Dwarven Trader

Grinley's page

33 posts. Alias of Kor - Orc Scrollkeeper.


NG Dwarf Druid 1 | AC 11 | HP 10/13 | Init +0 | Str +0; Dex +0; Con +4; Int +5; Wis +6; Cha +1 | Senses: PPerc: +4; Darkvision 60'

Hi all. I am going to drop out of the campaign. Its just moving far too slowly to keep me interested.

Thank you Generic DM for running the campaign and I wish my fellow players the best of luck in this adventure.

NG Dwarf Druid 1 | AC 11 | HP 10/13 | Init +0 | Str +0; Dex +0; Con +4; Int +5; Wis +6; Cha +1 | Senses: PPerc: +4; Darkvision 60'

Grinley continues attacking the foe, while keeping an eye out for a quick getaway.

Produce Flame: 1d20 + 6 ⇒ (9) + 6 = 15
Fire Damage: 1d8 ⇒ 2

NG Dwarf Druid 1 | AC 11 | HP 10/13 | Init +0 | Str +0; Dex +0; Con +4; Int +5; Wis +6; Cha +1 | Senses: PPerc: +4; Darkvision 60'

A look of great concern appears on Grinley's face as he sees the goo cube get hit with a barrage of attacks, yet aside from rippling it's surface he sees very little harm.

"I have a bad feeling about this..."

Produce Flame: 1d20 + 6 ⇒ (6) + 6 = 12
Fire Damage: 1d8 ⇒ 6

NG Dwarf Druid 1 | AC 11 | HP 10/13 | Init +0 | Str +0; Dex +0; Con +4; Int +5; Wis +6; Cha +1 | Senses: PPerc: +4; Darkvision 60'

From a safe distance, Grinley throws a small handful of magical fire at the cube of goo.

Produce Flame : 1d20 + 6 ⇒ (13) + 6 = 19
Fire Damage: 1d8 ⇒ 4

NG Dwarf Druid 1 | AC 11 | HP 10/13 | Init +0 | Str +0; Dex +0; Con +4; Int +5; Wis +6; Cha +1 | Senses: PPerc: +4; Darkvision 60'

Grinley notices the tension in his party members, and stands back a bit from the group. He readies a small fist of fire, ready to throw it at the first threat he sees coming through the doors.

NG Dwarf Druid 1 | AC 11 | HP 10/13 | Init +0 | Str +0; Dex +0; Con +4; Int +5; Wis +6; Cha +1 | Senses: PPerc: +4; Darkvision 60'

Grinley follows behind the rest, keeping an eye behind them to ensure they are not ambushed from the rear.

NG Dwarf Druid 1 | AC 11 | HP 10/13 | Init +0 | Str +0; Dex +0; Con +4; Int +5; Wis +6; Cha +1 | Senses: PPerc: +4; Darkvision 60'

Grinley picks up the skull and kicks the scattered bones into a pile. The small dwarf holds the skull up to his face at eye level and stares at it briefly. Once content that the skull has nothing to whisper to him, he will place it gently atop the bone pile, and will then follow behind the others as they move on.

NG Dwarf Druid 1 | AC 11 | HP 10/13 | Init +0 | Str +0; Dex +0; Con +4; Int +5; Wis +6; Cha +1 | Senses: PPerc: +4; Darkvision 60'

Staying outside of the room, Grinley will peak his head in, and shine his flaming light up towards the ceiling to see if it help to illuminate any other concerns which may be crawling around on the ceiling.

NG Dwarf Druid 1 | AC 11 | HP 10/13 | Init +0 | Str +0; Dex +0; Con +4; Int +5; Wis +6; Cha +1 | Senses: PPerc: +4; Darkvision 60'

Grinley will stand in the back of the group, with a magical flame in his hand, ready to be thrown.

