Paizo Marketing & Media's page

27 posts. No reviews. No lists. No wishlists.


Ed Reppert wrote:
Erm, this thing is part of the Special Edition subscription, right?


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We see your questions. We are in conversation with our partner. We don’t have details to share, yet.

Harles wrote:

Are there still games available? All this news passed me by somehow. (I guess I thought it was all in-person.)

Don't want to buy a ticket if there aren't games open.

There are still hundreds of games available.

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Cori Marie wrote:
AceofMoxen wrote:
Is there any update on when the foundry release will be?
Q2 was the last we had gotten an update for, which means any time between now and the end of June.

There will be update at PaizoCon.

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In addition to what James said, we knew we couldn’t adapt an older Adventure Path until we finished Kingmaker. It was late, but now we have. I wouldn’t be surprised if we have a crowdfunding campaign for another one #soon. But if we had already made that decision, I wouldn’t be able to talk about it now, so not that soon.

sozin wrote:
Aaron Shanks wrote:
Alex Speidel wrote:
TheLink484 wrote:
Do you allow sessions of Pathfinder for Savage Worlds?
We previously had open signups to run non-Paizo games, including Pathfinder for Savage Worlds. They were announced last month; I believe those signups are now closed.
I specifically promoted the call for GMs to run Pathfinder for Savage Worlds in the Savage Worlds subreddit, so I hope there will be games.
Heads up Aaron, I searched around in the subreddit and couldn't find the post (this was the last post mentioning paizocon, a month ago ming_at_paizocon_online_2023/).

Yes, that’s the one. Savage Worlds GMs were invited a month ago. Brian is putting together those games, so hopefully somewhere in those 200+ hours, are some Pathfinder for Savage Worlds games. If not, we will try again for Gen Con.

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Grumpus wrote:
Keldin wrote:
Er, you guys are aware that the date on this blog post is listing as 2022, right?
Pretty much all the March blogs have said 2022. Probably from a template that no one bothered to update.

Thank you, the note has been given.

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Loreguard wrote:

Is this saying that if we get a Print Item on sale during this time, that we get the PDF of it as well?

Blog above says:
"This opportunity is like the one we give to subscribers—buy the print version and get a complimentary PDF—or a buy one, get one!"

As to the prior posts, I agree, Yes, you seem to have to follow the link. It also seems like I'm seeing more things showing up, so they may be manually making items available as part of the sale. I've also sometimes followed a link and the price didn't show a sale price available for it, and then refreshed or went back to the link and dug down again, and saw it offered at the sale price.

Sorry, we were not clear. It’s a 50% off sale on select items. We are suggesting one might use it to pick up both a print and PDF copy of a book. It’s actually a better deal than a subscription on those select books, for a limited time.

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Hello! The sale pages are taking a bit to cache, so if you aren't seeing the correct discounts right away, you may just need to refresh a few times. Essentially, we are not adding items manually, the software is processing the sale.

Some items show a discount of more than 50%. That's because the 50% is coming off the price we were last offering it for, not the MSRP.

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Phaedre wrote:
Paizo Marketing & Media wrote:
Phaedre wrote:
John Mangrum wrote:
On the Starfinder side, the (semi-)monthly AP volumes are being replaced with single hardback releases. This AP happens to be a compilation/revision of Starfinder Society scenarios, but that's not the pattern going forward. The next, as-yet unannounced AP will be an original story dealing with mechs.
Where was it announced that they're cancelling the bimonthly APs in favor of hardcovers for Starfinder? I can't find anything about that anywhere on the blog, boards, etc.
I think we announced it at Gen Gen in a video, in Erik’s keynote.
Oh, hmm, not sure how I feel about that, but thank you for the quick official response!

We need to be better about summarizing all the announcements from our conventions in writing after the event.

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Phaedre wrote:
Paizo Marketing & Media wrote:
Phaedre wrote:
John Mangrum wrote:
On the Starfinder side, the (semi-)monthly AP volumes are being replaced with single hardback releases. This AP happens to be a compilation/revision of Starfinder Society scenarios, but that's not the pattern going forward. The next, as-yet unannounced AP will be an original story dealing with mechs.
Where was it announced that they're cancelling the bimonthly APs in favor of hardcovers for Starfinder? I can't find anything about that anywhere on the blog, boards, etc.
I think we announced it at Gen Gen in a video, in Erik’s keynote.
Oh, hmm, not sure how I feel about that, but thank you for the quick official response!

We need to be better about summarizing all the announcements from our conventions in writing after the event. We usually just collapse of exhaustion.

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Serrich wrote:

This book will come out in 2024 now, if at all?

I don't need to know the behind the scenes reasons for the current delay. I just need official confirmation of when or if this product will be delivered. If it's not going to be delivered, then please let us just move on. I'm fine with waiting. I'm not fine with uncertainty.

We apologize, but an official decision has not yet been made. We will provide clarity as soon as possible.

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SpaceDrake wrote:
Well, not to put too fine a point on it, but if the book's future is looking dubious, perhaps it could be removed from the front page's upcoming releases banner? I think that's giving a lot of people false impressions about the state of the project.

