Pathfinder Hero Point Deck

4.00/5 (based on 2 ratings)
Pathfinder Hero Point Deck
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Hero Points help you shape your character's heroic deeds, and this deck of 52 Hero Point cards gives you brand-new ways to guide your hero's path toward greatness! These beautiful, full-color cards let you easily track your Hero Points at the table, and each card offers a different special benefit when you spend that Hero Point. Every effect is compatible with the Second Edition of the Pathfinder Roleplaying Game, giving you even more ways to turn your hero into a legend!

ISBN-13: 978-1-64078-306-5

Note: This product is part of the Pathfinder Accessories Subscription.

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Pathfinder Hero Point Deck Pathfinder Hero Point Deck Pathfinder Hero Point Deck Pathfinder Hero Point Deck
Pathfinder Hero Point Deck

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4.00/5 (based on 2 ratings)

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Makes hero points visible


This deck is ok: I do use it, because it makes hero points visible, and it works ok'ish at very crunchy tables.

But something just doesn't click with players: They keep the cards, but they don't often read the extra effects and much less use these effects. When asked why that is, they tell me that the card didn't do anything that felt useful to them. So I started curating the hero point deck I use at my table, but that didn't improve things much. They still mostly use them to re-roll a check or for death saves.

Ultimately, it feels like the deck fixes something that wasn't really broken. I would use this deck more if the effects were stronger. They could even be OP, because then people would stop saving them for death saves.
Between this and the critical hit deck, get the critical hit deck: that one just seems more fun and useful.



Now this is a great product as it adds that much more to the base Hero Point mechanics to make it almost a must have in my humble opinion.

By themselves Hero Points I have found always seem to be easily forgotten, by the Players and the GM (as in giving them out after the first one at the beginning of the session. I even made Hero Point Cards in Roll20 so they are visible to everyone but we all still seem to only remember them at the end of the session. Then most of the players just burn through them all for any and all checks no matter how trivial and then the hero Points system seems like just an afterthought and quite underwhelming when all is said and done. Unless you use it to get out of the Dying condition that is :)

I think the extra choices on the cards here will really hammer home that players and GM's will remember Hero points much more and gives a player agency to choose using them for just the reroll, bank em for that dying condition or play the specific card and effect.


The cards are quite varied and not over or underpowered, specific instances may vary that but it works!!

A big THANKS to Jason Bullmahn and anyone else who conceived this cool product that will get a whole lot of play for my 48+ players!!

5 out of 5 Stars

I did not discuss specific cards as it might be spoilery to some



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Paizo Employee Webstore Coordinator

1 person marked this as a favorite.

Announced for February! Product image and description are not final and may be subject to change.

Oh, this is interesting. I was kind of feeling the need for more hero point stuff.

Silver Crusade

15 people marked this as a favorite.
Pathfinder Adventure Path Subscriber

I love those moments when you don't know that you wanted something until Paizo announces it :)

Grand Lodge

That's... actually *really* cool. I dig it.

Pathfinder Maps, Pathfinder Accessories Subscriber; Pathfinder Roleplaying Game Charter Superscriber; Starfinder Charter Superscriber

That is ... interesting.

Dot-ing for interest

This sounds cool.

Pathfinder Roleplaying Game Charter Superscriber

Great idea!

Count me interested!

Grand Archive

Pathfinder Pathfinder Accessories Subscriber; Pathfinder Roleplaying Game Superscriber

Oooh! Nice!
... This knight looks like she could do with a nice vacation...

Yep, can't wait for these to add much more needed depth to the Hero point system!!

I got them to talk a smidge about then in a couple panels at GENCON but very closed mouth still , wait and see and hope for some teasers and product pics in the nearish future one can hope

Tom :)

Come to think of it, I hope this releases digital as well.

Let us hope, in the panels again they said more digital assets are coming for PDF's and for VTT but no solid list or dates or specific platforms at this time.


Pathfinder Roleplaying Game Superscriber; Pathfinder Starfinder Roleplaying Game Subscriber

Sounds like this is basically what I use as part of my house rules using first edition Plot Twist cards. Neat.

Pathfinder LO Special Edition, Maps, Pathfinder Accessories, PF Special Edition Subscriber; Pathfinder Roleplaying Game Superscriber; Starfinder Superscriber

Let's see if I have this right: the "battle cards" are all 4x6, everything else is (roughly) standard playing card size. Or am I missing something?

Ed Reppert wrote:
Let's see if I have this right: the "battle cards" are all 4x6, everything else is (roughly) standard playing card size. Or am I missing something?

That's accurate for all the products I've received so far (including all 5 spell card sets). They all fit in standard hobby card sleeves.

I look forward to this release as I feel like there should be more you can do with hero points

1 person marked this as a favorite.

Will we ever get any new teaser info about this before the release date please :)

I got one of the team to talk a bit about it in a Twitch stream but he was very tight lipped about any details.

Thanks Paizo team for any "scraps" you could give us. HP's are a big part of the game so I'd like to be ready and see anything more about this, cold even be a general thing as specifics probably won't happen, or any upcoming Twitch streams that might talk about it?


Tom ( and I bet more than a few others out there as well!!)

Preorder date got removed... Did this get delayed/canceled?

Scarab Sages

Pathfinder Battles Case Subscriber; Pathfinder Maps, PF Special Edition, Starfinder Adventure Path, Starfinder Society Subscriber; Pathfinder Roleplaying Game Superscriber

Many of us already use the card deck function in Roll20 to pass out Hero Points. Have you considered also offering this as a Roll20 add-on? It seems like an ideal product for that platform.

Dark Archive

2 people marked this as a favorite.

I love unique benefits of different cards (such as the crit deck), so I'll most likely buy this anyway. Still, It'd be cool to see some previews of these cards.