NG Dwarf Druid 1 | AC 11 | HP 10/13 | Init +0 | Str +0; Dex +0; Con +4; Int +5; Wis +6; Cha +1 | Senses: PPerc: +4; Darkvision 60'

Grinley shrugs when Flint asks him about a prayer. "I really don't know much about undead or burial rites. Regardless of what they were before, they have become a perversion of the natural order -- burning seems the best thing to do to help cleanse their ashes and return their elements to a more natural state."

NG Dwarf Druid 1 | AC 11 | HP 10/13 | Init +0 | Str +0; Dex +0; Con +4; Int +5; Wis +6; Cha +1 | Senses: PPerc: +4; Darkvision 60'

I'm back... sorry was out of town for just under a week. I will get a chance to read the threads and post later tonight.

NG Dwarf Druid 1 | AC 11 | HP 10/13 | Init +0 | Str +0; Dex +0; Con +4; Int +5; Wis +6; Cha +1 | Senses: PPerc: +4; Darkvision 60'

Grinley strikes out with his staff again.

Quarterstaff: 1d20 + 6 ⇒ (11) + 6 = 17
Damage (non-lethal): 1d8 + 4 ⇒ (5) + 4 = 9

NG Dwarf Druid 1 | AC 11 | HP 10/13 | Init +0 | Str +0; Dex +0; Con +4; Int +5; Wis +6; Cha +1 | Senses: PPerc: +4; Darkvision 60'

Con save: 1d20 ⇒ 20
Con save: 1d20 ⇒ 11

Grinley lets loose a soft yelp as he is bitten. Not wanting to burn the little creature to a crisp, the druid casts an enchantment on his quarterstaff and then tries to knock the snake out with a bop on the head.

Quarterstaff: 1d20 + 6 ⇒ (2) + 6 = 8
Damage (non-lethal): 1d8 + 4 ⇒ (2) + 4 = 6

Grinley uses a bonus action to cast Shillelagh, and attacks.

NG Dwarf Druid 1 | AC 11 | HP 10/13 | Init +0 | Str +0; Dex +0; Con +4; Int +5; Wis +6; Cha +1 | Senses: PPerc: +4; Darkvision 60'

Grinley seems concerned about the dead dwarf, and keeps his distance.

"I really don't know much about the undead, but if this was a vampire that drained him, should we burn the corpse or something to keep this poor soul from turning into an unholy creature?"

NG Dwarf Druid 1 | AC 11 | HP 10/13 | Init +0 | Str +0; Dex +0; Con +4; Int +5; Wis +6; Cha +1 | Senses: PPerc: +4; Darkvision 60'

Grinley stays close to the group at all times, and ensures there is always an ample amount of meat shields between him and any potential foes.

NG Dwarf Druid 1 | AC 11 | HP 10/13 | Init +0 | Str +0; Dex +0; Con +4; Int +5; Wis +6; Cha +1 | Senses: PPerc: +4; Darkvision 60'

Grinley nods. "I have not seen or encountered undead before. They look horribly wretched. Such a perversion of the natural life cycle. Burning them to ashes seemed a fitting way to deal with those unholy creatures."

While the rest of the group begins to move on, the unnerved little dwarf, places his hands on one of the stone walls and breaths deeply a couple times. "Cold", he mutters to himself.

NG Dwarf Druid 1 | AC 11 | HP 10/13 | Init +0 | Str +0; Dex +0; Con +4; Int +5; Wis +6; Cha +1 | Senses: PPerc: +4; Darkvision 60'

Grinley notices that the halfling Flint took a great wound and could use some help mending it.

"Flint, I can help heal that."

Provided that Flint does not refuse aid, Grinley will cast cure wounds on him -- no need to roll as my ability modifier alone will heal him fully.

NG Dwarf Druid 1 | AC 11 | HP 10/13 | Init +0 | Str +0; Dex +0; Con +4; Int +5; Wis +6; Cha +1 | Senses: PPerc: +4; Darkvision 60'

Grinley patiently waits for the melee types to cut the zombie down. A bead of sweat forms on the meek dwarf's brow when he sees it refuses to die. Almost somewhat feebly, he tries to toss a small flaming sphere at it.

