Pathfinder Kingmaker Adventure Path (Foundry VTT) BUNDLE

4.90/5 (based on 12 ratings)

Our Price: $120.00

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Pathfinder’s most-popular campaign ever returns in this massive new compilation updated for Pathfinder Second Edition on Foundry Virtual Tabletop!

The Stolen Lands have long been the domain of bandits and monsters, but no longer! Your party has been granted a charter to explore these wilds, defeat its dangers, and build a brand new nation. Yet not everyone will welcome you as new neighbors, and powerful supernatural forces have their own plans for the region. Can you defeat your kingdom’s enemies and become leaders of one of the greatest new nations in the world? The Kingmaker Adventure Path presents a full-length campaign that chronicles the rise of a new nation—a kingdom built and ruled by your player characters! Face off against bands of bloodthirsty bandits, deadly and dangerous monsters, and mysterious menaces from other realities as you fight to claim the Stolen Lands as your own. Will you rule with justice and mercy, or will you become the very monsters you fought to oppose? In the Kingmaker Adventure Path, the destiny of the world’s newest nation is yours to decide!


Pathfinder: Kingmaker for Foundry Virtual Tabletop contains all content from the Kingmaker adventure path, including:

  • All adventure text organised into hundreds of pages of hand-formatted and interlinked journal pages
  • All scenes fully configured with walls, lighting, sounds, and notes as appropriate, including support for overhead tiles.
  • An all new, high-resolution map of the Stolen Lands, beautifully reimagined by Damien Mammoliti! (Available only for Foundry Virtual Tabletop)
  • Exclusive, highly detailed and immersive adventure maps for every battlemap included in the Kingmaker: Adventure Path book. Each lovingly re-created by Narchy Maps and Alaustin using assets from Forgotten Adventures.
  • The battlemaps from the Kingmaker Companion guide, digitally optimised for VTT use
  • 57 gorgeous 'strategy-scale' maps intended for use with the Warfare and Settlements subsystems
  • Custom timesaving macros and scripts to underscore setpiece moments and streamline the gameplay experience
  • Integration with the Pathfinder 2E system's Kingdom and Army actor sheets
  • Custom Hex Exploration tools for GMs and players, allowing GMs the ability to edit and track the features of hexes as their party explore the Stolen Lands
  • Portraits and token art for more than 500 creatures and NPCs to fill all your combat and story needs!
  • An additional 55 tokens (each available in a further six different colours) for tracking armies and the party on the region map
  • Nearly 10 hours of music, ambient sounds, and sound effects carefully organized into over three hundred playlists, hand-curated and mixed to provide an optimum soundscape for your adventures in the Stolen Lands. Featuring audio provided courtesy of the very generous Owlcat Games.

Installation and Activation

This purchase will grant you an activation code which can be activated through your Foundry VTT account page at and access to the PDF version of the same content (both downloadable from your My Downloads page on Afterwards you will be able to install the "Pathfinder Adventure Path: Kingmaker (Foundry VTT)" module on the Foundry Virtual Tabletop setup screen. To learn more about activating and installing premium content in Foundry Virtual Tabletop, visit

Note: If you already own the Pathfinder Kingmaker Adventure Path PDF, you may follow this link to purchase just the module at a discount equal to the price of the PDF. If you do not own the PDF, it will be automatically added to your digital library when you purchase this Foundry module at its regular price.

Additional Product Images

(click to enlarge)
FVTT2020-1 FVTT2020-2 FVTT2020-3 FVTT2020-4

Product Availability

Will be available for purchase approximately 27 Sep 2023

Fulfilled immediately.

Are there errors or omissions in this product information? Got corrections? Let us know at


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Average product rating:

4.90/5 (based on 12 ratings)

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Easy to use, amazing work


Pricey but worth it! I don't think I could run kingmaker without this module, as it cuts the amount of prep you need substantially. The art, maps and organisation is incredible.

The best way to run one of the best adventure paths.


This has everything you need to run the adventure and as a busy GM it saves me so much time. When I need to I can run a game with almost no prep I can feel confident that everything will be where it needs to be in Foundry. While it does lack some more flexibility for random encounters which this adventure has a lot of, the pre-written content is implemented very well. If you plan to run Kingmaker, even for an in-person group, this is by far the best way to do it.


