ogionito's page

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Tikael wrote:
ogionito wrote:
In fact, that makes the price even more absurd.

In what way? You really don't know the amount of work that went into this. Try to do all the work yourself: remake the maps, make your own journals, code up hexploration and macros, source music and sound effects, and make tokens for every single creature used. I think you'd find that it would take you an absurd amount of time and even if you only valued your time at pennies an hour this would still be an absolute steal at the full price of the module.

If this was sold at a low price point then Foundry would be losing money making it. Video games rely on selling millions of copies to make back their money, this one isn't going to sell millions of copies. The market just is not that big.

So, yes. If you don't like the price don't buy it, it is in fact that simple. Don't try using the fact that the core Foundry software is a great deal as an argument against charging fairly for the work they did.

Really? Millions of copies? There are indie developers making video games by themselves, or with a couple of friends that have cost them a lot more time and effort than this module and they know they're not going to make millions when they sell them. Those games don't cost $70.

Of course, in economics things are worth whatever people are willing to pay for them. If so many people consider $70 a reasonable price and that allows the folks at Foundry VTT to generate a profit, kudos to them. Maybe I'm wrong.

Dancing Wind wrote:
ogionito wrote:
An addon can't be more expensive than the program you are going to install it in.

Welcome to Paizo!

You may not have noticed the "Foundry Virtual Tabletop" just under the title of this module (Pathfinder Kingmaker Adventure Path (Foundry VTT) BUNDLE). That means that the product is not a Paizo product, but is instead being offered by a 3rd party.

So if you want to suggest to Foundry that they don't understand how to price their products, you'll need to contact them directly. It's their product, not Paizo's.

I admit I didn't know that. Rest assured that's what I'm going to do. In fact, that makes the price even more absurd.

AJCarrington wrote:
ogionito wrote:
What? seriously? A AAA videogame, 6 years in development, employing an army of developers is $70 and this is $120?
If you have the PDF, it’s $50 right now. Also, comparing the addressable market of s VTT module to that of a AAA game doesn’t seem to be reasonable, IMHO. If you don’t see the value, there is nothing forcing you to spend the money.

No, it's not $50, it's $70.

Really, the "If you don't want to pay for it don't buy it" argument?
Here's a chocolate bar. It's worth $200. You don't want it? Don't buy it.
Surely no one is forcing me to buy anything, that doesn't change the fact that the price is ridiculous. I know it's a quality module that they've put a lot of effort into, but there are things of the same or higher quality that they've put more effort, time and staff into that are much more reasonably priced. Foundry VTT itself is cheaper. An addon can't be more expensive than the program you are going to install it in.

What? seriously? A AAA videogame, 6 years in development, employing an army of developers is $70 and this is $120?