Produce Flame on zombie

Attack on Zombie: 1d20 + 6 ⇒ (8) + 6 = 14
Produce Flame damage: 1d8 ⇒ 8

NG Dwarf Druid 1 | AC 11 | HP 10/13 | Init +0 | Str +0; Dex +0; Con +4; Int +5; Wis +6; Cha +1 | Senses: PPerc: +4; Darkvision 60'

Kiril, nice hit, but I think you have shorted yourself a damage die? Your half-orc savage attack gives you an extra d6 on your crit.

NG Dwarf Druid 1 | AC 11 | HP 10/13 | Init +0 | Str +0; Dex +0; Con +4; Int +5; Wis +6; Cha +1 | Senses: PPerc: +4; Darkvision 60'

Pleased with his first attack against the undead menace, Grinley tries throwing another small ball of fire.

Produce Flame on zombie B

Attack on Zombie C: 1d20 + 6 ⇒ (12) + 6 = 18
Produce Flame damage: 1d8 ⇒ 3

NG Dwarf Druid 1 | AC 11 | HP 10/13 | Init +0 | Str +0; Dex +0; Con +4; Int +5; Wis +6; Cha +1 | Senses: PPerc: +4; Darkvision 60'

I suspect you may have gotten the dwarves mixed up. Grinley is in the 2nd row, with no creatures next to him.

Grinley attempts to light up a zombie, by throwing his flame at it.

Attack on Zombie C: 1d20 + 6 ⇒ (10) + 6 = 16
Produce Flame damage: 1d8 ⇒ 8

NG Dwarf Druid 1 | AC 11 | HP 10/13 | Init +0 | Str +0; Dex +0; Con +4; Int +5; Wis +6; Cha +1 | Senses: PPerc: +4; Darkvision 60'

Hearing the call for light, Grinley calls forth a flame that erupts from his hand, illuminating the area.

Grinley casts Produce Flame and walks forward.

NG Dwarf Druid 1 | AC 11 | HP 10/13 | Init +0 | Str +0; Dex +0; Con +4; Int +5; Wis +6; Cha +1 | Senses: PPerc: +4; Darkvision 60'

Now that several have entered, Grinley cautiously approaches the entry.

NG Dwarf Druid 1 | AC 11 | HP 10/13 | Init +0 | Str +0; Dex +0; Con +4; Int +5; Wis +6; Cha +1 | Senses: PPerc: +4; Darkvision 60'

Grinley is ready.

NG Dwarf Druid 1 | AC 11 | HP 10/13 | Init +0 | Str +0; Dex +0; Con +4; Int +5; Wis +6; Cha +1 | Senses: PPerc: +4; Darkvision 60'

While not horribly thrilled with the notion of sleeping in an old crypt, it does sound like a safe place for Grinley to sleep.

NG Dwarf Druid 1 | AC 11 | HP 10/13 | Init +0 | Str +0; Dex +0; Con +4; Int +5; Wis +6; Cha +1 | Senses: PPerc: +4; Darkvision 60'

Grinley, tries to look comfortable around the crowd of people. He focuses more on listening to the table conversation rather than contribute. When some food arrives, Grinley will eat steadily while occasionally breaking off a few small pieces and giving them to a small snout that frequently pokes out from the top fold of large belt pouch he wears at his side.

NG Dwarf Druid 1 | AC 11 | HP 10/13 | Init +0 | Str +0; Dex +0; Con +4; Int +5; Wis +6; Cha +1 | Senses: PPerc: +4; Darkvision 60'

With more attention being focused on him, Grinley becomes a bit uncomfortable. "I am seeking... An innocent soul I am seeking. The maiden, Fumhardallyn. Family believes she was capture by the vile queen. I must find her. Her family wants her back. They have little money, so I offered to look into it."

Grinley pauses a moment to collect his thoughts. "If I could join you to find her, that would be most appreciated. I'll try not to get in your way, and I have little need of coins you find there."