Amazing work as always


Anybody who experienced the fantastic work they did with the Abomination Vaults premium module knew what to expect, but it can't be said enough how much love and hard work the Foundry team has put into this premium module. And the value is completely insane for the amount of content you're getting here.

Tons of music and token art, solid maps, easy to use so far!


I'd definitely recommend this for anyone who plans to run Kingmaker

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It's finally here!

And whoof at that price. About what we expected, given the scope of it all, but still whoof.

I'll be very interested to play this soon! Have a GM who's lined up and eager to give it a go.

Absolute monster of a module it seems! I'll definitely financially help the GM get that thing because holy!

Liberty's Edge

Pathfinder Adventure, Adventure Path, Lost Omens, Rulebook Subscriber


1 person marked this as a favorite.

Awesome work! Two questions:

Will it include the Kingmaker´s Companion Guide?
Also, will it include the Kingmaker´s 5e bestiary?

I already own both products, but I dont mind buying them again for integration in Foundry, just wondering if they will be available :)

Thank you so so much.

2 people marked this as a favorite.

Impossible to buy being a brazilian like myself :(

Hope the rest of you guys enjoy it!

Darkensedd wrote:

Awesome work! Two questions:

Will it include the Kingmaker´s Companion Guide?
Also, will it include the Kingmaker´s 5e bestiary?

No and no. The modules are based exclusively on the core Kingmaker 2E book; they don't integrate anything from the side books.

They *do* have tokens and whatnot for all of the companions, so it's easy enough to include them, but if you want their sidequests, you'll have to map those out yourself. The cooking and weather systems aren't included, either, but there should be some free modules on Foundry that handle those easily enough.

The one tricky thing, if you're playing 5E, is that the modules have been constructed with the assumption you'll be playing them in PF2E rules. If you're using That Game's 5E instead, you'll have to go through and re-stat every single monster as it comes up. Everything else will be fine, but you'll have to convert the creatures yourself.

Still not the worst prep in the world, but playing Foundry Kingmaker in 5E, even if you have the book, will be a bit more work.

Is there supposed to be a discount if you purchased the PDF? (Mine isn't showing up.)
Or is that the reduced price from $120 to $100?

Edit: NM. I saw I clicked the wrong link!

The reduced cost bundle can instead be found at E%20

I can confirm that it does work if you own the PDF already.

Small typo, at the bottom of the page it says
"Afterwards you will be able to install the "Pathfinder Adventure Path: Abomination Vaults (Foundry VTT)" module on the Foundry Virtual Tabletop setup screen. "

I assume this is meant to say Kingmaker instead.

Does buying this also include the Kingmaker PDF as it did for Abomination Vaults?

Sam Hornigold wrote:

Does buying this also include the Kingmaker PDF as it did for Abomination Vaults?

It does, that's why it's $100. The discounted code-only version, if you already own the PDF or hardcover (w/PDF), can be found at Path-CODE

Pathfinder Roleplaying Game Superscriber; Pathfinder Starfinder Accessories, Starfinder Adventure Path Subscriber

I own the whole kingmaker physical line but through my lgs, can I not get the vtt only bundle?

raysbane wrote:

I own the whole kingmaker physical line but through my lgs, can I not get the vtt only bundle?

Unfortunately It's always been tied to the digital(pdf) copy.

Pathfinder Pathfinder Accessories, Starfinder Adventure Path, Starfinder Roleplaying Game Subscriber; Pathfinder Roleplaying Game Superscriber

Do we know how long the discount is good for? I don't getnpaid till the 6th next week.

An end date hasn't been given, but I can't imagine it'll be so short that it won't last through the 6th of next month.

Sam Hornigold wrote:

Small typo, at the bottom of the page it says

"Afterwards you will be able to install the "Pathfinder Adventure Path: Abomination Vaults (Foundry VTT)" module on the Foundry Virtual Tabletop setup screen. "

I assume this is meant to say Kingmaker instead.

Thanks, yeah, we've got a request in to Paizo to fix that on here.

1 person marked this as a favorite.
Cap'n Nemo wrote:
Do we know how long the discount is good for? I don't getnpaid till the 6th next week.

I can vouch that this will last at least that long (and probably a bit longer). We'll try to put a visible end date on the discount before we bump things up to full price.

