osmosis1671's page

Organized Play Member. 4 posts. No reviews. No lists. No wishlists. 2 Organized Play characters.


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One of the things I love about the module is the code to outline hexes claimed by the kingdom in red. I there were a similar way to outline hexes with other condition such as reconnoitered (already tagged in the hextracker) or claimed by neighboring kingdoms.
I would also like to be able to move the hextracker features to another hexmap for my other games, but it seems tied to the Stolen Lands map scene.

Lorkan wrote:
How do I keep track of the hexes and the quests that are connected to them?

I have a slightly different approach than the other discussions here. I systematically numbered each hex on the map (letters for rows, numbers for diagonals down to the right). These codes do not contain spoilers on which hexes have events, so I can put them on the player map as well as the GM map that has all the labels and locations. It should also work well in a spreadsheet with notes about additional details, like resources landmarks, terrain type, whether the kingdom has claimed it, what improvements it contains, ...

Here is a piece of the map by u/iamromeo with my hex nubmers added: https://imgur.com/UjvGe7Z. Post with original maps: https://www.reddit.com/r/Pathfinder2e/comments/10ryfb9/kingmaker_stolen_lan ds_map_truly_accurate_hd_8k/

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osmosis1671 wrote:
If you run them during a session, do you use any tools?

My best idea so far is to turn it into a bit of a trading card game. Each activity would go on a card and we would have a mat with outlines on where the cards should be placed and bins in the middle for resource tokens (qucik sketch: https://imgur.com/GOWiogM). Upkeep and Activity cards would stay on the table, maybe getting flipped to indicate if it had been played the previous round. Each player would get a deck of possible leadership activities (they can each use once), and the warden would get a stack of region cards and civic cards. The cards could be color coded to indicate their phase and perhaps their main role in the leadership phase (buffs, gain RP, clear unrest, commodities).

Is this just making it had, or might it make it easier for the group to work together and learn the process?

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I am having a hard time envisoning how I might run the kingdom turns in a session for an in-person game. I am curious how you run the kingdom minigame at your table.

1. Are all players collaborating to run the kingdom or do one or two players run everything?

2. Do you run the kingdom turns during a session or between sessions (discord?)?

3. If you run them during a session, do you use any tools? Maybe Tomeric's sheet? A custom character sheet in your VTT?

I find turns take an hour or so as I run my simulation, mostly on figuring out what leadership activities I want to do. I am worried this will be much worse and frustrating with four or five people 'contributing'.

My goal is that a turn would take no more than 30-45 min, be collaborative, and be a fun change of pace for the players.