Agreed. We asked for this to occur last week. Thanks.

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SeventhBeacon wrote:
I've been unable to find out when we can expect new printings. I placed an order exactly a month ago for the softcover when it was still listed as in stock, but that order has been in pending status with no updates, any idea when new copies are coming?

If you placed an order while the product was in stock the delay is likely because the warehouse is working through orders.

As for a new 4th printing, we don't know yet. Will reply when we do.

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Phaedre wrote:
John Mangrum wrote:
On the Starfinder side, the (semi-)monthly AP volumes are being replaced with single hardback releases. This AP happens to be a compilation/revision of Starfinder Society scenarios, but that's not the pattern going forward. The next, as-yet unannounced AP will be an original story dealing with mechs.
Where was it announced that they're cancelling the bimonthly APs in favor of hardcovers for Starfinder? I can't find anything about that anywhere on the blog, boards, etc.

I think we announced it at Gen Gen in a video, in Erik’s keynote.

11 people marked this as a favorite.

I posted here in an effort to manage expectations and provide transparency. As Community managers, Jon and I don’t know anything about the canceling of pre-orders, so I’ll look into what’s going on when we’re back in the office.

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Paizo is deeply grateful for your contribution to our games and communities.

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Erik Wolff wrote:

Anyone have a clue why when I try to order the PDF for Pact Worlds by itself with the coupon code, it tells me the final total is $1.15?

Here's a screenshot.

I’ve not seen that issue mentioned elsewhere. Kindly email CS and they will help.

Tjagz wrote:


My group wants to try Pathfinder 2E, question about the Humble Bundle deal below. oks?hmb_source=&hmb_medium=product_tile&hmb_campaign=mosaic_section _1_layout_index_1_layout_type_threes_tile_index_1_c_soyouwannatryoutpathfin derpaizo_bookbundle&cjevent=0bd67259a79c11ed824e00e70a1eba24&utm_so urce=cj&utm_medium=paid&utm_campaign=Skimlinks&utm_content=1000 92400&utm_term=14555742&cjdata=MXxOfDB8WXww

The website doesn't indicate if these are actual books or PDFs (thinking it must be just downloading PDFs from Paizo website).

Can someone from Paizo confirm if these actual books or PDFs.

Thanks in advance! :)

There are no physical products in this bundle.

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"TREASURE VAULT PREVIEW for Pathfinder 2e: Defeat foes with spellguns, imp balls, and burps!”

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Paizo Customers,

Thank you for the kind words these last few days, and for the overwhelming support of our product and our Open Gaming Sale. It has been a critical hit.

Our warehouse was inundated with multiple weeks' worth of orders. We have brought in additional hands to help with shipping, and are working overtime to connect you to your new Pathfinder and Starfinder print products as quickly as possible. We apologize for longer than normal ship times as we work through the queue.

Additionally, we have run through what was an 8-month supply of our Pathfinder Core Rulebook in the last 2 weeks, and demand on our Beginner Boxes is surging as well, along with other titles. We have already ordered another print run of the hardcover Core Rulebook, which will arrive in mid-April. In the interim, we have some supply of the Pocket Edition still available.

Edit: We have sold out of Pathfinder Core Rulebook Pocket Editions.

Happily, Pathfinder exists in many forms. See links below.

Pathfinder Core Rulebook Hardcover & PDF
Pathfinder Core Rulebook Pocket Edition
Pathfinder Core Rulebook on Pathfinder Nexus
Pathfinder Core Rulebook on Fantasy Grounds
Pathfinder Core Rulebook on Roll20

Pathfinder Beginner Box
Pathfinder Beginner Box PDF
Pathfinder Beginner Box (Foundry VTT) Bundle
Pathfinder Beginner Box (Foundry VTT) CODE
Pathfinder Beginner Box on Fantasy Grounds

And don't forget, all the rules are free on Archives of Nethys, along with their Player’s Guide.

Thanks for playing Pathfinder!

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Sixth Pillar Archetype Note: There were some mechanical tweaks to address known issues.

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rleopold wrote:

Greetings friends,

So, no .pdfs on sale this year, then?

Thanks a heap, Bob

Not for Black Friday, no. We want to reduce the physical products in our warehouse. We still have our annual holiday code sale coming up and you can use that to buy PDFs.

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We've asked that a hyperlink to the FAQ's page be added to the blog for clarity.

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Sporkedup wrote:
Looks amazing! Though it makes my heart hurt even a bit more that we don't have as much as a release date for the related Lost Omens offering. Someday!

We had a staff outage today and will get it corrected soon. Thanks!

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CrystalSeas wrote:
Elorebaen wrote:
I like this type of collating blog is useful.


I hope that Every product has a blog post that links all the related teasers and staff commentary.

And I'm finding all the Glindexes to be incredibly helpful.

So often the information I need is simple, and not having to flip back and forth following breadcrumbs of page numbers and single word indexing is a delight.

This is also a topic we wanted feedback on. Thanks.

Looking for feedback. Do you like seeing the Table of Contents and back of the book? Or meh?