Sovereign Court

You guys did an amazing job it looks even better than i had hoped.

How well does the module play with other systems on Foundry like PF1E or 5E. Would you be able to run the hex maps and journals on them or would you have to manually set it up with just the assets if that is possible?

I *think* all you'd have to do for either PF1 or 5E would be swap out the monster stats according to the appropriate bestiary. Which, not trivial, but it's doable. A 5E Kingmaker game still uses the PF2-styled Kingdom rules, for example.

Pathfinder Maps Subscriber; Pathfinder Roleplaying Game Superscriber

It mentions a Kingdom Actor Sheet. Is this the same as what is tracked in the Kingdom Management Tracker? I don't want to get that if it's already baked in.

Correct. The Kingdom Actor Sheet is just the stats for your kingdom as a whole.

Pathfinder Rulebook Subscriber

Is the changelog posted somewhere? Noticed it took an update from 1.0.0 to 1.0.1 and was curious what was fixed/addressed.

Pathfinder Maps Subscriber; Pathfinder Roleplaying Game Superscriber
SpaceDrake wrote:
Correct. The Kingdom Actor Sheet is just the stats for your kingdom as a whole.


Silver Crusade

Much excite!

Pathfinder Roleplaying Game Superscriber; Pathfinder Starfinder Adventure Path Subscriber
ShallNoiseUpon wrote:
Is the changelog posted somewhere? Noticed it took an update from 1.0.0 to 1.0.1 and was curious what was fixed/addressed.

1.0.1 changelog from the Foundry Discord's package releases channel:

Foundry wrote:

Changes which DON'T require re-import

Editing Hex Data should should now work as expected when removing features or marking a hex as unclaimed
Font issues for handouts such as Handout 1-1 should now be corrected
A small localization string issue with hex exploration tooltips

Changes which require a re-import
Excess tokens removed from Hargulka's fortress level 1
Scene grid scale corrected on Candlemere Basement
Corrected a small lighting issue on Beast's Den
Solved a few small typographic issues
Fixed missing fade duration on two playlists
Removed empty 'tournament soundboard' playlist
A few minor cosmetic corrections

If you do a reimport all scenes will be reset, so any changes you have made would need redone.

Does anyone have recommendations for what other modules compliment kingmaker?

Pathfinder PF Special Edition Subscriber

Will this be updated to reflect all the Remaster work that is going to be released within the next few months? I've been waiting for this, but I don't want to get it if it's not going to also work with the remaster.

There doesn't seem to be any city grids, will this be added in the future ?


Found a link that is not working, un the journal introduction-> running the campaign -> the link for the forum in the sentence has localhost that should not be there :
Kingmaker has a lively community "forum" online

Maverick977 wrote:
Will this be updated to reflect all the Remaster work that is going to be released within the next few months? I've been waiting for this, but I don't want to get it if it's not going to also work with the remaster.

I do not think that Paizo has announced any plans to retroactively update previously released adventures for the Remaster. With no change to the source material, I can’t imagine any further changes to the VTT module.

That aside, I don’t think there will be anything preventing from using this with or without the Remaster content.

1 person marked this as a favorite.

One of the things I love about the module is the code to outline hexes claimed by the kingdom in red. I there were a similar way to outline hexes with other condition such as reconnoitered (already tagged in the hextracker) or claimed by neighboring kingdoms.
I would also like to be able to move the hextracker features to another hexmap for my other games, but it seems tied to the Stolen Lands map scene.

What? seriously? A AAA videogame, 6 years in development, employing an army of developers is $70 and this is $120?

1 person marked this as a favorite.
ogionito wrote:
What? seriously? A AAA videogame, 6 years in development, employing an army of developers is $70 and this is $120?

If you have the PDF, it’s $50 right now. Also, comparing the addressable market of s VTT module to that of a AAA game doesn’t seem to be reasonable, IMHO. If you don’t see the value, there is nothing forcing you to spend the money.

AJCarrington wrote:
ogionito wrote:
What? seriously? A AAA videogame, 6 years in development, employing an army of developers is $70 and this is $120?
If you have the PDF, it’s $50 right now. Also, comparing the addressable market of s VTT module to that of a AAA game doesn’t seem to be reasonable, IMHO. If you don’t see the value, there is nothing forcing you to spend the money.