NG Dwarf Druid 1 | AC 11 | HP 10/13 | Init +0 | Str +0; Dex +0; Con +4; Int +5; Wis +6; Cha +1 | Senses: PPerc: +4; Darkvision 60'

"Thank you." Curiosity overcoming his insecurity, he graciously accepts the mug from Kiril.

"This palace I hear is a place of great evil... a place that is an abomination to the land. Its existence seems to be an affront to the nature itself. I'm not sure what role I can play, but certainly if you plan to return, I must answer the call to right the natural order and return the walking dead to their rightful place in the earth."

"Oh so sorry... my name is Grinley. Tis good to meet others with an interest in consecrating such a vile place."

NG Dwarf Druid 1 | AC 11 | HP 10/13 | Init +0 | Str +0; Dex +0; Con +4; Int +5; Wis +6; Cha +1 | Senses: PPerc: +4; Darkvision 60'

Grinley's attention quickly becomes diverted when he hears Kiril loudly boast about killing some 'dead ones' in a palace.

The small dwarf approaches the hulking half-orc, and does his best to not look overly intimidated. "Pardon me sir. So sorry to disturb you sir, and your fine friends. Umm... I happened to hear you mention a palace you recently journeyed to... not that I was listen in to you... just happened to be walking by at the moment... but you also mentioned dead ones... perhaps did this palace have any association to the fanged type of undeads?"

Grinley tries not to make steady eye contact with Kiril, and appears ready to flinch if he makes any sudden movements.

NG Dwarf Druid 1 | AC 11 | HP 10/13 | Init +0 | Str +0; Dex +0; Con +4; Int +5; Wis +6; Cha +1 | Senses: PPerc: +4; Darkvision 60'

"Thanks Mortie. Yes, many dangers out there. There's no way I can do this by myself, and I can't afford to hire mercenaries." Grinley sighs, pauses a moment and then asks, "So what tonight's stew?"

NG Dwarf Druid 1 | AC 11 | HP 10/13 | Init +0 | Str +0; Dex +0; Con +4; Int +5; Wis +6; Cha +1 | Senses: PPerc: +4; Darkvision 60'

A disheveled looking dwarf enters the hall, and immediately seems uncomfortable when anyone meets his glance. He strides in cautiously, while keeping a steady hand on small, squirming sack, strapped to his side. He appears to purposely keep his distance from the other dwarves as he approaches a staff member and asks for a meal.

The timid stranger, does his best to look relaxed, but clearly he seems out of his element.

NG Dwarf Druid 1 | AC 11 | HP 10/13 | Init +0 | Str +0; Dex +0; Con +4; Int +5; Wis +6; Cha +1 | Senses: PPerc: +4; Darkvision 60'

Hi all. I look forward to roleplaying with all of you. I have been playing D&D since 1982. I am playing in a few different live 5e D&D campaigns and have really been enjoying the system. This is my only PBP game, as I only play 1 at a time. I live in Calgary, Canada, and now that winter is settling in, I tend to go into hibernation mode -- so I like to pick up things I can do without leaving the house :)

I am bringing in a dwarven druid that I hope to play as little "touched" and has an innate connection to the earth. I will try to find that right balance between quirky and game-interrupting-insanity :)

Grinley will also be a little timid and although he doesn't really make a lot of friends -- those that he does, he fiercely tries to protect. I will be taking him down the moon druid path, and will be treating his wildshaping as almost a form of lycanthropy in which he usually only changes when under stress -- sort of like the Hulk :)

The small dwarf, stands somewhat vacant eyed as he considers the prospect of being teamed up with 6 strangers. While holding his pet badger in front of him, like a schoolgirl holding her cat, Grinley softly scratches Mr. Wiggle's head. He looks down at the badger, as if almost silently communicating with him. After a moment of reflection he nods approvingly.

Grinley looks up and speaks faintly, "I sssuppose that could work."

Clearly intimidated by the others, Grinley joins in. When anyone looks his way, he just smiles and sometimes adds a quick nervous giggle -- if it wasn't for the blank expression he normally wears on his face, this transformation would almost seem less creepy.