SIGH, looks like another product is delayed with date gone and Pre-order now, such a bummer

Tom :(

Grand Lodge

What's up Paizo, these cards no longer have a release date and are off the release schedule???

1 person marked this as a favorite.
Pathfinder Lost Omens, Rulebook Subscriber

Any idea if these will be PFS sanctioned?

Marketing & Media Manager

2 people marked this as a favorite.

Hello. I'm not sure about this particular product, but the pandemic has delayed many of our card products. We will share more information when we can.

I've created my own set of Hero Cards that my table has been using for 6 months or longer.

Can't wait to see what they came up with :)

Even if the physical cards are delayed, might the pdf be released?

Liberty's Edge

IIRC cards products have no pdf.

The Raven Black wrote:
IIRC cards products have no pdf.

I am digital only and have pdfs of the crit & fumble decks, though you may be right that they do not always release a pdf

Liberty's Edge

Skellan wrote:
The Raven Black wrote:
IIRC cards products have no pdf.
I am digital only and have pdfs of the crit & fumble decks, though you may be right that they do not always release a pdf

My bad. They all have download available now.

1 person marked this as a favorite.
The Raven Black wrote:
IIRC cards products have no pdf.

That is no longer true.

I have pdfs of all my PF2 card products, including the Bestiary Battle Cards, NPC battle cards, spell cards, and all my item decks.

Paizo has moved to have all products available digitally in the past year.

Liberty's Edge

Good for them I think.

Passcode : Evolve or die.

Marketing & Media Manager

1 person marked this as a favorite.
Aaron Shanks wrote:
Hello. I'm not sure about this particular product, but the pandemic has delayed many of our card products. We will share more information when we can.

It is not a manufacturing or shipping issue; we don't have the product finished. (So PDF only is not an option, not that we would do that.) We will update you when we have a date.

Hoping we get more info soon. I very much need this

Grand Lodge

The number of products that have been rescheduled (sometimes multiple times) and delayed combined with the incredibly slow response of the customer service team make it very difficult to manage subscriptions when there are products that you don't want/need.

Marketing & Media Manager

1 person marked this as a favorite.

Thanks for the feedback.

Pandemic operations have challenges, some internal, some external. Those challenge continue. However, we've largely maintained the aggressive production schedule established in the "before-times." There have been some delays and Customer Service has slowed, but with our new-hires they are crunching through the email backlog, down to 1500 from 3000+.

This product has not been sent to the printer. It is one hold until we have an update. We apologize for the inconvenience.

Maybe by GENCON or would it be even later if you had to guess Aaron? My players and I are just dying to do more things with Hero Points!!



Marketing & Media Manager

TRDG wrote:

Maybe by GENCON or would it be even later if you had to guess Aaron? My players and I are just dying to do more things with Hero Points!!



My magic 8 ball shows sometime in 2021, but no more clarity than that. I *think* every card needs a designer pass, which slows the process, but the good news is the Design team is bigger than ever. And we have a couple of excellent project managers helping us set realistic expectations. I'll share more when we are certain.

I'm sure we can share a few examples before street date. Maybe put them in some shows too so you can get a feel for them. :)

Thanks for the update. I am really looking forward to this deck.

Got it Aaron and thanks for the extra on whats going on with this very interesting and exciting product!!

Could you perhaps give a heads up when one of the twitch shows might have or use it when ya can, thinking Paizocon Online :) Then Gencon online.



Marketing & Media Manager

TRDG wrote:

Got it Aaron and thanks for the extra on whats going on with this very interesting and exciting product!!

Could you perhaps give a heads up when one of the twitch shows might have or use it when ya can, thinking Paizocon Online :) Then Gencon online.



Will do. It is not in our PaizoCon liveplay plans, although a panel might talk about it. I'll look for future opportunities.

LOL, can't remember if you were there last year (Either PaizoCon ONLINE or GC Online) at one of the twitch shows when it was first brought up, this new product. But it was me who first twitched out on the first announcement on that and the creator was quite happy:)

As others in the Paizo team thought it might not be a thing wanted and the "I told ya so" he said to them on the panel live, them was quite funny after I twitched I and I bet many others would be VERY interested!!

Just so ya know my context Aaron

Looking forward to that sneak peek sometime!!


I am very interested in this product - sad to hear it has been delayed!

Any news on this at all? Not sure if it would be posted somewhere else, or if this is the only place.

This would be the only place, but with PAIZO CON this weekend I'm sure I won't be the only one asking about it in their live twitch panel streams :)

I'll post up here if I get that replied to!!

Unless someone beats me to it by then


Marketing & Media Manager

1 person marked this as a favorite.

I just reviewed the up-to-date release schedule through September 2021 and the Pathfinder Hero Point Deck is not on the list. When we have a release date we will promote it.

Thanks for the update Aaron, this sucks to say the least, but not much any of us can do at this point. Hope to get some info or at least a look at a card sometime at the CON this weekend :)


1 person marked this as a favorite.

Is there any news about ETA for those cards?

1 person marked this as a favorite.

Nothing from the Con, was'nt even able to get a live question into them in any of the panels sadly :(

I really think this will change the Hero Point dynamic. Usually most of my 36+ players always hold em til the last minute in case they have to wipe out the dying condition. Then as the last 15 minutes of the session creeps in then they all unload then for any and all rolls, most of the time,

Gets a tad boring at times this being so predictable and less "inspiring" so to speak and I'll like a change/option to shake this up more than a bit. Thought about homebrewing but want to see Paizo's take on this first :)

Lets hope we at least get some teaser info sooner rather than later and we get a street date in 2021 one can hope


Dot to follow.

Super interested to see how this turns out, I love the Hero Point system and anything to make it even better is a plus in my book.

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