No, it's not $50, it's $70.

Really, the "If you don't want to pay for it don't buy it" argument?
Here's a chocolate bar. It's worth $200. You don't want it? Don't buy it.
Surely no one is forcing me to buy anything, that doesn't change the fact that the price is ridiculous. I know it's a quality module that they've put a lot of effort into, but there are things of the same or higher quality that they've put more effort, time and staff into that are much more reasonably priced. Foundry VTT itself is cheaper. An addon can't be more expensive than the program you are going to install it in.

ogionito wrote:
An addon can't be more expensive than the program you are going to install it in.

Welcome to Paizo!

I'm not sure where that rule comes from, but obviously, Foundry needs to learn about it.

You may not have noticed the "Foundry Virtual Tabletop" just under the title of this module (Pathfinder Kingmaker Adventure Path (Foundry VTT) BUNDLE). That means that the product is not a Paizo product, but is instead being offered by a 3rd party. And that other company gets to set the price for their products themselves.

Dancing Wind wrote:
ogionito wrote:
An addon can't be more expensive than the program you are going to install it in.

Welcome to Paizo!

You may not have noticed the "Foundry Virtual Tabletop" just under the title of this module (Pathfinder Kingmaker Adventure Path (Foundry VTT) BUNDLE). That means that the product is not a Paizo product, but is instead being offered by a 3rd party.

So if you want to suggest to Foundry that they don't understand how to price their products, you'll need to contact them directly. It's their product, not Paizo's.

I admit I didn't know that. Rest assured that's what I'm going to do. In fact, that makes the price even more absurd.

7 people marked this as a favorite.
Pathfinder Roleplaying Game Superscriber; Pathfinder Starfinder Adventure Path Subscriber
ogionito wrote:
In fact, that makes the price even more absurd.

In what way? You really don't know the amount of work that went into this. Try to do all the work yourself: remake the maps, make your own journals, code up hexploration and macros, source music and sound effects, and make tokens for every single creature used. I think you'd find that it would take you an absurd amount of time and even if you only valued your time at pennies an hour this would still be an absolute steal at the full price of the module.

If this was sold at a low price point then Foundry would be losing money making it. Video games rely on selling millions of copies to make back their money, this one isn't going to sell millions of copies. The market just is not that big.

So, yes. If you don't like the price don't buy it, it is in fact that simple. Don't try using the fact that the core Foundry software is a great deal as an argument against charging fairly for the work they did.

Tikael wrote:
ogionito wrote:
In fact, that makes the price even more absurd.

In what way? You really don't know the amount of work that went into this. Try to do all the work yourself: remake the maps, make your own journals, code up hexploration and macros, source music and sound effects, and make tokens for every single creature used. I think you'd find that it would take you an absurd amount of time and even if you only valued your time at pennies an hour this would still be an absolute steal at the full price of the module.

If this was sold at a low price point then Foundry would be losing money making it. Video games rely on selling millions of copies to make back their money, this one isn't going to sell millions of copies. The market just is not that big.

So, yes. If you don't like the price don't buy it, it is in fact that simple. Don't try using the fact that the core Foundry software is a great deal as an argument against charging fairly for the work they did.

Really? Millions of copies? There are indie developers making video games by themselves, or with a couple of friends that have cost them a lot more time and effort than this module and they know they're not going to make millions when they sell them. Those games don't cost $70.

Of course, in economics things are worth whatever people are willing to pay for them. If so many people consider $70 a reasonable price and that allows the folks at Foundry VTT to generate a profit, kudos to them. Maybe I'm wrong.

2 people marked this as a favorite.
ogionito wrote:
What? seriously? A AAA videogame, 6 years in development, employing an army of developers is $70 and this is $120?

A AAA game probably has a much larger audience than a foundry module for PF2e :)

Several questions as I'm am new to Foundry VTT.

I received the Kingmaker PDF through the crowdfunding campaign. Am I still eligible for the code only purchase?

I play Pathfinder 1E and purchased the 1E Kingmaker Bestiary. While looking through the Foundry web site, I have found Pathfinder 1E tools but only through a Google search, not by navigating their site. Is Pathfinder 1E still supported?

If 1E is still supported, can I use 1E rules and this 2E Kingmaker package?

Thanks for all your help in advanced!

