been using ?

Pathfinder Starfinder Adventure Path, Starfinder Roleplaying Game Subscriber

I don't suppose it would be possible to put some sort of additional snippet into 1-99 in order to reveal the final fate of Ziggy's friends. After Star Sugar Heartlove made a big deal of the friends he lost there and his survivor's guilt for having not gone with them, I feel like we should either get a chance to save them, or at least confirm they are dead so that Ziggy can get some closure.

Dark Archive

Pathfinder Starfinder Roleplaying Game Subscriber

I mean in general I wish this one has more of epilogue of what happened to certain npsc that entered after this ap to "no spoilers, so never mentioned" zone

Pathfinder Adventure Path, Starfinder Adventure Path, Starfinder Roleplaying Game, Starfinder Society Subscriber
Sharkbite wrote:
I don't suppose it would be possible to put some sort of additional snippet into 1-99 in order to reveal the final fate of Ziggy's friends.

Who knows what's in the book, but its content has been locked in for many months now. It's likely rolling off the printers or sitting in a warehouse as we speak.

Director of Marketing

2 people marked this as a favorite.
Mr. Fred wrote:

Regarding VTT, do you plan to offer a foundry VTT (or other VTT) for Scoured stars, like those awesome starfinder society scenarios modules I have been using ?

This product is not currently on our Foundry list, but, as always, let us know if there are people who wish to see it. Thank you.

1 person marked this as a favorite.
Aaron Shanks wrote:
Mr. Fred wrote:

Regarding VTT, do you plan to offer a foundry VTT (or other VTT) for Scoured stars, like those awesome starfinder society scenarios modules I have been using ?

This product is not currently on our Foundry list, but, as always, let us know if there are people who wish to see it. Thank you.

I would definitely like this on Foundry and know a number of others who would too.

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