Is this available now or is this a pre-release purchase?

I bought it yesterday, registered the code on the Foundry site, but it doesn't seem to be listed under the Premium Module content in Foundry.

I also don't see the PDF in my account on the Paizo site.

Nyarlathotep wrote:

Is this available now or is this a pre-release purchase?

I bought it yesterday, registered the code on the Foundry site, but it doesn't seem to be listed under the Premium Module content in Foundry.

I also don't see the PDF in my account on the Paizo site.

A reinstall of Foundry solved the issue. Strangely the PDF is in my Downloads section, just buried deep in the list of PDFs (seems like it was grouped by original release date, not purchase date)

Pathfinder Roleplaying Game Superscriber; Pathfinder Starfinder Adventure Path Subscriber
Swiftbrook wrote:

Several questions as I'm am new to Foundry VTT.

I received the Kingmaker PDF through the crowdfunding campaign. Am I still eligible for the code only purchase?

I play Pathfinder 1E and purchased the 1E Kingmaker Bestiary. While looking through the Foundry web site, I have found Pathfinder 1E tools but only through a Google search, not by navigating their site. Is Pathfinder 1E still supported?

If 1E is still supported, can I use 1E rules and this 2E Kingmaker package?

Thanks for all your help in advanced!

As long as the PDF is connected to your Paizo account here (ie, you can go to your downloads page here and get it) then you can buy the code only version.

This module however, is made for the PF2e system. You can run a Pathfinder 1e world and use the assets (maps and tokens) but the import will not work and the actors and items are built for PF2e. You could go through and remove every token from a scene and export it from a PF2e world then import it into a PF1e world to get the walling for the scene, but all the features of the module that tie into something in the Pf2e system just won't work, and the journal styling can only be done in a PF2e world because the module cannot be activated in a PF1e world. If you did take the journals you'd also have to scrub out every item link and inline piece of automation (We do skill checks in journals with strings like @Check[type:acrobatics|dc:20], and other systems don't use our syntax if they have inline automation like this at all, so those links wouldn't render and it would just look like weird text).

Darkensedd wrote:

Awesome work! Two questions:

Will it include the Kingmaker´s Companion Guide?
Also, will it include the Kingmaker´s 5e bestiary?

I already own both products, but I dont mind buying them again for integration in Foundry, just wondering if they will be available :)

Thank you so so much.

Seconding these, especially about Companion's Guide - already purchased for Roll20, but Foundry gets a lot more interest from players.

ETA: Found the answer to the first questions, so - are there any plans to convert the Companion's Guide at a later date?

1 person marked this as a favorite.

Any chances for a map to manage Settlements? The Kingdom Sheet is great, but having a place to put your structures would be great!

1 person marked this as a favorite.
ogionito wrote:
What? seriously? A AAA videogame, 6 years in development, employing an army of developers is $70 and this is $120?

It depend on the number of users.

That 70$ game you're talking, might sell 1 million copy.
That Foundry module might found 1K buyer.

If you think it's too high, don't buy it. You can always build the campaign yourself. It's part of the fun.

But to be honest. as someone who ran a Kingmaker campaign over VTT spanning 4 years, 200 sessions of 2 hours and a half. The amount of prep needed in a full adventure path in time cost isn't even close to that 120$.

I must have spent 250 hours just doing maps for Kingmaker over 4 years.
I'm not talking about handouts, the overland map exploration, the kingdom building that I did over google drive in sheets. Token making, monster sheets import.

If I had the option to buy that would have been a no brainer. I'm lucky, it's just 2 hours of my salary to save couples hundreds of hours of prep for sure

Ppl trying to defend the price are funny. It is quite an absurd price, all the Foudnry modules are overpriced but this one takes the cake by a large margin

Silver Crusade

7 people marked this as a favorite.
Pathfinder Maps, Starfinder Roleplaying Game, Starfinder Society Subscriber; Pathfinder Roleplaying Game Superscriber
DakonBlackblade wrote:
Ppl trying to defend the price are funny. It is quite an absurd price, all the Foudnry modules are overpriced but this one takes the cake by a large margin

How much time do you think it would take you to do all the work that's been done for the module? Is your time not worth money? I have done two books of similar work for Wrath of the Righteous. Do you know how much time I've spent on that? I have 481 hours logged in that world. My players have 80. That's just the prep for two out of six books. 400 hours, 10 full work weeks. I make about $3k per pay period at my day job. So this is $15k of my time spent on this. But sure, $100 is toooooo much.

Silver Crusade

7 people marked this as a favorite.
Pathfinder Maps, Starfinder Roleplaying Game, Starfinder Society Subscriber; Pathfinder Roleplaying Game Superscriber

For further expansion on this, I run four games right now. Three I'm doing all the prep work myself.

Wrath of the Righteous: I have prepped through the end of book 2 and have started prepping book 3. In Foundry I have 480~ hours to my players 80. That means I've spent 400 hours of prep in Foundry. This does not include the time spent remaking maps (something the official modules do as well), the time spent in Photoshop making good tokens for every creature (again something the official modules do), or the time spent formatting journals in google docs so they're easy to copy paste. I've probably easily spent 500 hours on this campaign.

Curse of the Crimson Throne: Moved from Fantasy Grounds at the beginning of book 2, and moved from 1E to 2E in the middle of book 2. Have spent 116 hours in Foundry prepping the latter half of book 2 and all of book 3. Players have spent 16 hours in that world. Again does not account for maps and tokens, but 100 hours of prep in Foundry.

Rise of the Runelords: Campaign just started. I've put 136 hours of Foundry prep in to make Sandpoint as living and breathing as I can. Players have spent 8 hours in the world. 128 hours of prep work just in Foundry.

Now lets compare to Abomination Vaults, for which I'm using the premade module. My players are nearing the end of book 1. All three books are prepped for me, my prep is reading ahead for the day and seeing whats coming, along with the time I spent reading the AP at the beginning. I have spent 88 hours in my AV world. My players have spent 52. 36 hours of prep compared to over 100. No prep needed for map making. No prep needed for tokenizing. No journal formatting needed. All of my prep has been either reading the AP or prepping for a specific night's activities.

1 person marked this as a favorite.
Cori Marie wrote:

For further expansion on this, I run four games right now. Three I'm doing all the prep work myself.

Wrath of the Righteous: I have prepped through the end of book 2 and have started prepping book 3. In Foundry I have 480~ hours to my players 80. That means I've spent 400 hours of prep in Foundry. This does not include the time spent remaking maps (something the official modules do as well), the time spent in Photoshop making good tokens for every creature (again something the official modules do), or the time spent formatting journals in google docs so they're easy to copy paste. I've probably easily spent 500 hours on this campaign.

Curse of the Crimson Throne: Moved from Fantasy Grounds at the beginning of book 2, and moved from 1E to 2E in the middle of book 2. Have spent 116 hours in Foundry prepping the latter half of book 2 and all of book 3. Players have spent 16 hours in that world. Again does not account for maps and tokens, but 100 hours of prep in Foundry.

Rise of the Runelords: Campaign just started. I've put 136 hours of Foundry prep in to make Sandpoint as living and breathing as I can. Players have spent 8 hours in the world. 128 hours of prep work just in Foundry.

Now lets compare to Abomination Vaults, for which I'm using the premade module. My players are nearing the end of book 1. All three books are prepped for me, my prep is reading ahead for the day and seeing whats coming, along with the time I spent reading the AP at the beginning. I have spent 88 hours in my AV world. My players have spent 52. 36 hours of prep compared to over 100. No prep needed for map making. No prep needed for tokenizing. No journal formatting needed. All of my prep has been either reading the AP or prepping for a specific night's activities.

Not that much if use a PDF importer and is smart about how you take notes, track stuff and watnot. And from reading reviews they didn't even do all the works, since a bunch of scenes that warrant maps but don't have one in the AP did not get a map in the mod either, so...

The guy that compared this to an AAA videogame is spot on, those are sold for 70$ and it takes more tec, more people and much more time to develop (and I have no way to do it myself, even if I want to). This price is pretty insane, I'm OK with not having the fancy maps, the price is way above fair.

Silver Crusade

9 people marked this as a favorite.
Pathfinder Maps, Starfinder Roleplaying Game, Starfinder Society Subscriber; Pathfinder Roleplaying Game Superscriber

Then don't buy it. For me the value is there because of the amount of time similar prep takes me. If you don't need or want that level of prep nobody is twisting your arm to buy this.

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